Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability show

Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability

Summary: Create your personal Wheel of Life, for helping you find balance in everyday life. This powerful tool puts your life in perspective and helps you set goals around creating total life balance and enhancing your quality of life. Proven Business Success Principles and Systems for Working Less, Making More Money, and Enjoying Better Work Life Balance. You will discover proven and practical ideas you can immediately apply in all areas of your business and personal life so you can achieve your goals in the time frames you desire. Wouldn’t it be great if our ‘good intentions’ worked the way that we think they should? Not even enthusiasm guarantees positive results. There’s often a wide gap between our intentions and our actions. We fail to take the action necessary to be in alignment with our good intentions. This can be very frustrating. Good intentions don’t magically lead to good results. They are a start; however, they are unfortunately not enough. This is just the truth! We all can use a little accountability in our life to help us stay focused so we can achieve all our goals in the time frames we desire. Anne Bachrach is author of Excuses Don't Count; Results Rule!, Live Life with No Regrets; How the Choices we Make Impact our Lives, No Excuses, and The Work Life Balance Emergency Kit. Listen to the Podcasts and you can create the kind of life you have always dreamed of having. Go to www.AccountabilityCoach.com/landing today and take advantage of 3 Free gifts that you can immediately use to help you achieve your professional and personal goals. Visit www.AccountabilityCoach.com and receive 10% off all high-value products and services along with many complimentary resources and tools available to you under the FREE Silver Membership. You have access to tools like the Quality of Life Enhancer™ Exercise, a Wheel of Life exercise for helping you find balance in everyday life, assessments, articles, and so much more. Subscribe to the high-content Blog and receive valuable information. https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/blog/

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  • Artist: Anne Bachrach
  • Copyright: © 1992-2020 Anne Bachrach. All Rights Reserved


 Free Resources For Increased Business and Personal Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:55

Today you can choose to take advantage of a few free gifts that are available to you and will help you be even more successful. Make sure you have access to your computer or something to write down these special links I’m about to share with you so you can get all these free gifts today. Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now, and an audio called Focus on Your High Payoff Activities and achieve Your Goals by Focusing on Effective Time Management. When you Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle you will have access to many assessments and complimentary resources like the Wheel of Life, the Quality of Life Enhancer Exercise, articles, audio interviews with great resources, in addition to and receiving 10% off on all products and services. Yes, all this for FREE. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. In addition to all these great FREE resources to help you be even more successful, Remember you also can Download a Chapter of my latest book Absolutely FREE!! To download a chapter of my new book, Live Life with No Regrets absolutely free, click the link below or cut and paste it into your browser. Apply the concepts for even greater value. Enjoy! http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/freechapter/ Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.

 Getting People "in the Mood" | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:03:55

Do people buy and make decisions on logic or emotion? Understanding your clients' emotions--and knowing how they drive key decisions--is critical to building successful high-trust relationships with them. Most accomplished professionals already know how great a role emotion plays in people's decisions. And people are emotional, especially about their decisions and their money. What would happen if you could predictably create that mood? Here are five simple steps for using questions to shape the mood of any conversation or meeting. 1. Decide what emotional mood you want to create. Do you want curiosity, excitement, concern, connection, or what? 2. Experience that emotion yourself. Get yourself "in the mood" before you try to bring your clients there. 3. Think of a time or circumstance that creates that emotion for your client. 4. Ask a question. Be sure it's a question you know will elicit that positive emotion: 5. Be congruent! Don't just "act" as if you feel a certain way. If you want to create excitement, then be excited. Your whole objective in influencing people's emotions is to create an enjoyable experience for them. How can you apply this concept in your life to achieve even better results? Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.

 Getting People "in the Mood" | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:03:55

Do people buy and make decisions on logic or emotion? Understanding your clients' emotions--and knowing how they drive key decisions--is critical to building successful high-trust relationships with them. Most accomplished professionals already know how great a role emotion plays in people's decisions. And people are emotional, especially about their decisions and their money. What would happen if you could predictably create that mood? Here are five simple steps for using questions to shape the mood of any conversation or meeting. 1. Decide what emotional mood you want to create. Do you want curiosity, excitement, concern, connection, or what? 2. Experience that emotion yourself. Get yourself "in the mood" before you try to bring your clients there. 3. Think of a time or circumstance that creates that emotion for your client. 4. Ask a question. Be sure it's a question you know will elicit that positive emotion: 5. Be congruent! Don't just "act" as if you feel a certain way. If you want to create excitement, then be excited. Your whole objective in influencing people's emotions is to create an enjoyable experience for them. How can you apply this concept in your life to achieve even better results? Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.

