Comics Coast To Coast show

Comics Coast To Coast

Summary: Discussions about webcomics, animation, illustration and syndicated comics. Interviews with innovators from past and present. Round table discussions are the norm. Clever conversation is never expected but always appears.

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 Comics Coast To Coast #178 – The Geneviève FT Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:18

On this episode of  Comics Coast to Coast we talk to Illustrator and pin up artist Geneviève FT  Geneviève Geneviève is a cheerful illustrator and pin up artist from Montreal, Canada. She studied animation for 6 years, creating and producing no less than seven short films. During those years, she discovered a passion for concept art and illustration. She worked in the animation and the game industry for more than 4 years now. She is presently working freelance in multiple fields like animation, games, magazine illustration and comics. For the past 4 years, she self-published her own pin up calendar and, this summer, she will release her very first artbook called Dames, a collection of pin up art created during the years 2012-2013. In her spare time, Genevieve loves doodling curvy ladies and petting her pet bunny. Her favorite tools? Col-erases and color pencils ! Although, she also likes playing with gouache and watercolors ! andnbsp; Show Notes: Additional Links You Tube Channel Mignonnes Inktober Gil Elvgren - Pin Up Artist Ladys Have Curves? Curves on men as Sexy? Game Art: Hidden Series;hl=en Girls Drawing Girls Art Swap on Twitter Adventure Time (Bravest Warriors Season 2 released today) Dames First, I think these drawings are BEAUTIFUL. Im curious though, have you ever had to deal with criticism of your dames? (Nudity andlt;partialandgt; , sexy poses, etc.) Mignonnes How did you choose the format and materials for the book? (Linen paper, etc) This is your first mini publication. How does it feel to have a tangible book out there for people to hold? What was your biggest challenge on the project? (Layout? Printing? Fulfillment? Distribution?) How much of your time would you say is spent on personal projects vs. client work? How do you divide your time? Earlier this year you spent a month in Toronto to take an Imaginism painting course. What was that experience like? What was the most important thing you took away from the course? INKtober I noticed your participating in INKtober as well. How has the experience been for you so far? Correct me if Im wrong, but most of your finished work is digital. How has it been hitting pen and paper every day? The illustration By the Lighthouse is really wonderful as well as very detailed. Who was it for and how long did it take? In terms of subject matter, youre one of the most focused artists Ive seen. What is it you find so fascinating about the female form? Follow Up: Do you worry at all about being pigeon holed?

 Comics Coast To Coast #177 – The Ian Higginbotham Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:20

On this episode of Comics Coast to Coast we talk to Ian Higginbotham of IanLaser.Com about his work on Vimeo, his art and color style, his training in NY to be an illustrator and much much more. andnbsp; [caption id=attachment_1898 align=aligncenter width=301] Art By Ian[/caption] andnbsp; About: source: Ian Higginbotham likes to make pictures. Hes worked in the illustration and animation industry.Companies hes worked with include: Random House U.K., Vimeo, Titmouse, Blue Sky Studios, Kill Screen, Time Out New York, Bracket Inc. etc.He is currently living in New York City drawing and drawing and drawing. He likes watching movies, eating, reading, dogs, and going for an occasional jog.In the 2011 he was honored with receiving the gold medal for the Society of Illustrators 54 competition. andnbsp; Show Notes: You have a pretty excellent personal website. However, Tumblr seems to be getting more of your blog action. Whats up? Do you see a shift from personal websites to Tumblr type services? How do you feel about imgur? You have some animatics on Vimeo. Like The Wizard and Elf. Are these part of a project/job or are you just staying sharp? Tell me more about TheParty Story. Corpse Puncher. Tell me more about it. What are you using to animate? illustrate? Planning anything good for Halloween? miami connection Gradiated (andlt;- is that a word?) Color Scheme Just brain farting here. Some of these questions will stay...some will not. The Importants of stretching! All cartoonist should do yoga! Or something similar. Space and the night sky seem to be a recurring theme in your backgrounds. Astronomy fan? The Catch 22 animation is brilliant. The realistic rendering seems a bit of an exception to your typical style. Was it against your grain?

