Vermont Garden Journal show

Vermont Garden Journal

Summary: The Vermont Garden Journal is a weekly program hosted by horticulturalist Charlie Nardozzi. Each week, Nardozzi will focus on a topic that's relevant to both new and experienced gardeners, including pruning lilac bushes, growing blight-free tomatoes, groundcovers, sunflowers, bulbs, pests and more.

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  • Artist: Mary Williams Engisch, Charlie Nardozzi
  • Copyright: Vermont Public Radio 2011


 Vermont Garden Journal: Protecting Berries From A New Pest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

If you're growing fall raspberries or blueberries, chances are you're starting to see this pest. Or you're seeing the symptoms of this pest. If you've noticed your ripening blueberries or raspberries shriveling on the plant or turning into a maggot-filled mess after sitting on the counter for a few days, you probably have spotted the winged drosophila fruit fly.

 Vermont Garden Journal: The Canna Lily Offers Late-Summer Color | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

We can thank the Victorians of the late 1800's for many things, including the canna lily. This tropical American native, wasn't grown in gardens until Victorian-era gardeners came upon them. Now canna lilies are a standard, grouped in clumps in gardens or planted in decorative containers.

 Vermont Garden Journal: An Essential Task For Maintaining Fruit Trees | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

There are a few gardening chores that break your heart. I hate removing self-sown annual flowers and snipping off pepper flowers from young plants. But I mostly cringe at thinning my fruit trees. I work hard to grow a fruit tree to the mature fruiting stage, so removing any fruit seems like a crime. But thinning fruit trees is essential and you should do it now.

 Vermont Garden Journal: Plants For Problem Places | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

It seems every perennial flower garden I visit, or grow, has some area that's challenging. Often, the solution is simply growing the right plant in the right place. So let me run through a few perennial flowers for problem places in your yard.

 Vermont Garden Journal: Bird Control | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

As a gardener living near a mix of fields, forest, wetlands and a pond, I have a love/hate relationship with birds. Although I understand that everyone needs to eat, it's difficult to nurse along a strawberry, blueberry, grape or cherry crop, only to have the harvest stolen by birds.

 Vermont Garden Journal: Basil, The Global Herb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

When I was in the Peace Corps in Thailand, I remember a green leaf used as a spice in one of my first meals. It had an anise flavor but looked familiar. It was my first experience with Thai basil. Many years later, I was drinking a flavorful tea in India and again noticed a familiar leaf with a distinct clove-like flavor. It was Tulsi tea made from holy basil. My point is, there are a lot of unique flavored basils from around the world.

 Vermont Garden Journal: In Search Of A Friend, The Tiger Lily Continues To Spread | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

The Korean folk story tells of a hermit who saw a tiger that was wounded by an arrow. The hermit helped the tiger by removing the arrow and they became friends. When the tiger died, the hermit used his magical powers to turn him into a lily. When the hermit died, the tiger lily started spreading, looking for his friend. Tiger lilies are still searching and spreading around the globe ever since.

 Vermont Garden Journal: The Leafy Green Goodness Of Amaranth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

Amaranth has been called the food of the gods, superfood of the Aztecs and the next “quinoa.” But we know amaranth as mostly an ornamental plant with colorful, weeping flower heads. While farmers continue to experiment with growing amaranth commercially as a grain crop, another way to enjoy this American vegetable is as a leafy green that you can grow in your garden.

 Vermont Garden Journal: Poor Growing Conditions Are Not A Problem For The Elderberry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

The elderberry is an American shrub that's great for problem-places. It grows in full or partial sun and can withstand wet, clay soils and still thrive.

 Vermont Garden Journal: Break Out Your Bean Pole And Let 'Em Climb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

Beans date back thousands of years to South America. While most gardeners grow the low, bush version, this plant was originally a sprawling climber. While bush beans - and stringless bush beans in particular - are a modern vegetable, pole or runner beans are more versatile.

 Vermont Garden Journal: One Type Of Broccoli Is Just Not Enough | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

Broccoli has become a popular vegetable in many gardens and on many plates. But not all broccoli is created equal. There are some unusual heirlooms and hybrids on the market that can make growing broccoli downright fun!

 Vermont Garden Journal: A Dragon That's Fun And Fragrant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

The snapdragon is a common, annual flower that originated in Southern Europe. Its name is appropriate since the botanical term means “snout-like” and the flowers look like jaws and a snout. In fact, you can squeeze the side of the flowers and make the petals move. Whatever variety you prefer, now's the time to plant them.

 Vermont Garden Journal: Hybrid Or Heirloom Or Both? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

For many years I've debated about growing hybrid or heirloom tomatoes in our garden. Heirlooms, such as Speckled Roman, Cherokee Purple and Green Zebra, offer interesting plant shapes and colorful fruits with enticing flavors. Hybrids, like Celebrity and Big Beef offer uniformity, disease resistance and productivity. Usually I grow a few of each. Now there are new hybrids available that combine the taste and look of heirlooms with the consistency of a hybrid.

 Vermont Garden Journal: The Beautiful Foxglove | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

There's a story about a fox trying to steal chickens from a farmer. Every time the fox got close to the coop, the chickens heard him coming, started squawking, and the farmer came out to chase him away. One day, a woodland fairy came to the fox and suggested he take the open blooms from a nearby flower and place one on each foot and try again. He did and was successful, stealing a chicken for dinner. The plant he used was the foxglove. You may not believe the story but you can't deny foxgloves

 Vermont Garden Journal: On A Tree Or Shrub, There Are Many Choices For Growing Cherries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

I just finished pruning my cherry trees. While I love the taste of the sweet and tart cherries, there are a few other cherries to consider for your yard.


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