- Inspiration for Motherhood show - Inspiration for Motherhood

Summary: Fact: You're a mom. You're kind of a big deal. Hi! My name is Kat Lee from and my passion is to remind you of that you ARE a big deal when you forget amidst diaper changes and tantrums. If you need a little pep talk and a lot of practical wisdom about motherhood, the Inspired To Action Podcast is for you. Grab your headphones and put your game face on. {fist bump}

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 Developing a Love of Reading in Your Kids :: Jamie Martin :: ITA106 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:32

Do you dream of your kids loving to read, but just don’t know how to force that to become a reality?  Jamie Martin is with us today with insight, ideas, and resources on how to raise children that love to read and are more globally-minded because of books. In This... Read more

 Stop Fixing Behavior and Start Building Belief :: Jim and Lynne Jackson :: ITA105 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:08

Do you ever feel like all those consequences you’re doling out for bad behavior are only causing a rift in your relationship with your child?  Jim and Lynne Jackson are Parenting Coaches (can a get a “Hallelujah?!”) who are sharing about turning your focus from “fixing” your child’s behavior to... Read more

 Conquering Kid Clutter with Ruth Soukup :: ITA104 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:41

Do you feel overwhelmed by the clutter of “kid stuff” in your home?  Tune in to hear Ruth Soukup give us some helpful tips and ideas on living in a peaceful space. In This Episode You’ll Hear… How to declutter your kids’ toys without the drama. How to shift the... Read more

 Mompreneurs: Turning Your Hobby Into a Business with Christy Wright : ITA 103 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:34

So often as moms, we put our hobbies, dreams, ideas, and skills on the back-burner.  Maybe you think no one would want what you’re offering.  Or maybe the logistics of starting a business are just too intimidating. Entrepreneur Christy Wright is inspiring us today with great ideas on how to... Read more

 Fighting Insecurity :: Annie Downs :: ITA102 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:06

Annie Downs has a way with words. She is one of my (and my daughters’) favorite story tellers and wisdom slingers. And as engaging as she is on paper, she may be even more so live. Today we’re chatting with Annie about a topic that moms fight more often than... Read more

 Fighting Motherhood Myths with Ruth Schwenk :: ITA101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:42

There are so many motherhood myths out there we start to believe once we become moms. They can hold us back from living out our mission as moms. When we believe those myths about ourselves, they change how we can best parent and love our children. My guest on this... Read more

 Parenting without Regret :: Laura Seibert :: ITA100 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:18

Of all the people that I’ve ever interviewed, there are few people I could recommend with more integrity and wisdom than Laura. Her words as a mom and a wife hold such weight and I was greatly encouraged by what she said about owning motherhood. I know you’ll be inspired by... Read more

 Simple Bible Study Tips for Busy Moms :: Katie Orr :: ITA99 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:45

As moms, it can be challenging to find time to go as deep as we want into Scripture. That’s why I’m excited to introduce you to Katie Orr, a pastor’s wife and the author of a new bible study series that you will love. Katie’s tips and ideas for how... Read more

 Embrace Life, Live Curiously :: Logan Wolfram :: ITA96 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:48

As moms who are raising the next generation, something that is so important is reigniting our faith. As we teach and model this for our children, they watch and pick up on how we live out our faith. Logan Wolfram, my guest on this episode of the podcast, is the... Read more

 Preparing for the Teen Years :: Elisa Pulliam :: ITA95 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:07

Every time Elisa shares with us on the podcast, she offers so much wisdom and insight. Today’s episode is no exception! We chat about parenting tweens and teens differently but fairly, paying attention to the state of our child’s heart, having transparent conversations and preparing for the teen years. I loved... Read more

 Building a Beautiful Home from the Inside Out :: Sally Clarkson :: ITA98 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:55

Sally Clarkson has changed the way I look at my home. It’s not just a house to decorate. Building a beautiful home is about creating a family culture, fun traditions and an environment that gives life to everyone who enters. Join me today as we talk with Sally Clarkson about... Read more

 Breaking Busy :: Alli Worthington :: ITA97 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:37

How to we get off the hamster wheel of busyness? This is the question Alli Worthington and I chat about in today’s episode. You’ll be inspired by Alli’s story and the wisdom she learned along the way. In This Episode You’ll Hear… The importance of taking  time for yourself to avoid... Read more

 Rest Easy Moms, We Are Not the Rescuers :: Sally Lloyd-Jones :: ITA94 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:27

I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed talking with Sally Lloyd-Jones! She has such encouraging words for us, particularly about how we as moms are not called to be the rescuers of our children. You won’t want to miss the episode as Sally reminds us that we aren’t called... Read more

 Learning Differences and What Is Most Important :: Jenni Eastin :: ITA93 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:31

Today I’m talking with Jenni Eastin about raising children with learning challenges. We discuss everything from educational opportunities to managing our own expectations as mothers. Whether your child has a learning challenge or not, Jenni has so much wisdom to share with all mothers as we choose to celebrate progress... Read more

 Open Arms :: Foster Parenting :: Elizabeth Oates :: ITA92 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:25

Today I’m chatting about foster parenting and adoption with my friend Elizabeth Oates. Elizabeth’s powerful story will inspire you to examine your own limits and find ways to be the Church to those who need a family and to those families who have chosen to foster parent or adopt. In... Read more


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