Living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder show

Living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Summary: Living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is an ongoing conversation between Andy Burnfield and his wife Julie Burnfield about the topic of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Julie has suffered from severe OCD for over 20 years.

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  • Artist: Andy Burnfield
  • Copyright: Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.


 LwOCD 060: OCD Texas Conference - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:13

In this episode Julie and Andy continue their discussion of the OCD Texas Conference they attended in Grapevine in February. They talk about the various sessions and what impact each of them had on their lives in a very personal way. They discuss the keynote speaker Ray St. John and highlight his journey from dealing with debilitating OCD to true victory over it through Exposure Response Prevention (ERP). The most encouraging part of the conference had to be the Adult and Youth success panels and Julie talks about how inspiring all those people were and how they gave her renewed hope that she can have a life without her daily OCD struggles. The last part of the day was spent in individual support groups and Andy was given the opportunity to meet other supporters from around the state and build a common bond with them of loving someone with OCD. The day was a celebration of victory over OCD and in the same manner this episode brings hope and inspiration that life with OCD does not have to be a death sentence.

 LwOCD 059: OCD Texas Conference - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:02

In this episode Andy and Julie talk about their recent trip to Dallas to attend the OCD Texas quarterly conference. The title of the conference was “Surviving and Thriving: Sharing Victories Over OCD" and it was an experience the two of them will never forget. They start their discussion about the people that were in attendance and about the general tone of the conference before moving into a more in depth conversation about each speaker and what they learned from them. Dr. John Hart was the first speaker they talk about and even in his brief overview of “ OCD 101” Julie found herself being reminded of things that she had long forgotten and Andy found himself learning new things that helped him in his support of Julie.

 LwOCD 058: Therapy Session 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:38

Andy and Julie continue their discussion about Julie’s new therapist and dig deeper into what happened after her first session and during her second session. They talk about the relationship between anxiety and OCD and how the proper level of anxiety that is present in everyone is heightened in people with OCD. The concept of “uncomfortableness” is discussed in relation to Julie’s OCD and how that phenomenon has made her believe that the only way to live is to keep her OCD routine and avoid any and all chances of being uncomfortable. The episode ends with an in-depth conversation about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and what it is, how it can help people with OCD and what the advantages are of undergoing it as opposed to other forms of therapy. This episode lets us get a glimpse into Julie’s mind and see why her OCD took root in her early life and why it continues to affect her today.

 LwOCD 057: Julie and Her New Therapy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:45

After a hiatus of over a year Andy and Julie are back with all new podcasts. Where have they been, why did they take such a long break, why are they back now and lots more questions are answered in this welcome back episode. Andy and Julie discuss how their lives are different now than a year ago, as well as what the future of the podcast. Of course the subject of Julie’s OCD is talked about and she shares how it is different from last year and what has changed to have made it improve. Therapy is also an important topic of this episode as in 2011 Julie decided to seek help again and this time finally found someone who gets her and even more importantly gets OCD. The hope for the future is evident in Julie’s voice and she gives a glimpse into her first session and how it was different from all the previous ones. The future is bright and Andy and Julie invite to embark on the journey to wellbeing with them.

 LwOCD 056: Aubrey Interview - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:24

In this episode Julie and Andy welcome Aubrey back to the show for part 2 of her interview. This week they delve a little deeper into Aubrey’s struggles over the years. As people with OCD know sometimes problems are not strictly relegated to pure OCD, sometimes other co-morbid struggles abound as is the case for Aubrey. She shares about her past behaviors as well as some of her current ones including anorexia, hair pulling and mild hoarding. Julie is fascinated by the similarities that these issues have with OCD and really gains an insight into how easily some other these behaviors can occur if you already have OCD. They talk about how medication and therapy have helped and also about different coping mechanism they have formed over the years. This episode is one of honesty and resilience in the face of numerous struggles and should be a great listen for everyone.

 LwOCD 055: Aubrey Interview - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:20

This episode Julie and Andy welcome Aubrey to the show. Aubrey is a 28 year old living in Texas who remembers struggling with OCD as far back as she can remember. She talks about how severe her OCD is and when she first noticed it in herself through a therapist telling her she had it. Julie and Aubrey discuss some of their similar obsession and compulsions while Aubrey also shares some obsessions unique to her such as a fear of committing suicide and a fear of water and the need to be completely dry. On the compulsion side Aubrey discusses cuticle picking, hair pulling, scab picking and checking locks. This is part one of a two part interview with a brave woman who has tried several different medications along with several different therapists and has made huge strides done the road to recovery from OCD. You will here about her desire for a family, about what she believes is the cause of her OCD as well as where she sees herself in the future. This is an episode you don't want to miss.

 LwOCD 054: We're Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:23

After a long hiatus Julie and Andy return to the podcast and catch their viewers up on everything that has been going on in their lives for the past couple months. They talk about how having a kid has completely changed their lives and how it’s tough adjusting to a tiny little person calling the shots instead of them! Julie discusses how her OCD has been doing during this time and her thoughts on OCD and motherhood. The end the episode by discussing the future of the show and announce the upcoming topics that will be talked about as well as some very important interviews they have lined up. This welcome back episode is one that Julie and Andy are very happy to record.