 Grow your Business by Thinking Big: Mindset Is Important | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:39

Today we are going to talk about Grow your Business by Thinking Big: Mindset Makes all the Difference. Whether or not you realize it, your earnings will always be in line with your mindset. Think big and you will get much bigger results; think small and…well, you can guess what that brings. The key to growing your business is thinking big! What happens when you think small? What happens when you think big? Wealthy people think differently, and that’s no secret, but, what may not be so obvious is how their mindset directly affects their ability to continually grow. Adjusting your Mindset If you want big results, you have to learn to think big. By becoming a go getter and ignoring your inhibitions you’ll become more confident and therefore be able to accomplish business growth. You’ve got to push the limits, step outside your comfort zone, and reach farther. Here’s how you start: There’s certainly nothing wrong with the thinking small, if you’ve been happy with everything you’ve settled for so far. You will rarely get what you want and you will certainly not get what you deserve when you think small. You absolutely deserve much more than what you’ve been getting. Thinking big is about realizing your potential and getting what you deserve instead of limiting yourself. There is nothing stopping you from growing your business and thinking big - the ability to change lies within you. Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.

 Grow your Business by Thinking Big: Mindset Is Important | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:39

Today we are going to talk about Grow your Business by Thinking Big: Mindset Makes all the Difference. Whether or not you realize it, your earnings will always be in line with your mindset. Think big and you will get much bigger results; think small and…well, you can guess what that brings. The key to growing your business is thinking big! What happens when you think small? What happens when you think big? Wealthy people think differently, and that’s no secret, but, what may not be so obvious is how their mindset directly affects their ability to continually grow. Adjusting your Mindset If you want big results, you have to learn to think big. By becoming a go getter and ignoring your inhibitions you’ll become more confident and therefore be able to accomplish business growth. You’ve got to push the limits, step outside your comfort zone, and reach farther. Here’s how you start: There’s certainly nothing wrong with the thinking small, if you’ve been happy with everything you’ve settled for so far. You will rarely get what you want and you will certainly not get what you deserve when you think small. You absolutely deserve much more than what you’ve been getting. Thinking big is about realizing your potential and getting what you deserve instead of limiting yourself. There is nothing stopping you from growing your business and thinking big - the ability to change lies within you. Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.

 Persistence: The Commonality of Champions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:47

Today we are going to talk about Persistence: The Commonality of Champions Look upon history, and you’ll find that the notable quality that exists in all champions is persistence. The path you walk will not always be easy, but you have to continue to persist. Even in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds, you must keep putting one foot in front of the other, because there are lessons to be learned along the way, all of which will support your success. When you are solution-oriented, you focus on the possibilities, not the impossibilities. In truth, nothing is impossible, and change is inevitable. Knowing this, you can take persistent steps in faith, with the wisdom that nothing stays the same, and at some time in the future your current obstacles will dissolve. The most important thing to remember about persistence is to trust your own intuition. Don’t listen to the critics and silence the self-doubt. If you have a feeling that something is going to work, even if everyone says it won’t, persist in your goal until you achieve it. There is core genius in you - and that is the stuff that champions are born from. Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.

 Persistence: The Commonality of Champions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:47

Today we are going to talk about Persistence: The Commonality of Champions Look upon history, and you’ll find that the notable quality that exists in all champions is persistence. The path you walk will not always be easy, but you have to continue to persist. Even in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds, you must keep putting one foot in front of the other, because there are lessons to be learned along the way, all of which will support your success. When you are solution-oriented, you focus on the possibilities, not the impossibilities. In truth, nothing is impossible, and change is inevitable. Knowing this, you can take persistent steps in faith, with the wisdom that nothing stays the same, and at some time in the future your current obstacles will dissolve. The most important thing to remember about persistence is to trust your own intuition. Don’t listen to the critics and silence the self-doubt. If you have a feeling that something is going to work, even if everyone says it won’t, persist in your goal until you achieve it. There is core genius in you - and that is the stuff that champions are born from. Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.

