The Tazz and Paula Show show

The Tazz and Paula Show

Summary: With VIEWS NOT HEARD IN THE NEWS! Celebrating their 20+ years on 91.5FM and an internet-only show ... Tazz and Paula share GUESTS that their Heartbeat beats as ONE with Mother Earth--igniting LOVE and COURAGE clear to the Heavens.

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  • Artist: tazzandpaula
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 Interview with David Elliott | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

What if you could heal yourself of any illness, addiction or chronic condition? How much freedom would you experience if you were not dependent on health care? How empowered would you feel if you had the keys to healing, not only on the physical level, but on emotional, mental and spiritual levels as well? David Elliott believes we do have the freedom and empowerment to heal our illnesses. In David’s newest book “Healing” makes it abundantly clear we are our own healers. He also believes, as we do, when we heal ourselves we heal Mother Earth.

 Interview with Stephen Mehler | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Stephen’s interview will be an eye opener! He’ll share SECRETS that he uncovered about the Great Sphinx and Great Pyramids. Was there a advanced prehistoric civilization in ancient Egypt? Were they the people who built the Great Sphinx and Pyramids? Did the pyramids serve as energy devices and not as tombs for kings? Independent Egyptologist, Stephen Mehler has spent over 30 years researching the answers to these questions and believes those answers are YES! He has been able to uncover an indigenous oral tradition that still exists in Egypt and has studied with a living master of this tradition, Abd’El Hakim Awyan. In Stephen’s newest book “The Land of Osiris: An Introduction to Khemitology” he writes that the pyramids may have been used for energy devices instead of tombs.

 Interview with Richard Carpenter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Such awesome Art!!! you’ve got to see this! An email came across my desk the other day, and I just sat in amazement with what one man could do with what nature has provided. His work of art, is simply a breathe of fresh air. I’m sure that you will feel the same way. Richard Carpenter is his name … and look his last name is “Carpenter.” Now head to his website: and you too will know that he was brought here to share his magical art from the Heavens.

 Interview with Dr. Emoto | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Does water have a counsciouness? Does it respond from external stimuli including words,music photograghs, thoufhts and preyers? That is what we are going to be discussing today. We are so honored and previlaged to have Dr emoto with us today as a guest. He is best known for his book "The hidden messages of water, The true power of water and the secret life of water. (over one million sold in twenty different languages. In sept. 2003 Dr. emoto spoke at a Unitied Nations seminar. he said he fully understood and put forward the global water shortage. He talked about how water registers the effect of subtle energies. He showed how negative vibarations contaminate humanity and the oceans and waterways and how essential the vibrations of love and peace are for the survivial of mother earth. Today dr. emoto will be sharing wiht us information about his event in Lake Biwa Japan. He has joined forces with the golden Pyramid of peace and has created the water and peace global forum. The even takes place march 20-22 the same day as united nations water day. He hopes many of you can join him in Japan, but if not you are invited to join in their meditation for peace.

 Interview with Tana Marie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

She’s been in the LOVE business for 31 years! and brings LOVE to everything she touches. If you are ready to open your heart … she’ll show you the direction for ever lasting success. This Professional Intuitive Counselor, ‘The Love Psychic,” has nothing more on her mind, but to make you happy. If you have a question–she has the answer! Her lifelong mission ... is to inspire and enlighten the world through Spirit, by designing and presenting tools that will empower others to create the life of their dreams. As an Intuitive, Author, Radio Personality and Spiritual Leader, she lives her mission every day. Her highly accurate predictive work, coupled with effective, time-tested diagnostic tools are just some of the reasons her clients return year after year.

 Interview with Dr. Fred Alan Wolf | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Dr. Fred Alan Wolf also known as Dr. Quantum, is a physicist, writer, and lecturer who earned his Ph.D. in theoretical physics at UCLA in 1963. He continues to write, lecture and teach throughout the world, and conduct research on the relationship of quantum physics to consciousness. Do our thoughts have power? Former professor of physics at San Diego State University for twelve years. Dr. Wolf has also appeared as the resident physicist on The Discovery Channel's The Know Zone and on many radio talk shows and television shows across the United States and abroad. Deepak Chopra states: Fred Alan Wolf is one of the most eloquent and clear scientists who explains the relationship between the laws of nature and consciousness. His book, THE YOGA OF TIME TRAVEL, will help you break the illusion of linear time and experience a domain that is eternal, timeless, and acausal. This experience helps conquer all fear including the fear of death and gives you a glimpse into the immortal nature of your soul.

