This Week in Mormons show

This Week in Mormons

Summary: This Week in Mormons is the leading podcast on Latter-day Saintnews and issues, peppered with a bit of absurdist comedy and snappy wit! Join our host and editor-in-chief, Geoff Openshaw, as he partners with engaging Latter-day Saint co-hosts from around the world to bring you the best in Latter-day Saint news and commentary. Follow the blog at Episodes typically published mid-week.

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 Episode #276 – Judge Not | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:45

Why is judging so rampant in Mormon culture? Surely few of us mean it to be, but it is, and a number of recent articles and incidents speak to Mormonism's difficulty with letting discipleship be personal. Take, for example, Stirlinggate, wherein Lindsey Stirling, a lovely, outspoken, happily LDS woman wore a dress to an awards show that ruffled a few feathers. We go from praising to vilifying rather quickly. Or gay rights activist Mitch Mayne, who cannot fathom why it's anyone's business whether or not he has a temple recommend. Or Bryce Harper, who is seen as too "edgy" in some Mormon circles. Join us as we talk at length about these stories and how they relate to the way we too often assume everyone else needs to be as perfect as Christ, erring not. And in other huge news, Boy Scouts of America head Robert Gates (formerly the Secretary of Defense and head of the CIA) says the time has come to do away with the antiquated practice of barring gay leaders within Boy Scouts' ranks. The Church has opined on the matter by saying it will opine more as it the situation develops. In other news, Mitt Romney pretended to box, we have 10 tips for how to remain faithful to your spouse, we also talk about new menu items, temple dedications, and a bunch of other goodies. So join us, will you? Show Links: * Gay Boy Scouts advisers * Romney and Holyfield cuddle * 10 ways you are being unfaithful to your spouse * Lindsey Stirling freaks out lame people * Mitch Mayne wants you to care more about him and less about a card in his wallet * Bryce Harper is breaking down Mormon stereotypes * New menus * Missionaries pulled from Burundi * 6 lies early-returned missionaries tell themselves * Córdoba Argentina Temple dedicated * A history of the BYU Jerusalem Center

 Episode #275 – For the Beauty of the Lawn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:28

BYU-Hawaii gets a new president. Al, our resident alumnus, has his thoughts on outgoing president Steven C. Wheelright and inbound president John S. Tanner. A youth Sunday School teacher was allegedly released from his calling for using the church-produced essay on race and the priesthood as supplemental material. If this is true, we cry foul. If it's not true, we cry foul on the other guy. The Los Angeles Temple is not immune to California's drought problems, and the Church has decided to let its vast lawn die in an effort to save water. It's a cool gesture, and Solomon's temple had no lawn. Christianity is shrinking in the US, according to a new PEW study, and Mormonism is about flat, so we're not shrinking, but nor are we growing. Also, Mormons have the largest families of all families in all religions in America, shocking no one. What's up with back rubs at Church? Is it too much? IS THERE TOO MUCH RUBBING? BYU is now basically paying its "amateur" athletes via some loopholes in tuition scholarship regulations. Will this make them win? No. Also, Utah eats candy at twice the national average, Heavenly Mother makes an appearance via a BYU art school project, the Church's approach to LGBT issues has improved its favorability ratings, a rad mission prep app that Al hates, and... your mail! Click this stuff now * New BYU-Hawaii president * BYU to pay players * Rub the backs. All the backs. * Sunday school teacher dismissed for using Church materials * Los Angeles Temple dries up * Utah loves candy * Heavenly Mother at BYU * Mormons have huge families * Christianity shrinks in US * People like Mormons more when Mormons like gays more * Mission prep app

 Episode #274 – The Luxury of Stepping Down | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:49

Online tithing payment is now officially a thing, but you must be patient with the rollout. Moreover, we should remember that tithing is confidential, so if you are entrusted with tithing knowledge, don't be casual in discussing it. We've got some great followup to last week's discussion on apostolic health and age, including a podcast from Radio West featuring Richard Bushman and Charles Prince. The Cedar City Temple gets a groundbreaking announcement, and the Montréal Québec Temple gets a rededication announcement. Huzzah! So... Baltimore sucked last week. Many stakes across the Eastern Seaboard fasted for peace and renewal of Charm City. What should Mormons do when facing civil strife like this? The Church donates money to help kids be judges in Israel. Wait.... How can you help in Nepal? Our own Dustin Homer has some ideas. Assorted news: missionaries to return to Liberia and Sierra Leone; Elder Christofferson attends a religious freedom event in Brazil; the seal of Melchizedek on the San Diego Temple; 8 famous people who became Mormons; and a Book of Mormon spared by fire brings a family to baptism. * Confidentiality of tithing * Online tithing! * Old age and Church leadership on Radio West * Cedar City Temple groundbreaking * Fasting for Baltimore * Missionaries set to return to Liberia and Sierra Leone * Inflammable Book of Mormon * Church donates $100K to children's justice center * Help Nepal * Elder Christofferson in Brazil * Montréal Temple Rededication * Seal of Melchizedek on San Diego Temple * 8 famous peeps who converted to Mormons

