DJ ARCH Soulful House Sessions show

DJ ARCH Soulful House Sessions

Summary: Quality Deep Soulful House podcasts available for free download. Enjoy the mixes and please share. The DJ ARCH MOBILE APP is available for free download as well at on all major platforms.


 DJ ARCH Soulful House Mastermix (Mix#199) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7594

Here’s the first podcast for the new year. The next one is #200! Can you believe it? So I’ve brought back the playlist after a few requested it. Enjoy! My mobile app is available on all platforms at http://bit.lya/djarchapp PayPal.Me/deejarch Get your brand exposed to thousands now on this podcast. Advertise your brand here: Like what you hear? Drop a comment and let me know! Get the DJ ARCH APP FREE today! If you would like to donate to this podcast and be an executive producer for one of the most popular soulful house podcasts on the Internet, you may do so at Check me out at the following locations: LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT (Saturday's 12a -2a EST) Book DJ ARCH for your next Soulful House Event @ I AM LIVE ON PRESSURE RADIO THIS AND EVERY SUNDAY RECORDING THESE PODCASTS Here the Playlist: #Track #Artist 1. Already Knew (Original Mix) #Ezel, #Mike_City 2. I'm Free (Vocal Mix) #Daniele_Baldi, #Crystal_Levell 3. Music From My Soul (Homero Espinosa And Tony's Juno 106 Dub) #Doc_Martin, #Tony_Hewitt 4. When Can Our Love Begin (Timmy Regisford Shelter Anthem) #Kimara_Lovelace 5. Khrypton (Afro Tech Mix) #Wilson_Kentura 6. Boulé #Th3_Oth3r, #Luke_Garcia, #Gurrex 7. In the Morning (Atjazz Afrotech Remix) #Jazzanova, #Zakes_Bantwini 8. Xiba Chant (Lars Behrenroth Dub Remix) #Marco_Fracasso 9. You Are the Sunshine of My Life #Mijangos, #Sergio_Granados 10. Piece Of Perfect (Main Mix) #Sol_Brown, #Hanlei 11. Make The Time (George Lesley Remix) #Blaze presents UDAUFL feat #Arnold_Jarvis 12. Live Free & Dance (Mr Bootsauce & Stu G Deepdown Mix) #Groove_Junkies, #Michele_Chiavarini, #Lee_Usher 13. Somebody Like You #Ross_Couch 14. My Heart Is Heavy (Original Mix) #The_Timewriter 15. I'm Searching (Kerri's 6:23 Again Vocal Mix) #CPEN, #Bluey_Robinson 16. Leave It Smokin' (Terry Hunter Club Mix) #Tamia 17. Days Like This (Deepah dub Re-Rub) #Shaun_Escoffery 18. Let It All Go (Jihad Muhammad Piano Mix) #DJ_Spen, #Earl_TuTu, #John_Khan, #Odd_Fellow, #Bianca_Gerald 19. Worlds (Original Mix) #Jeremias_Santiago 20. It's Clear (Original Mix) #Dan_Only 21. Benefit (Pablo Martinez Alternative Flex) #Boddhi_Satva, #Omar 22. Memories (Bass & Synth Mix) #Steal_Vybe, #Shota

 DJ ARCH Soulful House Mastermix (Mix #198) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7198

My mobile app is available on all platforms at http://bit.lya/djarchapp PayPal.Me/deejarch Get your brand exposed to thousands now on this podcast. Advertise your brand here: Like what you hear? Drop a comment and let me know! Get the DJ ARCH APP FREE today! If you would like to donate to this podcast and be an executive producer for one of the most popular soulful house podcasts on the Internet, you may do so at Check me out at the following locations: LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT (Saturday's 12a -2a EST) Book DJ ARCH for your next Soulful House Event @ I AM LIVE ON PRESSURE RADIO THIS AND EVERY SUNDAY RECORDING THESE PODCASTS

 DJ ARCH Soulful House Mastermix (Mix #197) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7282

My mobile app is available on all platforms at http://bit.lya/djarchapp PayPal.Me/deejarch Get your brand exposed to thousands now on this podcast. Advertise your brand here: Like what you hear? Drop a comment and let me know! Get the DJ ARCH APP FREE today! If you would like to donate to this podcast and be an executive producer for one of the most popular soulful house podcasts on the Internet, you may do so at Check me out at the following locations: LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT (Saturday's 12a -2a EST) Book DJ ARCH for your next Soulful House Event @ I AM LIVE ON PRESSURE RADIO THIS AND EVERY SUNDAY RECORDING THESE PODCASTS

 DJ ARCH Soulful House Mastermix (Mix#196) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7053

