Bhagavad Gita Discourses show

Bhagavad Gita Discourses

Summary: The Song Celestial unfolds a dialogue of the advice given by an avatar or God incarnate. The recipient of the message is Arjuna, the prototype of the struggling human soul who is ready to receive the great knowledge by his close companionship and increasing nearness to the divine Self within himself. This symbolic companionship of Krishna and Arjuna, the divine and the human soul is further dramatized by the fact that their dialogue takes place amidst the din and clamor of a battlefield. The teacher in the Gita is therefore not only the God who is transcendent but also the God in man who unveils Himself through an increasing knowledge... Vanamali, Nitya Yoga. Aldous Huxley, asserts that ‘The Bhagavad Gita occupies an intermediate position between scripture and theology; for it combines the poetical qualities of the first with the clear-cut methodicalness of the second. ‘The book may be described’ writes Ananda K. Coomaraswamy in his admirable Hinduism and Buddhism, ‘as a compendium of the whole doctrine to be found in the earlier Vedas, Brahmanas and Upanishads, and being therefore the basis of all the The later developments, it can be regarded as the focus of all Indian religion......But this focus of Indian religion is also one of the clearest and most comprehensive summaries of the perennial philosophy ever to have been made. Hence its enduring value, not only for Indians, but for all mankind’.The Bhagavad Gita (Song Celestial) offers an understanding of The Great Mystery, which has inspired many of the giants of the Western intellectual tradition. The transcendentalist poets Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman were students of The Bhagavad Gita. Thoreau wrote: ‘In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous cosmological philosophy of The Bhagavad Gita, in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial.’Emerson, referring to the Gita, wrote: ‘It was the first of books. It was as if an empire spoke to us, nothing small or unworthy, but large, serene, consistent, the voice of an old intelligence which in another age . . . had pondered and thus disposed of the same questions which exercise us.’This is a series of discourses on the liberating teachings of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita (Song Celestial) by Mataji (Mother) Vanamali, Vanamali Gita Yogasram, Rishikesh, North India.Vanamali Mataji is the author of The Lila Hindu World Heritage Library. Her books include: a translation of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Nitya Yoga, a commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna Lila, Sri Rama Lila, Sri Shiva Lila, Sri Devi Lila, Sri Hanuman Lila, Lilas of the Sons of Shiva, Gurudeva and The Taste Divine. Sri Devi Lila is published in the U.S. as Shakti: Realm of The Divine Mother , Sri Hanuman Lila as Hanuman: The Devotion and Power of The Monkey God.Each talk is introduced with the Sanskrit invocations and chanting of the Gita chapter. Then Mataji Vanamali offers a line-by-line illumination of Shri Krishna's liberating teachings.We invite you to visit our website: www.Vanamaliashram.organd enjoy our Pilgrims Guide, Discourses and Book & Music store.


 Gita Chapter 13 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:36:44

The Yoga of the Distinction Between the Field and the Knower of the Field. In the thirteenth chapter, Lord Krishna says that the entire universe is a field for the play of god. This field has two parts. On the universal level it includes the whole of cosmic manifestation and on the individual level it consists of the body, mind, intellect and ego. The first cannot be separated from the other. It is only now that western science is coming to understand this truth. The Gita describes this all Knower or Supreme Consciousness as the kshetrajna or the knower of the field. The field may be composed of many items but the Knower is one. He is the Lord of all and is seated within the heart of every creature. “sarvatha panipadam tat sarvata shishiromukham, sarvathasrutimanloke, sarvamavritya thishtati.” This Being in whose embrace we live has feet of swiftness and hands of strength on all sides; It has faces, eyes and noses everywhere. It listens to both the throb of the universe as well as the silence of eternity. Though bodiless it has a million bodies. It is the perceiver of all things even though it has no sense organs. It is without attributes yet is the enjoyer and sustainer of all attributes. Attached to nothing, it supports all the action and movement of its Prakriti. It is at once the inner and the outer, the far and the near, the moving and the unmoving. It is the subtlest of the subtle, beyond the grasp of our minds as well as the density of matter which we can see and touch and smell and hear. It is the light of all lights beyond the darkness of ignorance. It is knowledge, the object of knowledge and the goal of knowledge. Despite its greatness it is seated in the hearts of all as the charioteer of our lives! At last the great teacher says to his disciple Arjuna, “O Arjuna, whatever exists whether movable or immovable know it to have come from the union of the kshetra and the kshetrajna, the field and the knower of the field”. This is the knowledge which will carry us beyond death to immortality. It is only when our inner eye opens and we see this truth that we can be called “seers”. This is that supreme consciousness about which western science is still to know. Without knowing that consciousness humankind can never know the meaning of true fulfillment or peace.