 Interview with Anne Thull | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

What a dynamite Visionary! It’s incredible having someone to work with you side-by-side on your creative ventures. Not many people have this grasp of color and design that nurtures your soul along with theirs too … and Anne definitely has it! You’ll love talking with her and investigating what is possible for your home or office surroundings. She’s always sparking with the next idea which simply makes your project that much more exciting to begin and develop. Give her a call and invite her to be with you on your next creative design project. I’m sure you both will become animated by what happens next. If you have a question and would like to run it by here, give us a call during the show or better yet give her a call after the show at:415-706-2816

 Interview with Lynn Pierson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

While Lynn was growing up her family relocated ten times and Lynn went to fourteen different schools. The experience that most impacted Lynn was the four years spent–beginning at the age of nine on the Caribbean Island of Grenada. Her life was totally immersed in a world framed with crystalline seas and malevolent appearing jungles. On the island, she basked in the inhabitant’s simple joy of life despite the majority being in poverty. Many lived in one-room board shacks that lacked even running water. It was from the Grenadians that she learned a depth of faith she’d never before imagined, a connection with one’s maker born of naiveté and a daily symbiosis with nature. Here, an overwhelming curiosity drove Lynn to spy upon the Grenadian culture and witness secretive back-jungle voodoo practices. This underground current drove the dancing and superstition that imbued the local’s celebrations with a certain frenzy. It was on this island she learned to face down six-foot iguanas, shake the poisonous centipedes from her clothes prior to dressing and to carefully breaststroke through shallow waters above fire coral infested reefs. It was in her family’s hundred-year-old home, La Chapelle, a stone building with peaked ceilings and three-foot-thick walls, where she finally encountered the structure’s specter: a priest and former resident who had died there in a tragic accident many decades ago. This experience forever cemented her knowing that life continues on after death. Lynn’s accumulated experiences resulted in her book The Great Awakening – a spiritual thriller series the press has likened to “The Da Vinci Code meets A Course in Miracles.” The official publish date for the first volume is March 29, 2010. Excerpts can be viewed at:

 Interview with Reta Mellberg | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Artistically and as a Designer Reta is a Gifted Channel, she has brought through quite amazing Drawings of many of the Advanced and loving Beings from the greater galactic community, unbenounced to Reta, these portraits have “triggered” in many people “memories” from their own abduction experiences and “recognition” of many of these Beings. “I realized that I have been given an incredible Gift, with my Alien Art, to help people to “remember”, to bring credibility to their experiences and a Face to their unknown/known visitor in the night.. to TAKE AWAY THE FEAR, these are Loving Beings here to watch over their Children, and to Educate us so that we may one day join the greater galactic community..” As difficult as it has been for many years Reta has come forward to share that she is an “Experiencer” and “On-going Contactee” with her many UFO and abduction experiences. Reta has faced what she calls a “Modern Day Witch Hunt”, lasting 18 months, with the Court system…during a Child Custody case over her Daughter. Reta is just one of countless “experiencers” and “contactees” around the world, who for many reasons stay suffering and fearful in silence, feeling alone and not knowing where to turn or who to talk to about these experiences. In many ways Reta is a way Shower to these people, in coming forward and talking about her experiences, encouraging people to “Keep “talking, your experiences matter” , she is so delightful and personable and l educational both in person and as a Speaker, that one can only find appreciation and applaud for Reta’s work.

 Interview with Eliot Cowen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Has a plant deva or spirit every touched your body during the day or even while you are sleeping? Talking with plant spirits and healing traditions are one of our favorite subjects ... and Eliot Cowan delivers the KISS of offering Plant Spirit Medicine practitioner training courses, continuing education for PSM practitioners, healing camps based on traditional Huichol healing, and animal totem courses. We are ready Eliot! Hope to see you in the chat room!

 Interview with Rita Berkowitz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Rev. Rita Berkowitz … delivers Spiritual artistry like no other!!! She is a certified psychic medium and has completed a Master of Science in Psychological Counseling. Her gift to humanity is way beyond the norm. She impresses large audiences throughout the world by drawing portraits of loved ones from the higher side of life. As you can imagine a spirit portrait is truly tangible evidence of survival. Rita offers private sittings, classes and has trained many professional mediums. She is the author of Empowering Your Life with Angels and co-author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Communicating with Spirits. Rita has studied and taught at the Arthur Findley College in Essex England, as well as lectured and demonstrated in colleges, New Age Centers and Spiritualist Churches in the United States and Canada. She’s an Ordained Minister in the Spiritualist Church and pastor of the First Spiritualist Church of Quincy, in Massachusetts. Rita is also an accomplished artist who has shown her paintings and drawings throughout New England and New York. She is featured in and She has been a guest on “It’s Your Call” with Lynn Doyle on CN8 TV, “Angels in Waiting” Los Angeles, CA., and numerous other radio and television appearances. Yes, you can call-in @ (347) 633-9155 for a FREE READING; she will deliver to you a reading from the other side of the veil AND tell you also what the person physically looks like bringing the message for you. We are not on TV, but she will be very descriptive for our radio listeners.