 Comics Coast To Coast #176 – The Box Brown Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:23

On this episode of  Comics Coast to Coast we talk to Box Brown of well...BoxBrown about everything from Alternative comics from the 90s to Andre the Giant! andnbsp; [caption id=attachment_1891 align=aligncenter width=256] Art By Box Brown[/caption] andnbsp; About: Box Brown is a cartoonist, illustrator and comic publisher from Philadelphia. His comics have been featured in Mad Magazine and his illustrations have been on His web and print comic Everything Dies was named a notable comic of 2011 in the Best American Comics Anthology and was honored with two Ignatz Awards. His comics publishing outfit, Retrofit launched in 2011. andnbsp; Show Notes: Alternative Comics From The 90s Tell us more about RetroFitComics.Com Tell us about Softcore thats running on Study Group Comics Dizzying Highs andamp; Staggering Lows: The Complete Bellen! Comics 2006-2010 (pay what you want) The Complete Everything Dies Includes all stories from web and print (pay what you like) How is GumRoad treating you? Working out well? The Andre the Giant book coming out from First Second in the Spring. Spoiler alert! Tragic Comics: 36 Lessons in Self-Destruction from Rob Woods and the Depressed Punx. Your style has a different feel from most web comic artists. Fine Arts major? The stuff on Retrofit reminds me a lot of the magazine Heavy Metal. Are you a fan? Which role is more challenging for you; the artist, or the publisher?

 Comics Coast To Coast #175 – The JoshAtomic Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:18

On this episode of  Comics Coast to Coast we bring in joshATOMIC from the FrogPants Tadpool to talk a little bit about his artwork. joshATOMIC About Artist:  I am working everyday to list fun new illustrations that I hope you will enjoy as much as I do. Future projects include, classic Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, video games from the 80s to today, my own crazy creations, and eventually mini-statues dedicated to all of the above! Show Notes: Took a look around your Etsy store... Lots of fun images, but its not clear what youre selling. Fill us in! :D Joel So far, Im only selling matte 5x7 prints. Im working to expand the items in the shop to paintings, mini-sculptures and other nerdy crafted goods. I have lists of projects that Im working on, just gotta find the time and resources to get them made and listed. Josh Laptop stickers. Awesome, well have to get you to talk about these new project ideas on the show. :) Joel Dave Michael for shipping/fulfillment I assume the Etsy store is your first step toward world domination, whats step 2? Matt Ive seen others with Etsy storefronts. How has your experience been? Easy to use? How does it work? Joel How have you family and friends been reacting to your efforts to create? Matt Do you have any heroes you are trying to emulate? Matt Analyze your twitter followers Brian schedule your posts Brian iBook Author Joel NetworkedBlogs Joel

 Comics Coast To Coast #174 – The Caldwell Tanner Interview Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:16

On this episode of  Comics Coast to Coast we talk to Caldwell Tanner of LOLDWELL Loldwell By Caldwell Tanner About Artist: My name is Caldwell. I am here to bring you image-based laughtermagic. If you have a question, comment or digital high-five file (.h5 format only please), then shoot me an email! Still confused? Here is a video that should sum things up: (theres a video on the site! Go, click!) About The Comic Show Notes: Last we spoke (Episode 90) You just started at CollegeHumor. The honeymoon is over. Whats it really like now? Brian;submit.x=-1394andamp;submit.y=-472 Eugue Warrock Caldwell Bear andamp; Shark Caldwell Dinosaur Office Caldwell Caldwell What is your obsession with File Extensions! I like it! Brian Small Press Expo - Tell us! Brian Brian How do chose your color pallet(s)? Theyre pretty unique. Joel The expressiveness of your characters is pretty over the top. What/who are your three biggest cartooning influences? Joel Youve incorporated a fair bit of animation (cycles) in your work. How did that start? How do you put them together? Joel A lot of your comics have a heavy graphic design feel to the panels and layout. Do you have a soft spot for design? Joel Walk us through your writing process. What makes writing gag-a-day material different than other writing? Joel Cirrus Skylark looks pretty off the wall and entertaining. What prompted the move to start telling longer stories? Joel Where do you see it going? (Spoiler free of course) Do you ever use stand up to test out gags for your comic? Or visa versa? Joel You seem to have quite a thing for charts and graphs. Where does that come from? Matt You have worked as both a writer and as an artist? Which side appeals to you more? Matt You make multiple references to anime in your comics. What are some of your personal faves? Matt  

 Comics Coast To Coast #173 – The Jack Slade (Scaredemy) Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:41

