Geraldo show


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 Geraldo Rivera, 12-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:51

The NRA makes a very much awaited announcement in response to the Newtown shooting. Republicans reject Speaker Boehner's "Plan B" proposal. Geraldo discuss this and more with Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Deepak Chopra, PJ Crowley, Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, Bill Kristol, Senator Johnny Isakson and more on today's show!

 Geraldo Rivera, 12-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:51

Grover Norquist endorses Speaker Boehner's Plan B proposal to avoid the fiscal cliff but why? Obama is having Vice President Biden lead a Gun Control Task Force. What does he plan on doing? Geraldo discusses this and more with Neil Cavuto, Ambasssador Nicholas Burns, Ambassador John Bolton, Congressman Tom Cole, Alan Dershowitz, Christiane Amanpour and many more on today's show!

 Geraldo Rivear, 12-19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:45

Will the Democrats and most importantly the Republicans accept Speaker Boehner's Plan B. Plus, Obama speaks about how he wants to tackle gun control today. Geraldo talks about this and more with Congressman John Yarmuth, Congressman Tim Huelskamp, John Lott vs. John Rosenthal, Will Cain vs. Roland Martin and more on today's show!

 Geraldo Rivera, 12-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:24

Is an ban on assault weapons the solution to guns or is just banning them all together or not at all! Plus, are Speaker Boehner and President Obama any close to a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff? Geraldo asks these questions and more to Juan Williams, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Governor Tom Ridges, Mary Matalin, James Garbarino and more on today's show!

 Geraldo Rivera, 12-17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:29

What a somber morning to return to after the horrific tragedy in Newtown Connecticut where 26 people were killed. Twenty of them were children. Geraldo looks into every aspect of this story from gun control, to mental health of perpetrator, to how it affects the community with Dr. Keith Ablow, Steve Dulan, Larry Pratt, Josh Horwitz, Governor Eliot Spitzer, Eric Bolling, Lt. Paul Vance, Tom Mauser, Dan Gross from the Brady Foundation and many others on today's show.

 Geraldo Rivear, 12-13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:46

Last night was the legendary 12-12-12 concert where all the shows proceeds went to Hurricane Sandy! Tune in to hear some of the legendary acts! Plus we discuss the fiscal cliff, Syria, Right to Work states and others. Geraldo discusses this with Judge Andrew Napolitano, Andrew Card, Congressman John Yarmuth (D-KY), Rosario Marin, Benjamin Crump, Ed Klein vs. Michael Tomasky, Ann Coulter and more!

 Geraldo Rivera, Wednesday 12-12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:43

Despite the meeting between Speaker John Boehner and President Obama they are still no closer to a deal! Syrian rebels may be recognized by some major world powers. Plus, George Zimmerman's request to remove his tracker. Geraldo discusses all this and more with Ambassador John Bolton, Benjamin Crump, Congressman Michael Burgess, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Ron Johnson, and other great guests!

 Geraldo Rivera, Tuesday 12-11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:43

Geraldo brings you a star studded show with Congressman Ron Paul, Larry King, Governor Judd Gregg, Sam Donaldson, Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele vs. Joe Trippi, Governor Charlie Crist, Tommy Chong, Chuck Leavell, Thalia and more on today's show!

 Geraldo Rivera, Monday 12-10 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:42

President Obama and Congressman John Boehner met yesterday to come up with a deal that they both can be satisfied with. Was this accomplished? Geraldo asks Bill Kristol, Eric Bolling, Governor Spitzer, Congressman Michael Grimmy, Marcy Syms, Congressman Joe Amash, Congressman Huelskamp and more on today's Geraldo!

 Geraldo Rivera, Friday 12-7 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:38

Thank god it's Friday! Geraldo talks about a variety of issues from marijuan, to the fiscal cliff, to the NFL players suicide rate and more with Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Congresswoman Marha Blackburn, Governor Mike Huckabee, Governor Garry Herbert, Congressman Emanuel Cleaver and others on today's show!

 Geraldo Rivera, Thursday 12-6 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:16

Marijuana and Gay Marriage were just legalized in Washington State! Should this happen in NY? Geraldo debates this and the fiscal cliff with Juan Williams, Mike Reagan vs. Congressman Rangel, John Stossel, Senator Inhofe, Stephen Moore, Newt Gingrich and more on today's show!

 Geraldo Rivera, Wednesday 12-5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:30

President Obama and Congressman Boehner can't seem to come to any agreement over the fiscal cliff! Will we make it before the new year? Geraldo asks Roland Martin, Will Cain, Bruce Bartlett, Cenk Uygar, Congressman Tom Cole, Senator John Hoeven, Bill Kristol and more! Plus, is football to dangerous of a sport for your kid and how does football relate to gun control debate? Tiki Barber gives his side to these and other pertinent questions.


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