Ray Edwards Show show

Ray Edwards Show

Summary: Ray Edwards is a sought-after Copywriter, Author, Speaker, and Communications Strategist. His clients include Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Jeff Walker, Robert Allen, and more. On this show, Ray helps you start, run, and grow their Internet-based businesses. The show includes interviews with well-known experts like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, Dan Miller, Cliff Ravenscraft, Michael Stelzner, Amy Porterfield, Don Miller, and many others.

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  • Artist: Ray Edwards
  • Copyright: Copyright 2007-2012 by Ray Edwards International, Inc.


 #074: 5 Reasons Why I Still Attend Seminars [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:07

Copywriter & Marketing Consultant Ray Edwards hosts this weekly show about Internet Business and Supernatural Success. Ray is a world-renowned copywriter and communications strategist, writing for some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business. His clients include New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Robert Allen, and Tony Robbins. The podcast features insights on the art of persuasive writing, direct sales, product launches, internet marketing strategies, and the spiritual foundations of business success.

 #073: How To Get More Blog Traffic [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:23

For many bloggers, it's the number one topic of discussion: how to get more traffic to your blog.  Having a bigger number of visitors doesn't necessarily mean you have a more profitable business, but let's face it; we all want more traffic. In this episode, I'll explain how  to get more traffic to your blog. Announcements: Conferences where I will be attending and/or speaking: NAMS Conference, August 9-11 SCORRE Conference, October 14-17 Platform Conference, November 3-5 And if you enjoy the podcast, I would consider it a great favor if you subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. This helps new people discover the podcast. You can also find the podcast on Stitcher. Tip Of The Week This week I share the value of inconveniently scheduled entertainment. Spiritual Foundations “But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.” Luke 5:15-16 The more value you have to offer, the more demand others will place on you. The more value you place on serving, the more tempted you will be to supply what others demand. This seems good, but there is one problem… …you are a limited resource. Which means eventually the supply (you) will be exhausted by the demand (others). At that point, everyone ceases to be served. In order to serve at the highest level, for the longest possible time, you must preserve the resource. What this means: Not everyone who wants “just five minutes” from you can have it. Not everyone who wants to partner with you on a business or a project gets a “yes”. Not everyone who makes a request of you, or a demand on your time/money/energy, gets their request granted. You must preserve the resource (you) and learn to say “no” Most people will not be happy with your boundaries. That’s why most people fail to establish and enforce them. Be different than most people. Because you are a limited resource, and we need you. Feature Segment: How To  Get More Blog Traffic Success as a blogger cannot be measured by subscriber numbers alone. That doesn't mean we don't count the number of subscribers. How do you get more traffic to your blog? Here are seven tips… Write 3 to 5 “Pillar Posts”. Post Consistently And Frequently. Comment On High Traffic Blogs. Write Guest Posts For High-Traffic Blogs. See this post by Jeff Goins about guest posting. Link To Other Blogs in Your Posts. Encourage Commenting on Your Blog. Use Social Media to Promote Your Blog Posts. Question:   What tactics do you use to get more traffic to your blog? Click here to leave your comments.  

 #073: How To Get More Blog Traffic [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:23

Copywriter & Marketing Consultant Ray Edwards hosts this weekly show about Internet Business and Supernatural Success. Ray is a world-renowned copywriter and communications strategist, writing for some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business. His clients include New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Robert Allen, and Tony Robbins. The podcast features insights on the art of persuasive writing, direct sales, product launches, internet marketing strategies, and the spiritual foundations of business success.

 #072: How To Create Content That Sells [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:30

