That Paleo Show show

That Paleo Show

Summary: Dr Brett Hill (Chiropractor) is passionate about helping people get healthy naturally and believes that your body needs no help to perform at it’s best, just no interference. This show will help you get back to basics and redefine the way you eat, think, and move in order to maximise your innate potential.

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 TPS 32: An Interview with Diamond Dave Nixon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:26

Dave Nixon is the owner of FUNC.Fitness. in Canberra. This is a fantastic episode all about movement! We loved this interview, especially from a chiropractic perspective! Dave also has some exciting news to share!

 TPS 31: An interview with Mickey Trescott | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:47

Today we interview the author of “The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook E-Book” – Mickey Trescott. Another former vegan, she shares with us her story, and helps us understand the need for an autoimmune protocol, as well as how best to go about it. Steph has just done an autoimmune protocol, and after listening to what Mickey Listen In

 TPS 30: What Is Leaky Gut? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:14

In this episode we discuss the causes and effects of leaky gut. This will be an especially helpful episode if you have been ‘doing Paleo’ for 4-6+ weeks and are not finding that you have had the health response that everyone in the Paleo-sphere is raving about. If this is you, listen in to this Listen In

 TPS 29: An Interview with Dr Ron Ehrlich | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:01

Today we interview fellow Wellness Couch host of the podcast “The Good Doctors” and is a holistic dentist based in Sydney. Dr Ron Ehrlich fascinated us all at the Gold Coast Wellness Summit earlier this year, and we loved hearing about the effects of diet on both our teeth and our palate as access to Listen In

 TPS 28: A Day In The Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:11

Today we cover what a typical day looks like for each of us. We know that sometimes it’s kind of nice to know what other people do and how they manage their time. This will hopefully give you some insight into how we apply the principles we have spoken about in our podcasts so far.

 TPS 27: An Interview With Claire Yates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:23

This week we interview the very cute and super awesome Paleo Naturopath and author of – the fabulous Claire Yates! We had so much fun before and after this interview, and are sitting patiently by the mail box for a *special delivery* from Claire. Claire tells us about her journey to Paleo, and also Listen In

 TPS 26: Non Paleo Partners | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:31

Today we talk about how to live in a relationship where your partner is not Paleo, or doesn’t get why you are. Luckily for the three of us, our partners are extremely supportive, but we have spoken to plenty of people who are not fortunate enough to be in the same hollowed out tree canoe Listen In

 TPS 25: An Interview With Jimmy Moore | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:13

This week we got to interview the legendary Jimmy Moore. Jimmy has been an integral part of Dr Janah’s health journey, and a huge inspiration for the past 3 years. Jimmy has a MASSIVE following – he has 3 podcast shows, is the author of numerous books and is an all round genuine nice guy. Listen In

 TPS 24: Navigating A Non Paleo Party | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:02

In this weeks episode we discuss our strategies when it comes to still having a social life whilst being a caveman. We know it can be hard, and that willpower is not always enough. We wanted to share with you our experiences and some ways that you might find make it easier to still attend Listen In

 TPS 23: Brewing the Booch with Steve Hayter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:48

This has to be our most favourite episode yet! We had one of our buddies, Steve Hayter, join us to teach us all how to make the fermented tea and pro-biotic drink “Kombucha” – or as Steve tells us, those in the know call it by its street name “Booch”. If you have heard about Listen In

 TPS 22: What Can I Eat For Breakfast? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:25

This episode is more of a ‘food fest’ recipe share – helping to give you some ideas on what sorts of things make good breakfasts. As we know, sometimes breakfast can be the most monotonous meal of the day (helloooo SAD diet!) That said, we still get asked this question all the time. So, we Listen In

 TPS 21: An Interview with docmarky – Dr Mark Donohoe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:31

Dr Mark Donohoe is an absolutely sensational integrative specialist, a man who has played a huge part in holistic health in Australia, Steph and Brett met Dr Mark at the MINDD forum back in May, and just couldn’t wait to get him on our show to pick his brains! We weren’t disappointed and I’m sure Listen In

 TPS 20: What’s The Deal With Caffeine? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:46

Another controversial topic. Today we talk about a topic close to the hearts of many. Caffeine.. coffee, tea, energy drinks.. just what is the go with it and can I be paleo and still have it?

 TPS 19: An interview with Anthony Colpo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:56

Anthony Colpo is an independent researcher, physical conditioning specialist and author of the books The Fat Loss Bible and The Great Cholesterol Con, as well as having many well researched blog posts on his website and today we are talking to him about his journey, as well as a very interesting discussion on bodily Listen In

 TPS 18: Is Paleo Safe For My Kids? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:50

We get asked this question A LOT! So we thought we might dedicate a whole episode to it. Is it safe? Are they going to miss out on vital nutrients? How do you get them eating like you eat? All shall be revealed in this weeks discussion topic.


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