 Episode #273 – Apospitals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:02

Hi. Welcome to this week's show. We are here. Did you see Kate Kelly using GoFundMe to buy a personal laptop, then upgrade her laptop needs, then donate proceeds to Ordain Women? It was glorious. So glorious that we are now taking donations for This Week in Mormons. If you love us, donate. Give us money. Elders L. Tom Perry and Richard G. Scott were both hospitalized last week. It's been revealed that Elder Perry has thyroid cancer and Elder Scott has gastrointestinal bleeding. At the time of recording, Elder Scott was still in the hospital, but he has since been released. All missionaries are safe in Nepal. It's a pity countless thousands aren't. The popular BYUtv drama Granite Flats is coming to Netflix, representing BYUtv's first foray into third-party streaming. There's a new Central Eurasian Mission! Geoff is too geeked-out happy about this, but it's interesting news. Make sure to check out our write up. Mormons are masters of SEO and social media, and a new piece on Forbes goes into greater detail on Salt Lake's machinations and strategy in the digital space. It's really interesting. A woman writes a BuzzFeed article in which she laments being 38 and single in Mormon culture, citing how irksome it is to be asked constantly about kids and marriage. Except it turns out she doesn't want kids at all. So... The US Supreme Court started hearings this week on same-sex marriage laws. A landmark ruling is expected in June. We've got an initial rundown for you. Other news: The Star Valley Wyoming Temple breaks ground; FHE turns 100 (sort of); USC adds an LDS studies program; is swearing in music worse than in movies? And Utahns are pretty OK with the Church's influence in state politics, unless you ask a Democrat. * Buy Kate Kelly a laptop * Go Fund US!!!!  * Granite Flats on Netflix * Missionaries safe in Nepal * How Mormons pwn the Internet * New Central Eurasian Mission * Feel a Man's Hand on Me 3(?) * Apospitals * Swearing in ...

 Episode #272 – The TWiMies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:59

What are the main challenges the Church will face as it enters its third century of existence? Correlation? Doubt? Female ordination movements? Apathy? Let's talk about it. How do you deal with profanity and inappropriate language at work? This is a genuine question. We want answers. Jana Riess says that even though it's wonderful Ms. Virginia proclaims her modesty, aren't beauty pageants in and of themselves immodest? An interesting take. We are going to have awards this year. Who wants to meet us at the Ramada in Mesquite?! Other stuff: the story of six missionaries who narrowly missed being on the Titanic; new temple presidents; the world's least religious countries.   Links: * Third century challenges * New temple presidents * Beauty pageants are not modest * Six missionaries and the Titanic * World's least religious countries

 Episode #271 – Marco, We Are Your Polo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:47

We go through a number of Mormon missionary myths, because they are important. So very important. But really, what myths do you have? Mormons are the most reliable Republicans. It's shocking. There's a petition to excommunicate Harry Reid. Let's talk about how misguided this is. Marco Rubio could technically be the first Mormon president! Take that, Mittie! The Church has signed a friend-of-the-court amicus brief about protecting the definition of marriage. In a related note, Josh Weed and his wife - the openly gay man happily married to his wife - take issue with their example being used to support the brief, as they do not support it. Did you know that former Mormons can still be business savvy and make a modest clothing line? It's madness! A Vivint bro dresses down for Obama. 'cause respect. Open house tickets for the Payson Utah Temple are now available! Apparently Brian Williams was "obsessed" with Mitt Romney's garments. Hey, and there's a great podcast right now from LeadingLDS about active church leaders experience same-sex attraction. Seriously, listen to it. * Modesty on the Today Show * Former member launches modesty clothing line * Mission myths! * Petition to excommunicate Harry Reid * Ms. Virginia is modest * The best wrestler in the world * Brian Williams loves Mitt's underwear * Mormons are the most reliable Republicans * Marco Rubio!!!!!!! * Amicus brief from Church * The Weeds are not on board with Church SCOTUS stuff *

 Episode #270 – Witness How I Sin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:26