It's all the rage: “content marketing”. But if you think just giving away lots of great content for free is going to make you money, you haven't thought the matter through. Chances are you're making one of the three big content marketing mistakes. St. John's Cathedral in Spokane, WA, taken with my iPhone. In this episode, I'll explain how to create content that actually makes sales. Announcements: Conferences where I will be attending and/or speaking: NAMS Conference, August 9-11 SCORRE Conference, October 14-17 Platform Conference, November 3-5 And if you enjoy the podcast, I would consider it a great favor if you subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. This helps new people discover the podcast. You can also find the podcast on Stitcher. Tip Of The Week I've been enjoying the challenge of trying to take great photographs using just my iPhone. Turns out this is a very popular hobby. Two great resources, if you're interested in giving it a try, are iPhone Photography and the ProCamera App. I also like 100 Cameras In 1. Spiritual Foundations “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 What we put into our brains makes a difference in our life, and that includes our spirit life. I'm not big on rules, so I'm not going to tell you there are things you should or should not listen to or watch. But I will suggest you might want to be careful what you put inside yourself. Anything that you are going to listen to, or watch, needs to pass through a filter. Here's a good one: is this helpful? Is it healing? Is it hopeful? Is it loving? If the answer to the above questions is “no”, you might want to reconsider whose word you listening to, and what the consequences might be. Feature Segment: How To Create Content That Sells Content really does sell, but if you give away the store, you go broke fast. The key is you must create content that encourages a buying decision. The three big “content marketing” mistakes: Creating mediocre content. Creating content that completely satisfies your customer's needs. Creating content without being intentional. Keys to creating content that sells. Your best material is your best marketing. Create content that is “useful, but incomplete” (thanks Jimmy D Brown). Be strategic about the content you create. Create products that get results, while laying the foundation for new purchases. Question:  What content  marketing strategies have brought you the best results? Click here to leave your comments.  

 #072: How To Create Content That Sells [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:30

Copywriter & Marketing Consultant Ray Edwards hosts this weekly show about Internet Business and Supernatural Success. Ray is a world-renowned copywriter and communications strategist, writing for some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business. His clients include New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Robert Allen, and Tony Robbins. The podcast features insights on the art of persuasive writing, direct sales, product launches, internet marketing strategies, and the spiritual foundations of business success.

 #071: How To Get Clarity And Focus [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:37

Copywriter & Marketing Consultant Ray Edwards hosts this weekly show about Internet Business and Supernatural Success. Ray is a world-renowned copywriter and communications strategist, writing for some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business. His clients include New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Robert Allen, and Tony Robbins. The podcast features insights on the art of persuasive writing, direct sales, product launches, internet marketing strategies, and the spiritual foundations of business success.

 #071: How To Get Clarity And Focus [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:38

