katia and kyliemac learn french show

katia and kyliemac learn french

Summary: Discover the French you don't learn in class with Katia and Kyliemac! Everyday French expressions, how to use them and when not to! The perfect companion guide for learning French!

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 k&k learn french 128 - les chiens ne font pas des chats | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Les chiens ne font pas des chats" (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree) is not about cats and dogs! It's one of those great expressions you'll hear in lots of different situations. Hear all about it in show 128! Listen to our explanation of the phrase : Literal translation The dogs do not make some cats English equivalents The apple doesn't fall far from the tree To be a chip off the old block Like father, like son Like mother, like daughter Like breeds like Good seeds make good crops Blood will out / Blood will tell French equivalents Les chats ne font pas des chiens Tel père, tel fils Telle mère, telle fille Avant d'épouser la fille, regarder toujours la mère Bon sang ne peut pas mentir / ne saurait mentir Bon chien chasse de race Frog's phrase Eugh, hmm, j'ai entendu dire, enfin bon, c'est pas moi qui vous l'ai dit, uh, d'accord? Qu'un ancêtre de Kyliemac travaillait dans la propagande radio diffusé pendant la guerre. Oh, les chiens ne font pas des chats. Bah enfin, je dis ça, je dis rien. Translation Umm, so I heard someone say, well, it wasn't me who told you, ok? That one of Kyliemac's ancestors worked in propaganda radio during the war. Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Well, you know, I'm just saying, that's all.

 k&k learn french 127 - marcher du feu de Dieu | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Marcher du feu de Dieu" (it's a success) is a great expression to know in a business French environment. Hear all about it in show 127! Literal translation To walk of the fire of God English equivalents It works really well It's a success It's selling like hotcakes (only used in certain situations) French equivalents Fonctionner parfaitement Marcher du tonnerre Marcher du tonnerre de Dieu Marcher nickel chrome C'est dans l'âme ("urban youth" vocabulary) Frog's phrase Ah, le podcast de Katia et Kyliemac marche du feu de Dieu depuis les photos de Kyliemac en page trois du journal anglais The Sun. Translation Ah, the podcast of Katia and Kyliemac has been a roaring success since the photos of Kyliemac were published on page three of the English newspaper The Sun.

 k&k learn french 126 - être rond(e) comme une queue de pelle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Être rond(e) comme une queue de pelle" (to be as drunk as a skunk) is a great expression to use if you are surrounded by people who like to have an occasional tipple. You know, if you're over 18 of course (or 21 in the US. What's up with that?). Hear all about it in show 126. Literal translation To be round like a tail of shovel English equivalents To be drunk To be as drunk as a skunk To be as drunk as a lord To be as drunk as a sailor on leave To be as drunk as a fish To be blind drunk To be dead drunk To be pissed (as a newt / out of one's brain / as a fart) To be three sheets to the wind To be smashed To be hammered To be plastered To be wasted To be sloshed To be in one's cups To be trashed To be tanked To be shit-faced To be off your face French equivalents Être ivre Être bourré Être bourré comme un coing Être beurré comme un petit lu Être d'équerre Être fait Être cuit Être (complètement) défoncé Être rond comme un ballon Être noir Être plein Être plein comme une outre Être plein comme une barrique Être saoul Être saoul comme un cochon Être saoul comme un Polonais Être torchon-chiffon-carpette Rouler sous la table Être dans les vignes du seigneur (old-fashioned) Before you get to the state of total drunkenness, you can ... Être pompette Être paf Être gris Frog's phrase Hier soir j'ai croisé Kyliemac, ronde comme une queue de pelle, dans la rue. Oh j'étais très très embarrassé pour elle, euh. L'alcool fait vraiment des ravages chez les jeunes, euh? Translation Last night I came across Kyliemac, as drunk as a sailor on leave, in the street. Oh I was so embarrassed for her. Alcohol truly destroys the young, doesn't it?

