The Tazz and Paula Show show

The Tazz and Paula Show

Summary: With VIEWS NOT HEARD IN THE NEWS! Celebrating their 20+ years on 91.5FM and an internet-only show ... Tazz and Paula share GUESTS that their Heartbeat beats as ONE with Mother Earth--igniting LOVE and COURAGE clear to the Heavens.

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  • Artist: tazzandpaula
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 Interview with Mother Clare Watts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

  Mother Clare Watts is an ordained Priest and Master Teacher in the Order of Christ Sophia. We will be talking to  her about her latest book, Mystical Roses of Peace. This is Mother Clare’s second book about Christian Mysticism, and in it she has compiled a bouquet of spiritual teachings that speak directly to the reader’s soul, guiding them through the tender terrain of the heart to true inner peace.

 Ana Joanes tells us about her film "Fresh" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Ana Joane's story begins with the problem at hand: big agriculture is unnatural and un-sustainable. The news isn't actually all that new, and it isn't rocket science. We've all heard at this point that pesticides are bad, that industrialized agriculture leads to mistreated and unhealthy animals and, subsequently, nutritionally depleted products. But somehow, when a bespectacled Michael Pollan (a brilliant, compelling and clear speaker who lends the film outstanding credibility) explains we listen. Ana will tell us more about this subject in today's interview.

 Conversation with Bill Froehlich | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  We will be talking with Bill Froehlich who was the writter for the T.V, series Macgyver. He has now co-authored the book "UR the Connection". With a special emphasis on the power of imagination, authors Mark Victor Hansen and Bill Roehlich reassures us that anything and everything is possible, This is a fiction story that can turn into nonfiction of possiblities. We can't wait to find out more about this book and they movie they have made from it!      

 Let's ask Sheldan Nidle about our Galactic Neighbors. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

  Do we have outside help from our Galactic Neighbors  to get us through the present and  upcoming turbalence? This is what we will be asking Sheldon  Nidle.

 Interview with Doc Marquis about the Illuminati | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

  Doc Marquis was raised as a child in the international, occult group known as the Illuminati. For 20 years he was trained as an Illuminist and attained the rank of a Master Witch (a 3rd level Illuminist). As a result of GOD's sovereignty and mercy Doc became surrounded by Christians who presented him with the Gospel. Confronted by GOD's Word and Love, he opened his heart and mind. On April 15, 1979 Doc became a Born-Again Christian, forever severing his ties with the Illuminati. Doc now devotes his life to traveling across the country and using public forums to expose and educate the public on the occult, the Illuminati and their plans for a New World Order. Doc speaks at seminars, conferences, conventions, workshop, churches and special interest groups. He also trains therapists, clinicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, local and state police, former/present-day members of the FBI in programming/brainwashing, solving occult crimes and the eight major occult groups found in America

 Interview with Dr. Len Horowitz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

Our guest, Len Horowitz is a hero in our eyes.He has been brave enough to bring  to light how the  pharmaceutical compainies  control our health. Also he along with Sherri Kane and Jessie Ventura  has just recently investigated BP Oil regarding the Oil Spill in the Gulf.. Did the big boys purposely cause the oil spill? 

 Interview with Marisa Russo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Marisa Russo is known as a Forensic Healer. She Combines science, logic and intuition. Marisa reads the body to investigate the cause and circumstances around any condition. Marisa uses new and advanced holistic healing methods, including kinesiology to help you to release that accumulation of your past stresses, negative energies, toxins, traumas or shock.

 Scientist Leuren Moret speaks about radiation from Japan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Leuren Moret  is a Geoscientist and international radiation expert. She’s traveled widely working on radiation issues with members of Congress, Parliaments, and citizens groups  on radiation issues with members  of 50 countries.  The things Leuren will share with us today will make your hair stand up.

 Interview with Meir Schneider | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

You’ll never be the same after attending Meir’s classes just one time. You’ll feel his passion and experience his gift which will become yours.Meir has been led by inspiration his whole life. As a teenager he overcame congenital blindness and today holds an unrestricted driver’s license. The principles he discovered while working to gain functional vision became the foundation for his Self-Healing Method, a comprehensive holistic healthcare system combining movement, massage, breathing, visualization and eye exercises–effective for a wide range of degenerative conditions of the body and eyes.

 Conversation with Brian Hall about 2011 Conspiracy Conferenc | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Brian is the founder and producer of the Conspiracy Con Conference in Santa Clara, California. He will be sharing with us all the great speakers and events happening at the Conferene this year.

 Interview with Linda M. Potter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Set to Inspire Millions and Ignite Laughter Worldwide ... God knows we all need a laugh or two daily, and Potter knows from personal and professional experience what people need to hear to relate and laugh from deep inside.Linda's newest book "If Only God Would Give Me a Sign" is being released this coming May. Have fun with us today looking for the signs.

 Interview with Rickie Beckwith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:00

Rickie Beckwith is heard on the radio and soundtracks for movies and t.v. Her songs of unconditional love and spirital transformation are heard all over the world. She has performed in 5 sessions with The Dalia Lama.

 Carolyn Ford shares with us Einstein the Crystal Skull | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

After 21 years of silence, seclusion, and my own private explorations with Einstein, I have been guided to make our introduction to the world. Protecting, caring and nurturing his spirit has always been my utmost goal as guardian of this rare treasure. The decision was not completely mine. Einstein’s guidance came in strong, saying “the time is now!”. My response was also a resounding yes…….and the rest will be history. 

 interview with Mahala Gayle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

She’s back folks!  She’ll be bringing an in depth look at and what’s on the horizon for the following:Japan and the birthing aspect of mother earth (the ascension process).Planetary aspects and how they affect the world. The Time of Fire–the fire initiation.The salmon colored light that is in the sacred part of our hearts. It is who we are? 

 interview with Christine Hoeflich | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

  There’s a lot of advice going around about what you must do to prepare for 2012 (Ascension). Many experts are contemplating what events will occur in this 2012 timeframe, but the truth is–outer events are secondary to what will happen within you and what you do regarding your higher self’s plan. In other words: Will you fulfill your unique role in the divine plan? Many questions are floating about like: Will the poles shift? Will the economy collapse? Will beings from other planets land? Such questions are indeed interesting, but they are the effects of universal law and divine plan. To be more effective in this world, you must gain a greater awareness of the divine plan–which happens when you reconnect to and integrate with your higher self. So, what is the number one thing you must do to “prepare” for 2012? … The number one thing to do is to cultivate a relationship with your higher self. 


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