Occult Science Radio show

Occult Science Radio

Summary: Oc-cult - 1. of or pertaining to magic, astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies. 2. beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or understanding; mysterious. 3. secret; disclosed or communicated only to the initiated. 4. hidden from view. 5. (in early science) a. not apparent on mere inspection but discoverable by experimentation. b. of a nature not understood, as physical qualities. c. dealing with such qualities; experimental: occult science.

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 Global Epidemic Exposed - Television Sigil Magik | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Bonnie Jean Mitchell is a life-long contactee who has interacted with friendly, multidimensional “star people” since she was a young child. She has also experienced negative alien abductions and military abductions known as MILABS. She did her first interview about alien abduction with the Edgar Cayce Foundation in 1993 and has been helping contactees and abductees ever since. In the year 2000, she graduated from The College of William & Mary and began working on her first book, Invitation to the Self; journey with the star people, published in 2005. Her website, alienabductionhelp.com, is a supportive environment for contactees and abductees. John Mitchell, with a background in the U.S. Navy and U.S. Merchant Marines, traveled to the infamous Area 51, Nevada and filmed dozens of daytime UFOs in 2006. His experience included five hours of missing time and the filming of two UFOs leaving the scene of his abduction. These events began John’s research which has revealed connections to both the enslavement and the freeing of mankind. John wishes to enlighten others to Truth to help expand their consciousness.Together, Bonnie and John run awakenvideo.org, an anthology of videos with categories like DNA Activation and Ascension, Reptilians, Masons and the New World Order, Alternative Energy, Sacred Geometry, HAARP and Project Blue Beam. Their current focus is the danger of Television Sigil Magick. You can contact Bonnie and John via email at bonnieandjohn@awakenvideo.org

 Nostradamus Today | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:12:00

Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. He served for three and a half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, America’s oldest Freethought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies creates enthusiastic responses from audiences around the world. He has conducted dozens of intensive seminars, hosted his own radio talk shows, guested on more than 600 radio shows, and written, produced and appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries (including three 2-hour specials for the CBS TV network, as well as the internationally acclaimed 5-part Ancient Mystery Series – all devoted to understanding ancient religions and their pervasive influence on world affairs today. His work on the subject of secret societies, both ancient and modern, and their symbols, has fascinated audiences around the world for decades. Considering the rapidly moving events of today, and the very real part that hidden religious agendas play in our modern war-torn world, he feels these controversial subjects are not only interesting to explore, but too important to ignore! His extraordinary presentations includes documents. Jordans areas of interest include:??* Astro-Theology ?* Sexual Symbolism in World Religions?* Foundations for Modern-Day Religion?* Secret Societies and Toxic Religion?* World Mysteries: Ancient and Modern?* Ancient Symbols and Occult Emblems?* Ancient Sciences and Technology?* Hidden Bible Teachings and Mysteries?* The Sun in the History of Politics and Religion?* The Story Your Church Doesn’t Want You to Know?* Secret Societies and their Influence on World Events and photographs seldom seen elsewhere.

 How The U.S. Government Really Works | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:08:00

Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. He served for three and a half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, America’s oldest Freethought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies creates enthusiastic responses from audiences around the world. He has conducted dozens of intensive seminars, hosted his own radio talk shows, guested on more than 600 radio shows, and written, produced and appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries (including three 2-hour specials for the CBS TV network, as well as the internationally acclaimed 5-part Ancient Mystery Series – all devoted to understanding ancient religions and their pervasive influence on world affairs today. His work on the subject of secret societies, both ancient and modern, and their symbols, has fascinated audiences around the world for decades.Considering the rapidly moving events of today, and the very real part that hidden religious agendas play in our modern war-torn world, he feels these controversial subjects are not only interesting to explore, but too important to ignore! His extraordinary presentations includes documents.Jordans areas of interest include:??* Astro-Theology ?* Sexual Symbolism in World Religions?* Foundations for Modern-Day Religion?* Secret Societies and Toxic Religion?* World Mysteries: Ancient and Modern?* Ancient Symbols and Occult Emblems?* Ancient Sciences and Technology?* Hidden Bible Teachings and Mysteries?* The Sun in the History of Politics and Religion?* The Story Your Church Doesn’t Want You to Know?* Secret Societies and their Influence on World Events and photographs seldom seen elsewhere.  

