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Summary: What do you do after spending 30 years as a nurse? Buy a motor home and take it easy? Volunteer for the Peace Corps or spend more time at Curves? Hell no---you start a radio show because you're passionate about helping others and terrifically funny! "Cause laughter is the Best Medicine! Nurse Talk with Casey Hobbs & Dan Grady sponsored by National Nurses United, the California Nurses Association and the Massachusetts Nurses Association.

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 Nurse Talk Short | Robin Hood Tax + Preventing Postpartum Depression | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:20

Donna Smith, our National Nurses United D.C. correspondent brings us up to speed on Robin Hood Tax. Donna, best known as one of the documentary subjects of Michael Moore’s 2007 movie, “SiCKO.” national single-payer healthcare advocate and community organizer for National Nurses United, co-chairs the Progressive Democrats of America’s national “Healthcare Not Warfare” campaign. And, get a little Marsha Podd, RN, the author and Baby Whisperer talks about preventing postpartum depression. You can listen to Donna's entire segment, sponsored by National Nurses United or the whole show in the Nurse Talk Audio Archive.

 Sample Nurse Talk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:33

Wonder what we're talking about? Have a listen.  

 Nurse Talk Short | Mandatory Overtime | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:20

Casey and Shayne find a laugh or two in a topic that is no laughing matter. Listen as they talk with Massachusetts Nurses Association President RN Donna Kelly Williams talk about mandatory overtime. It doesn't exist because there is a lack of nurses, as some would have you believe. Follow the money. You can listen to the whole segment with Donna here. Or have some real fun and listen to the whole show here.

 RN Donna Kelly Williams Says No to Mandatory Overtime | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:26

On August 6, 2012, Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts signed into law Senate Bill 2400, "An Act improving the quality of healthcare and reducing costs through increased transparency, efficiency and innovation." One provision of the law applies to hospitals as employers prohibiting mandatory overtime for nurses. In this show, a discussion on how they did that in Massachusetts. Originally aired June 23, 2102, you can listen to Massachusetts Nurses Association President RN Donna Kelly Williams talk about the Massachusetts State Legislature House & Senate versions of a health reform bill that would ban mandatory overtime. Donna and her street gang of nurses were on the state house steps to support their efforts. Some (non-nurses) may be asking… "Why should I care about this?” You don’t want a tired nurse—now do you? It's time to take action in your state.

 Best of Nurse Talk: Just Say No to Mandatory Overtime and Laughter Vs. Breast Cancer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:45

On the show this week a best of Nurse Talk with RN Donna Kelly Williams on Mandatory Overtime and Author Eileen Kaplan on Laughter vs. Breast Cancer. On August 6, 2012, Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts signed into law Senate Bill 2400, "An Act improving the quality of healthcare and reducing costs through increased transparency, efficiency and innovation." One provision of the law applies to hospitals as employers prohibiting mandatory overtime for nurses. In this show, is a discussion on how they did that in Massachusetts. Originally aired June 23, 2102, you can listen to Massachusetts Nurses Association President RN Donna Kelly Williams talk about the Massachusetts State Legislature House & Senate versions of a health reform bill that would ban mandatory overtime. Donna and her street gang of nurses were on the state house steps to support their efforts. Some (non-nurses) may be asking… "Why should I care about this?” You don’t want a tired nurse—now do you? It's time to take action in your state. Also on the show this week is author/humorist and cancer survivor, Eileen Kaplan who wrote a book called Laughter is the Breast Medicine. Eileen is now a speaker and cancer awareness advocate. She shares her journey about surviving breast cancer, and dealing with its aftermath. Eileen is just one of those NATURALLY funny people…who really knows how to make laughter out of lemons! Check our her website,

 RN Deborah Burger on California Prop 30, Raising Money for Health Care | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:03

We check in with RN and Friend of Nurse Talk, Deborah Burger. Deborah is also co-president of National Nurses United. She’ll talk about California Proposition 30 endorsed by the California Nurses Association and supported by Governor Jerry Brown. Prop. 30 would raise from $6 billion to $9 billion every year, mostly through a small increase in taxes for the top income brackets, starting at households making $250,000 or more per year, as well as a temporary one-quarter of a cent increase in the state sales tax---with the revenue going for healthcare, education, childcare and other critical services.