On this episode of  Comics Coast to Coast we talk to Jack Slade of Scaredemy. Scaredemy By Jack Slade About Artist: The little known story of Jack Slade. By Jack Slade. Jack Slade’s first exposure to comics was his most terrifying and possibly most influential. A giant box of vintage horror comics was gifted to him by a well meaning, albeit misguided uncle.The Haunt of Fear and Journey of Unknown Worlds complete with melting faces and alien autopsies set the course for Jack to one day pen a monster / horror comic. Jack draws upon his time as a toy designer to add a touch of cute to an otherwise terrifying world. Junior High. Scaredemy is a slightly biopic coming of age tale about young boy who grows up surrounded by terrifying monsters. Except, in real life Jack’s monsters were hillbillies with mullets who wore Metallica t-shirts. About The Comic Simon Fairwee was just your average boy, with average intelligence and average looks. That is, until he found his dads old Scaredemy yearbook.Upon discovering his fathers secret magical past, we follow the adventures of the young sorceror as he enters the halls of Scaredemy, the worlds leading academy for beings of monstrosity and freaks of nature.Armed with nothing more than dull wits, a lack of raw talent, and an inflated sense of self, Simon tries to navigate the scariest halls of life. Puberty. Show Notes: You mentioned to me that another creator had a very similar idea to Scaredemy. How did that conversation go? Joel Jocelyn wants to know the origin of your pen name? Funny story? Joel Am I detecting an unhealthy relationship with sugar packed kids breakfast cereal? Joel Pop Culture... Do you remember where you were when you coined The Gandalf wedgie? Joel i remember now: Names of characters for scaredemy Joel I really like how you depict Simon talking with his dad over video chat. Very clean and an instant read. How did you come up with that? Joel Scaredemy has a district color finish. Whats your process? Inspiration? Joel Whats your favorite Easter egg youve snuck into the strip? Joel Youve taken a sort of hybrid approach between gag a day and long form comic styles. Is it as challenging as I think it would be? Matt Harry Potter was clearly one of the influences for the story. What is it about your comic that really sets it apart? Matt Youve recently started to break your traditional three panel layout. Sign of things to come? Matt Creator Questions: Jack, what have been the highlights of your lengthy - or rather short, depending on how you look at it - presence on the webcomic scene? And after such a stellar start, what are your hopes for the future? Wouter F Goedkoop of the Adventures of Captain Wayne You obviously planned out your characters well in advance. After a run of comics building up to Simon getting into Scaredemy. How did you feel finally drawing and seeing Simon and Wolfric meeting for the first time in Roomies? Bill Murphy of Casually Employed

 Comics Coast To Coast #172 – Live at Dragon Con 2013: The TenState Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:05

On this episode of Comics Coast To Coast we are Live at Dragon Con 2013 with writer Tom Merritt of TWiT and artist Len Peralta to talk about their new collaborative action comic TenState.  [divider_flat] About The Comic andamp; Project: (Gentled lifted from the TenState KickStarter Page)TenState is a comic book series about a fictional TV reality show called The Tenthat goes terribly wrong. It will be told in ten separate 10 page black and white installments. We are asking for money to fund the first three issues of the series. If we make the initial goal, we will add stretch goals for five issues and finally, the whole 10 issue season. Tom and I have sketched out a basic story arc for season one, but we have fleshed this out to at least four seasons. We are treating this comic as an episodic television series in the vein of Lost, The X-Files and The Walking Dead, but with the bite-sized presentation of a webseries.A LITTLE BACKSTORY:After the November election, I was sitting in my car, listening to the news reports and looking at the landscape of the country and realizing just how divided we are. The chasm between us seems to widen overtime and I found it all rather unsettling. I started thinking about what it would be like if our differences were really put to the test, if we were all forced to work together and it was made mandatory to cooperate. I thought that perhaps there was a story in there somewhere, but Im not nearly adept as a writer to figure it out or to make it happen.So, thats about as far as it got for me.Thats when I called my friend Tom Merritt. Tom and I have been wanting to work on a project with one another for awhile. But we never really got one going because of our schedules.I called Tom on a Sunday afternoon with the basic premise I had in my head and within an hour, Tom had a basic structure laid out. What if these diverse elements of our current society were forced to work together in a reality show format? What if these people were furthermore fighting some other unseen, all-knowing forces? And what if they were utterly alone?Thats how TenState was born.  [divider_flat] About The Artist My name is Len and I draw monsters, robots, zombies and so much more. My style has become synonymous with geek music and culture. I have illustrated several books including “There’s A Zombie In My Treehouse” by John “Widgett” Robinson and Ken Plume, “Silly Rhymes For Belligerent Children” written by MST3K/Cinematic Titanic’s Trace Beaulieu and “Look” by Robert Bowling. I have also worked on projects for Discovery Channel, MythBusters and Steve Jackson Games. I live in Cleveland, Ohio with my wife, Nora, seven children and a gassy Wheaten Terrier named Snoopy.  [divider_flat] About The Writer Tom anchors the daily tech news show Tech news Today on the TWiT network as well as hosting the show Frame Rate and special live news coverage and other events.Tom also co-hosts Sword and Laser, a science fiction and fantasy podcast, YouTube show and book club with Veronica Belmont. He also hosts several other independent podcasts. All his shows are listed on the subscription page. Show Notes: Lets talk about TenState at Dragon Con 2013