 k&k learn french 125 - reprendre du poil de la bête | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Reprendre du poil de la bête" (to regain one's strength) is a bit of a tricky expression, although useful for those times when you've been under the weather and are bouncing back again - and we try to explain it to you in show 125. Literal translation To take back of the fur of the beast English equivalents PHYSICAL To pick up one's spirits To regain one's strength To get back on one's feet To get back in the saddle To perk up To get back to normal To get a spring back in one's step To be back with a vengeance To be back in the pink MORAL To pluck up one's courage French equivalents PHYSIQUE Reprendre des forces Se remettre à cheval Reprendre des couleurs Avoir meilleure mine Se retaper Se refaire une santé Se requinquer Se refaire la frite (que pour les garçons, que entre garçons) Se refaire la cerise (sense financier) MORAL Reprendre le dessus Reprendre du courage Retrouver le moral Frog's phrase Jean-Pierre a repris du poil de la bête pour la première fois depuis que Pamela l'a quitté. Il s'est teint les cheveux et a créé un profil sur Meetic. Translation Jean-Pierre has regained his spirits for the first time since Pamela left him. He dyed his hair and created a profile on Meetic.

 k&k learn french 124 - se plier en quatre (pour quelqu'un) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Se plier en quatre (pour quelqu'un)" (to bend over backwards) is a great expression full of (highly flexible) physical imagery. Hear all about it in show 124. Listen to our explanation of the phrase : Literal translation To fold oneself in four (for someone) English equivalents To bend over backwards (for someone/to help someone) To go to no end of trouble (for someone) To go out of one's way (for someone) To go through fire and water (for someone) To do one's damnedest (for someone) To do one's utmost (for someone) To go to great lengths (for someone) To go above and beyond (for someone) To jump through hoops (for someone) To put/stick your neck out (for someone) To devote oneself entirely/utterly to someone French equivalents Se mettre en quatre (pour quelqu'un) Se donner du mal (pour quelqu'un) Faire tout son possible (pour quelqu'un) Faire tout ce qui est possible (pour quelqu'un) S'évertuer à faire quelque chose (pour quelqu'un) Se saigner en quatre veines (financially) Remuer ciel et terre (searching for something) Note : don't get confused with "être plier en deux" = "to laugh hard" or "to be in pain" Frog's phrase Jean-Pierre se pliait en quatre pour assouvir tout les désirs de Pamela. Et pourtant, elle est partie avec le beau plombier sénégalais. Et le lecteur dvd. Translation Jean-Pierre bent over backwards to satisfy all of Pamela's desires. Nonetheless, she left with the handsome Senegalese plumber. And the dvd player.

 k&k learn french 123 - pisser dans un violon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Pisser dans un violon" (to piss in the wind) is a brilliant expression to employ for those situations when you feel like you're not getting anywhere with what you're trying to do! Hear all about it in show 123. Literal translation To piss in a violin English equivalents To piss in the wind To whistle in the wind To rake water uphill To bang your head against a brick wall It's like talking to a (brick) wall It's like herding cats To be a waste of time / To waste time To be a fat lot of good To be (fighting) a lost cause A fool's errand French equivalents Servir à rien Faire quelque chose d'inutile Vider la mer à la petite cuillère Remplir un tonneau sans fond Balayer le sable du désert C'est peine perdue Comme si on parlait au mur (côté rélationnelle) Comme donner un coup d'épée dans l'eau Comme donner un coup dans l'eau Travailler pour le roi de Prusse Travailler pour les prunes (pour la salaire) NOTE : it's often employed in the following ways: c'est comme si on pissait dans un violon / autant pisser dans un violon ! Frog's phrase Chaque fois que Frog suggère une nouvelle idée pour le podcast comme, je sais pas moi, créer une nouvelle compagnie aérienne Katia & Kyliemac ou enregistrer un épisode au Stade de France, et bah c'est comme si il pissait dans un violon. Ohhh. Translation Every time that Frog suggests a new idea for the podcast like, I don't know, start a new airline called Katia & Kyliemac or record an episode at the Stade de France, well, it's like he's talking to a brick wall.