 Use a Prioritized Action List to Keep You Focused | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:03:07

Most people I coach don’t initially have a Master Task List, Prioritized Action List, or one place where they keep all the activities required to achieve their goals. How do you know what to do every day if you don’t have a list? How do you know you are on track to achieving your goals if you don’t have a list? How do you remember what to do if you don’t have a list? I call it a Prioritized Action List (PAL) for a reason – all the activities should be prioritized and all in one place. Most people have sticky notes and pieces of paper everywhere and don’t have one single place to put everything they need to do to give themselves the highest probability of achieving their goals. They are afraid they will forget something, they are afraid they won’t remember something. These things in their head keep them up at night and a little on edge because they want to remember everything they need to do to get their job done well and make the kind of money they deserve. If you are like most people I coach, you will feel more in control and more focused, not to mention more productive when you have a Prioritized Action List and consistently utilize it. When you follow the activities on your list, you know you are having an impact on achievement of your goals. That’s a great feeling! You should have it more often don’t you think? Begin using a PAL today and see how it can help you be even more successful. Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.

 Use a Prioritized Action List to Keep You Focused | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:03:07

Most people I coach don’t initially have a Master Task List, Prioritized Action List, or one place where they keep all the activities required to achieve their goals. How do you know what to do every day if you don’t have a list? How do you know you are on track to achieving your goals if you don’t have a list? How do you remember what to do if you don’t have a list? I call it a Prioritized Action List (PAL) for a reason – all the activities should be prioritized and all in one place. Most people have sticky notes and pieces of paper everywhere and don’t have one single place to put everything they need to do to give themselves the highest probability of achieving their goals. They are afraid they will forget something, they are afraid they won’t remember something. These things in their head keep them up at night and a little on edge because they want to remember everything they need to do to get their job done well and make the kind of money they deserve. If you are like most people I coach, you will feel more in control and more focused, not to mention more productive when you have a Prioritized Action List and consistently utilize it. When you follow the activities on your list, you know you are having an impact on achievement of your goals. That’s a great feeling! You should have it more often don’t you think? Begin using a PAL today and see how it can help you be even more successful. Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.

 Effective Time Management in Key to Your Success | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:03:05

I can’t tell you how many people I begin working with who don’t effectively utilize their calendar. When I ask to review what is on their calendar it is many times empty. I ask them what are the chances you are actually doing the most important activities to help you achieve your goals when there is nothing on your calendar. They honestly tell me not good. They wonder what to do or they muddle through activities and then wonder why they don’t hit their goals. Sound like anyone you might know? One way is to use a Master Task List or Prioritized Action Plan to have all your activities in one place – not on stickie notes here and there or pieces of paper laying all around you or floating around in your head. Everything goes in one place and you review it frequently. This helps keep you focused on what you have to do and in a priority order. You will be amazed at how much more productive you are and how much more focused you are and how much more on track to achieving your goals you are. Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.

 Effective Time Management in Key to Your Success | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:03:05

I can’t tell you how many people I begin working with who don’t effectively utilize their calendar. When I ask to review what is on their calendar it is many times empty. I ask them what are the chances you are actually doing the most important activities to help you achieve your goals when there is nothing on your calendar. They honestly tell me not good. They wonder what to do or they muddle through activities and then wonder why they don’t hit their goals. Sound like anyone you might know? One way is to use a Master Task List or Prioritized Action Plan to have all your activities in one place – not on stickie notes here and there or pieces of paper laying all around you or floating around in your head. Everything goes in one place and you review it frequently. This helps keep you focused on what you have to do and in a priority order. You will be amazed at how much more productive you are and how much more focused you are and how much more on track to achieving your goals you are. Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.

