Worship Ministry Catalyst show

Worship Ministry Catalyst

Summary: David and Kevin have been running the Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast for over 6 years now. If you haven't joined the conversation, we invite you to come sit at our table!

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  • Artist: David Lindner and Kevin Kruse
  • Copyright: Copyright © Worship Ministry Catalyst 2008-2014


 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – Episode 0031 – Acoustic Guitar Workshop – Part 1 (of 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:35:26

In this week’s episode, David and Kevin are joined the the venerable John Ross. John is an Associate pastor at Pearl Church, in the Pearl District in Downtown Portland, OR. In this first part of a two part series, John covers some of the basics of the Acoustic guitar. It’s not only insightful for those of you who are aspiring to be guitarists, but it is insightful for worship leaders who are wanting to know how to talk guitar. John’s original background is as a church musician – he’s led worship for a number of churches and currently works for Pearl Church in downtown Portland. Along the way, he’s played at coffee shops, pubs, churches, and amphitheaters; making music and practicing production. John spent 3 years running a recording studio on the side, producing and mixing records for clients. You can join in the conversation by joining our network, filling out the contact form, or sending an email to david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Other Links: www.pearlchurch.com www.johnrossmusic.com

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – Episode 0030 – Being too hard on ourselves | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:38:10

In this week’s episode, David and Kevin talk about “Being too hard on ourselves.” As musicians and artists, we have a tendency to only be pleased with how we perform when the performance is perfect, at least to us. It might not actually be perfect, but it’s perfect to us, we don’t notice any flaws. When that happens, we’re happy. When that doesn’t happen, we beat ourselves up thinking of all the things we could have done differently (not matter how small) to make it better. You can join in the conversation by joining our network, filling out the contact form, or sending an email to david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Other Links: Click here to Go to Multnomah University’s website to download “Nothing is Impossible” for free.

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – Episode 0029 – Technological Recontextualization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:33:13

Os Guinness said in his book Prophetic Untimeliness, “After two hundred years of earnest dedication to reinventing the faith and the church and to being more relevant in the world, we are confronted with an embarrassing fact: Never have Christians pursued relevance more strenuously; never have Christians been more irrelevant.” In this week’s episode, David and Kevin breach the topic of “Technological Recontextualizaion” that was brought up at the Recent CB Northwest Conference by Senior Pastor Scott Reavely of New Life Church (formerly known as West Linn First Baptist) We don’t get very far down this road, but it’s definitely a road worth traveling down. I’m sure this is a topic that will come up again and again as we continue to think about how we do Worship Ministry in the Local Church. You can join in the conversation by joining our network, filling out the contact form, or sending an email to david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Here are a few links you should check out: Geeks & God Podcast (Pretty deep podcast about all things tech, especially drupal and other web 2.0 technologies.) Church Leader Insights podcast about your home page.

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – Episode 0028 – Time management and Rehearsal Preparation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:38:06

In this week’s episode, David & Kevin talk about Time management and particularly how it relates to being prepared for rehearsals and other events. We talk about some of the struggles in getting prepared and some of the things we can do to be more prepared. This is a very important issue, one that can really add to or take away from our volunteers experience. If we’re prepared, we really set the stage for them to feel like they are succeeding and we also set them up for success. If we aren’t prepared, we’re communicating that it’s not all that important to come to rehearsal prepared, and we’re requiring more of them for all of us to be able to succeed. This is a topic we’ll definitely becoming back to in the future, we’ve only scratched the surface in this episode. You can join in the conversation by joining our network, filling out the contact form, or sending an email to david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well.

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – Episode 0027 – Communication | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:38:06

In this week’s episode of the Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast, David & Kevin talk about the art of communication (or the lack thereof). It’s a delicate thing, how much should we communicate, and in how much detail, how often, what should we say, etc. We share some of our personal successes and failures in communicating and talk about some of the goals we have to improve our communication. We hope this episode will really help you in getting thinking about how and what you communicate. You can join in the conversation by joining our network, filling out the contact form, or sending an email to david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well.

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – Episode 0026 – Introducing new Songs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:38:06

Today, David and Kevin tackle a topic that has been a point of contention for many worship leaders for many years – what are the guidelines for introducing a new song? How many new songs can you do throughout the course of a year? When you introduce it, how should you teach it to your congregation? We truly hope that you’ll find this episode of the WMC podcast encouraging and insightful in your pursuit to continually improve the worship ministry at your local church. You can join in the conversation by joining our network, filling out the contact form, or sending an email to david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well.

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – Episode 0025 – Year End Review (Part 3) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:39:19

In this weeks episode of the Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast, David and Kevin do a follow up to the interview of Jodan Fowler from www.worshiptrench.com. It was such a great episode we just had to continue talking about it this week. If you missed last weeks episode, you really should check it out. We talk about some of our thoughts from the interview, as well as give you some of the details for the Reviews we’re doing with our own worship ministries. If you’re doing a Year End Review, we’d love to hear from you and how the process is going for you. You can join in the conversation by joining our network, filling out the contact form, or sending an email to david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well.

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – Episode 0024 – Interview with Jordan Fowler of Worship Trench.com | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:39:43

What a great episode we have for you this week. We talked with Jordan Fowler of www.worshiptrench.com about doing a Year End Review. It is a very uplifting and encouraging conversation for us and I’m sure it will be for you too. Jordan not only shares with us some very helpful insight in how to do a Year End Review, but many other little helpful bits of information along the way. If you’re doing a year end review and have some thoughts you’d like to share about your process we’d love to hear them. You can join in the conversation by joining our network, filling out the contact form, or sending an email to david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well.

