Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff

Summary: Welcome to the podcast of the Bible Answer Man broadcast with bestselling author and CRI President Hank Hanegraaff! On the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers your questions with well-reasoned answers to equip you in the essentials of the historic Christian faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. When it comes to the essentials of Christianity, there must be unity: "In essentials, unity; nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."

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 Live At Peace with All and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank quotes from Romans 12:18, where the Apostle Paul says, "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." When speaking with gay and lesbian friends and family members, we must remember that they may not come to understand truth as we may want them to. Our goal, however, is to reflect the truth to whoever will hear it and to reach rather than repel. Last year's Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage signaled a seismic paradigm shift, so much so, that President Obama bathed the White House in rainbow colored lights. Since the Christian viewpoint is now considered a minority viewpoint, we must strive to speak about homosexuality with kindness and clarity. Hank answers the following questions: If my mother is cremated, will she still be raptured? Were all those who perished in the flood bad people? What about the children and babies? How can I help my son who is struggling with pornography? Could this be a generational curse? Is Isaiah 7:14 referring to the virgin birth of Christ or someone else? Have you ever heard of Herbert W. Armstrong? When we pray, should we only address the Father and not pray to Jesus?

 The Enormity of Marriage Redefinition and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank describes the enormous implications of same-sex marriage. The redefinition of marriage is no small thing. At all times and in all cultures, marriage has always been between a man and a woman. Yet contrary to this, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy said that those who want to exclude same-sex marriage do so out of hate and animus. What should be obvious to Kennedy, however, is that every redefinition of marriage, including his own, excludes someone. The problem is that if you redefine the meaning of a word, you change the thing itself. And at some point we may find it hard to communicate an idea for which we no longer have a word. Despite the magnitude of this redefinition, the leaders of at least three mainline Protestant denominations have celebrated the Supreme Court's legalization of same-sex marriage. Hank answers the following questions: What do you think about passages of Scripture that make belief in the Trinity difficult? Can you address the Jehovah's Witnesses interpretation of Proverbs 8:22 with regard to Jesus? Can you comment on Hebrews chapter 2 and the warning against falling away? Is this a warning to Jews? Why is it that our Bible doesn't contain other books such as the Gospel of Thomas? Why are your commercials so negative towards gay people? Why don't Christian ministries focus on adultery or other sins? Is a marriage considered legitimate without a state license? What qualifies a couple to be married in the eyes of God? What is your interpretation of Luke 20:41-44? Which temple is being referenced in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2?

 Not Yielding to Political Correctness and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank begins with two testimonies including a testimony from a former Muslim who converted to Christianity due in large measure to the ministry of the Christian Research Institute. It is clear that we live in a politically correct culture, but CRI is anything but politically correct. A shocking example of this is Austrian pop singer Conchita Wurst, who sports a beard yet dresses in drag with full makeup. This is further seen with the approval of a six-year-old boy named A.J. who wanted to become a girl, as well as the acceptance of Bruce Jenner's transgenderism. The Bible, however, defines the borders of human sexuality so that our joy may be complete. To yield to political correctness is to forfeit the very call God has placed upon our lives. Hank answers the following questions: If my mom was a Christian and went to heaven, and I as an atheist, go to hell, wouldn't she be sad? How can I believe there's a God when I don't see any evidence? I have some friends who are Black Hebrew Israelites; do you think they can still go to heaven with their beliefs? If Christians don't vote, is this similar to the parable of the Good Samaritan? If we don't vote, it will be recorded for all eternity. I've lived the majority of my life as a homosexual and thought many times that I should be a girl. My son came out as a homosexual a few years ago and now is transsexual. How can I deal with this?

 Death Has Been Defeated and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank discusses the funeral of his son-in-law who was buried today. At funerals we are often reminded that we should run with endurance the race that is set before us. And while few pastors preach about rewards in heaven, Jesus explicitly taught about rewards for those who are obedient in the Sermon on the Mount. Although we are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, what we do now counts for all eternity. As Paul says in 1 Corinthians chapter 3, we can build on that foundation with gold, silver, and costly stones. One thing is certain; we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account of what we have done here on earth. Hank answers the following questions: Why do you think everything after rapture is still in the book of Revelation? Do non-Christians have a second chance to be saved during the Tribulation? My wife and I are separated; how does what Jesus said about divorce differ from what Moses said? Can you explain the apostle Paul's teaching on divorce as well? How do we know the Old Testament is not just ordinary history; how do we know God was really speaking to them? What are those who have died and gone to be with the Lord doing in heaven? How can I show my Christian family members that it's important to vote? My husband believes William Branham was a prophet and follows him, but I don't. I want to stay in this marriage; what passages of Scripture would encourage me in this situation? Was the unforgivable sin something that only happened during Jesus' day? Is this something we could accidentally do today? How important is church attendance?

