Project Censored show

Project Censored

Summary: Mickey Huff is co-host of the Project Censored Show with former Project Censored director Dr. Peter Phillips. It airs on the out of New York City

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 Project Censored - 12.05.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:45

For the first segment of the show, Mickey and Michael speak with independent journalist Dave Lindorff.  In a recent article, Lindorff contends that corporate-media denunciations of "fake news"  are also intended to undermine the credibility of non-corporate alternative media. Then Nolan Higdon joins the show as a guest, for a discussion of how to teach media literacy,  despite neoliberal education doctines that deemphasize critical thinking and civic participation.   Program Notes:   Dave Lindorff is a widely-published independent journalist. His work is collected at  Nolan Higdon teaches communications and history at several colleges in the San Francisco Bay area.Web sites mentioned in this week's  

 Project Censored - 11.28.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:50

As President Trump tries to undo the DACA program, Nolan and Nicholas  speak with two young adults who were able to stay in the U.S. under DACA,  but now face the possibility of deportation. Also on the show, a roundtable  discussion about the FCC's plan to allow even more media-ownership consolidation.   the Project Censored Show:   Hosts: Nolan Higdon and Nicholas Baham   Originates at KPFA, 94.1 FM, Berkeley CA, Fridays 1-2 PM Pacific Time Archives at

 Project Censored - 11.21.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:40

The first guest, documentary producer Robbie Leppzer, discusses his latest work, Power Struggle.  It's an account of the grassroots campaign to shut down the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant,  and the problems that remain after the plant's closure. Next, nuclear-power critics Arnie and  Maggie Gunderson return to Project Censored to explain some of the continuing hazards facing  Fukushima, Japan, years after the meltdown there. Finally, Poets Reading the News make  a second appearance on the show.   Notes:   Robbie Leppzer is a film producer with over 30 documentaries to his credit. Arnie and Maggie Gunderson left careers in the nuclear power industry to  devote themselves to educating the public about nuclear power's hazards. Elle Aviv Newton and Jenna Spagnolo are the co-editors of Poets Reading the News.Web sites mentioned on this week's

 Project Censored - 11.14.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Peter and Mickey spend the hour in conversation with author Carol Anderson.  Her latest book, "White Rage," chronicles the history of white resistance and obstruction to African-American equality, from the Reconstruction period to modern times.   Notes:   Carol Anderson is Professor of African-American Studies at Emory University in Atlanta.  Her previous works include "Eyes Off the Prize" and "Bourgeois Radicals."     This is a rebroadcast of the Project Censored Show of June 27, 2016. 

 Project Censored - 11.07.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:59

For the first half of the show, Mickey's guests are Pratap Chatterjee and Khalil Bendib, co-authors of the new book Verax ('truth-teller'). A nonfiction graphic 'novel,' Verax examines the US electronic-surveillance programs, and the whistleblowers who exposed them. Then, in the wake of the latest sexual-harassment scandals in Hollywood, media scholar Julie Frechette joins the show for a discussion of the #MeToo campaign, and how corporate media portrays issues of sexual harassment and violence, within and beyond the entertainment industry.   Notes: Pratap Chatterjee is Executive Director of Corp Watch, and a veteran investigative journalist;  his books include Halliburton's Army and Iraq, Inc.: A Profitable Occupation.  Khalil Bendib is a political cartoonist and radio journalist. Julie Frechette is Professor of Communication at Worcester State University in Massachusetts,  and also co-president of the Action Coalition for Media Education. Web sites mentioned on this week's

 Project Censored - 10.31.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:57

For the first half of the program, Mickey speaks with Rachel Jollie of Index on Censorship,  who explains the vital role of radio in breaking through governments' attempts to control  the flow of information. Next, Michael Levitin interviews Anna Callahan with The Incorruptibles,  about recruiting and electing authentic grassroots candidates to local office. Finally, Mickey speaks  with Elle Aviv Newton of Poets Reading the News, a year-old online newspaper that presents journalism via poetry.   Notes: Rachel Jollie is editor at Index on Censorship, a UK-based organization that tracks government  suppression of media and free speech across the globe. Anna Callahan is an organizer with The Incorruptibles. Elle Aviv Newtonis cofounder and editor-in-chief of Poets Reading the News.   Web sites mentioned on this week's  

 Project Censored - 10.24.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:58

Historian and author Andres Resendez speaks about "the other slavery" -- the enslavement  of millions of Native Americans from the time of Columbus to the 1900s, a subject often overlooked  in history curricula. Resendez spoke in Berkeley, CA in April 2017; Mickey Huff was the host of that event.  This program includes Resendez' speech, and part of the question-and-answer period that followed. 

