Eric Ludy Sermons show

Eric Ludy Sermons

Summary: President of Ellerslie Mission Society, Eric Ludy is the bestselling author of twelve books and shares his passion for the Bravehearted Gospel of Jesus Christ through thunderously-delivered sermons, passionately-penned books, and poignant video. Best known for his book, When God Writes Your Love Story and his short films, the Gospel and Depraved Indifference.

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 Overcoming Sin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:38:03

The Cross supplied more than mere forgiveness from the penalty of sin; it supplied liberty and release from the power and control of sin. In this message, Eric Ludy animatedly enunciates this concept in a fresh, powerful, and deeply inspiring way. This message is a robust meditation on the life that many of us desire but few of us have been bold enough to actually pursue in faith. Oh, that the saints of God would rise up and once again live in light of the mighty work of the Cross!

 Overcoming Sin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:38:03

The Cross supplied more than mere forgiveness from the penalty of Sin - it supplied liberty and release from the power and control of Sin. In this message, Eric Ludy animatedly enunciates this concept in a fresh, powerful, and deeply inspiring way. This message is a robust meditation on the life that many of us desire, but that few of us have been bold enough to actually pursue in faith. Oh, that the saints of God would rise up and once again live in light of the mighty work of the Cross!

 When Kings Go Forth to Battle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:26:29

This message reveals not only the brilliance and supernatural quality of Scripture, but also of the entire Hebrew culture from which Jesus came. In the springtime (a.k.a. - the month of Nisan to the Jews), kings would set forth to battle. And it was in such a time, when the barley was turning green in Israel, that our King Jesus, climbed aboard a colt and humbly entered Jerusalem as a Man of War. And by the end of the week He was stripped naked, turned to a bloody pulp, nailed to a wooden gibbet, and laid in a borrowed grave . . . dead. His style of battle was undoubtedly different than that of any successful general before Him. But never has a general, either before Him or after Him, enjoyed such a victory - for, without the aid of a single soldier or a single weapon, this Divine Man of War destroyed all the powers of earth and hell. As a result of His war effort, sin no longer has power - death no longer has a sting - for this seemingly harmless carpenter's son, is truly the Lord of Battle, and when He sets out to war, He will not be denied His reward.

 When Kings Go Forth to Battle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:26:29

This message reveals not only the brilliance and supernatural quality of Scripture, but also the entire Hebrew culture from which Jesus came. In the springtime (a.k.a. the month of Nisan to the Jews), kings would set forth to battle. And it was during the time when the barley was turning green in Israel that our King Jesus climbed aboard a colt and humbly entered Jerusalem as a man of war. And by the end of the week He was stripped naked, turned to a bloody pulp, nailed to a wooden gibbet, and laid in a borrowed grave... dead. His style of battle was undoubtedly different than that of any successful general before Him. But never has a general, neither before Him nor after Him, enjoyed such a victory. For without the aid of a single soldier or a single weapon, this divine man of war destroyed all the powers of Earth and Hell. As a result of His war effort, sin no longer has power and death no longer has a sting. This seemingly harmless carpenter's son is truly the Lord of battle, and when He sets out for war, He will not be denied His reward.

 Holy Trembling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:33:36

When the saints of God approach the Scriptures, how do they view it? How should they handle it? 1) Is it something to be pitied and helped along? 2) Is it something to merely befriend, laugh alongside, and throw the frisbee with? 3) Or, is it something to bend before, show deference to, and heed with holy reverence? How we approach the Scriptures defines what we will get out of the Scriptures. Until Scripture becomes the absolute authority in our life, the Life that is only revealed in Scripture will not be found in us. Oh, how the Church needs the Holy Trembling to return.

 Holy Trembling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:33:36

When the saints of God approach the Scriptures, how do they view it? How should they handle it? Is it something to be pitied and helped along? Is it something to merely befriend, laugh alongside, and throw the frisbee with? Or is it something to bend before, show deference to, and heed with holy reverence? How we approach the Scriptures defines what we will get out of the Scriptures. Until Scripture becomes the absolute authority in our life, the life that is only revealed in Scripture will not be found in us. Oh, how the Church needs holy trembling to return.

 The Burning Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:32:29

Christian history has a name for those who follow Jesus with loving and extravagant abandon and don't fret the oft-dire consequences of giving up everything for the sake of their Beloved. Sacred antiquity knows this renegade blood-bought band of soldiers as the Fellowship of the Burning Heart. This message is dedicated to the Burning Hearts of our modern times. We know you are out there, though often like Elijah, you are feeling like the lone-prophet left alive in this generation. But we exhort you to remember that there are at least 7,000 that have not bent their knee to Baal and who, even today, are overcoming by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and loving not their lives unto the death (Rev 12:11).

