Eric Ludy Sermons show

Eric Ludy Sermons

Summary: President of Ellerslie Mission Society, Eric Ludy is the bestselling author of twelve books and shares his passion for the Bravehearted Gospel of Jesus Christ through thunderously-delivered sermons, passionately-penned books, and poignant video. Best known for his book, When God Writes Your Love Story and his short films, the Gospel and Depraved Indifference.

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 The Return of Ruddy Shepherd Boys | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:38:23

If we were to imagine what a true man looks like, a ruddy shepherd boy would not be our first pick. That is, unless we understood what it truly meant to be a ruddy shepherd boy. After all, it was a ruddy shepherd boy who destroyed the giant, Goliath. This message is a call for authentic, faith- filled Christianity that is willing to be built in the way that God chooses, for He delights to use humble, faithful, and child-like men and women to accomplish His purposes.

 Foodies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:17

Like its unusual title, this message packs a unique punch in the arena of appetite. Cultural trends encourage us to overindulge in the food we eat instead of enjoying it with self-control and gratitude. Like many sins, the real core of gluttony is an attitude of self-entitlement, demanding that we have what we want when we want it. Allow the Spirit of God to reveal the remnants of entitlement in your soul so that you can properly enjoy the pleasures God has given.

 Always the Same | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:34:20

The idea of faith is at the cornerstone of Christianity. But the fact that God is unchanging and eternal is at the cornerstone of faith. Simply put, God is always the same. And whereas this may not seem like that big of a deal at first, it's a game-changer to the soul when you actually stop and begin to really ponder it.

 The Unspeakable Name | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:22:23

For thousands of years, Jews have trembled to speak the Name of God. Because of Christ, Christians have, not only the privilege of speaking His Name, but bearing His Name as our own. Looking in depth at the meaning of Yahweh, this message unveils the power and beauty of the unspeakable Name which has been given us in Christ Jesus. May we walk in a manner worthy of this glorious Name.

 The Unspeakable Name | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:22:23

For thousands of years, Jews have trembled to speak the name of God. Because of Christ, Christians have not only the privilege of speaking His name, but bearing His name as their own. Looking in depth at the meaning of Yahweh, this message unveils the power and beauty of the unspeakable name which has been given to us in Christ Jesus. May we walk in a manner worthy of this glorious name.

 The Cry of the Roman Soldier | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33.0 MB

" the name of Jesus, amen!" Have you used the word "amen" at the end of a prayer, unsure of what you were actually saying? This short Biblical word is traditionally used as a declaration of an agreement in prayer, or as a period placed on the end of a prayer to indicate that it was finished. Although these are proper uses of the word, we see throughout the pages of Scripture that "Amen" is actually a name of God, and it means that He has performed, currently is performing, and always will preform what is promised. This message directs our eyes towards the cross to behold the the faithful, merciful, and saving God. Oh, Believer, what do you say in response to what God has done? Let us not be afraid to boldly declare "AMEN!".

 Lord, It Was the Woman! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:37:24

This message focuses upon our tendency as humans to shift the blame on someone else when we are in the wrong. Wanting to escape the sting of conviction, we make rash accusations and attempt to clear our names of guilt. Therein lies the problem: there is no justification apart from Christ. "Lord, It Was the Woman!" takes us back to the heart of the Gospel and opens our eyes to the ways that we subtly discount the sufficiency of Christ's death.

 The Proving of the 300 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:38:52

We are running a heavenly race, and there is a crown to be won. But the way we run often suggests that the prize is not worth everything to us. No one promised that running the race would be easy. God desires to make us ready and fit to obtain the reward, and yet we are quick to justify pockets of "me time.” This message reminds us that we are not here to live for the satisfaction of our appetites but that, as soldiers, we must be sharp and self-controlled for the task before us. Let the Spirit of God search you through this message for any comfort or indulgence that would weigh you down while running the race with endurance.

 A Man's Call to Significance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:33:32

"What is my calling? What is my unique role in the Body?" These are questions that we are frequently encouraged to consider, but they can easily tempt us to focus upon how we can be significant on our own. This sermon focuses upon how men were built with a desire to be significant and world-changing. However, God's pattern for making a man significant is not the world's way. God's way of making men world-changers is by taking them through the cross—through dying to make Christ significant.

 Faith That Works | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:35:04

Scripture says that Abraham was justified by faith, but it also says that he was justified by works. Have you ever struggled with understanding faith vs. works? This message takes on the challenge and exhorts us not to have one or the other, but to have a "faith that goes to work." True faith is not limp and passive, but it labors hard and exerts itself to believe God regardless of the evidence of the natural realm. Let us exert the faith we have to joyfully believe an eternally trustworthy God—He will not fail us!

 Enduring to the End | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:37:05

Sheep are pathetically weak, dumb, and slow. It's not a label any of us would prefer for ourselves. But the longer we walk with Christ, the more we have to admit that it is a fitting description. Despite weakness, the saving grace of the sheep is the fact that they have a Shepherd who leads and cares for them. This message reminds us of the profound truth that our Shepherd is just as powerful to keep as He is to save. We do not need to fear moral failure because He has promised to complete the work He began.

 Enduring to the End | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:37:05

Sheep are pathetically weak, dumb, and slow. It's not a label any of us would prefer for ourselves. But the longer we walk with Christ, the more we have to admit that it is a fitting description. Despite weakness, the saving grace of the sheep is the fact that they have a Shepherd who leads and cares for them. This message reminds us of the profound truth that our Shepherd is just as powerful to keep as He is to save. We do not need to fear moral failure because He has promised to complete the work He began.

 The Most High and Holy Place | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:07

"He did that which was right in the sight of the Lord ... but the high places were not taken away." This phrase is repeated throughout the Biblical history of Israel, but it also describes many of us. We are too content to worship the Lord with half of our hearts, putting some of our sacrifices on the altars of high places. God desires for us to destroy those high places and turn to His most high and holy place for salvation and security. Allow the Spirit to search your soul through this message and unite your heart to fear His name alone.

 The Most High and Holy Place | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:07

"He did that which was right in the sight of the Lord…but the high places were not taken away." This phrase is repeated throughout the biblical history of Israel, but it also describes many of us. We are too content to worship the Lord with half of our hearts, putting some of our sacrifices on the altars of high places. God desires for us to destroy those high places and turn to His most high and holy place for salvation and security. Allow the Spirit to search your soul through this message and unite your heart to fear His name alone.

 Five Smooth Stones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:48:13

In this message, Eric Ludy describes the vision and goals for Ellerslie Training and establishes twelve principles that are needed in Christian leadership. Using King David’s youthful years of development as a muse, a clear picture emerges in and through this message for how God disciples a young life and grows them from a novice into a great leader.


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