 How to Get the Most Out of Life and Live With No Regrets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:59

Today we are going to talk about How to Get the Most Out of Life and Live With No Regrets Are you living life to the fullest? If life ended tomorrow, would you feel as though you have absolutely lived it to the tilt, with no regrets? If you are like most of us, you still have that “someday” list of dreams that haven’t yet come true tucked away in a drawer. Sadly, life doesn’t have to be that way, but very few people get the most out of life before it’s over. There are, however, a select few that seem to have the philosophy of life figured out and live every day without regret. You know, the kind of people that seem at peace, move at a comfortable pace, and don’t seem to be distracted by the small stuff. They accept others without judgment and walk with an open heart while the rest of us get caught up in the rush of daily life, with no real connection to ourselves or anyone else. We’re so busy, we don’t even have time to think about what’s missing, let alone trying to figure out how to get the most out of life. But what if the solution to living with no regrets was as simple as a single question? Let’s talk about some ways you can begin to change your life and to get the most out it! Regrets are a waste of time – you can’t change the past. As one of my clients says: “Put your big girl panties on and deal with it.” Create your game plan to achieve your goals this year so you can enjoy what is truly important to you in life. Start today! My hope for our time together is that you got value and an idea or two that will help you be even more successful – personally and professionally. Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Until next time, make it a great day, today and every day. Thanks for listening. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.

 How to Get the Most Out of Life and Live With No Regrets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:59

Today we are going to talk about How to Get the Most Out of Life and Live With No Regrets Are you living life to the fullest? If life ended tomorrow, would you feel as though you have absolutely lived it to the tilt, with no regrets? If you are like most of us, you still have that “someday” list of dreams that haven’t yet come true tucked away in a drawer. Sadly, life doesn’t have to be that way, but very few people get the most out of life before it’s over. There are, however, a select few that seem to have the philosophy of life figured out and live every day without regret. You know, the kind of people that seem at peace, move at a comfortable pace, and don’t seem to be distracted by the small stuff. They accept others without judgment and walk with an open heart while the rest of us get caught up in the rush of daily life, with no real connection to ourselves or anyone else. We’re so busy, we don’t even have time to think about what’s missing, let alone trying to figure out how to get the most out of life. But what if the solution to living with no regrets was as simple as a single question? Let’s talk about some ways you can begin to change your life and to get the most out it! Regrets are a waste of time – you can’t change the past. As one of my clients says: “Put your big girl panties on and deal with it.” Create your game plan to achieve your goals this year so you can enjoy what is truly important to you in life. Start today! My hope for our time together is that you got value and an idea or two that will help you be even more successful – personally and professionally. Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Until next time, make it a great day, today and every day. Thanks for listening. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.

 Kick Your “Time-Wasters” Habits | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:03:01

As good as you think you may be with your time management; there are always “time-wasters” that can be eliminated from your daily life. All the miscellaneous stuff that consumes your time with little or no return eventually must be eliminated from your schedule. When you think about it, what do all the time wasting activities you do every day cost you? I suggest you try NOT CHECKING EMAIL FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. SCHEDULE TIME to handle your emails. It could be two times a day – at 11:00am and then at 4:00pm. You can set the autoresponder to tell people that you check it 2 times a day or not. Some people like to do this so people know when to expect a response back and some don’t care if they do this. This one simple concept, of NOT checking email first thing in the morning, can help you stop wasting time in one area and focus on the activities you need to do in order to achieve your goals. Don’t take my word for it, try it like my other coaching clients have and see what impact it has in your life. Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.

 Kick Your “Time-Wasters” Habits | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:03:01

As good as you think you may be with your time management; there are always “time-wasters” that can be eliminated from your daily life. All the miscellaneous stuff that consumes your time with little or no return eventually must be eliminated from your schedule. When you think about it, what do all the time wasting activities you do every day cost you? I suggest you try NOT CHECKING EMAIL FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. SCHEDULE TIME to handle your emails. It could be two times a day – at 11:00am and then at 4:00pm. You can set the autoresponder to tell people that you check it 2 times a day or not. Some people like to do this so people know when to expect a response back and some don’t care if they do this. This one simple concept, of NOT checking email first thing in the morning, can help you stop wasting time in one area and focus on the activities you need to do in order to achieve your goals. Don’t take my word for it, try it like my other coaching clients have and see what impact it has in your life. Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.


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