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – Episode 0023 – Using non-Christian Musicians in the worship band | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:34:53

Break out the Heresy hat because we’re bringing on the controversy this week on the Worship Ministry Catalyst podcast. In this week’s episode David & Kevin talk about using Non-Christian Musicians in the Worship Band. For too many of us, we just answer “no” without ever thinking about it. But could it be possible that we’re missing out on an opportunity by not keeping an open mind? Listen in to find out. You can also join in the conversation by joining our network, filling out the contact form, or sending an email to david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – Episode 0022 – Crash & burn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:25:27

A bit over dramatic…but…sometimes things happen. Sometimes plans fail and sometimes not because of anything we did or didn’t do. That’s what David & Kevin talk about in this episode of the Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast. What do you do when things Crash & burn? We would love to hear from you about this topic. Maybe you found yourself in the same situation this last Christmas. If you did, we’d love to hear your story too. You can also join in the conversation by joining our network, filling out the contact form, or sending an email to david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – Episode 0021 – Doing a year end Review (Part 1 of …) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:25:27

And we’re back! After a little Break around the busy time of Christmas and then vacation, we’re finally back with an all new episode of the Worship Ministry Catalyst podcast. In this week’s episode David and Kevin start talking about doing a year end review. We started this conversation before Christmas, and it sparked both a good discussion and some follow up that is going to bring about another episode or more about doing a year end review. We hope you’ll dive right in and listen to this podcast and in turn be willing to consider doing some form of a year end review. In this podcast we also talked about the Worship ministry catalyst network. We were talking specifically about the ability to upload your original worship songs that you’re willing to share with the Worship Ministry Catalyst Network. We hope you’ll start to take advantage of this network and share some of the gift that God has given to you with a group of worship leaders from around the world! You can also join in the conversation by joining our network, filling out the contact form, or sending an email to david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Links for this Episode: Worship ministry catalyst network. Worship Trench

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – Episode 0020 – Perfectionism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:36:50

Do you ever feel like you’re at war with yourself? Not as in split personalities, but in terms of you desire to have a perfect worship service and your desire to please God. Are these even at odds with each other? In this week’s episode, David and Kevin talk about trying to find a balance between our desire for perfection while at the same time not loosing sight of what’s important. Kevin talks about a recent disaster service he went through at his church and some of the thoughts he had regarding what was an appropriate response to the weekend. This is and issue that I’m sure many of us deal with. We would love to hear how you deal with the perfectionism problem. If you have some advice on this subject, or you would like to respond to the advice that we give in this podcast, feel free to comment on this post. You can also join in the conversation by joining our network, or fill out the contact form, or sending us an email. david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com. We truly appreciate your faithful listening. We hope that you find these podcast both entertaining and informative in helping you take the worship ministry you are involved in down a path of excellence. God bless you in your week of preparing for the weekend.

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – Episode 0019 – Where do Worship Leaders get their fill? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:41:13

In this week’s episode, David & Kevin talk about some of the places they go, and some of the ways they keep themselves fit for being worship leaders and worship pastors. It’s a big question, one that we don’t have all the answers for and one that both of us are still working on. We hope we can offer some practical advice for you. If you have some advice on this subject, or you would like to respond to the advice that we give in this podcast, feel free to comment on this post. You can also join in the conversation by joining our network, or fill out the contact form, or sending us an email. david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com. Thanks so much for taking the time to listen to the Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast. We’re glad we can be a support and encouragement for you and the worship ministry you participate in. If there’s something we can do to help you out in some way, or if there’s a topic you’d like us to disucss (like this week’s topic) let us know.

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – Episode 0018 – It’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:36:43

In this weeks’ episode David & Kevin talk about what we’re doing for Christmas. We thought it would be good to talk about Christmas while there’s still time to help those who listen to this podcast in their planning. As opposed to simply evaluating the podcast after we’ve finished the season. So, we talk about Christmas, what we’re planning on doing, as well as some other stuff that has been going on in our worship ministries. If you’d like to join our discussion, feel free to comment on this post, join our network, or fill out the contact form, or send us an email. david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com. Thanks so much for listening to the Worship Ministry Catalyst podcast. We’re grateful for you. If there’s anything we can do to help you in your ministry, let us know. We don’t know everything, but we’d be glad to help if we can. Show Links: Advent Conspiracy First Baptist Church of Springdale, Choir Rehearsal (iTunes Link) Gateway’s Worship Arts Ministry Blog – Choir Post Travis Cottrell – Christmas Worship Kathie Hill’s Christmas

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – Episode 0017 – The Financial Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:37:38

In this weeks episode, David & Kevin talk about how the financial crisis is affecting worship ministry. We also talk about improbable pranks, and give a shout out to college football AP poll voters. We know that the current state of the economy has affected how we do worship ministry. That’s why we’re talking about this, because we’re pretty sure that it’s affected the way a lot of worship ministries do ministry. Listen in to this podcast to hear some of the things that we’re doing in our current situation, without money. We’d love to hear back from you about this podcast, other podcasts or other issues you’d like us to talk about. Feel free to comment on this post, fill out the contact form, or send us an email. david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com. You can also take your communication with us to the next level on our Worship Ministry Catalyst network. Thanks for listening!


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