The Gary Zimak Show show

The Gary Zimak Show

Summary: Would you like to learn more about Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church? Join Catholic speaker, author and radio host Gary Zimak each night for 30 minutes of discussion about how we can grow closer to the Lord and get to know Him personally. Gary is the author of several books including A Worrier's Guide To The Bible, From Fear To Faith, Listen To Your Blessed Mother and travels around the country proclaiming the "Good News". Jesus is real and He wants to be your friend. Tune in and find out how to make that a reality in your life!

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  • Artist: Gary Zimak
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 Advent Retreat - Day 6 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Join Gary Zimak as he discusses the solemnity of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Gary will read and elaborate on the daily Mass readings, which highlight the important role that Mary played in salvation history. Because she said, "yes" to God, we received the long awaited Messiah! It doesn't matter whether you know very little about Mary or you already have a strong devotion to her, you'll benefit from listening to this episode of The Gary Zimak Show!

 Advent Retreat - Day 5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

What can we do to bring others to Christ? Today we'll look at the Mass readings for the 2nd Sunday of Advent, which introduce us to John the Baptist. The last of the Old Testament prophets, John announced that the Messiah had arrived. Join Gary Zimak as he discusses how we can imitate John in our daily lives. While it's important for us to grow closer to the Lord during Advent, it's also critical that we help others to do so as well. Tune in and find out how!

 Advent Retreat - Day 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

If you're overwhelmed with all that needs to get done to prepare for Christmas, the last thing you want to hear is that you should spend more time in prayer during Advent! While it's true that you should set aside some time each day for prayer, why not try to pray more efficiently and learn to make the most of your prayer time? Join Gary Zimak as he offers ways to make your daily prayers more meaningful. In addition, we'll hear the Lord speak to us through the daily Mass readings. Tune in and find out what you can do to jump start your prayer life TODAY!

 Advent Retreat - Day 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

When you pray, what's more important - the amount of time you pray or the quality of those prayers? Join Gary Zimak as he continues the Advent Radio Retreat by discussing that very critical issue. In addition, Gary will read and discuss today's daily Mass readings. Don't try to struggle through Advent all by yourself. Pull up a chair and let Gary help you!

 Advent Retreat - Day 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

What are you doing from now until Christmas? Are you just preparing for Christmas or are you preparing to welcome Christ? The Church gives us the season of Advent so that we can prepare to welcome Jesus more deeply into our lives, but it can be difficult for us at times. Join Gary Zimak as he leads an Advent Radio Retreat every Monday - Friday and helps you to get ready to welcome the Lord. Each night, Gary will read from the Bible and offer meditations designed to help you prepare for the coming of the Savior. There's always an empty chair for you on the Gary Zimak Show. Hope to see you!

 Advent Retreat - Day 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

What are you doing from now until Christmas? Are you just preparing for Christmas or are you preparing to welcome Christ? The Church gives us the season of Advent so that we can prepare to welcome Jesus more deeply into our lives, but it can be difficult for us at times. Join Gary Zimak as he leads an Advent Radio Retreat every Monday - Friday and helps you to get ready to welcome the Lord. Each night, Gary will read from the Bible and offer meditations designed to help you prepare for the coming of the Savior. There's always an empty chair for you on the Gary Zimak Show. Hope to see you!

 Get Ready! A Look At The First Sunday Of Advent... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Join Gary Zimak as he reads and discusses the Mass Readings for the First Sunday of Advent. Are you prepared to spend the next four weeks preparing to welcome Jesus more deeply into your life? While all of our daily distractions and Christmas preparations make it difficult, it's definitely something that we need to do. In addition to discussing Sunday's Mass Readings, Gary will speak about Advent and the radio retreat which begins on Monday. Make it a point to tune in!

 Giving Thanks To The Lord | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Join Gary Zimak as he discusses the importance of giving thanks to the Lord. Each new day is a gift, but we often get so caught up in our daily struggles that we lose sight of that fact. Gary will read and discuss Jesus's healing of the ten lepers as told by Saint Luke. In addition, we'll look at ways to become more thankful. After enjoying your Thanksgiving dinner and the having your fill of football, make it a point to tune in for 30 minutes of discussion about Jesus!

 Learning To Be Patient | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

One of the most difficult struggles we face in life is learning to be patient. How many times have you become frustrated that God wasn't answering your prayers fast enough? How many times have you become anxious about family members who have stopped going to Church? If we look at salvation history, we'll see that the Lord operates according to His own schedule. As we prepare to enter into the Advent season (a time of hopeful waiting), join Gary Zimak as he offers suggestions for becoming more patient. In addition, Gary will share more information about his new Real Life Radio program which begins in 2015!

 Are You Willing To Ask Jesus This Question? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

When the rich, young man encountered Jesus, he was very brave in asking the following question - "What do I still lack?"  After assuring the Lord that he kept all of the commandments, he wanted to know what else was necessary in order to gain eternal life. Unfortunately, the young man didn't like Jesus's answer and "went away sorrowful". How about you? What is holding you back from a closer relationship with Jesus. Are you willing to ask the question and listen to the Lord's answer? Join Gary Zimak as he discusses this challenging, but powerful Biblical encounter and offers suggestions for applying it to your life.

 Are You Ready For Our Advent Retreat? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Join Gary Zimak as he discusses the Advent Radio Retreat, which will begin on December 1. Gary will share some of the topics that will be covered and also stress the importance of participating in this retreat. This year's theme is "What If This Is Your Last Advent?" and it truly may be. Are you ready? Tune in and let's discuss!

 Are You Prepared To Die Today? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Join Gary Zimak as he reads and discusses the Mass readings from the last Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ The King. As we prepare to close out the Church year, we're reminded that one day our lives will come to an end and we will be judged. That could happen today. Are you ready? As the season of Advent approaches, we are all called to follow Jesus (The Good Shepherd) more closely and welcome Him more deeply into our lives. Tune in and let's discuss how to make it a reality!

 Are You Willing To Get Out Of The Boat? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Sometimes we panic when our life is filled with problems. We lose sight of the fact that Jesus is right with us and totally in charge. Join Gary Zimak as he opens the Bible and discusses the story of how Jesus' encounter with the disciples during a storm at sea. Not only did the Lord walk on the water, but Peter did as least for a while. How about you? Are you willing to get out of the boat and trust that Jesus will be there for you? Tune in and let's discuss!

 God Is Always There For Us | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

No matter what time of day or night it is, God is always watching over us. Even though He sometimes appears to be asleep, the Lord is always available. Join Gary Zimak as he shares some personal observations and reads some of his favorite Psalms. From time to time, we could all use a reminder of God's presence. Tune in and get ready for that reminder!

 Let's Become More Like Zacchaeus! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Join Gary Zimak as he discusses the familiar Biblical tale of Zacchaeus the tax collector (Luke 19:1-10). Even though most of us know the story, we generally don't see Zacchaeus as a role model. When we look at the details of his encounter with Jesus, however, we discover that he did many things right! In addition, Gary will spend some time reflecting on John 1:14 and discussing the upcoming Advent radio retreat. Hope you can tune in. As always, it won't be the same without YOU!


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