My mobile app is available on all platforms at http://bit.lya/djarchapp PayPal.Me/deejarch Get your brand exposed to thousands now on this podcast. Advertise your brand here: Like what you hear? Drop a comment and let me know! Get the DJ ARCH APP FREE today! If you would like to donate to this podcast and be an executive producer for one of the most popular soulful house podcasts on the Internet, you may do so at Check me out at the following locations: LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT (Saturday's 12a -2a EST) Book DJ ARCH for your next Soulful House Event @ I AM LIVE ON PRESSURE RADIO THIS AND EVERY SUNDAY RECORDING THESE PODCASTS Here's The Playlist: Title - #Artist 1 . G e t U p O u t Y o u r S e a t ( S t a c y K i d d H o u s e 4 L i f e R e m i x ) #S t a c y_K i d d , #P e v e n_E v e r e t t 2. M o v e Y o u r B o d y #R i s k_A s s e s s m e n t 3 . L o v e I s T h e L i g h t ( D J S p i n n a G a l a c t i c S o u l R e m i x ) #M i n d s t r e e t , #A n d r e a_L o v e 4 . L o s i n M y S e l f ( O r i g i n a l M i x ) #M a d j i ' k 5 . T h i s I s W h a t W e D o ( H e n r y S t r e e t V o c a l ) #A n t o n i o_D e e p_S c a r a n o , #A n d r e a_C u r a t o 6 . Y o u W a n n a H e a r #S a n t o s 7 . B e Y o u r s e l f ( D J G o m i R e m i x ) #J o s h_M i l a n , #G u r i_G u r i_B o y s 8. S o u l D e s c e n d a n t s f e a t E - M a n ( O r i g i n a l M i x ) #J e r o m e_S y d e n h a m 9 . D i s c o L o c o ( O r i g i n a l M i x ) #R i v a_S t a r r 1 0 . L i f e L e s s o n s ( M a i n M i x ) #M a r k_F r a n c i s , # K i a_S t e w a r t 1 1. T a m b o r e s ( J o e s k i T a m b o r e s I n A f r i c a R e m i x ) #H a r r y_R o m e r o 1 2 . R a p s T o G e t I n ( O r i g i n a l M i x ) #W a r r e n_R a w w , M a r k_M i l i o s , #V l a d i s l a v_G a v r i l o v 1 3. A M o n t h L e f t ( O r i g i n a l M i x ) D a n i s m , T r a i n ( U K ) , #B l o n d e w e a r i n g b l a c k 1 4. M o v i n g O n ( D J D i s c i p l e A f r o b e a t M i x ) #D J_D i s c i p l e , #T h e R e a l S h a k a r 1 5. Y o u A r e A l l I N e e d ( M a i n M i x ) #M i c h e l e_C h i a v a r i n i , #A n d r e_E s p e u t 1 6. T h e T r u t h ( O r i g i n a l M i x ) #F r i e n d_W i t h i n 1 7. R a w U n c u t ( L o u i e V e g a R e m i x ) #A M F l o w , #K o f f e e 1 8. Y o u ' l l N e v e r F i n d A n o t h e r L o v e L i k e M i n e ( D j P o p e S o u n d O f B a l t i m o r e V o c a l ) #M a rc_ E v a n s 1 9. S o H o o k e d O n Y o u r L o v i n ( M o u s s e T . ' s E x t e n d e d D i s c o S h i z z l e ) #S e l a c e 2 0. L o s t w i t h o u t U ( E x t e n d e d ) #H i f i_S e a n , #P a r i s_G r e y 2 1. L o v e M e #A t j a z z , #J u l l i a n_G o m e s

 DJ ARCH Soulful House Mastermix (Mix #195) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7341

