Teach Me To Code » Screencasts (iPhone/iPod) show

Teach Me To Code » Screencasts (iPhone/iPod)

Summary: Video tutorials on a variety of subjects including Ruby, Rails, CSS, HTML, Groovy, Grails, and other web technologies.

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 Faking Sinatra with Rack and Metaprogramming | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Sinatra has a really nice DSL. You can fake the basics of the DSL with some simple Rack middleware created by metaprogramming. If you like the screencasts, please give $5 to help me get to RubyConf Download (64.2 MB) Download iPhone & iPod (35.6 MB)

 Rack Basics | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Rack is the basis for most major web frameworks in Ruby (like Ruby on Rails.) This video gives a basic overview on how it is used and what features make it a powerful component for Ruby Web Frameworks Download 36 MB Download (iPod & iPhone) 25 MB

 Rails 3 – Build a Blog – Part 3: Edit and Delete CRUD | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

This is the continuation of the Rails 3 Build a Blog series. This episode includes implementation of the Edit and Destroy methods on the Posts Controller. There are a lot of things left to cover on Rails 3, but this gets you the basics of the MVC framework and how to use Cucumber to build your application using BDD. Download 361.3 MB Download (iPhone/iPod) 79.9 MB

 Rails 3 Documentation: Generate Your Own | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

In this screencast, I show you how to generate the api and guides for offline viewing. Download 28MB Download iPhone/iPod 7MB

 Upgrading Rails 3.0 Beta4 to Rails 3.0 Release Candidate | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

This video goes over some issues that popped up while upgrading a Rails 3 application to the Release Candidate This video goes over some issues that popped up while upgrading a Rails 3 application to the Release Candidate. Download 131 MB Download (iphone & ipod) 11.7 MB

 Ruby’s Enumerable Module: The Inject Method | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Quick Ruby Tip: The inject method is useful for aggregating data across a dataset. For example a summation could be done with inject (by aggregating each number into the sum.) Download 49.1 MB Download (iphone & ipod) 7.6 MB

 Rails 3 – Building a Blog – Part 2: CRUD Show and Create | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

The second part of the tutorial for building a blog with Ruby on Rails version 3. We demonstrate how to set up some basic routes, manage the controller and views, and create a basic form for creating posts. Download 161.4 MB Download (iphone & ipod) 65.8 MB

 Rails 3 – Building a Blog – Part 1: Test Setup & Generators | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Every good project needs a good setup. In this episode, I set up a github repo, create a new rails application, hook in Cucumber and Rspec, write a Cucumber feature, and write the code to make it pass. Download 142 MB Download (iphone & ipod) 59 MB

 RSpec Matchers | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

RSpec gives us many powerful tools to make our tests readable. Matchers allow us to provide custom predicates to our should statements that succinctly define the behavior of our code. Download 27 MB Download (iphone & ipod) 14 MB

 Ruby Method Name with Spaces | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

This is an introduction to Ruby metaprogramming where I cover two different ways to define a method. The idea actually started as a joke, but there are valuable lessons to be learned here. Download 11.2 MB Download (iphone & ipod) 4.9 MB

 Shoulda on Rails | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Shoulda is a framework that sits on top of Test::Unit and adds a ton of nice features like macro's, nested context, and the ability to create custom tests in a block-based DSL. Download 160.2 MB Download (iphone & ipod) 71.9 MB

 RSpec Subjects | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

RSpec provides an extremely concise way of representing simple tests to be called on new instances of a class or on explicitly defined receiver objects. You can do this by using 'subjects' either as defined by the 'describe' or the 'subject' methods. Download 38 MB Download (iphone & ipod) 18.2 MB

 Code Metrics with Metric Fu | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Maintainability of your code can be measured in many different ways. Jake Scruggs has combined several of the tools that measure you code into one Ruby Gem: metric_fu. Here's a demonstration. Go check it out! Download 116.1 MB Download (iphone & ipod) 55.8 MB

 Ruby’s Percent Functions | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Ruby uses special characters to define certain data types. If you wish to use these characters in your data types, you need to escape them or use percent functions. Percent functions are much simpler. Download 35.8 MB Download (iphone & ipod) 14.7 MB

 Nested Forms With JQuery | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Ruby on Rails allows you to nest models within a form. Ryan Bates of Railscasts demonstrated how to set up these forms with JavaScript using the Prototype framework, which ships with Rails. In this episode, Charles Max Wood gives a brief overview of how Ryan's code works, and then refactors the JavaScript to use JQuery. Ryan Bates demonstrated how to build a form with nested attributes in Ruby on Rails with Prototype. This screencast demonstrates how to refactor that form into usage of jQuery. Download 88.4 MB Download (iphone & ipod) 40.7 MB


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