 Death Has Been Defeated and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank shares his thoughts on the armor of God as it relates to death. The breastplate of righteousness can be considered a spiritual heart protector, but the helmet of salvation is a spiritual head protector that covers our minds in spiritual warfare and blunts the blow of death. Although cultural thanatologists may encourage us to accept death as a friend, Christian theology sees death as the enemy. This message radiates from the lips of Job who experienced not only the death of his livestock, but of his children as well. Yet with an eternal perspective he said, "For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God." In Christianity, death has been defeated through the resurrection of Jesus, and we know that God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep. Hank answers the following questions: Can you define the belt of truth and the sword of the Spirit mentioned in Ephesians chapter 6? Does predestination mean that only a certain number of people will be saved, or can everyone call on Jesus and be saved? We have a leader in our church that doesn't pray to the Father in the name of Jesus, but prays directly to Jesus; is this correct? Can you address Robert Jeffress interpretation of Genesis 16:12? Are the descendants of Ishmael, Muslims? Can you address the birth of the belief in the rapture? How can I have assurance of salvation? Did you say that God needed to create to show forth His love? How do you reconcile the Trinity with the Bible's teaching that there is only one God? Does God forgive those who had abortions? Will He exact judgment upon them? Does everyone get a new body after death regardless of their destination? What is the Bible's perspective on church leadership being involved government?

 Best of BAM: Discussing Gender Redefinition with Kindness and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank underscores the importance of Joe Dallas' book Speaking of Homosexuality: Discussing the Issues with Kindness and Clarity. In light of the gender redefinition phenomenon, Joe's book is must reading. In today's culture Christians are considered severely backwards for believing what generations have believed, namely, that biology determines gender. Hillary Clinton denounces those who disagree with her position on gender as deplorables despite the fact that not even the prior Clinton administration agreed with her. This is an enormous issue, not only for freedom of speech, but for religious liberty as well. And it is high time that Christians understand these issues and speak about them with kindness and clarity. Hank answers the following questions: How can David be a man after God's own heart when he had multiple wives and concubines and had Bathsheba's husband killed? What do you think of the idea that Christians are only here to love homosexuals and not share the truth with them? I've heard you speak in the past about the errors of Joyce Meyer. My church is using her teaching for a women's Bible study; what is your take on this? I'm new in the faith; do think an egg is a good analogy for the Trinity? In the book of Esther, is it true that Queen Vashti wouldn't come before the king because he asked her to come disrobed? I don't personally believe in abortion, and would never have one myself, but I wouldn't want to make that choice for another person. What do you think of this?

 The Greatest Holocaust and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank laments the holocaust of abortion. Os Guinness once said that we live in an ABC moment: anything but Christian. It has also been said that Christianity is root cause of all the great atrocities of human history. But upon examination, this turns out to be false. More people have died under secular regimes like that of Nazi Germany. Hitler, in fact, claimed that Christianity is rebellion against natural law. Further, think of the untold deaths under Carl Marx, Mao Tse-tung, Joseph Stalin, and Pol Pot. And yet there is an even deadlier ideology that has led to an even more ghastly holocaust in which 3000 helpless victims die each day. Abortion has far eclipsed the carnage of both Nazism and Communism combined. Hank answers the following questions: Can you help me understand the memorialist view of Communion and the real presence of Christ? I'm having a moral dilemma with the election and I will probably write in a name. Is this shirking my civic duty? How can I respond to those who are against abortion, but they believe in the separation of church and state? I agree that the third party does take away from the main parties. But I believe the platform of the Republican Party is more in line with the Bible. Trump has been pro-choice his whole life until he started running for president; what makes us think he is trustworthy since he has lied about so many other things? Jesus healed a boy with an unclean spirit, and said that fasting was required to cast it out. What are the details of fasting? How can I surrender my life to Jesus? Why do I still feel like a terrible sinner?