 LwOCD 053: Religion - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:14

In this episode Julie and Andy continue their conversation with Charlotte about OCD and Religion. They talk about the difference between "real" prayers and OCD prayers, how they often feel like an "evil person, " and how both of them are at times preoccupied with divine retribution. Andy reads comments and emails from listeners about the topic and the resulting discussion begs the question of whether being religious makes OCD worse or better and whether an atheist suffering from OCD struggles with these same obsessions. This episode is a frank conversation about how OCD can affect and cling to areas in our lives that are most precious to us no matter how much we wish they wouldn't.

 LwOCD 052: Religion - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:25

In this episode Andy and Julie welcome Charlotte back to the show to talk about OCD and Religion. Religion is an important or the primary factor in many people's lives and, not surprisingly, the same is true, with a twist, for many who suffer from OCD. For some, unfortunately, their religion is an integral part of their obsessions (e.g., scrupulosity) and compulsions. For others, fortunately, their faith provides a means of dealing with and/or overcoming their OCD and its attendant problems. Charlotte and Julie discuss how religion plays into their OCD struggles and how at times they feel blasphemous and as if the obsessions and compulsions take the joy out of their faith. This is an open and honest discussion between two morally sensitive people that is sure to shed light on another interesting aspect of OCD.

 LwOCD 051: The Future | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:13

In this episode Andy & Julie talk about the future of the podcast and possible show topics to be discussed. They ask listeners to give feedback on which topics interest them & what they would like to hear more of. Julie shares possible podcast topics including OCD and religion, Exercise & OCD, hoarding, Tourettes Syndrome, Trichotillamania, Compulsive Skin Picking & postpartum OCD. This episode tries to get listeners involved in the future of the show by covering the topics that are relevant & interesting to all.

 LwOCD 050: Tristan Interview - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:25

In this episode Julie and Andy continue their interview with Tristan in Peru. They talk about when his OCD is at its worst and when it is at its best. He shares about his friends and family and whether or not they know about his struggles and whether that will change after doing this interview. They discuss similarities they have in their OCD and how OCD has stigmatized them. In conclusion Tristan talks about how he found the show and how it has helped him, particularly with aspects of ROCD that he deals with. This episode is a glimpse inside the mind of an honest and forthcoming man and is sure to be an interesting listen for all those fellow souls struggling with the same issues.

 LwOCD 049: Tristan Interview - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:25

In this episode Julie and Andy welcome Tristan to the show to talk about his life with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Tristan is very open and honest about his struggles and says exactly what is on his mind which will certainly help listeners who may feel they are alone in some of their obsessions. They talk about how he first discovered he had OCD, his childhood and his adult life dealing with the disorder. He shares about his experience with therapy over the years and how this has helped him and set him on the path to recovery. Tristan also discusses how he is stationed in Peru for his current job and how the challenges of that make his OCD worse at times. This is the first of a two part interview and one that will lead you inside the mind of a eloquent man learning to live his day to day life with OCD.

 LwOCD 048: We Have a Baby! - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:10

In this episode Andy and Julie continue their conversation about having their baby and Julie's numerous hospital visits. They discuss what bringing home their daughter was like and how they handled the first few days together as a new family. Julie then starts to talk about how having a new baby has affected her OCD and specifically what things she has struggled with the most and what things weren't as hard for her as she originally thought they might be. She shares what being on her medication was like during pregnancy and why she recently had to increase her dosage. To close the show they talk about what concerns Julie has moving forward regarding her OCD and raising her daughter. This show is an open and honest conversation about the struggles that a new parent with OCD faces when having a child for the first time.

 LwOCD 047: We Have a Baby! - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:55

In this episode Andy and Julie return after the birth of their baby to share their story with their patient and faithful listeners. They talk about the past month and how they were in and out of the hospital twice before actually delivering for various complications and how this affected Julie's OCD and her mental state in general. They then talk about the actual hospital visit that resulted in the birth of their daughter. Julie discusses how the ordeal was for her both physically and mentally and how the hardest part was some of the medication that she had to be on for high blood pressure. Despite all the obstacles Andy and Julie made it through and have returned to the show they love to talk about how no matter where you are or what experience you go through, OCD still plays a part in every little detail when you are a sufferer.

 LwOCD 044: Shannon Interview - Follow Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:30

In this episode Julie and Andy welcome back Shannon to the show for a follow up interview. Shannon has been going through medication changes over the past few months and her story is one that a lot of people will be able to associate with. Julie and Shannon talk about the inevitable withdrawals that happen with medication change and about just how bad it got and how she coped with things. They talk about how long all these symptoms lasted, the OCD issues that popped up because of the decreased medication and the effect the difficult few months had on her family. They end their conversation by discussing how the new medication works in comparison to the old medication and what Shannon has learned through this whole experience. If anyone is on any sort of medication currently or has been in the past for their OCD you will enjoy this show that talks about the not always so great side of coming on and off different drugs.


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