 Readings with Tazz and Paula | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

YOU are the Spotlight on our New Year’s Eve show from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.. If you would enjoy receiving a FREE reading from us, please call us at the following #: (347) 633-9155; anyone can reach us world-wide on this phone number. We are heading for a brand New Year … and we get to hi-light you on this very special New Year’s Eve. Paula merges with the individual’s higher guidance with permission and brings in the information that is just for you. Tazz combines her special brand of numerology and astrology called “astro-numerology” she received after a near death experience, and then couples it with the Destiny Cards and her psychic ability. If you are unable to receive a reading with us today, because of your busy schedule … you may go to our special reading website (it makes for a wonderful gift to yourself or others) at to assist you in your upcoming cycles throughout this year and you will also be able view others in your life as well with these outstanding readings. ~ Tazz and Paula

 Readings with Ann Roman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

“LIVE” readings with Los Gatos psychic “a.Robina“! that means the “Famous One” which was her given middle-name at birth. Ann is eloquent, funny, and right on the mark. She’ll be doing “LIVE” readings for YOU in the studio on Thursday, Christmas Eve–December 24th, call in at (347) 633-9155 with you questions and if you are close by stop in at our station and have her read your tea cup! Did we say read your tea cup? We did, We did! Take a picture of your tea cup leaves on your cell phone and send it to If you do it no later than Wednesday afternoon, she’ll be prepared for you on Thursday. ~ Tazz and Paula

 Interview with Beth Black | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Whooh, this awesome emissary, has given us each an individual and a combo-reading that is so outstanding it will stay with us for life in how we look at our lives, and how we work and play with those that surround us. We are so excited to present Human Design Teacher and Analyst, Beth Black. This vital knowledge of Human Design is more than a Gift … it is a Life Blessing that is immeasurable, which gives you your blueprint along with the most practical tools for functioning along with the strategies for making a decision for yourself based on your own inner authority rather than the conditioning field of energies that we all exist in. These tools are powered by the mechanics of your own genetic makeup, not your thoughts and beliefs or the thoughts and beliefs of those around you. You will find out how your individual Human Design chart provides an opening into how both the conscious and unconscious aspects of your being and energy operate in conjunction with the energies of everyone else around you. Our lives are painted through the decisions we make, and most of us make these decisions incorrectly, always wondering why even with the most sincere intentions of our heart or with the greatest mental deliberation, we do not arrive at the result we have in mind for ourselves. In these uncertain times, it is vitally important to have consistent access to our own inner compass that can cut through the questions, confusion and stress. Over the course of these two hours we will enter together into the experiment of living the lives that are truly ours, and learning to align ourselves with that unique contribution to the whole that each of us is here to make. Only through diversity, only through the living of our true selves, will this planet continue to evolve with the ease and grace, creativity and joy, love and self-acceptance that is our birthright. It’s time to love yourself like never before!

 Interview with Morgana Rae | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Would you like to be Money Magnet? If you could RAPIDLY, RADICALLY, and PERMANENTLY change your Relationship with Money, what would that be worth to you? Does Money love you? International wealth coach Morgana Rae walks you through six time-tested steps to turn your personal Money Monster of scarcity into a Money Honey of abundance. “Your financial situation reflects your inner Relationship with Money,” says Rae. “If you don’t like your finances, something has to change in that relationship,” and Rae shows how to jumpstart that transformation. “When you imagine your money as a real, flesh and blood person, worthy of your deepest admiration, you embark on an amazing, love-at-first-sight affair of the heart,” she says. “It’s like a lover who woos you. Pennies on the ground are like chocolates on your pillow. I’ve had people report that within hours of hearing my talk, they’ve received unexpected money - tens of thousands of dollars or more.” Rae’s interactive keynote presentation, Financial Alchemy: How to Be a Money Magnet, will uncover your hidden blocks to abundance, abolish your financial anxiety, and reveal your next step to creating wealth - all in less than an hour. You’ll leave this life-changing interview with a totally new attitude toward money, ready to take a quantum leap toward creating the wealth you deserve. “This is a unique workshop,” says Morgana Rae. “You won’t get an experience like this at any other seminar in the world!”


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