 Comics Coast To Coast #171 – Adrian Ropp: To Infinity and Beyond! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:07

On this episode of Comics Coast To Coast we talk to Adrian Ropp of Chim Chum and the Portly Samurai About Artist: Adrian Ropp began his career as a story and effects artist for Mojave Interactives Secrets of the Luxor PC video game. After that, he spend the next twelve years working for Swan Animation and Feature Films for Families. There he was a story artist for the theatrical animated musical, The Princess and the Pea, supervising director and writer for the direct-to-video animated series Pig Tales, and animation director and story artist for the live action/animated film, The Velveteen Rabbit. Since 2008, Adrian has worked at Disney Interactive, where his video game cinematic and writing credits include Bolt, Toy Story 3 and Cars 2. He recently finished production on the exciting new gaming platform, Disney Infinity, for which he served as story lead for the Monsters University, Cars, and Mickey Mouse portions of the game.Among his many influences are Carl Barks Uncle Scrooge, Sergio Aragones Groo the Wanderer, Walt Kellys Pogo, the animated films of Walt Disney, Jeff Smiths Bone, and the writings of C. S. Lewis and Charles Dickens.Adrian lives in the Salt Lake City, Utah, area. An avid fan of pop culture, he spends much of his time reading comics, going to the theater with his wife, Jennifer, spoiling his many nieces and nephews and playing with their two cats, Lucky and Isabella. About The Comic THE COMICChim Chum and the Portly Samurai is a weekly all-ages comic adventure written and drawn by Adrian Ropp. It follows the adventures of an as-yet-to-be-named samurai of questionable origins and his silent sidekick, a small fox named Chim Chum. The comic began as a single-panel gag format, but is now following a serialized weekly full-page comic book format.THE CHARACTERSTHE PORTLY SAMURAI The Portly Samurai hails from Ancient China, and has a long, sordid past he does not like to talk about. Because of his obvious physical build, freelancing as a samurai is hardly a lucrative position. P.S. relies on quick turns of fortune and the clever cuteness of his diminutive pal to maintain his dietary standards.CHIM CHUMChim Chum the fox is something of an enigma. There’s a lot of personality crammed into this small package, but little is actually known Chim Chum’s origins. Equal parts best friend and main antagonist to the Portly Samurai, Chim Chum seems to enjoy being part of the Dysfunctional Duo. Show Notes: You hit 400 single panel CCTPS comics before changing to the long format. Any plans to collect the singles into a book? Joel Formatting: What is your reason behind the current page format? Standard print comic book sizes? -- You could make the comic much larger on your site for better reading on tablets. Joel YOUR TUMBLR POST ON INFINITY: Can you give the listeners a bit more on your duties as Cinematic Lead on Monsters University within Infinity? Joel Go ahead and name drop (if you can) we want to know what actors were fun to work with! Joel What was your favorite Disney IP to work on in the game? (if more than one) Joel A favorite character perhaps? Joel Marvel is owned by Disney... Hrrmmm... ? Joel What was it that promted the shift from gag-a-day to long-form? Matt Have you learned anything from your work on Disney Infinity that has trickled into your personal work? Matt Creator Question: (This question comes from a fellow web comic artist.) You successfully changed Chim Chum from a single gag-a-day strip into a long form comic. But after the cha

 Comics Coast To Coast: Episode 170 – The Brian and Matt Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:34

On this episode of Comics Coast To Coast Brian and Matt get down to business. Listen To This Episode NOW! Brian andamp; Matt miss Joel on this producer episode of Comics Coast To Coast. Bandamp;M go on and on about the state of comic stuff. Enter your email address to subscribe to feed:Delivered by FeedBurner Show Notes: Coming!! No They arent