Over the last few weeks, I've had the opportunity to talk on the phone with a number of consulting clients. I was startled to hear virtually the same phrase come out of each of their mouths: “I need clarity on what I'm supposed to be doing, and help focusing on it.” Why do we feel we lack clarity? And why do we have trouble focusing? Most importantly, how can we get clear and focused? I've got an answer for you in today's episode. Announcements: Conferences where I will be attending and/or speaking: JV Alert, July 26-28 NAMS Conference, August 9-11 SCORRE Conference, October 14-17 Platform Conference, November 3-5 Want To Be On Next Week's Show? My topic for next week's show is “Creating Content That Sells”. If you have a question on that topic, you can ask by visiting my voicemail page (just click here to leave a message). This is a great way to promote your own website. First, make sure you have a great question, and then start off by saying your name and your website. If your question is used on the show, we will even include a link back to your site in the show notes. Your Feedback Do you have an idea for a podcast you would like to hear? Do you have a question that you like to ask me? Please contact me. Call in your questions or comments to our new, fancy “request line” at (509) 713-2679 or click here to leave a message on my Voicemail Page And if you enjoy the podcast, I would consider it a great favor if you subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. This helps new people discover the podcast. You can also find the podcast on Stitcher. Tip Of The Week GoodReader for iPad allows you to markup PDF documents using a stylus. This is great for editing, proofreading, and notetaking. Lifestyle Business Segment Featuring Stu McLaren of Wishlist Products and Rhino Support. This week:  creating more meaning in your work. Spiritual Foundations “Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1 Have you ever made a big mistake, and been filled with regret? Recently I made a major decision without consulting my wife. I gave the appearance of consulting her, by writing a highly persuasive, highly logical justification of my decision and presenting it to her and asking, in essence, “you agree with me don't you?” In other words, I blindsided and bulldozed her. How she supposed to respond? I hurt her feelings. The decision may have been right, that the way I presented it was all wrong. I felt like a creep. How could I do that to the person I loved most in the world? Pause… that feeling that I experienced, right there, is called condemnation. It's the feeling that we need to be punished for something we have done. My example is just one from real-life. You could substitute your own. Maybe you have had an angry thought, shaded the truth, cut the corners on the business deal, delivered less than your best, spoken words in anger, had a lustful or greedy thought, been inpatient or intolerant of a family member… I'm sure you can come up with your own examples. The Bible calls these things sin (which means to “fall short of the target”), and left on our own, our sin condemns us. But, as those who follow Christ, our sins have been forgiven. Past, present, and future. Condemnation is a tool of Satan uses against us to disempower us. If he can get us thinking, “what kind of Christian are you anyway? If people knew what you are really like, they would be shocked…” Then he can get us to become isolated from others, and ineffective in our calling and our mission. There is now no condemnation… it's in the present tense. The next time you feel tempted to do something you know is wrong, repeat this verse out loud. Use it as a “fighter verse”. It's the Word of God, and the Bible tells us that even the Angels “heed the voice of His word”. That His word “will not return to Him void” (in other words, it will not be ineffective). And if you realize after the fact that you've done something wrong, remind yourself of the same thing… there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  As Pastor Joseph Prince writes: The power of Jesus to overcome every temptation kicks in when you remain conscious that even at the point of temptation, Jesus is still with you and that you are righteous in Him apart from your works (Romans 4:6)! When you do that, you reject the condemnation for the temptation that you are facing. You are now able to rest in your righteous identity in Christ apart from your works, and release the power of Christ in you to rise above the temptation. Feature Segment: How To Get Clarity And Focus Know your reason WHY. Think through WHAT outcome you want. Plan HOW to achieve the outcome. Have SMARTER goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound, Evaluate, Re-Evaluate… November 1981 issue of Management Review by George T. Doran.) Build systems that run without you. Create margin. Sharpen the saw. Resources Mentioned In This Episode Michael Hyatt's free ebook, Creating Your Personal Lifeplan Work the System by Sam Carpenter Margin by Richard Swensen 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Dr. Stephen R. Covey Question: How do you get clarity and focus? Click here to leave your comments.  

 #070: How I Would Start Over Today [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:01

Copywriter & Marketing Consultant Ray Edwards hosts this weekly show about Internet Business and Supernatural Success. Ray is a world-renowned copywriter and communications strategist, writing for some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business. His clients include New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Robert Allen, and Tony Robbins. The podcast features insights on the art of persuasive writing, direct sales, product launches, internet marketing strategies, and the spiritual foundations of business success.

 #070: How I Would Start Over Today [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:01

When I am interviewed, one question that comes up regularly is: “Ray, if you are starting your business today how would you do it?”  I think the implication is things are different today than when I started, and thus a different approach is required. But is that true? In this week's episode I'll answer the question, how would I start over today? Announcements: Conferences where I will be attending and/or speaking: JV Alert, July 26-28 NAMS Conference, August 9-11 SCORRE Conference, October 14-17 Platform Conference, November 3-5 Want To Be On Next Week's Show? My topic for next week's show is “How To Get Clarity And Focus”. If you have a question on that topic, you can ask by visiting my voicemail page (just click here to leave a message). This is a great way to promote your own website. First, make sure you have a great question, and then start off by saying your name and your website. If your question is used on the show, we will even include a link back to your site in the show notes. Your Feedback Do you have an idea for a podcast you would like to hear? Do you have a question that you like to ask me? Please contact me. Call in your questions or comments to our new, fancy “request line” at (509) 713-2679 or click here to leave a message on my Voicemail Page And if you enjoy the podcast, I would consider it a great favor if you subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. This helps new people discover the podcast. You can also find the podcast on Stitcher. Tip Of The Week Changing things up a bit, this week's Tip of the week is actually a hat tip to three of my favorite podcasts. This Is Your Life by Michael Hyatt Podcast Answer Man by Cliff Ravenscraft 48 Days by Dan Miller Lifestyle Business Segment Featuring Stu McLaren of Wishlist Products and Rhino Support. this week: the value of taking risks. Spiritual Foundations “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 Who are you, and why are you here? These are big questions, but the answers are vital to building a sustainable business on a firm foundation. You are a child of God. You are here to establish his will “on earth, as it is in heaven.” Once you are in submission  to the great commission, you can understand your mission. Feature Segment: How I Would Start Over Today Discover my own unique ability. Find the intersection of my unique ability, the desires of my marketplace, and what they're willing to pay for. Build a platform and a listening station. Create a unique solution for an identifiable group of people with money. Build a marketing system to bring that offer to my people. Question: how would you start over today? What questions do you have about starting up for the first time? Click here to leave your comments.  

