Zend Screencasts: Video Tutorials about the Zend PHP Framework  (iphone) show

Zend Screencasts: Video Tutorials about the Zend PHP Framework (iphone)

Summary: Free Zend Framework screencasts. Video tutorials to get you up to speed with different parts of the Zend Framework and enterprise PHP development.


 Writing Composite Zend_Form Elements | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

This video should help you build your own composite Zend_Form element. We’ll be building a phone element. The phone element will have 3 textboxes, one for geographic location, area code and local code. In the following videos will add a custom cell phone validator and some ajax validation. Grab a copy of the project or browse the repository. ServerGrove has offered to sponsor 3 videos in March! ServerGrove specializes in Zend Framework hosting and they’ve offered a 10% rebate on hosting with coupon code “zc”. If you’re looking for a host, be sure to check them out (referral). They’ve also added an additional coupon for “Mini Hosting” plans, get $2 off by using code “zcmini”.

 Creating Custom Zend_Form Decorators | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

This little video tutorial should set you up for building your own custom Zend_Form decorators in 15 minutes. I’ll show you how you can make the necessary class and have it easily added to your existing Zend_Form_Decorator configuration. Grab a copy of the project or browse the repository. In other news, ServerGrove is giving Zendcast viewers a coupon! ServerGrove specializes in Zend Framework hosting and they’ve offered a 10% rebate on hosting with coupon code “zc”. If you’re looking for a host, be sure to check them out (referral). They’ve also added an additional coupon for “Mini Hosting” plans, get $2 off by using code “zcmini”. 6FEXTBMDW93N

 Zend_Form Decorators Explained | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

One of the pain points for folks who are starting to work with the Zend Framework is the Decorating functionality found in the depths of Zend_Form. I’ve witnessed countless instances when a developer becomes excited by Zend_Form’s easy-to-implement form validation and creation, only to become frustrated by countless hours of fighting with Zend_Form_Decorators. This video is a humble attempt on my part to walk through how Zend_Form Decorators work and how you can reason your way through a desire result. I couldn’t have gotten my own head around this implementation of the decorator pattern without Matthew Weier O’Phinney’s excellent posts and his original devzone article. UPDATE: check out this blog post / tutorial for ZF 1.10.0: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/learning.form.decorators.html I’ll show you a bit about how Zend_Form_Decorators are constructed and how to take the default zend_form layout and transform it into a table. Grab a copy of the project or browse the repository. ServerGrove is giving Zendcast viewers a coupon! ServerGrove specializes in Zend Framework hosting and they’ve offered a 10% rebate on hosting with coupon code “zc”. If you’re looking for a host, be sure to check them out (referral). They’ve also added an additional coupon for “Mini Hosting” plans, get $2 off by using code “zcmini”.

 Logging with Timestamps and Doctrine Event Listeners | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

This short video is going to be the last in my 2009-2010 series on Doctrine 1.2. I’m wrapping it up with a little example of adding timestamps, logging and using Doctrine’s event listener architecture. Grab a copy of the project or browse the repository. ServerGrove will be sponsoring 3 videos this month! ServerGrove specializes in Zend Framework hosting and they’ve offered a 10% rebate on hosting with coupon code “zc”. If you’re looking for a host, be sure to check them out (referral). They’ve also added an additional coupon for “Mini Hosting” plans, get $2 off by using code “zcmini”.

 Introduction to Zend_Mail | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

A big thank you to Ryan Horn for putting together this great screencast about Zend_Mail. Ryan took the time to talk about how to setup a dev environment that uses a gmail account. This is perfect for folks like myself who work in a development environment that’s behind an annoying ISP firewall on SMTP (port 25). Ryan Horn is a web developer based out of Buffalo, feel free to reach him by email. Grab a copy of the project or browse the repository.

 Logging in Users using Doctrine and Zend_Auth | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Here’s the second part of my Doctrine / Zend_Auth example. In 15 minutes, we create a logout, login and protected area that’s reliant on the ZC_Auth_Adapter adapter we created in last week’s video. Notice how there’s no code in the IndexController exposing the authentication implementation, Grab a copy of the project or browse the repository. Also, a big thank you to ServerGrove for extending their support of Zendcasts for January. ServerGrove specializes in Zend Framework hosting and they’ve offered a 10% rebate on hosting with coupon code “zc”. If you’re looking for a host, be sure to check them out (referral). They’ve also added an additional coupon for “Mini Hosting” plans, get $2 off by using code “zcmini”.

 Writing a Zend_Auth_Adapter with Doctrine | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

I’ve been using Doctrine a lot in my own work, and recently found myself itching to have tighter integration between Zend and Doctrine when it comes to user logins. Luckily, Zend provides a very simple interface with regards to Zend_Auth. This way, it’s easy to decouple your persistence layer (in my case Doctrine) from the authentication layer. I’ve borrowed from Palo Verede’s wonderful article on Doctrine and Zend_Auth and I invite you to check his blog out. Grab a copy of the project or browse the repository. Also, a big thank you to ServerGrove for extending their support of Zendcasts for January. ServerGrove specializes in Zend Framework hosting and they’ve offered a 10% rebate on hosting with coupon code “zc”. If you’re looking for a host, be sure to check them out (referral). They’ve also added an additional coupon for “Mini Hosting” plans, get $2 off by using code “zcmini”.