 Episode 169 – The Boum Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:39

On this episode of Comics Coast To Coast we talk to Samantha Leriche-Gionet (aka Boum) of Boumeries Boumeries By Samantha Leriche-Gionet About Artist: Samantha Leriche-Gionet (aka Boum) is a 28-ish freelance filmmaker, animator, comic artist and illustrator who lives and works in Montreal, Canada.She enjoys the company of rabbits, snowy days, cheese, retro video games, and sporting weird hairdos.(Elle parle français aussi!) About The Comic Boumeries is mostly about her life sharing a four-room flat with her programming partner Pierre-Luc and their daughter Margot, working at home, juggling with everyday chores and drawing, and having absurd dreams in the meantime. Show Notes: The Beginnings: Its like you woke up one day and said Thats it. Im drawing a damn comic about my life....and you never looked back. Brian Art: You draw your life. Ever get in any trouble for drawing family or friends in your comic? How is your self image? Brian (For anyone wondering Boumeries reads great on the iPad via the comic blog.) Joel I noticed you re-format your comic into a square (2x2 grid) and post it to tumblr... Part of your design plan or a decision made on the fly? How has that worked out for you? Joel Writing: How much do you embellish the events in your life to turn them into a journal comic? (If at all.) Joel You write about your dreams a lot. Do you wake up and jot those suckers down in the middle of the night? Gimmie your process, Brian On a lighter note, do you really dream about toilets that often? Matt Life: Were there any hiccups with your schedule when the baby came? Or just more material and you are awake 24 hour a day anyways...might as well draw a comic. Brian I can barely get one comic out a week these days. How did you manage (besides the obvious) on Hourly Comic Day 2013? Joel Is that a thing? Your thing or a journal comic thing? Most of us tend to think we live rather uninteresting lives. How do you break past that mental barrier to find your material? Matt Animtion, art techniques and everything else: Im guessing Boumeries s hand drawn, with some digital tweaks. C you walk s through your process? Joel In the comic/geek world, the down-playing (some would say bullying) of women has gotten to be a bit of a hot button issue. Matt Have you had any encounters with it?;feature=player_embedded andlt;---- Check this out after show Animation! Joel What made you decide to incorporate animation (gif?) into your comic? What is the process you use for the occasionally animated comics? Matt The Future: You have books. Tell me about it all. Brian Who do YOU want to hear interviewed on Comics Coast to Coast? (Put someone on the hot seat!) Joel Madéleine Flores Bee and PuppyCat on Cartoon Hangover Brian

 Episode 168 – The Caroline Breault Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:11

On this episode of Comics Coast To Coast we talk to Caroline Breault about her Nuclear Winter comic. andnbsp; Nuclear Winter By Caroline Breault About The Artist: Caroline Breault (aka Cab) is a Montreal-based illustrator and comic artist. Nuclear Winter is her first long-term project. Her short comics have appeared in various independent collectives such as Merure, Vestibulles and shortly, in Le Front #6 as well as a collection published by Glénat Québec. Contrary to what some might think, she doesn’t really enjoy winter in the city. About The Comic Nuclear Winter is a comedic webcomic taking place in Montreal nine years after a nuclear accident at the fictional Gentilly-3 power plant. The city, though used to rough winters, is now covered by dozens of feet of radioactive snow and under constant assault by meteorological events of unprecendented force. It is in these perpetual snowy settings that Flavie, a ski-doo courrier, makes her daily deliveries, while having to deal with mutated and eclectic urban fauna. Mixing post-apocalyptic sci-fi and historical storms, Nuclear Winter is a story about the complicated, love-hate relationship Montrealers have with winter, in a city that has the some of the most extreme annual temperature changes on the planet. andnbsp; Show Notes: Is Nuclear Winter a write what you know kind of comic? Snow? Courier? Chocolate Covered Marshmallows? Jerkface roommates? Brian Is there much difference in humor and culture between France and French-Canadian? Excuse my ignorance. Brian Did you have to do a lot of research on the physics and fall out of a nuclear disaster or are you just pulling from pop culture? Joel You have a unique angle in telling the usual doomsday story; normal, everyday life, meets the apocalypse. How did you come up with the story? Matt Is the comic created in French and then translated to English? or just the opposite? Do the jokes always translate across languages? Brian No qualms about coursing in your comic. Id be coursing too in 72 months of -15 and several feet of snow. Any regrets? Positive feedback from readers? Joel Style andamp; Art: Using real world locations so predominantly in a comic is not the norm. What made you decide to go in that direction? Brian Do you go outside and get inspiration from your surroundings? Brian Flavies hair seems to be a character of its own. Autobiographical? Joel You made a bold decision to go full-color right out of the gate. Has it been difficult to maintain the quality and stay on pace? Matt Follow up to Matts color question: I have been struggling with color settings on my monitors. NW on the iPad looks great. Given the nature of different monitors out there, do you worry that someone is reading the comic thinking, Guh! These colors are off when its really their monitor? Joel I love the fact that your primary character is not a skinny little stick chic. But shes no Cathy either ACK!! Ill never fit into this swimsuit. Brian Your panels, poses and design (characters) move from detailed to broad and simple. By choice, or simply a time/deadline thing? Joel Some of your character design feels familiar (in a good way) - Who are your inspiration in comics? Top 3, go with your gut. Joel Love your background work. It is super charming and cozy. Do you find your self obsessing over the details? Brian Technical Stuff: While I read your archive on a big monitor, I noticed your page layout is tall and thin. Is that purely for print purposes later, or have you considered digital collections or how people may consume the comic on mobile devices like the iPad or other tablets? Joel You recently started chapter two. How many chapters are planned? Matt Other Stuff: Not just a