This has to be the #1 podcast on #Podomatic this week! Nothing but booming beats and dope vocals on this one. As always this mix was made LIVE on my weekly radio show Sundays from 3-5p EST on Come check out the live show sometime! I'd love to hear from some followers as I am available to chat at anytime during the show. My mobile app is available on all platforms at http://bit.lya/djarchapp Get your brand exposed to thousands now on this podcast. Advertise your brand here: Like what you hear? Drop a comment and let me know! Get the DJ ARCH APP FREE today! If you would like to donate to this podcast and be an executive producer for one of the most popular soulful house podcasts on the Internet, you may do so at Check me out at the following locations: LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT (Saturday's 12a -2a EST) Book DJ ARCH for your next Soulful House Event @ I AM LIVE ON PRESSURE RADIO THIS AND EVERY SUNDAY RECORDING THESE PODCASTS Here's The Playlist: Title - #Artist 1. W i n t e r S e a ( N e p h e l h o u s e R e m i x ) #J o s Ë _A r m a n d o _ C a s t i l l a 2. E v e r y b o d y M o v e s ( O p o l o p o R e m i x ) #L a r r y_A , #A d i t y a 3. J o s e p h i n e ( R i g h t s i d e & M a r k D i M e o R e m i x ) #A n t o n e l l o_F e r r a r i , #A l d o_B e r g a m a s c o 4. M o r n i n g P r a y e r #B r u c e_L o k o 5. B r i g h t e r ( R e m i x ) #P R Z , #D J_D a s c o 6. C u b a y e n d e ( O r i g i n a l M i x ) #L a r r y_P e n a & #K a i_L o o 7. A N e w D a y ( T h e W o r l d I s M i n e ) ( C l u b M i x ) #B r i a n_P o w e r , #H i l_S t ._S o u l 8. M r . F l y ( M a d j i k F u n k y M i x ) #H e i d i_B . #M r ._F l y 9. M i d n i g h t L o v e ( R o c c o R o d a m a a l e x t e n d e d R e m i x ) #C h e z_M o o n 1 0. M o v e G i r l ( O r i g i n a l M i x ) #J o a q u i n_K o e n , #D J_D o v e 1 1. S o m e t h i n g W i t J a z z ( F e r F e r r a r i R e m i x ) #M r ._V 1 2. S u n s e t w i t h V i k i #D a v i d_P e n n 1 3. R a c e O f S u r v i v a l ( R i c h a r d E a r n s h a w E x t e n d e d R e V i b e ) #S e a m u s_H a j i , #M e k k a h 1 4. W h a t Y o u M e a n T o S a y ( R i c h a r d E a r n s h a w C l u b M i x ) #R i d n e y , #S a n d e r_N i j b r o e k 1 5. P È t a l a D e F l o r ( O r i g i n a l M i x ) #K l a s h_R i v e r a 1 6. A l r e a d y O v e r ( M a r k D i M e o J a z z M i x ) #W a l t e r_G 1 7. S p i c , M e ( F N X O m a r I n s t r u m e n t a l R e m i x ) #D o u g_G o m e z , #S i n c e r i t y 1 8. T h i s I s W h a t W e D o ( U n d e r g r o u n d ) ( F T L S w i n g R e m i x ) #A n t o n i o_D e e p_S c a r a n o , #A n d r e a_C u r a t o , #B r u t h a_B a s i l 1 9. M u s i k 2 0 1 8 ( O r i g i n a l M i x ) #R e e l s o u l 2 0. T w i s t i n ' T u r n i n ' ( D J O j i , R i c h a r d P a y t o n - T S O P V o c a l ) #S a n d e ' , #D J_O j i 2 1. R e a s o n s ( D o u g G o m e z M e r e c u m b e S o u l R e m i(continued)

 DJ ARCH Soulful House Mastermix (Mix #194) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7087

Thanks to everyone for your support. We are still growing and looking forward to podcast #200! My mobile app is available on all platforms at http://bit.lya/djarchapp Get your brand exposed to thousands now on this podcast. Advertise your brand here: Like what you hear? Drop a comment and let me know! Get the DJ ARCH APP FREE today! If you would like to donate to this podcast and be an executive producer for one of the most popular soulful house podcasts on the Internet, you may do so at Check me out at the following locations: LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT (Saturday's 12a -2a EST) Book DJ ARCH for your next Soulful House Event @ I AM LIVE ON PRESSURE RADIO THIS AND EVERY SUNDAY RECORDING THESE PODCASTS Here's The Playlist: Title - #Artist 1. Gimme Some More (Saison Remix) #Art_Of_Tones 2. Bring It Forward #International_Connection, #Victor_Simonelli #Kevin_Fernando 3. Surrender (Original Mix) #Reggie_Steele 4. Everything I Wanted feat Charlotte OC (Yoruba Soul Mix) #Jazzanova, #Osunlade 5. Infatuated (I'm in Love) (DvT & M-Dubb Main Mix) #Sote, #Elliot_Chapman 6. Got Moves #John_Julius_Knight 7. Get Lifted (Get Lifted Main Mix) #Andrea_Holdclaw 8. Don't Stop (25th Anniversary Re-Edit) #Sebb_Junior 9. A New Day (The World Is Mine) (Jihad Mohammad Bang the Drum Vocal Mix) #Brian_Power, #Hil_St._Soul 10. Thinking About Your Love (The Remixes) (DJ Pope Sound Of Baltimore Vocal) Kanomarli, #Richard_Rogers 11. Soul (Original Mix) #Nnatn 12. Deep In My Soul (Original Mix) #Zetbee 13. Tell Me (MoD Remix) #Trick, #Treat, #Michelle_Shapa

 DJ ARCH Soulful House Mastermix (Mix#193) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4071

