Eventual Millionaire - Video Case Studies with Millionaire Business Owners show

Eventual Millionaire - Video Case Studies with Millionaire Business Owners

Summary: Every week I interview a successful millionaire and dive deep into their mind, revealing EXACTLY what patterns have made them so successful. What do millionaires do differently? Learn from in depth case studies on how business owners (with a net worth of one million or more) start and run their businesses. Discover what works RIGHT NOW in their business, and what they have done to create a successful business.

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 The 4 stages of an entrepreneur with Ray Zinn | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 48:10

Episode Highlights: How to start building a team (And who to hire first), Tips in creating the best company culture for your business (4 important company cultures), How to get to the elder statesman stage as an entrepreneur, How to remove the perfectionist mindset as an entrepreneur, Tips in making the right decision (Ray's decision making process), How to empower your employees to be in the elder statesman stage, Learn the importance of self-care (And how to implement it)...

 Expanding your capacity and setting up boundaries with Lisa Fabrega | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 44:52

Episode Highlights: How to expand your capacity to handle more growth, wealth and success, What are internal and external boundaries (And how to set them), 6 essential boundaries that every entrepreneur needs to create in their business, How to enjoy your whole life, and not hate your work, How unnecessary emotional labor is derailing your success...

 Finding and managing high-quality virtual assistants with Barbara Turley | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 53:55

Episode Highlights: How crazy do the systems have to be when you start to hire a VA, Sample tools to use in implementing your systems and processes, How to have efficient and effective communication with your VAs, Recruitment tips in hiring the right VA, When should you fire your VA, How often to do the "How it's going?" call with your VAs, Learn how Barbara built a business and had a baby at the same time with high-quality VAs, Reasons you fail with a VA (And how to fix it)...

 Building a 7-figure business from nothing with Jessica Zimmerman | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 38:23

Episode Highlights: Jessica journey in her life and business, How to know when you are stress (And how to alleviate it), Learn how Jessica shifted everything through meditation, Tips in preparing for your next business opportunity...

 The courage to make huge changes with Ken D. Foster | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 37:07

Episode Highlights: Ken's definition of courage, What helps generate courageous success, The role of self-awareness play in having the courage to change your life, Why people need to do what they love now (And not later), How to move forward to create future success, Steps to take to use the consciousness of courage to break through limitations...

 Why You Need to be a Self-Reliant Entrepreneur with John Jantsch | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 33:41

Episode highlights: The difference of his latest book, The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur, to his other books, Tips in enjoying your life and business together (especially meditation), How to get away from guilt in putting self-care before business, How to be resilient when things don't work out, Tips in re-framing your mindset, How to know what's working and not working for us in this world, How to test and implement a good idea...

 All about franchises with Erik Van Horn | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 43:38

Episode Highlights: Learn How real estate launched Eric in business (which still plays a role in his overall strategy), Finding, buying, starting, scaling and selling franchises, When to buy a franchise (and the issues to work on before buying), How to match a franchise buyer to a franchise, Traits that will lead to business success, Partnerships: the good, bad, and the ugly, How to find good people to manage the businesses (when to give them equity), What franchisees should do to level up their businesses...

 The vacation effect with Denise Gosnell | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 48:07

Episode Highlights: Learn how Denise developed "The Vacation Effect", The secret in running 3 businesses 3 different industries by working just 3 days a week, What is scheduling experiment (and how to implement it), How freedom is a mindset, and not a destination, Learn the better way to have growth in you personal and business life, Difference of male and female business owners (productivity wise), How to figure out the flow of your freedom days, What life event made Denise shift from being a workaholic to living in freedom, Tips in delegating to your team...

 The trust equation with Josh Turner | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 44:32

Episode highlights: Learn the four pillars of trust equation, Tips on building relationships with new prospects and maintaining relationships with existing network and connections, What is Connect 365 (and how to use it), How to efficiently segment your list and communicate to it, Tips and tricks on having a high open rate and engagement from your list, What are the constraints in using LinkedIn as a marketing channel...

 Energy solutions for better results with Sheevaun Moran | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Founder of Energetic Solutions, Inc. – Sheevaun Moran Sheevaun Moran is a business advisor, master coach, quantum energy thought leader and the founder of Energetic Solutions??. Having worked with over 25,000+ entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and leaders, Sheevaun has combined her corporate experience, rapid growth expertise and her unique approach using energetic techniques & principles to help innovate small businesses into big successes. She is an expert at impact, influence and income wizardry where a business is stagnant or starting up. Episode Highlights: Learn more of Energetic Solutions?? What is quantum energy Strategies of energy solutions for better results in business and life What is energy cutting (and tips on how to implement it) How to overcome ADD Strategies to maximize the use of Trello How to deal with task switching in a day How to reshuffle and prioritize all the things to do in a day Stories of entrepreneurs Sheevaun helped in their business and life Learn how to be financially independent by lining up your energy Know yourself through energy alignment How to grow and scale your business through your energy Recommended Resources: Trello Zapier 12 Essential Energies for Personal Power The Secret Energy of Sex The Secret Energy of Health The Secret Energy of Food The Five Essential Energies to Success Connect with Sheevaun: Facebook Linkedin Twitter Google+ Websites: SheevaunMoran.com freekickstarter.com Transcript: Download Video Transcription?provided by?GMR Transcription Services. Jaime: Welcome to Eventual Millionaire. I?m Jaime Masters, and today on the show, I?m very excited to have Sheevaun Moran. You can check her out at sheevaunmoran.com. She?s a master coach, and she?s created a program called The Energetic Solution. I am so excited to talk to her today. Thanks so much for coming on the show today.