 Episode 167 – The Michelle Czajkowski Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:54

On this episode of Comics Coast To Coast we talk to Michelle Czajkowski about Avas Demon comic. Avas Demon By Michelle Czajkowski (ch ay - k aw - s k ee ) About Artist: Hey everyone, Im Michelle Czajkowski and I graduated from the School of Visual Arts in 2011, interned at Pixar, work at Dreamworks, and Im trying to start a brand new chapter in my life through telling stories and making art. You can find out more about me on my linked in page or the official tumblr blog for the comic! Please feel free to ask me any questions about the work! About The Comic Avas Demon is my ongoing science fiction and fantasy, multimedia webcomic about a girl named Ava and the demon haunting her. Well...ok...its a bit more complicated than that. The demon might just be the ghost of an alien queen, Wrathia, seeking revenge on the one that destroyed her empire, a god-like figure named Titan. The story follows Ava as she makes her way across the universe, teaming up with the demon haunting her on a quest for revenge, while fighting her own inner demons along the way. Ive been working on this story for quite some this book is only the beginning! andnbsp; Show Notes: andnbsp; andnbsp; Personal/History: Whovian or Trekkie? Brian Are you a fan of Eyvind Earle (Disney Background Artist primarly known for his work on Sleeping Beauty.) Favorite animation period? Brian 2d or 3d animation? Brian Can you tell us about your experiences as an intern at Pixar and the work you did at Dreamworks? Brian Tell us a little about the difference between what you learned at school and what you had to do in the real world? Did you need Algebra? Brian Art: The first thing that you notice about Avas Demon is the deep dark color pallet. How did you decide on the colors ? Joel Interesting choice to use a fixed frame size for the majority of the visuals. What made you choose that approach, and why a square? Matt Youre painting digitally... Can you walk us through the creation of a typical panel? Whats your process? Joel (You even have an animated GIF breakdown: - Whats that last step?) Love the little animated chapter breaks. Are you planning some way to incorporate them into the book? Matt (animated chapter breaks follow up) The animations didnt work for me on iOS or on Mac desktop. What do Apple users need to do to watch them? Joel Do you have a collection of visual development art anywhere online for Avas Demon? Joel? Matt? Woo! Writing/Character: The story is an interesting mix of sci-fi and occult. Where did the inspiration come from? Matt No spoilers, but the scope of Avas Demon gets pretty big, pretty fast (fist two chapters). How much did you write ahead of time? Joel Current Projects: Tell us all about your KickStarter project for Avas Demon: Book One. You kind of knocked it out of the park. Do you feel validated? Brian Future: What can we look forward to? Brian Follow the guys on Twitter: Brian, Joel, and Matt Special thanks: Scott Johnson (, Sebastiaan (The Mashup Man) for our Mashups, Nicole Spagnuolo ( and everyone behind the scenes andnbsp; Official Note Taker:

 Episode 166 – The Danielle Corsetto Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:06