 The Horror of Partial Birth Abortion and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank shares his thoughts on the third Presidential debate. When moderator Chris Wallace pressed Hillary Clinton on her view of abortion, Clinton, who has gone on record as saying unborn children have no Constitutional rights, explained why she voted against a ban on late-term abortions and why she doesn't think government should step in when it comes to the life of a mother. However, does partial birth abortion help save mother's lives? In fact, most partial birth abortions are performed on healthy mothers and healthy babies. There simply are no heath conditions that require a mother to murder her child in such a grotesque fashion. Further, we are all distinctly human at each stage of development and created in the image of God, and therefore, killing an unborn child is an unthinkable atrocity. Hank answers the following questions: Didn't the Sabbath change from Saturday to Sunday during the time of Constantine? What is your take on Replacement theology? Is it okay for a Christian to do yoga just for exercise? Should Christians participate in Halloween activities like haunted houses and costume parties? My fiancee and I have been together for ten years and have children together. I know we are living in sin; how should we handle this situation?

 Wake Up, Stand Up, Speak Up and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank addresses Christian persecution throughout the world. Statistics tell us that between 2000 and 2010, eleven Christians were killed every hour. While this is a tragedy of unparalleled proportions, statistics don't tell the whole story. They fail to speak of the church bombings in Baghdad; the slaughter of Christians in India, or the 200,000-400,000 Christians living in forced labor camps in North Korea. Those of us in the West should be alerted to not only the global war on Christians, but to the growing hostility to religion in general and Christianity in particular. The danger of soft persecution in the West should warn us of the hard persecution being experienced by Christians all over the world. It's time for us to wake up, stand up, and speak up. Hank answers the following questions: I don't believe in God, but I do a lot of good things; what do you think will happen to me when I die? Do you think it's just for me to burn in hell because I don't see enough evidence for God? In the parable of the laborers in the vineyard in Matthew 20:1-16, is God being unfair to people? Did Jesus exist prior to the incarnation? Who walked with Adam and Even in the Garden? Why didn't you tell the previous caller that hell is not just separation from God, but torment? I am a professor and after ten years, I am being forced out of my job for my beliefs. How can I sustain myself through this?

 Deadpool's Depravity and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the question: should the creation of movie or cartoon characters like the foul-mouthed, pansexual mercenary Deadpool be cause for concern? Definitely, because the movie Deadpool is the second highest grossing R-rated film of all time. Considered to be an antihero, Deadpool ridicules teamwork, mocks the idea of laying down one's life for a friend, revels in petty revenge, and scorns heroism. In the film, moviegoers are asked to celebrate his sexual perversion and praise him because of his flaws not in spite of them. This genre worships evil as the means to superficial happiness and seduces people away from classic moral idealism to a nihilistic mocking of morality and the need for redemption. Hank answers the following questions: Can a person deny the deity of Christ and the Trinity, and still be saved? I have been talking with a friend who claims that Jesus is the son of Pantera; how can I refute this? How does the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission lawsuit effect freedom of speech? What is your view of Doug Batchelor and the Seventh Day Adventist view of the Sabbath? What is a good commentary on the book of Daniel? Is 1 Corinthians 7:14 teaching that the children of believers are saved? I have some lesbian friends; am I enabling them in some way by loving and accepting them? Why shouldn't I pray for the destruction of America? I lost my husband a few years ago; what will our relationship in heaven be like?

 I Am the Resurrection and the Life and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank shares his thoughts on death and resurrection in light of his forty-seven year-old son-in-law's passing. From the moment we're born our bodies begin sowing the seeds of biological destruction, yet death is hardly the end. When Lazarus died, Martha had confidence that her brother would rise again at the resurrection, but Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live." In saying this, Jesus pointed to Himself as the one who would overcome death and the grave. Likewise, the prophet Daniel said that many who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake. All who put their trust in Jesus can be absolutely certain they will experience resurrection on the last day. Hank answers the following questions: Do you believe it's possible that will God judge America if Clinton wins the election? Why do we talk about homosexuality and abortion, but ignore other sins as if these sins are the worst? What are your thoughts on evangelical churches that aren't doing what they should be doing for the kingdom? I grew up Roman Catholic; what is your take on Purgatory? Why do Christian ministries not emphasize baptism and leave out passages that teach its necessity? I lost my wife about three years ago. If your daughter comes to you in two or three years and is still struggling with the loss of her husband, what would you say to her? When unbelievers die, will their spirits cease to exist at some point?