 k&k learn french 122 - un mouton à cinq pattes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Un mouton à cinq pattes" (a rare bird) is an uncommon yet highly useful expression, especially when you find yourself trying to describe your dream partner...! Hear all about it in Show 122. Literal translation A sheep to five feet English equivalents A rare bird A rare breed A white elephant The Golden Fleece A freak of nature French equivalents Quelque chose ou quelqu'un de bizarre ou rare Le cas particulier Frog's phrase Katia et Kyliemac voudraient que Frog soit beau, intélligent, drôle, ponctuel et serviable à merci. Non mais, elles cherchent un mouton à cinq pattes ou quoi ? Translation Katia and Kyliemac would like Frog to be handsome, intelligent, funny, punctual and eternally at their service. No, seriously, are they looking for a white elephant or what?

 k&k learn french 121 - il y a anguille sous roche | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Il y a anguille sous roche" (to smell a rat) is a useful expressions to know when you're talking about politics. Or about small children. Cos you just know they're plotting something ;) Hear all about it in show 121. Listen to our explanation of the phrase : Literal translation There is eel under rock English equivalents To smell a rat There is something in the wind There is a snake in the grass There is something afoot There is mischief in the air Something is up Something is going on Something fishy is going on Something smells fishy Something is afoot Something isn't kosher Something's rotten in the state of Denmark French equivalents (this expression is positive OR negative) Il y a baleineau sous gravillon Il y a baleine sous gravillon Il y a quelque chose de louche Il se trame quelque chose Sentir une embrouille Sentir le coup fourré Sentir le coup tordu ça craint Ne pas le sentir (j'le sens pas) C'est pas très catholique ça sent le soufre ça sent le brûlé ça sent le roussi Frog's phrase Depuis la fuite d'eau dans les toilettes il y a anguille sous roche entre Pamela et le beau plombier sénégalais. Translation Since the leak in the toilets, something fishy has been going on between Pamela and the handsome Senegalese plumber.

 k&k learn french 120 - ne pas changer une équipe qui gagne | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Ne pas changer une équipe qui gagne" (if it isn't broken, don't fix it) is one of those great expressions you can use in lots of situations and with lots of different people! Hear all about it in show 120. Literal translation Not change a team who wins English equivalents If it isn't broken, don't fix it / If it ain't broke, don't fix it Don't mess with a good thing Don't mess with success Stick with a winning formula Stick with a winning combination Why reinvent the wheel Don't change horses midstream Leave well enough alone Don't change a winning team (note : only in sport) French equivalents On ne change pas de monture au milieu du gué On ne change pas de cheval au milieu du gué Common usage : Il faut pas changer une équipe qui gagne / Pourquoi changer une équipe qui gagne / On ne change pas une équipe qui gagne Frog's phrase Ah non, ah, il est hors de question que Johnny Depp remplace Frog dans le podcast. Non, non, il faut pas changer une équipe qui gagne. N'est-ce pas? Translation Oh no, it's out of the question that Johnny Depp replaces Frog on the podcast. No, no, no, don't mess with success. Right?

 k&k learn french 119 - tenir la chandelle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Tenir la chandelle" (to be the third wheel) is just one of those things we all find ourselves doing from time to time. Find out all about it in show 119! Literal translation To hold the candle English equivalents To play gooseberry To be the third wheel To be a third wheel To be the fifth wheel (on the wagon) To be the spare dick at a wedding French equivalents None! Zip! Zilch! Nada! Nothing! There are no French equivalents to this phrase! Frog's phrase Pendant que Katia et le Muffin Man dînent en amoureux dans le plus beau restaurant de la ville Kyliemac leur tient la chandelle et se ressert du vin. Translation Whilst Katia and the Muffin Man have a romantic dinner in the most wonderful restaurant in town, Kyliemac plays gooseberry and serves herself some more wine. NOTE : It's not être la cinquième roue du carrosse / la charrette / la brouette which means unusefulness.