On this episode of Comics Coast To Coast we talk to Danielle Corsetto about Girls with Slingshots comic. Girls with Slingshots By Danielle Corsetto About Artist: Danielle Corsetto created her first comic strip when she was 8 years old, starting with a blatant rip-off of Garfield called Fat Cat.She started writing Hazelnuts in high school, the precursor to Girls With Slingshots (unbeknownst to her at the time), and ran a comic about super-slacker college kids called Ramblers in the student paper at Shepherd College (as well as In October of 2004, she began Girls With Slingshots, and a couple of years later she was doing the strip full-time. It’s now updated 5 times a week at some god-awful hour. In addition to GWS, Danielle wrote and drew The New Adventures of Bat Boy for the Weekly World News, taking the reins from Bat Boy’s kind andamp; talented former creator Peter Bagge. Danielle lives in Shepherdstown, West Virginia in a 230-year-old house with her two cats, Smudge and Ellie (aka Fluffy and Sprinkles) and her 9-year-old goldfish Goldie. She loves sipping tea, going for hikes, and eating local foods, because she is a filthy filthy hippie. About The Comic andnbsp; Show Notes: andnbsp; Tell me a little more about Fat Cat. Are you sure you followed the right path with Girls With Slingshots? I mean. Fat Cat. Brian You have a large cast of characters. How do you manage all those egos? Who is the problem child? Who is your favorite? Brian How do you balance your gag strips with strips that simply move the story forward? Joel Really Funny strip! Has real life story written all over it. Am I right? Joel How has your approach to creating a web comic changed from when you started? Matt I feel like there is more design detail in your close up panels lately. Loving it! Conscious effort on your part, or the march of subconscious character design development? Joel Your comic has some fairly adult humor at times. What are some of the perks and drawbacks to that approach? Matt Youve been at this for almost nine years now. How do you keep it fresh, and how do you maintain your enthusiasm? Matt Follow up to Matts 9 year question: From a business standpoint how have you diversified to continue to be an independent artist? Joel Buffer? Schedule? Joel If you could travel back in time and give yourself some advice relating to your comic, what would it be? Matt I JUST found out about ComicChameleon... And noticed that GWS is part of the opening lineup. What can you tell us about it? Joel (Watch video guys) Follow the guys on Twitter: Brian, Joel, and Matt Special thanks: Scott Johnson (, Sebastiaan (The Mashup Man) for our Mashups, Nicole Spagnuolo ( and everyone behind the scenes andnbsp; Official Note Taker:

 Episode 165 – The Britt Sabo Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:07

On this episode of Comics Coast To Coast we talk to Britt Sabo about All Night comic. andnbsp; All Night By Britt Sabo About Artist: Brittney Sabo was born and raised in Winona, Minnesota, a small town which lies in the middle of the Mississippi river. From an early age she was fascinated with ghosts, spirits, nature, and mythology. She spent a lot of time exploring the woods around her hometown and reading about the supernatural. In 2010, she won a Xeric Grant to self-publish Francis Sharp in the Grip of the Uncanny!, the first big comic project she ever did. She has also printed several other smaller comics and works as a background artist on Vertigo’s ‘The Unwritten’ series. ‘All Night’ is her first fully-online comic. She currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with her two cats. She continues to enjoy the supernatural, monsters, and anything related. About The Comic All Night takes place in a world that has come to a halt. Day and night appear permanently fixed and the seasons never change. Whatever has happened to this world has not ended humanity, however, and on the day side of the planet life continues on. But things from the darkened half of the world have been slowly creeping further into the light, and very few know how to stop it… All Night is drawn completely digitally, using Manga Studio EX to do the sketching, inking, and color flatting. Photoshop is then used to complete the coloring process. It is lettered using the font ‘Webletterer’, as well as several custom fonts. andnbsp; Show Notes: andnbsp; Nuts and Bolts All Night is 100% digital. Has your professional work always been digital or have you made the shift like so many others? Joel I keep hearing more and more about Manga Studio. What is it about the software you like? What puts it above Photoshop or Sketchbook Pro for you? Joel Most artists we talk to tend to be character people for the lack of a better term. You draw backgrounds for vertigos The Unwritten series. How did that come about? Background lover at heart? Joel;aq=fandamp;oq=Eyvind+Earle.andamp;aqs=chrome.0.57andamp;sourceid=chromeandamp;ie=UTF-8 What can you tell us about your decision to use a horizontal page layout? What factored in? Joel Born and raised in the middle of the Mississippi River? Cool underwater town we dont know about? Joel Your top 3 art influences. Gut reaction. And... GO! Joel Your interest in the supernatural started early. Was there a person in your life or story in particular that you can site as the beginning Joel All Night deals with the Occult. Its been nearly 30 years since Michael Jacksons Thriller video warned us in the opening of that video that we were about to view something that dealt with the occult. Should I be scared? Brian Are you a comic book fan? Did you ever read any Horror comics from the 70s like Tales from the Crypt? Brian How did you earn the Xeric Grant to self-publish Francis Sharp in the Grip of the Uncanny! ? Joel What was that experience like for you? Joel What was it that prompted you to start the comic? Matt We dont often get a chance to interview people who have just started their comics. Were there any surprises, and and did you get through them? Matt Your art is fantastic, but it does look very labor intensive. Are you worried about maintaining the quality youve started off with? Matt I like the look of the magical language. Is it planned out, or do you make it up on the fly? Matt Follow the guys on Twitter: Brian, Joel, and Matt Special thanks: Scott Johnson (, Sebastiaan (The Mashup Man) for our Mashups, Nicole Spagnuolo (http://nicol

