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Summary: The Boiling Frogs Show with Sibel Edmonds & Peter B Collins

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 At the Olympics, South Korea Says “Enough” to a Century of Japanese and U.S. Betrayal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:58

The split between the Republic of Korea on one side, and the United States and Japan on the other, has become glaringly apparent at the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang. ROK President Moon Jae in has broken with Donald Trump and Shinzo Abe in pursuing direct outreach to the DPRK—the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, […]

 Trump, Afghanistan, and 9/11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:55

President Donald Trump, led by his generals, will continue America’s longest war in Afghanistan. On this episode of The Geopolitical Report, we look at the history of the war and the effort by the CIA, aided by Pakistani intelligence, to manufacture both al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Prior to 9/11, the US did business with the […]

 NATO Incites Ukraine to War against Russia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:32

In the forty-fifth edition of the Russian Newspapers Monitor, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the articles from four Russian newspapers: Izvestia, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, and Pravda. He discusses the exclusive frontpage interview by the former Afghan president Hamid Kharzai, sharply critical of the U.S. president Donald Trump, in the pro-government Izvestia. In addition, he chronicles […]

 Newsbud Roundtable- “A Turning Point in the Middle East & the Fall of an Empire!” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:08

Newsbud Founder-Editor Sibel Edmonds joins foremost Middle East expert and analyst Prof. William Engdahl and top Russia-Balkans expert Professor Filip Kovacevic in a one-of-a-kind roundtable discussion on a Turning Point in the Middle East and the fall of the US Empire. Our distinguished panelists discuss Turkey’s major shift away from NATO and into further alliance […]

 Welcome to the China War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:14

The War Against China Kicked Off Last Week…Did Anybody Notice?  Well, China did.  So did North Korea, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan… As American media and public opinion continue their obsession with Trump, Trump’s generals have cleared the decks to confront China across Asia, and China hawks are cranking up the witch hunt against China doves.  More […]

 Tear Gas, Guns and Riot Squads: The Police State’s Answer to Free Speech Is Brute Force | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:24

Forget everything you’ve ever been taught about free speech in America. It’s all a lie. There can be no free speech for the citizenry when the government speaks in a language of force. What is this language of force? Militarized police. Riot squads. Camouflage gear. Black uniforms. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. […]

 Breaking: Journalist Interrogated & Sacked for Exposing CIA-NATO Arming of Terrorists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:40

An investigative journalist has been interrogated by government national security forces and fired from her job for documenting and exposing covert CIA-NATO operations directly arming ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists- a covert operation involving NATO, CIA, U.S.-based Mega Arms Trafficker(s), a shady U.S. organization ran by well-known Deep State Players, and much more. Watch this […]

 Charlottesville and the FBI’s Connection to White Supremacists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:01

The so-called alt-right and the New Right are trying to draw a line between themselves and the white supremacist movement as the establishment media continues to conflate the two. On this episode of The Geopolitical Report, we take a look at the possibility the recent political violence in Charlottesville and elsewhere around the nation is […]

 Will Russia Move Its Capital to Siberia? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:40

In the forty-fourth edition of the Russian Newspapers Monitor, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the articles from four Russian newspapers: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Izvestia, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, and Sovietskaya Rossiya. He discusses how much the new U.S. sanctions will diminish the Russian gross domestic product and how Russia could repair the damage. Professor Kovacevic also talks about the […]

 Exposed: Clinton Train Paid The Young Turks $20 Million | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:40

In this week’s episode of Newsbud’s Spiro Reports, Spiro investigates the deep state’s role in influencing the so-called alternative media. Recently the Young Turks secured an investment deal for $20 million. You know what they say, follow the money! Find out what we discovered in this hard hitting Newsbud community exclusive as we uncover the […]

 Generation Debt: The Student Loan & Wider College Rackets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:27

Questions for students and their parents:  If college cost $750,000, would you still attend, taking out student loans to meet that amount?  How about $500,000?  No?  How about the $50,000 to $250,000 it currently costs, then?  In other words, what is the true price tag for ‘ensuring success’ in society, and why has it been […]

 Bannon’s Gone…But China War Is On! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:43

This week on Newsbud’s China Watch with Peter Lee: Bannon’s gone…but China War is on!  Goodbye ethno-nationalism, hello economic nationalism.  And it looks like lawfare is out-- and warfare is in--as the uniformed military looks to apply its gray zone conflict toolkit to China.   And look out Australia!  There’s a new threat from China and […]

 Saint or Sinner, Government Eyes Are Watching Every Move You Make | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:14

Government eyes are watching you. They see your every move: what you read, how much you spend, where you go, with whom you interact, when you wake up in the morning, what you’re watching on television and reading on the internet. Every move you make is being monitored, mined for data, crunched, and tabulated in […]

 Deep State Primer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:12

The establishment propaganda media has dismissed the concept of a deep state or shadow government. They attribute it to paranoid conspiracy theorists on the so-called far right who supposedly influenced Donald Trump. On this edition of The Geopolitical Report, we look at the origin and objectives of the real Deep State that has long planned […]

 Russia: U.S. Economic Sanctions as Declaration of War? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:48

In the forty-third edition of the Russian Newspapers Monitor, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the articles from four Russian newspapers: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Izvestia, Sovietskaya Rossiya, and Komsomolskaya Pravda. He discusses the biggest joint Russian-Belarussian military exercise in the last few years and how NATO is reacting to it as well as the most recent political developments […]


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