It's time for our awesome General Conference recap show! We look forward to this every six months and hope you'll join us as we discuss our impressions and feelings about the various talks given throughout the 185th Annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There are highlights all over the place, but as a recap, here's everyone who spoke: General Women's Session * Filling Our Homes with Light and Truth - Cheryl A. Esplin * The Family Is of God - Carole M. Stephens * Defenders of the Family Proclamation - President Bonnie L. Oscarson * The Comforter - President Henry B. Eyring Saturday Morning Session * "Is Not This the Fast That I Have Chosen?" - President Henry B. Eyring * The Plan of Happiness - President Boyd K. Packer * We'll Ascend Together - President Linda K. Burton * The Parable of the Sower - Elder Dallin H. Oaks * Choose to Believe - Elder L. Whitney Clayton * Why Marriage and Family Matter - Everywhere in the World - Elder L. Tom Perry Saturday Afternoon Session * Therefore They Hushed Their Fears - Elder David A. Bednar * Why marriage, Why Family - Elder D. Todd Christofferson * The Music of the Gospel - Elder Wilford W. Andersen * Latter-day Saints Keep on Trying - Elder Dale G. Renlund * Truly Good and without Guile - Elder Michael T. Ringwood * The Lord Is My Light - Elder Quentin L. Cook Priesthood Session *

 Episode #269 – Freetown Is a Movie and a Place | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:14:18

We're joined by Garrett Batty and Adam Abel, director and producer, respectively, of the upcoming faith-based LDS drama Freetown, which depicts the true-life story of Mormon missionaries struggling to escape war-torn Liberia in the early 90s. In other news, Brandon Flowers is really disappointed in Mitt Romney, even though they once brunched together. Some updates: the BYU student who alleges he was kicked out of his housing for coming out as gay has settled his case out of court; also, follow up on our piece from last week about the LDS Church's influence in the Utah state legislature. Also, Harry Reid is retiring. Farewell, Mormon Democrats. Did you know you can meet your true love at General Conference? Just never break the stare! GAZE INTO HIS EYES! The first ever missionary from Bosnia and Herzegovina is off to serve in England. That's cool. Can Mormons engage in wine tasting? One of us is seriously asking. Should Women's Conference be only for women since Priesthood session is only for men?? And of course, General Conference predictions. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and keep up with our beloved Tie Tracker. Links: * Daguerreotype of Wilford Woodruff discovered * Evicted from BYU housing, then settling * Brandon Flowers is disappointed with Mitt Romney * True Love at General Conference * Women's Conference for women * Mormons and marijuana * Sister missionaries injured on bikes in Idaho * First Bosnian missionary * Utah politics update * Harry Reid to retire *

 Episode #268 – Beards of Sin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:09

Seriously, what's up with the stigma about beards? Why do many church leaders passively nudge men to be clean shaven? What's up with that? How is this still a thing? BYU endures a catfishing scandal. The real crime is that these women put up with it for YEARS. Are we still getting the same benefits from our church history sites? A piece at By Common Consent discusses the watered-down history now available in Nauvoo but the rise of testimony-bearing in place of education. Your thoughts? Missionaries are not going to be on Facebook for the next few months, so you won't get canned messages in your groups. But we have the real skinny on why they are gone and when and if they are coming back. Meet the Mormons is coming to home video, and with it, over an hour of bonus features, including an entire segment that was cut about an Italian-born artist. Football coaches > artists. We discover and interesting article by a former member of Utah's state legislature in which the heavy influence of LDS lobbyists is discussed. It makes sense, but we don't want to pretend we are comfy with every aspect of it. Some of it is pretty galling. Other stuff: new scripture translations are going digital before print; there's a ward council app; you'll soon be able to (more easily) pay tithing online; a tour of the homes of prophets; Glenn Beck gets mantled (WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!); we have zero tolerance for sexual abuse,'s founder is arrested for sexual abuse; and a Russian documentary says Mormon missionaries are American spies, even the non-American ones. Clicks: * Catfishing at BYU * Church history sites are more spiritual, less educational * Russian documentary - Church responds (in Russian) * Prophetic homes * Glenn Beck gets mantled * No tolerance for sexual abuse * founder arrested * Meet the Mormons - the super serious director's cut * LDS Church involvement in Utah politics *

 Episode #267 – The Temple Thief | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:38

