Dharmabytes from free buddhist audio show

Dharmabytes from free buddhist audio

Summary: Welcome to Free Buddhist Audio's Dharmabytes podcast, featuring bite-sized dharma from our website's vast audio archive. Free Buddhist Audio is an entirely user-supported project from the Triratna Buddhist Community. If you like what you hear, come and join us at www.freebuddhistaudio.com/community - and happy listening!

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 Fighting Against Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:42

Our FBA Dharmabyte today is an excerpt titled "Fighting Against Change." Sagaraghosa reminds us through the telling of the story of Kisa Gotami that we are not making a mistake if we find life difficult sometimes. On the other hand there is a possibility of freedom from dukkha if we accept things what cant be changed. From the talk "What Do Buddhists Think - Physics" given at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, December 2012.

 Launch of The Buddhist Vision | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:24

For today's FBA Dharmabyte, we offer a recently re-discovered little lost delight - Sangharakshita and Subhuti launching each other's books and clearly enjoying themselves. Sangharakshita's in fine humour - and it's great to hear him read and quote from the bible! Is that a twinkle in his voice? In this excerpt, "Launch of The Buddhist Vision" Sangharakshita launches Subhuti's book by reminiscing about early discussions on 'what Buddhism is' - religion, philosophy or science. To listen to the full launch, see "Launch of The Buddhist Vision and the Dhammapada by Sangharakshita and Subhuti."

 Freedom from Raga | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:21

Today's FBA Dharmabyte, "Freedom from Raga" is an excerpt from a thoughtful and enlightening talk by Maitreyi titled, "The Root of Good."

 The Three Fetters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:34

Today's FBA Dharmabyte is from Sangharakshita titled: "The Three Fetters." The Fetters of self-view, doubt, and dependence on moral rules and religious observations are described in this excerpt from the full talk, "Stream Entry: the Point of No Return" given in 1975.

 Karma Niyama | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:12

In today's FBA Dharmabyte titled,"Karma Niyama," we hear an excerpt from the talk "The Five Niyamas and the Evolution of the Human Brain" by Vaddhaka. Here Vaddhaka illustrates the volitional mental order, or Karma Niyama, that which guides our moral or ethical choices.

 Radical Interconnectedness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:29

In today's FBA Dharmabyte, "Radical Interconnectedness," Satyanandi looks at radical interconnectedness and the nature of mind as it meets the world. In the full talk, "How We See the World," she takes the listener on a very intriguing trip through the myriad worlds of consideration that arise when view, experience and reality meet. Her starting point is science and its various models for how the universe works - from mechanism to quantum physics.

 Enlightenment as Non-Experience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:25

Elucidating the other side of the coin, in today's FBA Dharmabyte,"Enlightenment as Non-Experience," Sangharakshita explores the alternative to considering Enlightenment as experience. Nirvana is the experience you have when you stop experiencing. The full talk, "Enlightenment as Experience and as Non-Experience" was given in 1975.

 Enlightenment as Experience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:20

In today's FBA Dharmabyte,"Enlightenment as Experience," Sangharakshita exposes a modern disease of frustrated craving for experience. He suggests that spiritual life is better seen in more concrete ways; as growth, work, and duty. The full talk, "Enlightenment as Experience and as Non-Experience" was given in 1975.

 Five Hundred Parasols | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:02

In today's FBA Dharmabyte we draw from Dayamala's talk on "Building the Buddhaland" In this segment of the talk entitled, "Five Hundred Parasols" she references the early chapters of the Vimalakirti Nirdesa as a poetic example of the relationship between individual spiritual practitioners and the greater universe of all sentient beings and the Cosmic Bodhicitta.

 The Buddha in Relation to His Society | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:46

Vishvapani looks back to the Buddha's day in today's FBA Dharmabyte - introducing his book on the Buddha in a talk called  "The Buddha and Society" In this segment, "The Buddha in Relation to His Society" he looks at how the Buddha likely engaged with the political and social atmosphere of the times.  Did he have a concern with the larger sphere of social life, and does the approach we take as Buddhists in the modern era need to be different?

 Changing Self and Society | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:30

Today's FBA Dharmabyte is an segment from Sangharakshita's 1976 talk "A Blueprint for a New Society" Entitled "Changing Self and Society" he discusses two common views regarding changing the world - changing the system, and changing the individual - and how they are not mutually exclusive.

 Meeting Suffering | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:09

Today's FBA Dharmabyte is an excerpt from Maitrisara's talk "Meeting the Suffering of the World - Compassion in Action" given  as the last talk of Dharmapala college's "40 years of the New Society" seminar. Entitled "Meeting Suffering" she talks about the unique challenge of our age, having a global awareness of suffering, and she opens up the basic question for Buddhists - how do we engage with it meaningfully?

 The Burning Monk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:32

Today's FBA Dharmabyte is an excerpt from Devamitra's riveting talk "Quang Duc" given at the London Buddhist Center. In this segment entitled "The Burning Monk" Devamitra discusses the motivations behind Quang Duc's self-immolation in Vietnam and its after-effects, which raises many challenging questions about ethics and acting for the sake of others.  An excellent talk - don't miss the rest of it!

 Why Be a Warrior? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:15

Today's FBA Dharmabyte is an excerpt from Dharmashalin's longer talk given at Padmaloka on the topic of becoming a Dharma warrior. Entitled "Why Be a Warrior?" he pulls in accessible examples from pop culture and his personal experiences to illustrate the qualities of a peaceful Dharma warrior and speak to the meaning of developing in this way for our spiritual lives.

 Young People and the Dharma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:52

Today's FBA Dharmabyte entitled  "Young People and the Dharma" is from Lindsay Hannah in an address to members of the European Buddhist Union gathered at Taraloka. Here she shares an array of thought-provoking practical ways that Centres could inspire more young people to practice the Dharma.


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