 Project Censored - 10.17.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:28

Mickey and guest co-host Kenn Burrows spend the first half of the program on a discussion of health effects arising from cell-phone technology, and why corporate media are not paying enough heed to these issues. The panel of guests also explain SB649, a California bill that would have removed local authority over the placement of new 5G cell phone transmitters.  Later in the program, Project Censored correspondent Michael Levitan speaks with author and TV host Eleanor Goldfield about the limitations of online activism. And the show concludes with Nolan Higdon, Nicholas Baham and Desiree McSwain discussing their chapter in Censored 2018, "the New Authoritarianism."   Notes:   Kenn Burrows teaches Holistic Health Studies at San Francisco State University. Lloyd Morgan is an electronic engineer; he also studies the connections between electromagnetic radiation and cancer. Audrey Johnson is a biology student at San Francisco State University, and co-president of the campus Project Censored club. Ellen Marx is the director of the California Brain Tumor Association. Reinette Senum is a city council member in Nevada City, California. Eleanor Goldfield is host of the Free-Speech TV show “Act Out” and author of the new book “Paradigm Lost.”   Update: After this program was recorded, California Governor Jerry Brown vetoed SB649.   Web sites mentioned in this week's program:

 Project Censored - 10.10.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:59

Mickey and his guests spend the hour addressing election integrity: are US elections clean, and how can voters be sure?  The guests suggest that there are serious doubts about the validity of some recent elections, and ask why corporate media have ignored these issues.    Notes:   Richard Tamm and Jim Soper are are members of the National Voting Rights Task Force, and organizers of a national conference on election integrity that was held in Berkeley, CA on October 7 and 8. Jonathan Simon is executive director of the Election Defense Alliance, and the author of Code Red,  a new book about electoral manipulation. Mark Crispin Miller teaches at New York University, and is the author of Fooled Again: How the Right Stole the 2004 Election. Web sites for organizations and individuals mentioned on this week's

 Project Censored - 10.03.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Mickey and Peter devote this week's show to discussions about the media, including both critiques of corporate media  and a briefing on the latest work from Project Censored. Their first guest, Rob Williams, speaks about fighting corporate fake news,  and introduces his suggested additions to the 'propaganda model' set forth by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman in 1988's "Manufacturing Consent."  Then Telesur contributor Abby Martin explains the corporate media's gross misrepresentations of the conflict in Venezuela. Finally, Andy Lee Roth  joins Mickey to discuss some of the stories and ideas in "Censored 2018," Project Censored's just-published compendium of the latest underreported stories.    Notes:   Rob Williams teaches at the University of Vermont and also works with the Action Coalition for Media Education and the Global Critical Media Literacy Project.  Abby Martin hosts "the Empire Files" show on Telesur, and formerly hosted "Breaking the Set" on RT.  Andy Lee Roth teaches at Citrus College in Southern California. and was co-editor (with Mickey Huff) of "Censored 2018."

 Project Censored - 09.26.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:01

This week's show coincides with Banned-Books-Week, and Mickey spends the hour with five guests, representing  a variety of perspectives, but all in agreement on the need to defend peoples' right to read. The topics of discussion  include the origin of Banned-Books-Week in the 1980s, the ongoing attempts to restrict what students may read in school,  and the continuing importance of comic books and graphic novels in today's media world.   

 Project Censored - 09.19.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:03

Latin America and Journalism: Nolan Higdon and Nicholas Baham speak with Kali Persall  (recently returned from a visit to Cuba), and T.M. Scruggs (recently returned from Nicaragua). Kali Persall writes for the Pioneer newspaper in Hayward, California (  TM Scruggs is a co-founder of the Real News Network (

 Project Censored - 09.12.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:01

Marking the 16th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, Peter and Mickey speak with two scholars who've written extensively about Sept. 11.  The first guest is David Ray Griffin, author of nearly a dozen books about Sept. 11; he contends the Bush Administration played the central role in the attacks.  In this appearance on the Project Censored Show, he speaks about some of the ideas in his latest book, Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and the World. For the second half of the show, Tony Hall speaks about Mossad and Sept. 11, and how he was fired from a tenured professorship at a Canadian university after expressing his views.   

 Project Censored - 09.05.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Mickey's guest for the hour is the academic, and prolific author, Henry Giroux of McMaster University in Canada.  They discuss some of the consequences of neoliberalism and authoritarianism for the US, and how US political culture deteriorated to a level that allowed Trump to be elected.  

 Project Censored - 08.29.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:58

Peter Phillips and Michael Sukhov spend the hour in conversation with scholar/activist William Robinson. Addressing a wide range of topics, their discussion begins with Venezuela and corporate-media  misrepresentations of conditions around Latin America, then segues to US politics and the necessity of resisting facism. Later, Robinson opines on three possible futures for humanity. 


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