Sorry to keep you waiting! Here we goooooo! My mobile app is available on all platforms at http://bit.lya/djarchapp Get your brand exposed to thousands now on this podcast. Advertise your brand here: Like what you hear? Drop a comment and let me know! Get the DJ ARCH APP FREE today! If you would like to donate to this podcast and be an executive producer for one of the most popular soulful house podcasts on the Internet, you may do so at Check me out at the following locations: LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT (Saturday Nites/Sunday Morn 12am-2am EST, 5am-7am GMT, 7a-9a SAST) (Saturday's 12a -2a EST) Book DJ ARCH for your next Soulful House Event @ I AM LIVE ON PRESSURE RADIO THIS AND EVERY SUNDAY RECORDING THESE PODCASTS Here's The Playlist: Title - #Artist 1. Bring It Forward #International_Connection, #Victor_Simonelli, #Kevin_Fernando 2. Surrender (Original Mix) #Reggie_Steele 3. Everything I Wanted feat Charlotte OC (Yoruba Soul Mix) #Jazzanova, #Osunlade 4. Infatuated (I'm in Love) (DvT & M-Dubb Main Mix) #Sote, #Elliot_Chapman 5. Got Moves #John_Julius_Knight 6. Get Lifted (Get Lifted Main Mix) #Andrea_Holdclaw 7. Don't Stop (25th Anniversary Re-Edit) #Sebb_Junior 8. A New Day (The World Is Mine) (Jihad Mohammad Bang the Drum Vocal Mix) #Brian_Power, #Hil_St._Soul 9. Thinking About Your Love (The Remixes) (DJ Pope Sound Of Baltimore Vocal) #Kanomarli, #Richard_Rogers 10. Soul (Original Mix) #Nnatn 11. Deep In My Soul (Original Mix) #Zetbee 12. Tell Me (MoD Remix) #Trick, #Treat, #Michelle_Shapa

 DJ ARCH Soulful House Mastermix (Mix#191) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7189

My mobile app is available on all platforms at http://bit.lya/djarchapp Get your brand exposed to thousands now on this podcast. Advertise your brand here: Like what you hear? Drop a comment and let me know! Get the DJ ARCH APP FREE today! If you would like to donate to this podcast and be an executive producer for one of the most popular soulful house podcasts on the Internet, you may do so at Check me out at the following locations: LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT (Saturday Nites/Sunday Morn 12am-2am EST, 5am-7am GMT, 7a-9a SAST) (Saturday's 12a -2a EST) Book DJ ARCH for your next Soulful House Event @ I AM LIVE ON PRESSURE RADIO THIS AND EVERY SUNDAY RECORDING THESE PODCASTS Here's The Playlist: ## Title - Artist 1. U Made Me #Ezel feat #Ovasoul7 2. Sao Paulo To Peckham #Sartorial, #Simon_Kennedy 3. Music Heals My Soul (Mikki Afflick An AfflickteD Soul Vocal Mix) #Mikki_Afflick, #Georgia_Cee 4. Love Is On The Way (Blackk Seeded Print) #Jose_Burgos, #Kenny_Bobien, #Shino_Blackk 5. Get Down #Devv 6. Next Time (Reagan Grey Remix) [Mixed Signals Music] #Alton_Miller 7. Voor Mountain People Lionels Jam ( Remix) #Miguel Migs 8. Ohhwatadoo (Original Mix) #Loco_Dice 9. In The Beginning (There Was Jack) #Chuck_Roberts, #Monique_Bingham 10. Pastoral Clap (Original Mix) #Yaya_& #Jun_Akimoto 11. Everyday #Simian Mobile Disco 12. Vai Piano (Original Mix) #Kizzmo 13. Applebottom Jazz (Original Mix) #Lucien_Foort 14. Butterflies (Tribe Vocal Mix) #Zepherin_Saint, #Miranda_Nicole 15. Broken #Dominic_Martin 16. Hey Lover (Josh Grooves Remix) #Aisling_Iris 17. Ye No ntem #Chris_Annibell, #Rozie_Gyems 18. People Hold On (DjPope Sound Of Baltimore Vocal) #Una 19. U So Fine (Jon Celius Remix) #Betoko 20. Love Hangover (Micky More & Andy Tee Classic Disco Blend) #Joey_Negro

 DJ ARCH Soulful House Mastermix (Mix #192) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7156