 Episode 164 – The Alison Acton Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:55

On this episode of Comics Coast To Coast we talk to Alison Acton about Bear Nuts. andnbsp; Bear Nuts by Alison Acton About Alison: Studio DoOomcat is a husband and wife art team of Alison Acton and Jim Charalampidis.  Both are free-lance artists trained in traditional animation and with a passion for comics.  Jim is a colorist who’s worked on various books for different publishers like Dynamite Entertainment, Wildstorm, and Soleil.  Alison is currently working on art chores for a graphic novel series from Harper Collins and Tokyopop.  In their free time, they work on stuff for DoOomcat and travel to cons with posters and comics in tow. Bear Nuts is written and drawn by Alison, with Jim on web support and kitchen duty… what a guy :) About BearNuts: As one of the largest exhibits at the Discount Zoo, (in both size and number of inhabitants) the bears attract a lot of attention… something none of them are happy about.  Between gawking adults, jeering children, and their own rather profound personality clashes, it’s a wonder the bears can get through each day without maiming each other… well, most days. andnbsp; Dont forget to listen to all the great podcasts on the Frog Pants Network. As always, you can find our show by clicking the link below, or if you want to take us with you, you can download us from iTunes. Download MP3 Enter your email address to subscribe to feed:Delivered by FeedBurner Show Notes: andnbsp; Bear Nuts... Whats in a name? How did it come about? Are we talking nutty bears or bear-y nuts? Joel STD bear and the Cone F Shame... Tanked bear eating his own barf... What is the grossed thing youve drawn in bear nuts? What is your barometer? Joel What motivates the bears? Their own boredom? Pleasure in tormenting others? Joel One of the design choices you make when drawing the bears far away is to not draw their nose. Style thing? (Anime) Or scale thing? Joel Shop talk! What is your process? Traditional? Digital? Combo? Walk us through ... Joel How big do you draw Bear Nuts? (THE COMIC. Get your mind out of the gutter.) Joel Youve been at this a while, you obviously know your characters really well. Ever catch yourself thinking like any of the bears at social gatherings? Joel Are you familiar with Happy Tree Friends? Before or after Bear Nuts? Source of inspiration? Joel Tell us about your prints! Tanked Nouveau is a fave. Joel What work fills your time outside if bear nuts? Joel ipad question Joel editor interest ? Joel traffice / ads... Joel Time constraints aside, any thoughts of animating Bear Nuts? Joel Over time Ive noticed slight design changes in the bears and their proportions. Natural evolution or conscious effort with things youre not happy with? Joel Why no girl bears? Joce Given the subject matter of your comics, do you ever take flack from people who take offense to your comic? If so, how do you deal with the trolls? Joce Do you find it difficult to incorporate all 9 (Now 10 with the panda) of your characters into the strip? I imagine Gay Bear would be quite a diva if he didnt get enough screen time... Joce The Bear Nuts characters are obviously the dark universe equivalent of the Care Bears, but were there other things that inspired the idea? Matt Your stuff is very highly polished, how long does it take you to do a finished page? Matt I see you are a fellow animator. Which medium holds greater appeal for you, animation or illustration? Matt Bear Nuts seems to be largely your creation, but you still mention that your husband is involved. How does he help? Matt Follow the guys on Twitter: Brian, Joel, and Matt Special thanks: Scott Johnson (, Sebastiaan (The Mashup Man) for our Mashups, Nicole Spagnuolo (


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