 #069: How To Monetize Your Message [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:51

Copywriter & Marketing Consultant Ray Edwards hosts this weekly show about Internet Business and Supernatural Success. Ray is a world-renowned copywriter and communications strategist, writing for some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business. His clients include New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Robert Allen, and Tony Robbins. The podcast features insights on the art of persuasive writing, direct sales, product launches, internet marketing strategies, and the spiritual foundations of business success.

 #069: How To Monetize Your Message [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:51

Just yesterday I was on the phone with a client. She had just finished describing her business to me. She wants to sell a product that teaches women how to help their husbands break an addiction to pornography. “I guess what I'm wondering,” she said, “is this a ministry or business? Is there really a way to make money doing this?” In other words, she was asking if it's possible to monetize her particular message. This is a common question. Almost everybody wonders about it at some point, and almost everybody thinks their businesses “different”. If you're listening to the show, I believe it is definitely possible for you to monetize your message. To do well while doing good. And today I will tell you exactly what you need to do for that to happen. Announcements: JV Alert, July 26-28 NAMS Conference, August 9-11 SCORRE Conference, October 14-17 Platform Conference, November 3-5 Tip Of The Week This weeks tip explains how I use the Kindle reader app on my iPad, plus Evernote, to do research for my books and articles. Spiritual Foundations This weekend like to share something written by Kris Vallotton.  It's about the importance of setting boundaries. This is a crucial skill needed by anyone in this business of ours. “It's really important to set boundaries with people. If you don't learn to set boundaries in your life, other people will superimpose their priorities and values on you. The people who hate the fact that you're setting boundaries are the very ones who need them the most! Some people view boundaries as unloving or harsh. They think that you should run to every emergency, let people violate your values, and never say no to anyone or else you are not being loving. Jesus loved people and yet he had no problem confronting them. Personally, I'm tired of marshmallow Believers. Doormat Don and Molly meek need to get some courage and leave the powerless, victim camp of spineless Christianity.” “It's funny, when I share things like this on my Facebook page people think I'm venting or I'm in a bad mood. I don't need to be in a bad mood to set boundaries, I've had to learn to live with them or die without them. No public figure could survive very long without setting boundaries. For example, it's common for people to talk to me while I'm in a bathroom stall or even slide a book under the stall for me to autograph. Often people will follow me out to my car after a 12 hour day of ministry to take a picture with me. All these people mean well, and it is really nice to be loved. But it takes a toll on you and soon you find yourself exhausted; not wanting to be around people. So you finally learn to set boundaries and risk being misunderstood. But it's better to be misunderstood and fruitful, than to be burnout, broke down, and useless.” I urge you to take some time this week to think about what your boundaries are, and perhaps identify places in your life where a lack of boundaries is depleting your personal  resources.  You can't help anyone else if you're in the process of drowning. Feature Segment: How To Monetize Your Message How can you monetize any message? It's actually fairly simple. First, in order to monetize your message, you must become the message your mission deserves. Second, there are four strategic components to the monetization process: Big Mission Big Idea Big Invitation Big Offer Third, in the Big Offer phase of your monetization plan, there are four subcomponents that must be present: Community Copy Content Call to Action Want To Be On Next Week's Show? My topic for next week's show is “How Would Ray Start Today?”. If you have a question on that topic, you can ask by visiting my voicemail page (just click here to leave a message). This is a great way to promote your own website. First, make sure you have a great question, and then start off by saying your name and your website. If your question is used on the show, will even include a link back to your site in the show notes. Your Feedback Do you have an idea for a podcast you would like to hear? Do you have a question that you like to ask me? Please contact me. Call in your questions or comments to our new, fancy “request line” at (509) 713-2679 or click here to leave a message on my Voicemail Page And if you enjoy the podcast, I would consider it a great favor if you subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. This helps new people discover the podcast. You can also find the podcast on Stitcher.  