Did a mixture of old and new this week. Let's see how the vibe goes with this one. We reached #1 in vocal house on podomatic this week! Let's keep up the momentum. Soon we will be #1 overall. The most popular podcast on podomatic. ;} Get the FREE app. Link below. My mobile app is available on all platforms at http://bit.lya/djarchapp Get your brand exposed to thousands now on this podcast. Advertise your brand here: Like what you hear? Drop a comment and let me know! Get the DJ ARCH APP FREE today! If you would like to donate to this podcast and be an executive producer for one of the most popular soulful house podcasts on the Internet, you may do so at Check me out at the following locations: LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT (Saturday Nites/Sunday Morn 12am-2am EST, 5am-7am GMT, 7a-9a SAST) (Saturday's 12a -2a EST) Book DJ ARCH for your next Soulful House Event @ I AM LIVE ON PRESSURE RADIO THIS AND EVERY SUNDAY RECORDING THESE PODCASTS Here's The Playlist: ## Title - Artist 1. Deep In The Bottom (of Africa) #Monique_Bingham #Black_Coffee 2. I Love A Black Woman (RC Mocha Mix) #DJ_Roland_Clark 3. Poor People #Quentin_Harris Ft #Monique_Bingham 4. Capitaloid (Original Mix) #Dewalta, #Mike_Shannon 5. Move On (Reelsoul Remix) #Thomas_Blondet, #Michelle_Rivera 6. Wake Up Running (Jose Carretas Remix) #The_Jinks 7. Let The Love Take Over (Muzzaik Dub Mix) #Milk_and_Sugar 8. Believe In Me (Demarkus Lewis Main Remix) #John_Rivera 9. How Bad I Want Ya (Remix) #Stacy_Kidd, #Peven_Everett 10. Beautiful Life (Manoo Flute Mix) #Stephanie_Cooke & #Diephuis feat #Han_Litz 11. Optimistic (Shik Stylko Vocal Mix) #Bobby_D'ambrosio Feat. #Kell_Sae 12. Brand New Day 13. All We Do (Sting International Combo ReVamp) #Beloved, #McLeod, #DJ_Beloved, #Sting_International 14. Butterfly (Bang The Drum Vocal Remix) #Vangela_Crowe, #Corey_Holmes, #Jihad#Muhammad 15. Capricorn (Essential I Remix) #60_Hertz_Project 16. Don't Ever Give Up #Innervision feat #Melonie_Daniels 17. Drink On Me #Teule 18. Brighter Days (MAW Mix) #Cajamere ft #Dajae

 DJ ARCH Soulful House Mastermix (Mix#190) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7167

Here's a new mix! Sorry for the wait! This is my recording direct from the audio stream so my voice in on this one. ;-]. I lost the original recording somehow. **SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT** I have teamed up with the legendary DJ Scratch (Formerly of EPMD). He has launched his new internet radio station, Scratchvision Radio. I will have a weekly show on Saturdays at 4p EST. These will be original mixes only played ONCE. No repeats, no podcasts. Be sure to tune in Saturdays here: Get your brand exposed to thousands now on this podcast. Advertise your brand here: Like what you hear? Drop a comment and let me know! Get the DJ ARCH APP FREE today! If you would like to donate to this podcast and be an executive producer for one of the most popular soulful house podcasts on the Internet, you may do so at Check me out at the following locations: LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT (Saturday Nites/Sunday Morn 12am-2am EST, 5am-7am GMT, 7a-9a SAST) (Saturday's 12a -2a EST) Book DJ ARCH for your next Soulful House Event @ My mobile app is available on all platforms at http://bit.lya/djarchapp I AM LIVE ON PRESSURE RADIO THIS AND EVERY SUNDAY RECORDING THESE PODCASTS Here's The Playlist: ## Title - Artist 1. Freedom (Manoo Alternative Vocal Remix) #Taola 2. You Made Me Who I Am (Eltonnick Remix) #Hyenah 3. Ivory #Lemon_&_Herb 4. Sacred Chant (Rocco Rodamaal Remix) #Cee_ElAssaad 5. La Casa De Oya (Oscar P Remix) #Norty_Cotto, #Oscar_P 6. Losing You (Original Mix) #David_Penn 7. Jeopardized (Super Flu Remix) #Sabb 8. What You Need (Micky More, Andy Tee Remix) #Soft_House_Company 9. I Will Survive (Jamie Lewis Suave Club Edit) #Stacy_Kidd 10. Move Out Of My Way #Dennis_Quin, #Shermanology 11. It's All Up To Me (Original Mix) #Craig_Stewart, #Andy_Edit, #Dana_Weaver 12. Another World (DJ Spinna Galactic Soul Remix) #Darkhouse_Family 13. Bassline (Original Mix) #Satoshi_Tomiie 14. This Isn't Love (Reel People Remix) #Tony_Momrelle 15. Beautiful (Original Vocal DjPope Edit Remastered) #Lena_Soul 16. U Made Me #Ezel feat #Ovasoul7 17. He Promised Me Featuring Tobbi, Tommi & Kiandra Richardson (Louie Vega Extended Remix) #BeBe_Winans, #Louie_Vega 18. Listen To Your Heart (Wipe The Needle Remix) #Frank McComb

