Infants on Thrones show

Infants on Thrones

Summary: An entertaining podcast about self-awareness and discovery. The title Infants on Thrones is an homage to the Mormon Founder Joseph Smith who said, in his lesser-known King Follet discourse, that eternity is full of thrones, upon which dwell thousands of children, reigning on thrones of glory, with not one cubit added to their stature. It is a funny image, but it also suggests that we, as amateur podcasters, do not really have all the answers we may think we do. We can't take ourselves too seriously. We are also Infants on Thrones.


 Ep 605 – 2020 Vision: What is Real – Five Naked Mormon Truths to Choke On | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:45

What is real? What is true? And who has the advantage when it comes to survival of the fittest: those who see it like it really is, or those who don’t? Today Glenn does some Mormon-focused riffing on Donald Hoffman’s 2015 Ted Talk “Do we See Reality as it is?”  

 Ep 604 – Alan Cohen and A Course in Miracles Made Easy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:27

Glenn sits down with award winning author and Life Coach Alan Cohen to discuss spirituality vs. religion, reclaiming the concept of God, the relationship between love and fear, and the book A Course in Miracles Made Easy. Find out more about Alan Cohen here:   Please come support Infants on Thrones on Patreon:  

 Ep 603 – Tithing Settlement – Lars Nielsen and The 124 Billion Dollar LDS Church Tax Fraud Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:11

Has the Mormon Church been hiding billions of dollars in some kind of illegal tax shelter?  Glenn and Tom sit down with Lars Nielsen, author of the Letter to the IRS Director. Links referenced in our discussion: The 74-page Letter to the IRS Director: A 7-minute video introduction: A 77-minute full video exposé: Religion Unplugged article: Washington Post article:

 Ep 602 – On Abraham Hicks & Thinking and Feeling and Creating Good Vibrations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:21:28

If your thoughts create your emotions, can you control your thoughts to create the kind of emotions that you really want to feel?  And if a conman (or woman) tells you they are conning you, are they really actually conning you?

 Ep 601 – Parenting Beyond Mormonism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:48

Matt and Tom discuss parenting beyond mormonism. What they have learned, what they know, and what they don’t know.

 Ep 600 – Ho’oponopono with Sara Emmitt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:17

What would you do if you were diagnosed with cancer and given only a few more weeks to live?  Would you travel the world and experience as many things as you could before it was too late?  What if the joy that you experienced during those travels actually healed you? Sara Emmitt is a singer, a cancer surviver, a world traveler, and today she shares her story of balance, self-love and self-discovery through the traditional Hawaiian healing practice of Ho’oponopono:  I’m sorry.  I forgive you.  Thank you.  I love you. You can listen to Sara’s music and contact her directly through the following sites:

 Ep 599 – Rewired: Changing the Ex-Mormon Narrative, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:35

So if 90% of our 70,000 daily thoughts are repeats from the previous day — if our bodies create repetitive habits over time, and reinforces those habits unconsciously over and over and over again, how exactly can we change?  Today’s episode explores Dr. Joe Dispenza’s advice.

 Ep 598 – Rewired: Changing the Ex-Mormon Narrative, Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:50

How many throughts do you typically think on any given day?  600-700 maybe?  6000-7000 maybe? Nope.  It’s 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day.  And 90% of those are thoughts that you are repeating from the previous day.  And 50% percent of your memories are false. What does that mean for the way you live your life? Today Glenn addresses these questions as he walks you through part of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s recent series on the brain: Rewired.

 Ep 597 – Joker (the movie): A Modern Day Joseph Smith? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:36

Glenn and Tom discuss the movie Joker (spoiler alert — we talk about spoilers) and make the ever-so-obvious connections to Joseph Smith and the Mormon church.  Enjoy!

 Ep 596 – The Alchemist and the Vampire – A Parable | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:26

Matt gives us minisode by sharing a parable loaded with metaphors.

 Ep 595 – Theory, Mechanics, Communication & Connection | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:24

Matt and Kristin talk with Tom about methods they’ve learned about how to best communicate and connect with others.

 Ep 594 – Abraham-Hicks and The Biggest Missing Piece | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:38:58

What if Joseph Smith were teaching his teachings today?  Maybe they’d sound a little bit like Abraham Hicks. The eternal nature of intelligences.  The eternal progression of man.  The idea that as man is god once was and as god is man may become.   Spiritual gifts, the power of faith, that as a man thinketh so is he, the worth of a soul is great, man is that he might have joy, there must needs be opposition in all things but that all sins are wiped clean by a loving god and that all these things shall give thee experience. But there are some really horrendous “oppositions” out there.  The Problem of Evil anyone? Glenn is joined by Tom and Kristy and a few Patreon supporters to discuss.   Check out the Infants on Thrones Patreon page here. The full video of Abraham Hicks The Biggest Missing Piece is here.

 Ep 593 – No Crime in Sin: An Interview with the Fearless Kristy Johnson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:36:19

Glenn and Tom sit down with Kristy Johnson to discuss her documentary “No Crime in Sin,” which tells the story of Kristy’s sexual abuse at the hands of her CES Leader and BYU Teacher father; how the Mormon church swept it all under the rug; how Kristy and two of her siblings confronted their father 30 years after the fact, and what this has all meant for Kristy and her siblings today.   Kristy shares her healing process and how it now feels to live a life free of fear. “No Crime in Sin” is streaming now on Amazon Prime. The extended easter egg clip of Abraham-Hicks can be viewed here.

 Ep 592 – Words Shmurds: Guilt and Empathy Revisited | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:27:10

Glenn, Tom, and Matt are joined by 7 or 8 listeners to discuss guilt and empathy.

 Ep 591 – Guilty Not Guilty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:33:39

What is Guilt?  What is Shame?  What is Empathy?  How do all of these things affect us?  It’s time to evaluate where we stand. This episode includes 30 min of new material and a throwback to IOT’s 2nd episode: Guilt, a panel discussion between Tom, Randy, Bob, Matt, and Glenn that was originally published on Aug 30, 2012. Join us for a live “what do we all think about this now” discussion on Wednesday, August 21 at 10pm ET  on our Patreon page.  Sign up to support the podcast on Patreon here if you are interested.


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