 The Great Work...Natural Law | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:02:00

Mark Passio is an independent researcher, public speaker, radio talk show host, conference organizer and freedom activist from Philadelphia, PA. Mark has undertaken the task of assembling vast amounts of research in the areas of metaphysics, occultism, spirituality, symbology and consciousness studies. In 2007, Mark began presenting this information in the form of a presentation series entitled What On Earth Is Happening, with the intention of bringing the implications of this body of knowledge to greater public awareness. In 2010, Mark began hosting his own weekly internet radio show, also called What On Earth Is Happening, which is now broadcast live every Sunday on the Oracle Broadcasting network. Mark is also one of the co-hosts of Free Your Mind, the Philadelphia-based conference on consciousness, mind control and the Occult. Website: WhatOnEarthIsHappening.com

 The Inner World of the Occult | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. He served for three and a half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, America’s oldest Freethought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies creates enthusiastic responses from audiences around the world. He has conducted dozens of intensive seminars, hosted his own radio talk shows, guested on more than 600 radio shows, and written, produced and appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries (including three 2-hour specials for the CBS TV network, as well as the internationally acclaimed 5-part Ancient Mystery Series – all devoted to understanding ancient religions and their pervasive influence on world affairs today.His work on the subject of secret societies, both ancient and modern, and their symbols, has fascinated audiences around the world for decades. Considering the rapidly moving events of today, and the very real part that hidden religious agendas play in our modern war-torn world, he feels these controversial subjects are not only interesting to explore, but too important to ignore! His extraordinary presentations includes documents.Jordans areas of interest include:??* Astro-Theology ?* Sexual Symbolism in World Religions?* Foundations for Modern-Day Religion?* Secret Societies and Toxic Religion?* World Mysteries: Ancient and Modern?* Ancient Symbols and Occult Emblems?* Ancient Sciences and Technology?* Hidden Bible Teachings and Mysteries?* The Sun in the History of Politics and Religion?* The Story Your Church Doesn’t Want You to Know?* Secret Societies and their Influence on World Events and photographs seldom seen elsewhere.

 The 7 Hermetic Laws | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:39:00

 Wayne B. Chandler MS, CPH, SCE, is the author of: “Ancient Fu- ture: The Teachings and Prophetic Wisdom of the Seven Hermetic Laws of Ancient Egypt.” Praise: “Ancient Future is a compel- ling look at our past, present, and future. It is a timely book that will help to motivate as well as enlighten all who read it. As a source of infor- mation relevant to our current po- litical and spiritual climate, Ancient Future will surely become one of the outstanding books in the years ahead, and will stand the test of time.” –Dick Gregory “The philosophical and scientific axioms engendered by Hermes or Tehuti are brilliantly analyzed by Chandler...Clearly, his knack for detail stems from his tremendous photojournalistic skills. In the dias- pora, Chandler is probably the pre- eminent photojournalist. Because of Chandler’s contribution, the spirit of humanity can be defended by apply- ing these principles to life for human transformation.” –Dr. T.O. Moore, NeuroscientistAnd: “The Brighter Side of Darkness: A Light Warrior's Guide to Inner Al- chemy and Spiritual Transforma- tion” (Projected Publication 2013)Chandler is an Anthro- photojournalist specializing in an- cient African and Asian civilization, philosophy and culture. From 1985 to 1995 Chandler was a regular con- tributor and co-author in eight pub- lications of the Journal of African and Asian Civilizations, a series of books produced annually and edited by famed Professor Ivan Van Sertima and published by Rutgers Univer- sity.

 "What Does it Mean to Be Sovereign?" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:37:00

What does it mean to be sovereign?  Sovereignty can initially be a confusing concept and in reality it is very simple. To be sovereign means to be an independent adult in interdependent relationships while still being 100% responsible and 100% accountable for everything in your life.  Most people believe that they control their own destiny, yet they are generally mistaken.  Practically all have it within their power to achieve such control and influence but tend to give it away through free will choice in exchange for benefits and privileges from the state and other corporations or people. A Sovereign man or womb-man has the will and ability to govern oneself and exercises it every day.  Knowing who you are, is the key to unraveling the secret that holds us back from attaining true freedom.  He or she also recognizes that with self governance comes the duty to self restrict activities should they harm another and works diligently to ensure that he or she does not force their will upon another.  The state’s duty is to govern those who do not have the will or the ability to govern oneself and a Sovereign man or womb-man will do what they can to support the public as they too have a duty to those who are not governing them selves.   http://consciousselfgovernance.ca/

 "Is The Occult & New Age Movement A Tool of the NWO?" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:42:00