 #068: How I Create My Podcast [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:52

Copywriter & Marketing Consultant Ray Edwards hosts this weekly show about Internet Business and Supernatural Success. Ray is a world-renowned copywriter and communications strategist, writing for some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business. His clients include New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Robert Allen, and Tony Robbins. The podcast features insights on the art of persuasive writing, direct sales, product launches, internet marketing strategies, and the spiritual foundations of business success.

 #068: How I Create My Podcast [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:52

One of the most common questions I get is this: “Ray, how do you create your podcast each week?” In this week's episode, I'll give the most complete answer ever. And I'll walk you through my workflow for creating this podcast. The official “studio” of the Ray Edwards Show.   Announcements: JV Alert, July 26-28 NAMS Conference, August 9-11 SCORRE Conference, October 14-17 Platform Conference, November 3-5 Tip Of The Week The Eagle Creek Tarmac 22 is my new carry-on, along with Eagle Creek Pack It Cubes. Allows me to travel with just one bag for a 3-day conference. Thanks to Chris Brogan and Michael Hyatt for the tip. Packing Pro. This app is my new method of choice for a packing checklist. Spiritual Foundations Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 A few nights ago, I had serious trouble sleeping. I lay awake staring at the ceiling, reviewing the many responsibilities and tasks that lay before me the next day. Although I was weary, I could not rest. Finally, I spoke aloud to Jesus, and gave him my list of things I was worried about. He took my list, and I fell asleep. Sometimes we just need to take the promises of the Bible at face value. We don't need to understand the Greek, or have an exegetical analysis performed by a trained theologian. If you know Jesus, he has promised to give you rest. Whatever you're dealing with, whether it's financial, emotional, physical, or anything else, he sees you. He's already promised to give you rest. To take over your heavy burden. You can just ask. He will give you peace. Feature Segment: How I Create My Podcast First things first. Just about everything I learned about podcasting, I learned from Cliff Ravenscraft. He is the Podcast Answer Man. I will share how I create my podcast, but for the detailed tutorials and instruction you need on the subject, I recommend Cliff's material without reservation. Ray's  Podcast Gear Mixer: Behringer Xenix X1222 USB Microphone: Heil PR40 Digital audio recorder: Zoom Handy Recorder H2 Digital hybrid: JK Audio Innkeeper 1X Audio processor: Multicom Pro-XL MDX4600 Headphones: Audio Technica ATH – M30 Magic bullet: iMic USB audio interface Website platform: WordPress Podcasting plug-in: Blubrry Powerpress Software: Adobe Audition, Creative Cloud; ID3 Editor; SoundByte Media server: Libsyn Computer: MacBook Air, 13 inch, 500 GB SSD Odds and ends: many different cables, Brother labeler for cables, great degree of patience, Cliff Ravenscraft podcast training to remove need for patience Ray's Podcast Workflow Decide on topic Fill in SCORRE template Fill-in podcast Show Prep template Assemble audio clips Records show “live” to digital audio recorder Transfer show from SD card to MacBook Air Process audio using Adobe audition Export audio of show to MP3 format Use ID3 tag software to tag MP3 file Upload MP3 file to Libsyn Add media link to post Preview post and double check all links, copy, and the audio file Schedule show for publication Want To Be On Next Week's Show? My topic for next week's show is “Monetizing Your Message”. If you have a question on that topic, you can ask by visiting my voicemail page (just click here to leave a message). This is a great way to promote your own website. First, make sure you have a great question, and then start off by saying your name and your website. If your question is used on the show, will even include a link back to your site in the show notes. Your Feedback Do you have an idea for a podcast you would like to hear? Do you have a question that you like to ask me? Please contact me. Call in your questions or comments to our new, fancy “request line” at (509) 713-2679 or click here to leave a message on my Voicemail Page And if you enjoy the podcast, I would consider it a great favor if you subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. This helps new people discover the podcast. You can also find the podcast on Stitcher.  