 DJ ARCH Soulful House Mastermix (Re-Issue August 2014) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7199

Many of you have requested some older mixes so here is the first of many! Get your brand exposed to thousands now on this podcast. Advertise your brand here: Like what you hear? Drop a comment and let me know! Get the DJ ARCH APP FREE today! If you would like to donate to this podcast and be an executive producer for one of the most popular soulful house podcasts on the Internet, you may do so at Check me out at the following locations: LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT (Saturday Nites/Sunday Morn 12am-2am EST, 5am-7am GMT, 7a-9a SAST) (Saturday's 12a -2a EST) Book DJ ARCH for your next Soulful House Event @ My mobile app is available on all platforms at http://bit.lya/djarchapp *****THIS AND ALL FUTURE PODCASTS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY***** I AM LIVE ON PRESSURE RADIO THIS AND EVERY SUNDAY RECORDING THESE PODCASTS Here's The Playlist: ## Title - Artist 1. Ocean Breeze (Sol Element & Dimi Stuff Remix) #Michele_McCain 2. Searching (Original) #Mood_II_Swing, #Loni_Clark 3. Quietly Sexy (Trinidadiandeep Remix) #Beyond_Tone, #Ceri_of_Beyond_Tone 4. Always In My Mind (JoioDJ Sensual Dub) #H@k, #Zoubida 5. Find a Way (Tee's Inhouse Mix) #Lisa_Pure, #Todd_Terry 6. Day By Day (Extended Mix) #Richard_Earnshaw, #Natasha_Watts 7. Fading Away (Conway's Afro-Latin Funk) #Dana_Weaver 8. The Right Way ( Vocal Mix) #Dj_Able 9. Congofluit (Azee Project 3am Mix) #L__cio 10. We Fall Down (Oscar P Nude Drum Mix) #Maurice_Joshua, #Joyce_Hurley 11. Slide (Coll Selini Remix) #Roy_Davis_Jr., #Robert_Owens 12. Im In Love (Mr Zee Morez Silly Deep Mix) #Mzala_Wa_Afrika, #Rock_Shandy 13. Moving Around Your Lips (DJ X-Trio AfroFlava #Filipe_Narciso, Rebecca_'Butterfly'_ Vaughns 14. Fabulous (Live Groove Mix) #Beat_Rivals, #Natasha_Watts 15. I Want This HOUSE (Original Mix) #Groove_Addix, #Ricky_Pellegrino 16. Live In Me (Liberation Mix) #Ian_Friday, #Kelli_Sae 17. Shelter (2014 Remix) #Ann_Nesby 18. Don't Let It Fall (Loowee R Remix) #Dawn_Tallman 19. I Got What You Need (DJ Pope Dub) #Dana_Weaver 20. I'm Warning You (Samson Lewis Remix) #Souxsoul 21. Our House (Vocal Mix) #DJ_Spinna, #Foremost_Poets

 DJ ARCH Soulful House Mastermix (Mix#189) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7290 Get your brand exposed to thousands now on this podcast. Advertise your brand here: Like what you hear? Drop a comment and let me know! Get the DJ ARCH APP FREE today! If you would like to donate to this podcast and be an executive producer for one of the most popular soulful house podcasts on the Internet, you may do so at Check me out at the following locations: LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT (Saturday Nites/Sunday Morn 12am-2am EST, 5am-7am GMT, 7a-9a SAST) (Saturday's 12a -2a EST) Book DJ ARCH for your next Soulful House Event @ My mobile app is available on all platforms at http://bit.lya/djarchapp *****THIS AND ALL FUTURE PODCASTS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY***** I AM LIVE ON PRESSURE RADIO THIS AND EVERY SUNDAY RECORDING THESE PODCASTS Here's The Playlist: ## Title - Artist 1. Tell Me A Secret (Original Version) #Crew_Deep 2. Can't Get Enough (#DJ_Spinna_Remix) #Soundersons 3. Simply Living #Full_Intention 4. Another Rendezvous (Original Mix) #Vince_Watson 5. I Need Your Lovin (Spen & Thommy's Strings Of Love Remix) #Spencer_Morales, #Tasha_LaRae, #John_Morales, #DJ_Spen 6. Calling Out (12' Mix) #Sophie_Lloyd, #Dames_Brown 7. Ocean Love #Till_Von_Sein 8. Holding You Close (Waajeed Remix ft Ideeyah) #Crackazat, #Waajeed 9. Dreamcatcher #Dario_D'Attis, #Definition, #Jinadu 10. Dulce Vida #Doug_Gomez, #Pietro_Nicosia 11. WE RISE (The Remixes) (Opolopo Remix) #Groove_Junkies, #Opolopo, #Solara 12. MY TRUTH (#Groove_N'_Soul Truth Mix) #Groove Junkies, #Reelsoul, #Nichelle_Monroe 13. I Found Inside (#Mesmerized_Soul Mix) #Steal_Vybe, #Peven_Everett 14. I'm Free (Manoo Remix) #Dave_Anthony, #Beverlei_Brown, #Manoo 15. Cuba Libre (#Cristian_Vincis Mix) #Dj_Angelo, #Da_Mike, #Cristian_Vinci 16. Labyrinth #Djeff_Afrozila 17. Spiritual Dance (#Mark_Francis Re-Edit) #Staffroom_Maniacs 18. Touch My Sexuality (#Cameron_The_DJ_Remix) #Koffee_The_Storyteller 19. Believe In Yourself (Original Mix) #DJ_Fudge