 Becoming a “champion” goal achiever with Dr. Jeff Spencer | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Speaker & Coach – Dr. Jeff Spencer Dr. Jeff Spencer is a doctor, mindset guru, chiropractor, artist, olympian, and author. Over the course of Dr. Jeff’s life and career, he had a diverse set of experiences and accomplishments. As a result, he had a unique vantage point with which to become ?Mission Control? for high performing individuals. This distinction enables him to analyze circumstances and challenges from a different point of view, allowing him to see the path to achievement where others may not. Over the last forty years, Dr. Jeff had the privilege to coach, mentor, and advise some of our generation?s greatest achievers. From Tiger Woods to U2, Bulletproof to Nike, each of his clients has benefited from the culmination of his life?s experiences. He discovered that success doesn?t come from will, talent, or tactics. The winners know something everyone else doesn?t. What they?ve discovered is that success is both a path and a process. He is now a Cornerman to leaders of industry, world class athletes and iconic performers. He works behind the scenes developing these world class achievers into superstars in their field. “Our human nature is not what gets us to be great. It?s our champion mind that gets us there, and it?s not just positive thinking.” – Dr. Jeff Spencer Episode Highlights: What is a champion’s blueprint The two fundamental parts of achieving your goals In-depth explanation of Jeff’s goal achievement roadmap How to understand our human nature When to celebrate your success How long does the daily grind last Learn goal achievement as a leader of a team The difference of “belief” and “knowing” How to recalibrate moments to have a champion?s mind Goal Achievement Roadmap Connect with Jeff: Twitter Facebook Website: DrJeffSpencer.com Transcript: Download Video Transcription?provided by?GMR Transcription Services. Jaime: Welcome to Eventual Millionaire. I am Jaime Masters, and it is my good honor to have my good friend Dr. Jeff Spencer on the show. Now, I?m gonna tell you a quick little intro for him. I usually don?t do this, but I met him at an invite-only event, and he blew me away, and I actually have a little testimonial. It said, ?Part? ? I can?t even read my own handwriting ? ?Part doctor, part guru, part medicine man from Lance Armstrong.? I think that sums it up. You are an artist, sir. Thank you so much for coming on the show today. It?s an honor. Dr. Spencer: You?re so welcome. Thank you. Jaime: So, again, every time I talk to you, I just have a joyous experience, so I know that the listeners will have that too. Give me a little bit of your background because you?re also an Olymp ? you have so much amazing background that I couldn?t even cover it all, so tell us what you do. Dr. Spencer: What I do, or the background, or how I got to where I am? Whatever? Well, I guess the place it really starts is when I was 7, I thought it?d be really awesome to become an Olympian. I just had that in my brain.

 The best way to exit a business with Mark Mills | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 44:59

Ex founder of Cardpoint plc – Mark Mills Mark Mills is an entrepreneur who has created and successfully exited three companies. He is the founder of Cardpoint PLC which achieved $100M annual revenues from start-up, where he exited when an offer of $25OM revived. He then founded the Mark Mills Partnership after he was asked to assist other business owners with the sale of their businesses. Many owners do not understand the process or have suffered from it breaking down. Unlike other advisers, Mark is highly experienced at delivering a successful outcome and ensuring the deal is made for maximum return to the business owner in a reasonable time frame. Mark leverages legacies for company owners and ensures that legacy is realized. “Whatever happens throughout the exiting process, your business has to go in an upward trajectory.” – Mark Mills Episode Highlights: Things that will come up when you exit from your business What is the standard due diligence list you need What the three elements in presenting your business Who you should approach specific buyers How to test a good advisor for your business How to approach your closed-knit team when you’re selling your business How to set up a timeframe in selling your business Tips in delegation when exiting a business Recommended Resources: Making Your Mark by Mark Mills Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss with Tahl Raz Connect with Mark: Linkedin Twitter Websites: Mark.co.uk Transcript: Download Video Transcription?provided by?GMR Transcription Services. Jaime: Welcome to Eventual Millionaire. I am Jaime Masters, and, today, on the show, we have Mark Mills. You can check him out at mark.co.uk, and he sold 100 million-pound annual revenue company and has had 3 exits himself. Thank you so much for coming on the show today. Mark: Thank you for having me, Jaime. Jaime: I love working with and chatting with people that have done exits because I don?t think people talk about it. We?re all building to sell, supposedly, but when it actually comes time to sell, I feel like people get beat up a lot. So, can you talk about your experience with your companies and being able to sell, especially the first one? Mark: Absolutely. I think one of the interesting things is that the process really has to start when you start the business, when you think about it, because, if you are looking to build a business to sell it, then, really, from day one, you should start to think with the exit in mind. And if you do that, then your preparedness will make it a lot easier as you go through the process of building your business and then, subsequently, exiting it. So, I think that the thing that I would give as a piece of advice is to start with the end in mind. So, even if you?

 How to survive business puberty with Eric Gilbert-Williams | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 41:59

Episode Highlights: What is business puberty (and how to survive it), Why each business growth spurt requires different mindset and skills, How to make people in your team accountable (and how to call them for their mistakes), How to get unstuck (especially as the business owner), Learn how manage risk and failure in business, The difference between an entrepreneur and a business owner, Hiring process tips to hire the right type of people for you...

 From One Embroidery Machine to Online Empire with Melanie Duncan | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 49:59

When Melanie Duncan was growing up she never thought she would be an entrepreneur. Listen in to hear her amazing journey of online success. She gives ...

 7 Million in 7 Years with Adrian Cartwood | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 45:58

Adrian explains how important finding his life purpose was in creating 7 million in seven years. We also talk about why he doesn't budget and never did ...


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