Infants on Thrones show

Infants on Thrones

Summary: An entertaining podcast about self-awareness and discovery. The title Infants on Thrones is an homage to the Mormon Founder Joseph Smith who said, in his lesser-known King Follet discourse, that eternity is full of thrones, upon which dwell thousands of children, reigning on thrones of glory, with not one cubit added to their stature. It is a funny image, but it also suggests that we, as amateur podcasters, do not really have all the answers we may think we do. We can't take ourselves too seriously. We are also Infants on Thrones.


 Ep 530 – A Manual for Creating Atheists, Part 6 – Street Epistemology | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:37:56

What is it like to actually do Street Epistemology?  Glenn is joined by Randy, Delany, and Jimmy to talk to Street Epistemologists Reid Nicewonder and Anthony Magnabosco.  Their YouTube videos can be found below: Anthony Magnabosco’s YouTube Channel: Cordial Curiosity (Reid Nicewonder’s YouTube Channel):

 Ep 529 – Sam Young Interview – Post Mortem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:39

Tom and Matt are joined by Jake and Glenn to reflect on our recent Sam Young interview and the polarizing impact it had on all of us.

 Ep 528 – A Manual for Creating Atheists, Part 5 – Mormon Missionaries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:36:27

What happens when a Street Epistemologist sits down to atheist-convert two Mormon Missionaries who have sat down to Mormon-convert him?  It’s a wild wacky panel discussion full of laughs and groans and cognitive distortions of all shapes and sizes.  Enjoy.

 Ep 527 – Jane and Emma the Movie: A Conversation with Screenwriter Melissa Leilani Larson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:18:35

Glenn and Tom sit down (once again…) with Melissa Leilani Larson to discuss the movie Jane and Emma, showing in select theaters in Utah Oct 12-14, 2018.  Go see it if you can! Lindsay Hanson Park also provides a review of the film, and Glenn includes two bonus easter eggs: 1) an interview with Mel from 9 years ago about her play “Little Happy Secrets” and 2) the audioplay version of “Little Happy Secrets.” Enjoy!

 Ep 526 – Sam Young | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:54:27

Matt and Tom sit down with Sam Young to discuss his goals in protecting children, the effectiveness of his approach, and next steps post-excommunication.

 Ep 525 – Culture vs. Doctrine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:17:44

What is the difference between Mormon culture and “the gospel?”  You don’t have to be anti-mormon-crusader-extraordinaire Jeremy Goff or privately censured General Authority Ronald E. Poelman to see there is a distinction between the culture and the gospel.  Unless of course you remove the biasing blinders from your eyes and finally see that there really is no distinction at all.  Listen in as Glenn smacks down another goofy video from Jeremy Goff and revisits the Elder Poelman 1984 kerfuffle. This episode will change the way you eat green jello!

 Ep 524 – Believing Parents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:20

How do you relate to believing parents when it is clear that you no longer believe in many things that are most important to them?  Would you give your believing father a priesthood blessing even after resigning from the Mormon church?  Matt and his wife Kristin talk to Tom about the difficulty of connecting and communicating with our believing parents and share a recent example of a challenging but incredibly rewarding act of love.  Matt’s “So Many Later’s” Spotify Playslist.

 Ep 523 – Smackdown: A Manual for Creating Atheists, Part 4 – RELATIVISM | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:13:43

What is relativism?  Is it okay for anyone to believe anything that they want?  Where do you draw the line between what is okay to critique and what is off limits?  Today Glenn, Matt, Tom, Delany, and Chelsea discuss RELATIVISM.

 Ep 522 – Smackdown: The Excommunication Rap | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:26

Excommunication is all about love, right?  Listen in as Glenn, Tom, Matt, Delany Darko, and Chelsea Shields smack down a video blog from Anti-Mormon Crusader Extraordinaire, Jeremy Goff.

 Ep 521 – Smackdown: A Manual for Creating Atheists, Part 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:47:33

What is the socratic method?  How can it be used effectively in conversations with people who believe things differently than you do?   Glenn is joined by Brother Jake, Delany Darco, and Brady Bluhn to discuss part 3 of Peter Boghossian’s “A Manual for Creating Atheists.”

 Ep 520 – Smackdown: A Manual for Creating Atheists, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:21:57

What is faith?  How is it different from hope?  What is an atheist?  How is that different from an agnostic?  Glenn is joined by Delany Darco and Tom Perry to discuss part 2 of Peter Boghossian’s “A Manual for Creating Atheists.”

 Ep 519 – Smackdown: A Manual for Creating Atheists, Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:25

Were you ever a Missionary for the Mormon church?  Did you ever become an Atheist?  Have you ever wanted to become a Missionary for Atheism and talk people out of their faith?  Have you ever wondered what an Atheist Missionary discussion handbook would look like?  Well, look no more.  Today Glenn, Tom, Heather, Randy, and Delany Darco review the first part of Peter Boghossian’s “A Manual for Creating Atheists.”  Enjoy.

 Ep 518 – Bill Reel: Why I left the Mormon Church and what I now think about God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:58:10

Glenn sits down with fellow sorta-Mormon podcaster Bill Reel to talk about podcasting, the reasons why he eventually left the church, and what he now thinks about Life, the Universe, and God

 Ep 517 – A Manual for Creating Atheists: An Extended Smackdown Teaser | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:19

Last week, Infants on Thrones started the process of smacking down (or, probably “smacking-up” really) Peter Boghossian’s important and provocative book “A Manual for Creating Atheists.”  We are approaching this in a different way than we have in the past, and you are invited to join us for the sausage-making “behind the scenes” elements of this journey.   If you are so inclined, please come and support us on Patreon and be a part of this project as it unfolds.

 Ep 516 – Smackdown: The Unwritten Order of Things | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:03:50

Did you know that if you take the sacrament with your left hand, it doesn’t really count?  Or that it is disrespectful for the first counselor to sit anywhere but on the right side of the Bishop/President?  Or that using nicknames like “Liz” instead of the full and proper “Elizabeth” is pretty much an abomination in the sight of God? If any of this is news to you, then you just don’t know the holy precious sacred unwritten order of things.  You can repent by listening to this episode as Glenn, Jake, Heather, and Bob smack down the 1996 Boyd K. Packer BYU devotional talk “The Unwritten Order of Things.” Also — as a special easter egg —  Glenn shares the myth “Old Lady Truth,” which is episode #1 of  his new podcast MytholoGuy.  Click here if you would like to subscribe and here to sign up on the MytholoGuy facebook page.


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