 DJ ARCH Soulful House Mastermix (Mix#189) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7290 Get your brand exposed to thousands now on this podcast. Advertise your brand here: Like what you hear? Drop a comment and let me know! Get the DJ ARCH APP FREE today! If you would like to donate to this podcast and be an executive producer for one of the most popular soulful house podcasts on the Internet, you may do so at Check me out at the following locations: LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT (Saturday Nites/Sunday Morn 12am-2am EST, 5am-7am GMT, 7a-9a SAST) (Saturday's 12a -2a EST) Book DJ ARCH for your next Soulful House Event @ My mobile app is available on all platforms at http://bit.lya/djarchapp *****THIS AND ALL FUTURE PODCASTS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY***** I AM LIVE ON PRESSURE RADIO THIS AND EVERY SUNDAY RECORDING THESE PODCASTS Here's The Playlist: ## Title - Artist 1. Tell Me A Secret (Original Version) #Crew_Deep 2. Can't Get Enough (#DJ_Spinna_Remix) #Soundersons 3. Simply Living #Full_Intention 4. Another Rendezvous (Original Mix) #Vince_Watson 5. I Need Your Lovin (Spen & Thommy's Strings Of Love Remix) #Spencer_Morales, #Tasha_LaRae, #John_Morales, #DJ_Spen 6. Calling Out (12' Mix) #Sophie_Lloyd, #Dames_Brown 7. Ocean Love #Till_Von_Sein 8. Holding You Close (Waajeed Remix ft Ideeyah) #Crackazat, #Waajeed 9. Dreamcatcher #Dario_D'Attis, #Definition, #Jinadu 10. Dulce Vida #Doug_Gomez, #Pietro_Nicosia 11. WE RISE (The Remixes) (Opolopo Remix) #Groove_Junkies, #Opolopo, #Solara 12. MY TRUTH (#Groove_N'_Soul Truth Mix) #Groove Junkies, #Reelsoul, #Nichelle_Monroe 13. I Found Inside (#Mesmerized_Soul Mix) #Steal_Vybe, #Peven_Everett 14. I'm Free (Manoo Remix) #Dave_Anthony, #Beverlei_Brown, #Manoo 15. Cuba Libre (#Cristian_Vincis Mix) #Dj_Angelo, #Da_Mike, #Cristian_Vinci 16. Labyrinth #Djeff_Afrozila 17. Spiritual Dance (#Mark_Francis Re-Edit) #Staffroom_Maniacs 18. Touch My Sexuality (#Cameron_The_DJ_Remix) #Koffee_The_Storyteller 19. Believe In Yourself (Original Mix) #DJ_Fudge

 DJ ARCH Soulful House Mastermix (Mix #188) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7605