Utah brings back firing squads, but why? Is "blood atonement" a real thing that guides Utah politics? Meet the Mormons grossed about $6M at the box office, and the Church recently donated the proceeds, totaling $1.6M to the American Red Cross. Good job! It turns out one can purchase coffee, tea, etc. at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Laie, Hawaii. This has left us perplexed, for the PCC is way more obviously LDS than, say, City Creek. It's actually run by BYU. Cyclone Pam has hit the Pacific hard, and as of recording, there are still a few missionaries in Vanuatu unaccounted for. A sister missionary in Argentina dies of E. coli, of all random things. And in the process, we learn that the Church swings pretty hard for the grieving families if their missionary dies in the field. Utah's LGBT anti-discrimination passes the state legislature. Even mainstream media have praised the Church for pushing hard to pass the bill. Is it truly a compromise? The Salt Lake City 1st Stake is dissolved. #1. Not in chronology, but in order. All the rest of you in SLC stakes are now off by a quantity of one in your nomenclature. The Church has announced what are likely the final temple dedications of the year: the rededication of the Mexico City Mexico Temple and the dedication of the Tijuana Mexico Temple. All told, that'll be five new temples in 2015 and one rededication, which makes for a banner year. Mitt Romney is going to box Evander Holyfield and our lives are complete. A guy in Rexburg actually steals from people AT THE TEMPLE. Wanna sing with MoTab? They have a way to make you feel included in their upcoming Atlantic tour. Also, gun control and hunting!    Links! * Missionaries in cyclone (update) * Sister missionary dies in Argentina * Anti-discrimination bill for LGBT passes Utah legislature * Salt Lake City 1st stake discontinued * Temple dedications * Tijuana Mexico Temple open house * Utah brings back the firing squad * Meet the Mormons donations to Red Cross * Mitt Romney to box Evander Holyfield * The Temple Thief *

 Episode #266 – Cows | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:45

The Church is embroiled in a lawsuit over water rights in Nevada. You see, there isn't much water in Nevada, and the Church sits on top of a lot of it. Las Vegas casinos want it. Who will win?! John Dehlin has reversed course and decided to appeal his excommunication, but basically on grounds of a mistrial. It's interesting. Speaking of discipline, a blogger who decided polygamy was not a divine commandment, but the will of man, is allegedly facing some sort of discipline from his stake president if he doesn't pull down his blog post. We can't confirm what is second-hand hearsay, but we say the man is not a prominent thinker and can publish what he wants. But again, where's the line? We gotta find the line. Elder Holland says we'll have 100,000 missionaries by 2019. But is this a prophecy or a projection?! Ancient cities are discovered in Honduras! Book your ticket for our Book of Mormon history tour today! What are the top 21 Mormon temples? We'll tell you. Links: * Top 21 Mormon Temples * 100,000 missionaries by 2019 * How to teach Mormons about tough things * Polygamy debate and church discipline. Read both. * It's not of God? * It's of God? * Come to Honduras * Vegas vs Mormons * John Dehlin to appeal * "Actor" from "hit" movie Meet the Mormons to play BYU football  

 Episode #265 – Prospect Mali Goes to Hollywood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:19:30

Tanner Christensen, editor of 17 Miracles, Ephraim's Rescue, and the upcoming Don Verdean and The Cokeville Miracle joins us to talk LDS Cinema, Indiana Jones-like shows, how many celebrities he knows, and whether Jared Hess has a potty mouth. It's pretty awesome. Make sure to use TanMan Post for your post-production needs! LDS Family Services has partnered with, a for-profit adoption community, to provide adoption services to Latter-day Saints. For a refresher, LDSFS stopped providing its own adoption services last year. Now the Church is footing the bill for the $200/month charge for using this site. Good? Bad? Kate Kelly was denied her final appeal on excommunication, and as a response, her husband has opted to resign his membership in the Church. Because that's the measured response. Did you know you can buy a book that depicts famous moments from LDS church history in the form of Legos? Oh yes! It's real, and it's fabulous. BYU once had a secret club in which grown men hid a book in the Harold B. Lee Library and proceeded to traipse about, playing games of tag and intrigue. The book of secrets still exists. Prince Ata of Tonga has ignored his father's wishes and been baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, having done so in Hawaii this past weekend. We are praying for no patricide or regicide or any form of -cide. Did you know that the apostles are old? Peggy Fletcher Stack does, and she wants all of you to know it, too. Alex Boyé has opted to listen to dirty music so as to remove the dirty from it and then make a hot YouTube video. This time, he's done it to perennial filth monger Bruno Mars' latest hit. But someone had to listen to it to edit it! This is like the Cleanflix conundrum! Other news: Elder Holland speaks at Chapman University; Star Valley Wyoming will finally break ground on its temple; Sister Jean A. Stevens, who is the first woman to pray in General Conference, is being released so her husband can be a mission president; and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is inducted into the Classical Music Hall of Fame. Links! * LDS Family Services partners with * Lego church history * Sister Stevens will not stay forever * BYU's secret club * Kate Kelly loses appeal, continues raging * Prince Ata gets baptized * Star Valley Wyoming Temple groundbreaking

