National Community Church Video Podcast - 480p show

National Community Church Video Podcast - 480p

Summary: Video (SD) messages from National Community Church in Washington, DC. For more information please visit us at

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  • Artist: National Community Church
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 Dream, Part 5: Dream ‘22 Revival - Jimmy Rollins | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

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 Dream, Part 4: Dream ‘22 Revival - Jon Tyson | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

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 Dream, Part 3: Dream: Renaissance - Dr. Mark Batterson | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

We have a core value—the church belongs in the middle of the marketplace. We don't curse the darkness. We light candles. We're not just building a church. We're blessing a city. We want to be more known for what we're FOR than what we're AGAINST. We criticize by creating! We write better books, make better music, draft better legislation, produce better films, start better businesses. How? With the help of the Holy Spirit.

 Dream, Part 2: Dream: Reformation - Dr. Mark Batterson | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

If you want to REPEAT history, do the way it's always been done. If you want to MAKE history, do it the way it's never been done before. The solution to our problems is very rarely MORE or LESS of the same. It's DARING to be different. It's DARING to dream again.

 Dream, Part 1: Dream: Revival - Dr. Mark Batterson | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. It's time to DREAM again! We're believing God for nothing less than Revival, Reformation, and Renaissance in our nation, in our generation. The capacity to dream is part of the image of God, and the supernatural byproduct of a Spirit-filled life. Show me the size of your dream, and I'll show you the size of your God. It's time to dream big, pray hard, and think long!

 God With Us, Part 4: Joy in Relationship - Pastor Robb Schmidgall | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

We often miss out on the fullness of joy because of our misconception of it in relationship to everything else we experience in life. In the story of the coming of Jesus, and then throughout His life and into the life of the early church we see JOY in relationship to the rest of life. Getting this right could be the next step to your joy being made full.

 God With Us, Part 3: The Wonders of His Love - Pastor Heather Zempel | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

God is love. It's who he is and it's what he does. The story of Christmas is not a saccharine-coated, sentimental folk tale. It is the story of ultimate sacrifice- a king who left his throne to be God with us. A king who would hang on a cross to be God for us. As followers of Jesus, we are called to walk the difficult way of love as outlined in 1 Corinthians 13.

 God With Us, Part 2: Living Hope - Pastor Joel Schmidgall | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

Hope. It's become a frail and weakened concept. The consistency of hope being deferred or hope being disappointed has taken a toll on our society. Are we speaking of a hope or a wish though? There's a big difference between the two! To hope is something that is grounded in possibility or even probability. To actively hope in Christ, is to live and work in confidence with an eternal perspective on all the events of our life. As expectations are disappointed through life, how do we continue to live a hope-filled existence? We have to examine the object of our hope and the longevity of perspective as well. We'll allow the scripture to speak to this critical concept as we continue in this season of advent.

 God With Us, Part 1: The Peace That Passes Understanding - Dr. Mark Batterson | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

The Hebrew word for peace is SHALOM. Shalom is RELATIONAL HARMONY and it's four-dimensional. It's right relationship with God, Self, Others, and Creation. How do we experience the peace that passes understanding? First and foremost, peace is a PERSON. His name is Jesus, the Prince of Peace. If you want to experience shalom, there are three keys: 1) Confess Your Sin 2) Love Your Enemies 3) Prophesy Your Praise

 Soil & Spirit, Part 3: I Have A Purpose - Pastor Robb Schmidgall | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

You were created on purpose, for a purpose, to share a purpose. This not only lays a foundation for how we see ourselves, but moves us toward an understanding of our place in this world and the fulfillment that happens when we know what to do with what we've been given. Let's take a journey on what this looks like through a missional lens.

 Soil & Spirit, Part 2: Love Based Risk - Pastor David Schmidgall | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

As we continue our A18 Missions series, the way of Jesus is about finding safety and comfort in order to heal, restore and live from God's love. But it's so much more than that. The mission of God and call of the missional Church is far more than our personal peace and prosperity - it's about love-based risk - going where Jesus is - places where humanity is most at risk, at the intersection between darkness and light, soil and spirit, heaven and earth. We call this living from the redemptive edge. What does this look like, how do we grow in discipleship to follow Jesus into love-based risk? You'll hear many stories of ordinary people, empowered by God's spirit, doing what Jesus did, all over the world.

 Soil & Spirit, Part 1: The Story of the Presence of God - Pastor Zeb Mengistu | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

Staying with the theme of Acts 1:8, I will focus on the role of the Holy Spirit and the importance of the Presence of God in fulfilling the Missio Dei. I will share some of my personal testimony of what I/we have been experiencing as a church the last few months since we started meeting in person again and the lessons I have learned about the presence of God.

 Do It For A Day, Part 3: Rule of Life - Dr. Mark Batterson | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

One key to making and breaking HABITS is making and breaking RULES. Rules help you establish boundaries and priorities. Rules help you establish rituals and routines. A RULE OF LIFE consists of four quadrants: 1) Core Beliefs 2) Core Values 3) Life Goals 4) Daily Habits. Collectively, they become the guardrails and guidelines that help you get where God wants you to go.

 Do It For A Day, Part 2: Pick A Fight - Dr. Mark Batterson | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

There is nothing easy about HABIT FORMATION. You have to fight for your health, fight for your marriage, fight for your convictions. How? 1. Do it SCARED 2. Do it DIFFICULT 3. Do it DIFFERENT 4. Do it NOW. The good news? When we get on our knees, God fights our battles for us!

 Do It For A Day, Part 1: Domino Habits - Dr. Mark Batterson | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

Show me your HABITS and I'll show you your FUTURE. Destiny is not a mystery. Destiny is DAILY HABITS. Habit formation is one dimension of spiritual formation. You have to make or break the habits that make or break you, with the help of the Holy Spirit. The good news? You are one habit away from a totally different life! The key? Do it for a day!


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