Rabbi Daniel Lapin show

Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Summary: Widely known to both Jews and Christians as “America’s rabbi,” Daniel Lapin, descendant of a renowned rabbinical family, is a best-selling author, prominent speaker, Torah educator and celebrated radio host.


 Daniel Lapin, June 30, Hour 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:48

In the first hour of the Rabbi Lapin show, he took your calls on the following topics: The anniversary of the battle of Gettysburg. The power of government and money. California's gasoline tax is going up 3.5 cents a gallon. The federal government's incremental seizure of power is one of the great secrets of tyranny. Rabbi Lapin addresses his opinion about NSA whistle blower Eric Snowden.

 Daniel Lapin June 30, Hour 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:12

This hour, Rabbi Lapin discussed with callers the following: Communication, ambitions, and discipline reflect the spiritual strengths of human beings. Real success in life depends on spiritual forces. Courage is a spiritual strength and is inspirational. Cowardliness is a spiritual weakness. The growing tolerance of Islam. Stockholm syndrome, a phenomenon in which victims of trauma or kidnapping sympathize with their captors. Rabbi Lapin says what works in military leadership is courage. The per capita earning power of religious families is greater than secular families with the exception of Hollywood and Manhattan.

 Daniel Lapin June 30, Hour 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:06

In the third hour of the program, Rabbi Lapin notes the fatal flaws the early founders of the United States overlooked was the overgrowth of government.

 Daniel Lapin June 23, Hour 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:26

This hour, Rabbi Lapin took your calls concerning the following topics: President Obama's role in reducing America's defense system. Why has China not acted militarily on Taiwan. Cost of living increases related to policy changes in Washington, D.C. Rabbi Lapin says military power without economic power does not exists. China is increasing its military strength.

 Daniel Lapin June 23, Hour 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:10

Topics discussed this hour included: The debate over the immigration bill and the key questions the bill fails to address. The controversial issues of global warming and climate change. In Las Vegas, everybody knows who the thieves are, but in Washington, D.C. people hide under the title of being a public servant.

 Daniel Lapin June 23, Hour 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:12

This hour, Rabbi Lapin discusses: California Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi received crowd boos when she gave a speech in San Jose, CA over the weekend saying whistle blower Eric Snowden broke the law. Rabbi Lapin outlines why he does not trust the federal government. The IRS scandal that targeted conservative non-profit certifications. Rabbi Lapin explains the impacts of cultural moral clarity vs. moral confusion.

 Daniel Lapin June 16, Hour 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:57

In honor of father's day, Rabbi Lapin talks about the importance of a father's role. Men know their value comes from performance. The intrinsic realities between male and females. Companies offering paternity leave policies for fathers. A study shows Fathers disappear from households across America leading to a big big increase in single mothers.

 Daniel Lapin June 16, Hour 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:10

Rabbi Lapin discussed the following topics this hour. The importance of fathers 1 in 3 children today do not know who their fathers are. Three basic things father's need to teach their children 1. male female relationships, and for sons how women think, 2. how money works, how to earn it, keep it, and grow it , and a 3. spiritual reality. If you have had the good fortune to have a great father do you look for a perfect man or a male partner that is just like your Dad?

 Daniel Lapin June 16, Hour 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:04

This hour, Rabbi Lapin took your calls about the follow subjects. Christianity vs. organized religion. America is becoming more and not less divided on the issues of faith and politics. Dating sites...a new report indicates about a 1/3 of father's lie about not having children.

 Daniel Lapin June 9, Hour 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:46

This hour, Rabbi Lapin discusses the following topics: A Portland, Oregon police officer in pursuit of a speeding car, puts his chase on hold to help a duck in distress. Did he do the right thing? Rabbi Lapin notes the sure signs of American society's decline is a decrease in the birth rate, and philosophical vulnerability. Discussion of Terry Holdbrooks, an ex-Guantanamo Bay prison guard, converts to Islam.

 Daniel Lapin June 9, Hour 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:19

Revenge pornography, California lawmakers go after a troubling new trend. Worldviews vs. spirituality. The value of traditional marriage and its benefits for both men and women.

 Daniel Lapin June 9, Hour 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:29

Rabbi Lapin says beware of polls and so-called experts because there is no one who is more invested in your life and the life of your children than you are. Our dependence upon technology to improve our lives. The downside, advanced technology such as texting can also separate us. Rabbi Lapin notes that people are driven by emotions more than factual information.

 Daniel Lapin June 2, Hour 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:36

Your Radio Rabbi revealing how the world really works! This hour Rabbi Lapin took your calls on the following topics: Growing public criticism regarding the Obama administration's lack of transparency. Does America want Equality or Freedom and America's slide toward socialism. Healthcare, public transport and education are all major monopolies of the federal government. The Body is comprised of your Physical health and Our Spirit is comprised of Spiritual health. How one becomes a Rabbi The 1965 Immigration Reform Act

 Daniel Lapin June 2, Hour 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:22

Rabbi Lapin, noted the 1965 Immigration Reform Act was a government policy to stop favoring British immigration to the United States. This opened the door to other immigrants from Latin America, Africa, and other third world countries. Breadwinning Wives and Nervous Husbands What men look for from their wives is a physical connection, while women seek emotional connection with their husbands.

 Daniel Lapin June 2, Hour 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:20

American Exceptionalism A look at male and female working relationships


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