 Episode #264 – Occupy Mutual | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:05

A-ha! Another week. More bliss! More joy! Do we have problems in Scouting within the LDS Church? Are we maximizing the opportunity of Scouting? What about the Young Women? Are they getting enough of the pie? Let's talk about the youth programs in the Mormon Church. In huge news, the Raintree Apartments will revert back to BYU control. No more missionaries. It's OVER! Ever been to the LDS Film Festival? Well now's your chance. But what is the purpose of this festival? Like, srsly. Why? New rules encourage families to attend the temple for baptismal sessions together instead of going with the ward. This is awesome. Are your memories of youth baptisms with your ward or with your family? Might be better with your family, eh? In other news: dating is OVER; LDS LinkUp dies and resurrects in a matter of days; Dialogue gets a new editor; 20th stake in Houston... ...and more! Like discussions on Subway franchises in Spain! OR tips for how to give a good sacrament meeting talk!   News Items to Click: * The real problem with Scouting * Female anger toward Scouting * Raintree reverts to BYU * Houston's 20th stake * Dating is over * LDS Film Festival * Family time at temple * Dialogue gets a new editor * Get rid of this guy's watermarks * Tonga gets Meet the Mormons

 Episode #263 – Expecto Missionalis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:45

Missionaries are held captive in Albuquerque. Better call Saul! In a much cooler story, a Flemish television presenter who has vowed to say "yes" to everyone runs across some LDS missionaries, and agrees to talk with them about the gospel. The result is a pretty cool little video. Watch it below at the bottom of this post. Mormon sexuality is misunderstood, and much of it is our own doing. So how do you feel about sexy Mormon times? The Huffington Post ran a thirty-minute video discussion with a handful of therapists, academics, and even an active and gay Mormon man about sexuality within Mormonism. BYU got a heart-shaped piñata. All are punished. The LDS Bachelorette has returned, and we don't love it. Come on, Erin Elton. Stand by your (sort of former) product! Other stuff: Mormons believe in an afterlife more than everyone else; Prime Minister David Cameron receives his genealogy from Church leaders; a former bishop loves Jewish food so much he opened a deli in Salt Lake; there's a bloody history for Mormons in Jackson County, Missouri; and the Church's new Family Discover Center is pretty cool.   Stories: * Missionaries held captive * Say yes to the missionaries * Mormon sex lives * The return of the LDS Bachelorette * Mitt Romney is not a terrorist * BYU heart piñata * Reuben-worshiping Mormon * Belief in the afterlife * The bloody history of Jackson County * David Cameron receives family history * Family discovery center

 Episode #262 – Questions & Apostasy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:06

This week's lead story is, of course, the excommunication of podcaster and Open Stories Foundation founder John Dehlin. The Church has been a bit more open this time around, perhaps having learned lessons from the Kate Kelly ordeal last year. Either way, there is more information available to all of us than there was before. So what constitutes apostasy? Is it for having questions? Is it for having questions publicly? Is it for pushing one's views in such a realm that others adopt said views, leading them astray? Is it publicly expressing disagreement with the Church over core doctrines? None of us are thrilled when someone gets excommunicated, and it's important to remember that while many of you say "courts of love" with snark and a wink, that love is real, and many of you have firsthand experiences with disciplinary councils. There's also other news, such as the Church moving away from pensions in favor of 401(k)s. Ick. Some missionaries in New Zealand were attacked, but they rocked it. Another missionary took a selfie every day for two years and shared it as a video. Kinda neat. How do we improve Internet access in our buildings. The key is to Not. Use. The. WiFi. Just don't use it! Ever been curious about the religious affiliations of the United States Congress? We've got you covered. Elder Oaks holds a fireside to tell kids not to hang out. So stop hanging out! But does Elder Oaks understand Tinder? That is the question. Other stuffs: Floods in Reno! Mormon Yankees! A woman offers to take lashes for Saudi prisoners! The Lost Book of Mormon! Here are your show links. Use them. Give them traffic. * Church responds openly about John Dehlin * John Dehlin surreptitiously recorded one of his meetings with stake leaders * John Dehlin makes money * Church drops pensions * Missionaries attacked * Missionary selfie * Improving Internet access * Religious affiliations of congress * LDS woman volunteers to take lashings for Sa...


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