Had this one done for a little while. Get your brand exposed to thousands now on this podcast. Advertise your brand here: Like what you hear? Drop a comment and let me know! Get the DJ ARCH APP FREE today! If you would like to donate to this podcast and be an executive producer for one of the most popular soulful house podcasts on the Internet, you may do so at Check me out at the following locations: LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT (Saturday Nites/Sunday Morn 12am-2am EST, 5am-7am GMT, 7a-9a SAST) (Saturday's 12a -2a EST) Book DJ ARCH for your next Soulful House Event @ My mobile app is available on all platforms at http://bit.lya/djarchapp *****THIS AND ALL FUTURE PODCASTS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY***** I AM LIVE ON PRESSURE RADIO THIS AND EVERY SUNDAY RECORDING THESE PODCASTS Here's The Playlist: ## Title - Artist 1. Settle For My Love (Mark Francis Miami Special Mix) #Carissa_Nicole, #Mark_Francis 2. Be Yourself (Peppe Citarella Organ Mix) #Blaze, #UDAUFL, #Joi_Cardwell 3. Tunnel (Original Mix) #Reelsoul 4. On Time God (DJ Spen Re-Edit) #George_Sykes, #DJ_Spen 5. Toinght (Vibe Boutique Vocal Mix) #Deep_Xcape, #Mpho, #Kelvin_Sylvester 6. You Cannot Stop (Original Mix) #Paul2Paul 7. Nyirit (Original Mix) #Souldynamic 8. Jam (Reelsoul & DJ Spen Up All Nite Mix) #EmKayBe, #Ann_Nesby 9. Our Love Is A Star (MAQman Sweet Mix) #Ralf_GUM, #Jocelyn_Mathieu, #MAQman 10. Play On (Original Mix) #Scott_Diaz 11. Dream It (The Layabouts vocal Mix) #David_Federmann 12. I Just Can't (Original Mix) #Hatiras, #Lee_Wilson 13. Remember Me #Risk_Assessment, #Jemini_G 14. Love To The Limit (Shur-i-kan Request Dub) #Mistura, #Bridgett_Grace 15. The Depths Of The Unknown #Jay_Kutz, #DJ_Spen 16. Seamless (Original Mix) #Re_You, #Floyd_Lavine 17. Ghetto Boy (Studioheist remix) #Sebb_Junior 18. Down #Jon_Billick 19. Becoming Cyclonic #Jimpster 20. House Dimension (Club Mix) #Milk_&_Sugar, #Ron_Carroll 21. The Rhythm (Original Mix) #Micky_More, #Andy_Tee, #Roland_Clark 22. Make Me Feel (Original Mix) #KPD 23. Sexy Dancer (SGM Remix) #Sheldon_Goode, #SGM

 DJ ARCH Soulful House Mastermix (Mix #188) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7605

Had this one done for a little while. Get your brand exposed to thousands now on this podcast. Advertise your brand here: Like what you hear? Drop a comment and let me know! Get the DJ ARCH APP FREE today! If you would like to donate to this podcast and be an executive producer for one of the most popular soulful house podcasts on the Internet, you may do so at Check me out at the following locations: LIVE Sundays 3-5p EST, 8-10p GMT (Saturday Nites/Sunday Morn 12am-2am EST, 5am-7am GMT, 7a-9a SAST) (Saturday's 12a -2a EST) Book DJ ARCH for your next Soulful House Event @ My mobile app is available on all platforms at http://bit.lya/djarchapp *****THIS AND ALL FUTURE PODCASTS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY***** I AM LIVE ON PRESSURE RADIO THIS AND EVERY SUNDAY RECORDING THESE PODCASTS Here's The Playlist: ## Title - Artist 1. Settle For My Love (Mark Francis Miami Special Mix) #Carissa_Nicole, #Mark_Francis 2. Be Yourself (Peppe Citarella Organ Mix) #Blaze, #UDAUFL, #Joi_Cardwell 3. Tunnel (Original Mix) #Reelsoul 4. On Time God (DJ Spen Re-Edit) #George_Sykes, #DJ_Spen 5. Toinght (Vibe Boutique Vocal Mix) #Deep_Xcape, #Mpho, #Kelvin_Sylvester 6. You Cannot Stop (Original Mix) #Paul2Paul 7. Nyirit (Original Mix) #Souldynamic 8. Jam (Reelsoul & DJ Spen Up All Nite Mix) #EmKayBe, #Ann_Nesby 9. Our Love Is A Star (MAQman Sweet Mix) #Ralf_GUM, #Jocelyn_Mathieu, #MAQman 10. Play On (Original Mix) #Scott_Diaz 11. Dream It (The Layabouts vocal Mix) #David_Federmann 12. I Just Can't (Original Mix) #Hatiras, #Lee_Wilson 13. Remember Me #Risk_Assessment, #Jemini_G 14. Love To The Limit (Shur-i-kan Request Dub) #Mistura, #Bridgett_Grace 15. The Depths Of The Unknown #Jay_Kutz, #DJ_Spen 16. Seamless (Original Mix) #Re_You, #Floyd_Lavine 17. Ghetto Boy (Studioheist remix) #Sebb_Junior 18. Down #Jon_Billick 19. Becoming Cyclonic #Jimpster 20. House Dimension (Club Mix) #Milk_&_Sugar, #Ron_Carroll 21. The Rhythm (Original Mix) #Micky_More, #Andy_Tee, #Roland_Clark 22. Make Me Feel (Original Mix) #KPD 23. Sexy Dancer (SGM Remix) #Sheldon_Goode, #SGM


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