 Fall Flu Fashion Show, Dr. Francine Shapiro on EMDR and RN Deborah Burger on Raising Money for Health Care | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:46

Most of us don’t run with the crowd that attends the Annual Fall Fashion Week in New York City. does seem somewhat exciting and it certainly highlights all of the beautiful fall fashions and---SADLY---the fact that eating disorders are alive and well in the fashion industry. Well, just because we are boring old nurses doesn’t mean we can't have some fun and run with the “it” people. Nurse Talk presents our 3rd annual FALL FLU FASHION SHOW---and believe me it is a doozy! And we welcome back Dr. Francine Shapiro. Dr. Shapiro returns to talk about her successful treatment of veterans with PTSD. Dr. Shapiro discovered one of the most important breakthroughs in the history of psychology, EMDR therapy, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Her new book is Getting Past Your Past: Take Control of your Life with Self-Help Techniques from EMDR Therapy. We also have two of her colleagues, Dr. E. C. Hurley, Ph.D., who has been working with soldiers and veterans since he enlisted as a private in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam era, and Dr. Mark C. Russell, Ph.D., who is a retired U.S. Navy Commander, and board certified clinical psychologist, with 26-years of military experience. Together with the help of EMDR therapy---these clinicians are producing groundbreaking results for these soldiers with PTSD. Dr. Shapiro also talks about HAP, the EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Program, the mental health equivalent of Doctors Without Borders: a global network of clinicians who travel anywhere there is a need to stop suffering and prevent the after-effects of trauma and violence. Visit AND we’ll check in with RN and Friend of Nurse Talk, Deborah Burger. Deborah is also co-president of National Nurses United. She’ll talk about California Proposition 30 endorsed by the California Nurses Association and supported by Governor Jerry Brown. Prop. 30 would raise from $6 billion to $9 billion every year, mostly through a small increase in taxes for the top income brackets, starting at households making $250,000 or more per year, as well as a temporary one-quarter of a cent increase in the state sales tax---with the revenue going for healthcare, education, childcare and other critical services.

 Nurse Talk Short | Fall Flu Fashion Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:19

Most of us don’t run with the crowd that attends the Annual Fall Fashion Week in New York City. BUT does seem somewhat exciting and it certainly highlights all of the beautiful fall fashions and ---SADLY--- fact that eating disorders are alive and well in the fashion industry. Well just because we are boring old nurses doesn’t mean we cant have some fun and run with the “it” people. Today we’ll present our 3rd annual FALL FLU FASHION SHOW---and believe me it is a doozy! You can listen to the whole show here.

 In My Day…We Used Honey for Everything | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:30

In my day, honey was the most used product in my mothers medicine cabinet besides vinegar and the rectal thermometer. If I had muscle cramps, she made me take two teaspoons of honey with my meals and told me to stop complaining. If I had a sore throat, she gave me tea with lemon and honey, fever or not, and she told me to stop complaining. My mother used honey instead of alcohol to sterilize cuts and open wounds because it didn't sting. If her skin felt dry, she made up a poultice of eggs, flour and honey and used it as a hand lotion. I can still remember her shaking my teacher's hand and both of them had to teach the rest of the class. In the late 40's, I had to deal with acne and momma rubbed honey on my face and covered the pimples with Band-Aids overnight and told me to quit complaining. By morning, my skin was smooth and clear. A little stiff, but smooth and clear. She told me not to smell the flowers. Why? She never explained that one. My father had a very touchy tummy and mother made him swallow a spoonful of honey everyday to calm his intestine and stop his complaining. If one of us got a burn, she always used honey to soothe it and if we were tired, she'd give us honey to pep us up. Why? So we'd stop complaining. When my sister came home from summer camp with worms, I was delighted. I didn't get to go to summer camp. Momma mixed honey with vinegar and made her drink it. Why? To get rid of the worms. She was fine within the week. Ben Franklin said, "Nothing but money is sweeter than honey." But he wasn't Jewish. We were. That was before he wandered around with a kite and a key and gave us electricity. All that honey stopped our complaining but not my mother's. She complained so much that when she died, we thought we'd all gone deaf. I guess you had to be there. These days, I just take Xanax, to hell with honey. I'm Lynn Ruth Miller with another edition of In My Day.

 RN Jean Ross Segment on the Robin Hood Tax | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:28

A Best of Nurse Talk interview originally broadcast May 19, 2012. We talk with one of our favorite guests RN and Co-President of National Nurses United, Jean Ross. Jean will tell us about the Nurses Assembly in Chicago where over 1200 nurses talked about everything from healthcare to Medicare and promote a Wall Street Transaction Tax. Check out this Bill Moyers (PBS) interview with National Nurses United Executive Director Rose Ann Demoro as she talks about the “Robin Hood” tax. Peeps—no matter what your political persuasion—it makes sense!