 The Burning Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:32:29

Christian history has a name for those who follow Jesus with loving and extravagant abandon and don't fret the oft-dire consequences of giving up everything for the sake of their Beloved. Sacred antiquity knows this renegade blood-bought band of soldiers as the Fellowship of the Burning Heart. This message is dedicated to the “burning hearts” of our modern times. We know you are out there, though often like Elijah, you are feeling like the lone-prophet left alive in this generation. But we exhort you to remember that there are at least 7,000 that have not bent their knee to Baal, and who, even today, are overcoming by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, loving not their lives unto the death (Rev 12:11).

 The Prize Fighter - A Study in Self-Control | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:28:20

As Christians, we are often well educated on the fact that sin is wrong. Some of us are taught that we shouldn't keep on sinning, but not told how to stop sinning. And others of us have been taught that we might as well keep on sinning since there is nothing to be done to stop the sinful propensity. Either option leaves us vulnerable to the powers of sin and thusly susceptible to a life of great discouragement and defeat. However, few of us have been taught the "one-two punch" that not only knocks sin out, but then trains us in our God-empowered position to clobber sin in the teeth if-and-when it ever rises back up off the mat and tries to take a swing at us again.

 The Prize Fighter - A Study in Self-Control | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:28:20

As Christians, we are well educated on the fact that sin is wrong. Some of us are taught that we shouldn't keep on sinning without being told how to stop. And others of us have been taught that we might as well keep on sinning since there is nothing to be done to stop the sinful propensity. Either option leaves us vulnerable to the powers of sin and thusly susceptible to a life of great discouragement and defeat. However, there is yet one more thing to be taught: the "one-two punch" that not only knocks sin out but also trains us in our God-empowered position to clobber sin in the teeth if and when it ever rises back up off the mat to take a swing at us again.

 The Power of the Tongue | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:30:28

Is it possible for our tongue to actually be tamed? Is it plausible for our tongue to be harnessed by God in such a way that it no longer speaks forth self-glory, complaint, criticism, contention, strife, gossip, lies, and deceit? Is it really possible that the Christian tongue can be one marked by words of life always and only? To many of us, such a thought is almost fairy-tale-esque and hardly conceivable. But the Bible doesn't stutter on this subject. It declares that we personally can't tame our renegade tongues, however, our great God is in the business of taming tongues and utilizing them for His glory.

 The Power of the Tongue | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:30:28

Is it possible for our tongue to actually be tamed? Is it plausible for our tongue to be harnessed by God in such a way that it no longer speaks forth self-glory, complaint, criticism, contention, strife, gossip, lies, and deceit? Is it really possible that the Christian tongue can be one marked by words of life always and only? To many of us, such a thought is almost fairy-tale- esque and hardly conceivable. But the Bible doesn't stutter on this subject. It does declare that we can't personally tame our renegade tongues, but our great God is in the business of taming tongues and utilizing them for His glory.

 The Evil Side of Artistic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:41:18

If you are disturbed by the current "Truth-made-mushy" trends in Christianity, but are having a difficult time putting your finger on what exactly is wrong - this message might prove a great help. In this message, Eric Ludy tackles one of the most elusive and subtle enemy agendas in our midst today - the manipulative use of art in the conveyance of Truth. With an entire section specifically devoted to quoting the key voices behind this crafty maneuver, this message will leave you both insulted on behalf of Christ, and inspired for the Truth of Jesus Christ afresh.

 The Evil Side of Artistic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:41:18

If you are disturbed by the current "Truth-made-mushy" trends in Christianity but are having a difficult time putting your finger on what exactly is wrong, this message might prove a great help. In this message, Eric Ludy tackles one of the most elusive and subtle enemy agendas in our midst today—the manipulative use of art in the conveyance of Truth. With an entire section specifically devoted to quoting the key voices behind this crafty maneuver, this message will leave you both insulted on behalf of Christ and inspired for the Truth of Jesus Christ afresh.

 The Band of Rescuers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:18

The Christian is intended by God to be the strongest of all humans on Earth. The Christian is built to snarl in the face of difficulty, laugh in the face of crisis, and cherish trials as the great channel through which God brings His grace into this world. A Christian will stand when all others fall, will keep going when all others run out of self-fuel, and will remain loving even when suffering incredible persecution. A Christian, as God intended a Christian to be, is something to behold. An individual Christian can alter the course of history, so just imagine what a band of such heroes could do? What would happen if the Church of Jesus Christ once again started functioning as the Church of Jesus Christ?


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