BhTV: The Glenn Show (audio) show

BhTV: The Glenn Show (audio)

Summary: Glenn Loury invites guests from the worlds of academia, journalism and public affairs to share insights on economic, political and social issues.

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 Glenn Loury & Harold Pollack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:03

On The Glenn Show, Glenn talks to Harold about politics domestic and international. They start out by analyzing violent crime in Chicago's South Side. Harold explains inner-city violence with game theory. Then, they turn to international affairs: Does Pope Francis have moral authority in the Middle East? Will the Holocaust ever become politically irrelevant? Finally, Harold gives up on presidential politics, and Glenn argues that, on international affairs, Obama is worse than Nixon.

 Glenn Loury & Rajiv Sethi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:13

The revered and reviled arguments of Thomas Piketty ... The rich save differently from you and me ... Piketty's unusual explanation for Africa's instability ... Does the national debt benefit the rich? ... Why Piketty quotes Balzac and Jane Austen ... The main message of "Capital in the Twenty-First Century" ...

 Glenn Loury & Larry Kotlikoff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:47

On The Glenn Show, Glenn and Larry argue about superstar economist Thomas Piketty. Larry contends that the best-selling Capital in the Twenty-First Century is sensationalistic and wrong. If Piketty's a "fraud," why do Krugman, Summers, Solow, and other eminent economists like his book? Finally, Glenn urges economists to read history.

 Glenn Loury & John McWhorter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:56

On The Glenn Show, Glenn and John react to Ta-Nehisi Coates's article reviving the case for reparations. John says that Coates won't persuade Americans. John and Glenn worry that political correctness stands in the way of candid facts. How well does America understand its racist history? What's the point of reflecting on atrocities? Finally, Glenn offers his own critique of the case for reparations.

 Glenn Loury & Andrew Weiss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:06

On The Glenn Show, Glenn and Andy discuss why good intentions are not enough when politicians are trying to help the poor. They consider the downsides of raising the minimum wage, which Andy likens to a "secret sales tax" on the working poor. Glenn plays devil's advocate and brings up Australia, which has a minimum wage twice that of the US. Is there a better way to help the long-term jobless than the current unemployment insurance system? Andy recounts how his experience as an employer made him much more sympathetic to anti-regulatory arguments. Finally, are there Democrats who are willing to hear from someone like Andy?

 Glenn Loury & Ann Althouse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:43

On The Glenn Show, Glenn and Ann discuss the firing of New York Times editor Jill Abramson and the gender pay gap. They consider a Straussian explanation for political correctness. They next revisit the Clarence Thomas–Anita Hill story, about which Abramson wrote a book. Are women and African-Americans held to a different standard than white men in the workplace? Plus: What role will gendered expectations play if Hillary Clinton becomes president?

 Glenn Loury & John McWhorter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:45

On The Glenn Show, Glenn and John consider what Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling reveal about how America talks about race. Did their comments merely spark "useless outrage"? Glenn wishes that black leaders would embrace a larger class-based or international perspective, and longs for a modern revival of Martin Luther King's 1968 Poor People's Campaign. Next, they look back on John's 2008 prediction that Obama's presidency would improve race relations in America. What will the racial fallout be if Obama is viewed by history as a mediocre president?

 Glenn Loury & Larry Kotlikoff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:07

On The Glenn Show, Larry explains his grave concerns about Social Security, which he calls a "bipartisan Ponzi scheme." They dig deeper into Larry's "astounding" numbers, and Glenn wonders why Paul Krugman isn't on board. Larry sketches a progressive, fully-funded alternative to Social Security, but Glenn thinks it's never going to happen.

 Glenn Loury & Harold Pollack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:33:14

On The Glenn Show, Glenn and Harold discuss Paul Krugman's criticism of Paul Ryan's comments on inner-city poverty. Why are welfare recipients, as opposed to Medicare and Social Security beneficiaries or bailed-out banks, characterized as "takers"? Is there such a thing as a culture of poverty? Would Ryan's comments have been better received coming from a black congressman? They address Ta-Nehisi Coates's thoughts on the interplay of race, culture, and poverty. Glenn asks why poor immigrants are often able to advance more quickly than native-born African-Americans.

 Glenn Loury & John McWhorter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:23:57

On The Glenn Show, Glenn and John discuss the charge that Newark mayoral candidate Shavar Jeffries might not be "black enough" to run that city. Glenn, remembering Obama’s early failed run against Rep. Bobby Rush in Chicago, asks what’s wrong with voters objecting to a candidate who seems inauthentic. John counters that judging candidates on superficial characteristics won’t help minority communities. Glenn contends that the gut is often as important as the mind in politics. Next: Is Spike Lee right about gentrification in Brooklyn? Can gentrification benefit both old and new neighborhood residents? Plus: Why the younger generation may not care about gentrification battles.

 Glenn Loury & Ann Althouse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:48

On The Glenn Show, Ann and Glenn reflect on Valentine's Day and modern love. Ann is frustrated by Nancy Pelosi's focus on gender politics. Glenn thinks Rand Paul has a point about Bill Clinton's exploitation of women. They next discuss sexual relations in different industries and cultures. Is it imperialist to support gay rights abroad? Finally, Anne reminds us that there is no "up" or "down" in love.

 Glenn Loury & John McWhorter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:42

On The Glenn Show, Glenn and John talk about the link between inequality and single parenthood—and why this is such a controversial topic to discuss. John is concerned about single women having more than one child. Do we know what to do to keep someone out of poverty? John thinks that by focusing on inequality instead of single-parent families, liberals are putting the cart before the horse. They discuss David Brooks's recent column on inequality and Robert Reich's harsh critique of it. Glenn emphasizes that when it comes to discussing poverty, "culture" shouldn't be a dirty word.

 Glenn Loury & Harold Pollack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:23

On The Glenn Show: What does Martin Luther King, Jr. Day mean 45 years after King's death? Glenn and Harold note King's radicalism—and the resistance he faced—in the late '60s. Harold says MLK's view of political power holds lessons for today's progressives. What would have happened if King had not been assassinated at the age of 39? Turning to current politics, Glenn and Harold debate the GOP's campaign to pass voter ID laws. Harold laments that progressives are often bored by the levers of conventional political power, and offers King as a counterexample.

 Glenn Loury & Larry Kotlikoff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:23

On The Glenn Show, Larry makes the case for abolishing the corporate income tax. He describes his economic model, and critiques the demand-side theories of Paul Krugman. So why should the corporate income tax be done away with? Glenn wonders whether there's a better way to counteract the tax-rate "race to the bottom." Larry's argues that his plan would boost Americans' incomes by 8%. Plus: Glenn and Larry debate whether technological change is hurting American workers.

 Glenn Loury & Harold Pollack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:20

On The Glenn Show, Glenn and Harold discuss their reflexive distaste for social justice bandwagons. For example, Glenn agrees that poverty is a problem, but thinks raising the minimum wage is an "intellectually impoverished" response. Harold has advice for the minimum wage activists: stick to the facts. Next, Glenn and Harold argue over the relative merits of incrementalism vs. radicalism. Harold is jarred by the discrepancy between Paul Ryan's recent anti-poverty campaign and his proposed budget. They close by debating poverty and political correctness.


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