In 2012 Jan Irvin made an important discovery.  In the course of re-publishing The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross by the Dead Sea Scrolls scholar John Allegro,[1] Irvin had been researching the letters of one of Allegro’s most prominent critics, Gordon Wasson, at various university archives (including Princeton, Yale, Columbia, Dartmouth, and the Hoover Institute at Stanford) when he came across primary documents–letters actually written by Wasson–showing that he had worked with the CIA.[2] Though Gordon Wasson was both chairman for the Council on Foreign Relations and the Vice President of Public Relations for J.P. Morgan Bank, he is most famous as the individual who “discovered”, or more accurately popularized, magic mushrooms. An article in Life magazine described fantastic visions and experiences Wasson claimed to have had while under their influence (see Life, May 13, 1957 – Seeking the Magic Mushroom). Wasson’s claims were the first description of the effects of psilocybin (“magic”) mushrooms presented to the general public. Irvin saw troubling implications in his discovery. He was aware, of course, of the CIA’s infamous Project MK-ULTRA, in which the organization had given LSD to unsuspecting U.S. citizens. He also knew of the many conspiracy theories claiming that the government has been somehow involved with the creation of the “drug culture.”  He was also aware of Dave McGowan’s research on the drug and music movement that had come out of Laurel Canyon in the 1960‘s, which showed that many of the “rock idols” who created it were the children of members of military intelligence.[3]     http://www.gnosticmedia.com/

 "The Astronomical Code of Dante" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

H.R.H. Princess Chiara F. Hohenzollern, is graduated in Modern Letters at the University L.U.M.S.A., in Rome, with a thesis entitled: “The Comedy, Astronomical Code”. The passion for Italian Literature has always combined a passion for Geography and Astronomy.The book “The Astronomical Code of Dante-Forbidden knowledge of the Divine Comedy”, it’s her first opera. She lives in Rome, with her husband, H.R.H. Prince Kenneth-Wilhelm F. Von Hohenzollern.  

 Internet Marketing, Investing, Prosperity Consciousness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:47:00

The incomparable Mooney Twins return for an empowering evening of information on Passive Income, Investing, FOREX Trading and more.... join us   http://www.mooneytwinsnetwork.com/

 Sadiki Bakari Returns | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

One of the greatest master teachers of our generation, Sadidki Bakari returns for another powerful evening. The topics are:  1) NASA, Encoded Sanskrit and Cosmic Emanation 2) Genetic Hard Drives, Quantum Computers and Telepathic Warfare. 3) Binary Codes as Language for the Exponential Future 4) Metadata, Meta-information and Artificial Intellect 5) Information Technology, Skynet, and Prism Surveillance Programs   http://www.sadikibakari.com/

 Freeman Fly & Jamie Hanshaw on Occult Science Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:18:00

Freeman, host of FreemanTV.com, has been on the forefront of conspiracy theory for nearly two decades. Freeman created the first documentary on HAARP and televised the first documentary on chemtrails. He’s been honored by the Mayan shamans and blessed by the King of Bungalung while enlightening the world on the occult aspects of Hollywood, technology, and politics with his TV show the Freeman Perspective.   Jamie is a second generation conspiracy theorist. Growing up in the 80's and 90's she was exposed very early to the growing world of truth seekers, alternative historians, Clinton scandals, FEMA activities and witchcraft in Saturday morning cartoons. Being raised in the Christian church for 25 years and teaching Sunday school she is knowledgeable of the Bible, the life of Jesus, Islam, Satanism, Mormonism, Exorcism, and many other isms. Further studies include the occult activities of secret societies, the Freemasons, magic, sorcery, Kabalistic rituals, and Hollywood trauma-based mind control.    

 Ras Ben on Occult Science Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:00

Ras Ben is an innovative educator, counselor, wellness provider, peace-keeper/mediator, sacred timekeeper, and scribe. Originally from Washington, D.C., Ras Ben has served in the Philadelphia area for over a decade, falling in love with the city after receiving his M.A. from Temple University in African-American Studies in 1992. Ras Ben is a self-published author and has recently released Rocks of Ages: Anu Edition. Rocks of Ages is a culturally-centered survey of the therapeutic use of crystals and sacred stones, and explores the importance of utilizing them in these prophetic times nearing 2012.A family man who advocates healthy home environments for the youth, Ras Ben has been married 22 years and is the father of seven children. Ras is a spirited man who brings a divine presence to all events he is a part of…   http://www.rasben.com/site/

 Ayanna Mojica Returns | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:32:00

Avatar of Love Author, Mystic, Priestess of the Magdalen   Ayanna Mojica Avatar of Love Author, Mystic, Priestess of the Magdalen Topic: "Twin Flames from Beyond the Veil."

 Larken Rose on Occult Science Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:36:00

My name is Larken Rose, and you are most likely here because you have either heard about my research into the federal income tax, or you have heard about my political (or anti-political) rantings and/or books. Because the two issues are really separate, distinct issues, they are dealt with separately. http://www.larkenrose.com/


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