 Best of BAM: Speaking of Homosexuality with Joe Dallas - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes back author, speaker, and counselor Joe Dallas to continue discussing his book, Speaking of Homosexuality: Discussing the Issues with Kindness and Clarity. Hank and Joe talk about the inborn and immutability arguments for homosexuality, homophobia, the issue of slavery and racism as it relates to homosexuality, and the difference between identity and behavior, as well as the so-called "gay Christian" movement. Hank and Joe answer the following questions: Since God created us male and female, how can we argue against those who would blur gender differentiation? My son came out as gay many years ago and I've struggled with this, but I saw someone on Facebook ranting and raving about homosexuality. How do I answer an atheist who says the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Lot being willing to hand over his daughters is a legitimization of homosexuality? Since homosexuals call us homophobic, why don't we call them Christophobic? Why don't we approach them in the same manner they're approaching us? Since Hollywood has such an impact on everything, do you think they should label movies and TV shows as having homosexual content? We have an estranged, homosexual son who lives in California and has told us that he doesn't want to see us unless we embrace his lifestyle. Can you give us any guidance?

 Allah vs The Triune God and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank compares the Triune God of Christianity with the Unitarian god of Islam. We hear the words "Allahu Akbar" over and over again. They have been imprinted on our consciousness by the cries of terrorists, including the chief hijacker on 911. The phrase means "Allah is greater," but in truth, Allah cannot be the greatest for three reasons. First, the greatest of all gods would not misapprehend the Trinity. Second, he would not offer Islamic jihadists a paradise of joy for their immoral jihad. Third, the Unitarian god of Islam by definition lacks the moral perfection of love. In Christianity, God is a triad of persons in an eternal self-giving love relationship. Only a triune God can be personal and experienced by personal human beings. And although finite beings cannot fully comprehend the mystery of the Trinity, we bow our knee before God's self-revelation to us in Scripture. Hank answers the following questions: The Democratic Party now gives a mother full authority to have an abortion. And we know that abortion is murder; so what are your thoughts on this? What do you think of the idea that Christians are only here to love homosexuals and not share the truth with them? I've heard you speak in the past about the errors of Joyce Meyer. My church is using her teaching for a women's Bible study; what is your take on this? I'm new in the faith; do think an egg is a good analogy for the Trinity? In the book of Esther, is it true that Queen Vashti wouldn't come before the king because he asked her to come disrobed? I don't personally believe in abortion, and would never have one myself, but I wouldn't want to make that choice for another person. What do you think of this?

 Speaking of Homosexuality with Joe Dallas - Part 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes back Joe Dallas, Program Director of Genesis Biblical Counseling to continue their conversation about homosexuality in our culture and Joe's book Speaking of Homosexuality: Discussing the Issues with Kindness and Clarity. Hank and Joe discuss gender confusion in children, the implications of marriage redefinition, the speed at which these things have accelerated, the persecution of Christians, the fallacy of the homophobic label, and the growing acceptance of homosexuality in the church. Hank and Joe answer the following questions: How can I deal with policies at work regarding homosexuality and gender equality? In light of 1 Timothy 2:14-15, do you think the feminist movement is responsible for the rise of homosexuality?

 The Inequality of Islam and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank underscores the importance of Joe Dallas' book Speaking of Homosexuality: Discussing the Issues with Kindness and Clarity. In light of the gender redefinition phenomenon, Joe's book is must reading. In today's culture Christians are considered severely backwards for believing what generations have believed, namely, that biology determines gender. Hillary Clinton denounces those who disagree with her position on gender as deplorables despite the fact that not even the prior Clinton administration agreed with her. This is an enormous issue, not only for freedom of speech, but for religious liberty as well. And it is high time that Christians understand these issues and speak about them with kindness and clarity. Hank answers the following questions: How can David be a man after God's own heart when he had multiple wives and concubines and had Bathsheba's husband killed? This election has become such a divisive issue and I'm horrified by the idea of Donald Trump as President. How can we deal with this division? Since Jesus already sacrificed Himself for us, why does Ezekiel chapter 40 speak of animal sacrifices in a future temple? I am an atheist and I do a lot of good things for people; in your view, will I still go to hell? As a descendant of those who were taken captive and sold as slaves, what should we consider our true nationality to be? Do you disagree with Deuteronomy chapter 28? What is my biblical nationality?


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