 #067: My Biggest Business Mistakes and What You Can Learn From Them [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:01

This week I'm going to pull back the curtain and share what I believe have been my seven against business mistakes, and what you can learn from them.   Announcements: JV Alert, July 26-28 NAMS Conference, August 9-11 SCORRE Conference, October 14-17 Platform Conference, November 3-5 Tip Of The Week Apple Voice Memos is a fantastic recording studio in your pocket. Spiritual Foundations But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises. Hebrews 8:6 Sometimes when trials come our way, we think God is giving us a test. Or that he is “shaping our character”. I have heard people say things like, “It wasn't until I got cancer that my family came together. So I know that was God's plan for my life.” Often, people in these situations will cite the book of Job as support for this position. Let me be clear: God is not the author of evil. And cancer is evil. Many will point to the book of Job, or other places in the Old Testament, and say, “See, this is where God was judging a person… sending a spirit of sickness on a person… causing evil things to happen to a person or nation.” And then they will quote Scripture to say that God is “the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.” Such thinking misses the point. Yes, God is the same. But his covenant has changed. God has always been merciful. He has always been good. He has always been the healer, the restorer, the protector. The old covenant was given because God's people demanded it. It is not what he wanted for the, but they stood their ground in the desert and demanded that Moses go up and bring them back the law. The book of Job is a book of bad theology, presented as bad theology. Job's friends, the ones who sat around and speculated about why God sent tragedy Job's way (as punishment for sin, to shape his character, etc.) got it wrong. God himself said so in the book. Jesus, Scripture tells us, is the perfect mirror representation of the Father. Anything that you think about the Father, but which contradicts what you see demonstrated in the life of Jesus, is simply wrong. Jesus healed every person who came to him. He was merciful. He was joyful. And he never once imparted cancer, poverty, divorce, tragedy, or accidents to anyone in order to teach them a lesson. Does God make all things work together for good? Yes. Can he use any situation in our lives as an opportunity for us to learn and grow? Yes. And keep in mind that he clearly promises us, among other things, divine health, divine wealth, peace… In fact he promises us that we will “prosper in all things, even as your soul prospers.” Feature Segment: My Biggest Business Mistakes Many business coaches and mentors are happy to tell you about their successes. Most are not so quick to share stories of their failures, because they worry that this will diminish their positioning in your eyes. The problem is: it's from failure that we may learn some of our most valuable lessons. Today, I'm going to share what I consider to be seven of my biggest business mistakes, what I learned from them, and what I feel you can take away from them as well.    Ray's Seven Biggest Business Mistakes Not starting soon enough. How I hesitated to strike out on my own. Going into debt. The borrower is slave to the lender. Accepting clients I knew were a bad fit. The “Client Who Ate My Calendar” story Failing to establish clear boundaries. “No, I can't take your call at 11pm on Saturday/” Moving too slowly. Ideas lose fire as the clock ticks. Failure to focus. Dispersing your forces weakens your impact. Lacking simultaneous execution. Just so I can contradict #6… Want To Be On Next Week's Show? My topic for next week's show is “How I Create My Podcast”. If you have a question on that topic, you can ask by visiting my voicemail page (just click here to leave a message). This is a great way to promote your own website. First, make sure you have a great question, and then start off by saying your name and your website. If your question is used on the show, will even include a link back to your site in the show notes. Your Feedback Do you have an idea for a podcast you would like to hear? Do you have a question that you like to ask me? Please contact me. Call in your questions or comments to our new, fancy “request line” at (509) 713-2679 or click here to leave a message on my Voicemail Page And if you enjoy the podcast, I would consider it a great favor if you subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. This helps new people discover the podcast. You can also find the podcast on Stitcher.  

 #067: My Biggest Business Mistakes and What You Can Learn From Them [Podcast] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:01

Copywriter & Marketing Consultant Ray Edwards hosts this weekly show about Internet Business and Supernatural Success. Ray is a world-renowned copywriter and communications strategist, writing for some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business. His clients include New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Robert Allen, and Tony Robbins. The podcast features insights on the art of persuasive writing, direct sales, product launches, internet marketing strategies, and the spiritual foundations of business success.


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