 Deep Integration between Zend and Doctrine 1.2 | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

There’s been a lot of talk online about finding the best approach for bringing Zend and Doctrine 1.x together. This video is my humble approach of combining some of the learning brought about over the last few weeks on Zendcasts, as well as suggestions from Doctrine developers. The goal of this video is to show how you leverage the existing resource loading tools in Zend to have a model structure that reflects Zend’s best practices. This video builds on the last Doctrine video, but if you’re familiar with both frameworks, you should be able to follow along. Enjoy! Grab a copy of the project or browse the repository. Also, a big thank you to ServerGrove for extending their support of Zendcasts for January. ServerGrove specializes in Zend Framework hosting and they’ve offered a 10% rebate on hosting with coupon code “zc”. If you’re looking for a host, be sure to check them out. They’ve also added an additional coupon for “Mini Hosting” plans, get $2 off by using code “zcmini”.

 Doctrine Relations and Zend MVC | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

This short podcast covers how you can easily build a form using Zend’s MVC model via Zend_Controller and using Doctrine for persistence. You can download the source code or browse it online. Enjoy!

 Doctrine Relations and Data Fixtures | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

This episode of zendcasts will cover how we can write Data Fixtures and extend our data model to include a simple one-to-many using Doctrine’s schema.yml file. I also noticed in the code of my last example that Model loading wasn’t working properly. I cover the fix in the video, however I’d like to highlight it here too. In your _initDoctrine() method, make sure you load the models: Doctrine::loadModels($doctrineConfig['models_path']); also, I’d like to extend a welcome to the folks at ServerGrove Networks for sponsoring this episode of Zendcasts. ServerGrove specializes in Zend Framework hosting and they’ve offered a 10% rebate on hosting with coupon code “zc“. If you’re looking for a host, be sure to check them out. Grab a copy of the project or browse the repository. Edit: I spoke to Guilherme Blanco (one of the core developers behind Doctrine) and he kindly brought up some things I should bear in mind for my Doctrine / Zend set. Doctrine’s autoloader configuration can be scaled back by doing PEAR style Model Loading (new to 1.2). Also, you can use Doctrine_Core instead of Doctrine since everything has been moved to Doctrine_Core in order to follow Zend-style namespacing. lastly, you can register your own CLI tasks as part of Doctrine’s CLI script or just write them in the scripts/doctrine.php file. With this, you could have your newly-generated models placed in the necessary folders. I’ll be experimenting with this in the coming week.

 Writing Doctrine Unit Tests with Zend_Test | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Building on the Introduction to Doctrine 1.2 video, this video will show how you can easily test the persistence of Doctrine models within the Zend_Test environment. I also touch briefly on how to setup the latest version of MAMP with phpunit. Edit: I spoke to Guilherme Blanco (one of the core developers behind Doctrine) and he kindly brought up some things I should bear in mind for my Doctrine / Zend set. Doctrine’s autoloader configuration can be scaled back by doing PEAR style Model Loading (new to 1.2). Also, you can use Doctrine_Core instead of Doctrine since everything has been moved to Doctrine_Core in order to follow Zend-style namespacing. lastly, you can register your own CLI tasks as part of Doctrine’s CLI script or just write them in the scripts/doctrine.php file. With this, you could have your newly-generated models placed in the necessary folders. I’ll be experimenting with this in the coming week. Enjoy!

 Introducing Doctrine 1.2 Integration | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

By popular demand, I’ve put together an introduction to Doctrine 1.2 integration with the Zend Framework. Doctrine is a fantastic ORM (object-relational mapping tool). If you’ve jumped from NHibernate or Hibernate and are itching to have a powerful tool for handling database relationships, Doctrine is probably your best bet. On the mailing lists, there’s a lot of talk about integrating Doctrine 2.0 into the 2.0 release of the Zend Framework. Regardless, this will help you get up to speed today. In next week’s video, I’ll show you how you can unit test those models in the Zend Framework. Enjoy! Edit: I spoke to Guilherme Blanco (one of the core developers behind Doctrine) and he kindly brought up some things I should bear in mind for my Doctrine / Zend set. Doctrine’s autoloader configuration can be scaled back by doing PEAR style Model Loading (new to 1.2). Also, you can use Doctrine_Core instead of Doctrine since everything has been moved to Doctrine_Core in order to follow Zend-style namespacing. lastly, you can register your own CLI tasks as part of Doctrine’s CLI script or just write them in the scripts/doctrine.php file. With this, you could have your newly-generated models placed in the necessary folders. I’ll be experimenting with this in the coming week. Grab a copy of the project or browse the repository.

 Introducing Zend_Translate | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

One of the big things that the Zend Framework has over other frameworks is the built-in locale and language tools provided by Zend_Translate and Zend_Locale. All this comes with plugins into Zend’s templating system via Zend View Helpers. This video covers setting up some language-friendly routes, writing a custom language switcher Zend Controller Plugin and then running some a CSV-formatted language file. Grab a copy of the project or browse the repository. Like the video? Support Zendcasts:

 Moving Bootstrap Code to Configuration | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

We’re going to build on what was covered in the last video and work with Zend Controller Plugins to specify a special layout for each module in our application. We’ll also look at how we can clean up the configuration of our Bootstrap.php file by moving as much configuration as possible into the application.ini file. Included in this video is a very quick look at how the Zend Framework’s resources are defined and loaded. Grab a copy of the project or browse the repository.

 Protecting Assets with Zend Controller Plugins | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

I had to take a little hiatus the last few weeks, however I’m hoping to get back into a weekly posting schedule. This video is an introduction in how to effectively use Zend Controller Plugins. The Zend Documentation refers to Zend Controller plugins being part of the Action Stack which is a simple data structure that can be filled with a bunch of plugins which will run in succession. We’ll create a simple asset protection script using the Zend Framework’s built in Zend Controller Plugin architecture. Grab a copy of the project or browse the repository.


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