 k&k learn french 118 - avoir la tête dans le cul | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Admit it. We've all been there. We've all had a hard time waking up in the morning, whether it's because we haven't had enough sleep, have been enjoying ourselves a little too much the previous night or we're simply too cosy in bed. "Avoir la tête dans le cul" (to be half-asleep) is the perfect expression in this situation! Hear all about it in show 118. Literal translation To have the head in the arse English equivalents To be half-asleep To have a fuzzy head To have a head like cotton wool To be brain-dead To be in a coma To feel like crap To feel like shit To be out of it To feel worse for wear To feel groggy (as hell) To feel like death warmed over To feel like death warmed up To be zombified French equivalents Avoir la tête dans le seau Avoir la tête dans le pâté Être dans le pâté Être dans le brouillard Être dans les vapes Être dans le coltar Être un zombie Être (très) mal réveillé Être cul par dessus tête Avoir la tête à l'énvers Avoir besoin d'allumettes Marcher au radar Ne pas avoir les yeux en face des trous Frog's phrase La pauvre Kyliemac, elle a vraiment la tête dans le cul depuis quelle a fait la poussière chez Frog. Translation Poor Kyliemac, she's half-asleep after doing the dusting at Frog's place.

 k&k learn french 117 - mon petit doigt m'a dit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Mon petit doigt m'a dit" (a little birdie told me) is yet another fantastic kid-friendly phrase that you can use to get a sneaky message across to little people! Hear all about it in show 117. Literal translation My little finger me has said English equivalents A little bird(ie) told me A little bird whispered in my ear A little mouse told me I heard it through the grapevine Word on the street is French equivalents Il paraît que... Je soupçonne que... J'ai entendu que... J'ai appris que... Quelqu'un m'a dit Frog's phrase Mon petit doigt me dit que Katia va encore trouver au moins une ou deux araignées sous son lit avant la fin de la journée. Translation A little birdie told me that Katia is going to find at least one or two spiders under her bed again before the end of the day.

 k&k learn french 116 - jouer la comédie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Jouer la comédie" (to put on an act) is really the perfect idiom to employ when you're telling a 9 year old to stop acting like eating his brussel sprouts is the worst kind of torture. Hear all about it in show 116. Literal translation To play the comedy English equivalents To put on an act To be faking something To fake it To feign To pretend To lie To do one's party piece French equivalents Feindre Mentir Faire semblant Faire du cinéma Faire la comédie Faire son numéro Frog's phrase Et t'as entendu? Il paraît que Katia s'est fait mordre par un dinosaure dans son jardin. Ouais, enfin bon, tu sais Katia, elle joue un peu la comédie, hein, quand même. Translation Oh did you hear? Katia got bitten by a dinosaur in her garden. Well, hmm, you know Katia, she really does put on an act sometimes.

 k&k learn french 115 - pleurer comme une madeleine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you have a friend that cries at cute little puppies and Hallmark card ads? Well in show 115 you'll hear all about how to say that they cry a lot! Literal translation To cry like a shell shaped cake / a reformed prostitute English equivalents To cry like a baby To cry one's eyes out To cry a river To cry one's heart out To cry buckets To cry bitterly To cry oneself dry To burst into tears To sob (hysterically) To break into tears To bawl To collapse into tears To dissolve into tears To shed tears To blubber French equivalents Pleurer beaucoup Pleurer sans cesse Pleurer à chaudes larmes Pleurer toutes les larmes de son corps Pleurer comme une vache Pleurer comme un veau Pleurer comme une fontaine Fondre en larmes Verser des larmes Frog's phrase Chaque fois que Katia voit un adorable petit enfant, oh, elle pleure comme une madeleine. Ou pas. Translation Every time Katia sees an adorable little child, oh, she cries like a baby. Or not.

 k&k learn french 114 - monter sur ses grands chevaux | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Monter sur ses grands chevaux" (to get on one's high horse) is a great expression to describe a person getting particularly passionate about a certain subject. Hear all about it in show 114. Listen to our explanation of the phrase : Literal translation To climb on one's big horses English equivalents To get on one's high horse To blow one's top To get huffy about something To get upset about something To get one's dander up To get carried away about something (Alternatives : get off your high horse, to get off your bike, knock someone off their high horse) French equivalents Se mettre en colère Être outré S'emporter Se fâcher Sortir de ses gonds Piquer une crise (Alternatives : ne pas monter sur ses grands chevaux) Frog's phrase Katia monte sur ses grands chevaux dès qu'on lui parle des champignons. Translation Katia really gets on her high horse as soon as you bring up the topic of mushrooms.


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