 Best of Nurse Talk | RN Alison Whitaker on Vital Signs, RN Jean Ross on Robin Hood and Dr. Jamie Koufman on Dropping Acid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:43

The best of the best of the best of the...well you get the point. This week enjoy this great repeat performance originally aired May 19, 2012. RN Alison Whitaker on Vital Signs, RN Jean Ross on Robin Hood and Dr. Jamie Koufman on Dropping Acid Casey and Shayne check in with RN and playwright RN Alison Whitaker. Some of you may remember Alison was on the show last year introducing her one-woman play called, Vital Signs. It’s a great show at the Marsh Theater in San Francisco. If you missed Alison Whitaker's Vital Signs in's been extended! Don't miss it again get your tickets at the Marsh Theater. And we talk with one of our favorite guests RN and Co-President of National Nurses United, Jean Ross. Jean will tell us about the Nurses Assembly in Chicago where over 1200 nurses talked about everything from healthcare to Medicare and promote a Wall Street Transaction Tax. And then..for you 60’s hippies…let's talk about Dropping Acid! That’s right...but of course, not the kind you think. Dr. Jamie Koufman will be with us to talk about acid reflux and what you can do to control or cure it by simply changing your diet. Dr. Koufman has written a book called Dropping Acid, The Reflux Diet Cookbook and Cure. According to the book, acid reflux affects 30-50% of the population. You won’t want to miss this.

 Nurse Talk Short | Dr. Jamie Koufman on Acid Reflux and Listener Question | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:19

A little sneaky peeky into Nurse Talk's show 447 featuring Dr. Jamie Koufman, author of Dropping Acid a book about acid reflux and how to get rid of it. A little fun with a listener a question too. You can listen to the whole show too.

 Nurse Talk Short | Workplace Assault | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:20

Studies show that people in healthcare professions are physically assaulted on a regular basis. Fifty percent of those assaulted are emergency nurses. Often, when our fellow nurses are assaulted, nothing is done about it and it isn't taken seriously because it's assumed that nurses have done the provoking. Say what? You can listen to the whole show here.

 Michael Lighty on “Not-for-Profit” Hospitals and Trent Lange on California Clean Money Victory | Sept. 1, 2012 | Show 459 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:45

Welcome to Nurse Talk where laughter is the best medicine. A salute to our Republican friends and relatives---and we do have them. This week's show has a little Mitt Romney. We think he’s singing AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL? Oh dear lord. We promise when the Democratic Convention rolls around we'll give equal time to President Obama's singing! Just a little fun on this sunny summer day. AND---hey---what about that West Nile Virus?! Well, a listener in Utah wants to know if she should get her family face and head nets to keep them safe. Well now lets stay calm. Casey and Shayne will share the low-down on the facts about this nasty virus---what it is, where it comes from---and simple steps to save yourself the money it would cost to buy those face and head nets. Also---get ready for a little policy talk with California Nurses Association Director of Policy, Michael Lighty. Or---closer to the truth---get ready for some very disturbing facts and findings from a report that cites the huge profits hospitals are making by virtue of their non-profit status. Private not-for-profit hospitals, which dominate the California hospital landscape, rack up tax exemption benefits of close to $2 billion a year beyond what they return to communities in charity care, according to the report. The study was just released by the Institute for Health and Socio-Economic Policy, the research arm of California Nurses Association and National Nurses United. You really won't want to miss this conversation. You can read the report for yourself at AND while we’re on the subject of money we’ll share a great victory for all of us from The California Clean Money Campaign. Trent Lange, executive director for the organization will bring us up to speed on AB 1648, the groundbreaking California DISCLOSE Act, which just passed the full Assembly last week by a solid majority of 50 to 26. This is great news and a blow to SUPER PACS, which can now hide their financial contributions. AB 1648 requires public disclosure of the contributors. A step toward renewing our democracy!

 CNA’s Michael Lighty on Huge Profits for Not-For-Profit Hospitals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:11

Also---get ready for a little policy talk with California Nurses Association Director of Policy, Michael Lighty. Or---closer to the truth---get ready for some very disturbing facts and findings from a report that cites the huge profits hospitals are making by virtue of their non-profit status. Private not-for-profit hospitals, which dominate the California hospital landscape, rack up tax exemption benefits of close to $2 billion a year beyond what they return to communities in charity care, according to the report. The study was just released by the Institute for Health and Socio-Economic Policy, the research arm of California Nurses Association and National Nurses United. You really won't want to miss this conversation. You can read the report for yourself at


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