 Gita Chapter 14 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:51:38

The Yoga of The Distinction Between The Three Gunas. What is Liberation? Who is it that is liberated and from what, when all is Spirit and Spirit alone. The special feature of the Gita is that it insists that "karma" or action has to be done since we live in an active universe and we cannot say that we will not act. Nature will force us to act. But this action has to be done without expectation of any personal rewards. In this way we will get out of the thrall of the law of karma. This is what is known as "nishkama karma" - when action is done as an offering to the Supreme and the results are left to Him. for indeed He is the sole doer and enjoyer. All we are asked to do is to perform the karma. This is what makes the Gita different from other schools of philosophy. Whereas all other schools say that karma is a bondage and will have to be given up eventually, the Gita says that karma is both the means and the end if done in the way that nature meant us to do.

 Gita Chapter 15 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:50:46

The Yoga of The Supreme Person The 15th chapter delineates three Purushas - The Kshara, the Akshara and the Uttama. The Kshara is the Kshetra of the 13th chapter - all of visible nature. The Akshara, He says "is an eternal portion of myself that becomes the jiva in this world". "Mamaivamso jivaloke, jivabhuta sanatana". This means that each person in his spiritual reality is the very divine, however partial its actual manifestation may seem to appear to our eyes. We call it the jiva because it appears as a separate being in a world of creatures and we think of it in terms of its humanity alone. But in truth is is much greater than its appearance and is not bound by its humanity. It is in no way separate from the Purushottama, It is the Lord Himself and exists forever in the mortal world as the immortal atman within us. He takes up a body and casts it away as and when the need arises. But He is not only the Kshara and the Akshara but is above both. He is both transcendent and immanent.

 Gita Chapter 16 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:46:14

The Yoga of The Distinction Between Divine and Demonic Qualities. ...the advice of the Gita is given by an avatar or God incarnate. The recipient of the message is Arjuna, the prototype of the struggling human soul who is ready to receive the great knowledge by his close companionship and increasing nearness to the divine Self within himself. This symbolic companionship of Krishna and Arjuna, the divine and the human soul is further dramatized by the fact that their dialogue takes place amidst the din and clamor of a battlefield. The teacher in the Gita is therefore not only the God who is transcendent but also the God in man who unveils Himself through through an increasing knowledge... Vanamali, Nitya Yoga Mataji sings her original Love songs to Lord Krishna at the end of each talk. This music is available as Vanamali Love Songs. Mataji's books & music are available at the ashram's on-line Book & Music Store.

 Gita Chapter 17 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:50:11

The Yoga of The Three Fold Faith Om Tat Sat is the mantra that embodies the sraddha or faith which can divinize our every action through a consciousness of the transcendence and eminence of Reality.

 Gita Chapter 18 A | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:07:46

Chapter 18. The Yoga of Liberation and Renunciation..... “Abandon all dharmas..give yourself to the Lord alone... Fix your mind on Me, be devoted unto Me, worship Me, prostrate unto Me. I give you my solemn pledge that you shall attain Me for you are indeed dear to me.” Mataji sings her original love poems.... ORU MUKHAM MATRAM (Raga – Bairav) One face alone do I see, One melody alone do I hear. O Vanamali! Thy beauteous form alone do I nurse in my heart. O thou enchanting blue baby, Wilt thou come and be rocked in the cradle of my heart? Wilt thou remove the darkness of my ignorance? Wilt thou come and play in the courtyard of my mind? One face alone do I see, One song alone do I hear. Oru mukham maatram kaanunnu jaan, Oru swaram maatram kekkunnu jaan. Vanamali ninte prema swarupam, Eppozhum hridayathil laallikkum jan. Oru mukham maatram….. Shyamala komala unni kanna, En mana thotilil chanchatumo, En andhakarathe neekidumo, En nadumittathil vilayadumo.

 Gita Chapter 18 B | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:08:03

Chapter 18. The Yoga of Liberation and Renunciation... “Surrender your ego which is a myth of your own making, together with the duties imposed on you by that ego to Me the Lord sitting within the chariot of your body and I will cary you... as I carried Arjuna... I give you my absolute assurance that I Myself will lead you beyond sorrow to the highest abode”. VANAMALI KRISHNA MURAREE (Raga – Chakravakam) O Vanamali! Krishna! Muraree! Reveal thyself to me. O flute-bearer with the entrancing dark blue complexion, Let me hear the music of thy flute. Thou art the ocean and I am the wave, Thou art Krishna and I thy vanamala (garland of wild flowers). Thou alone art my lover, My beloved Vanamali. Vanamali! Krishna! Muraree! Vanamali Krishna Muraree, Darshana dedo mere pyaara…Vanamali.(repeat) Ghanashyama Sundara, Muralidhara, Sunare mujuko bansuria…….Vanamali. Tum ho sagara me hum taranga, Tum ho kaanha me vanamala. Tum ho saavaria mere pyaara…..Vanamali. Vanamali, Krishna Muraree, Krishna Muraree, Krishna Muraree.

 Summary Nitya Yoga The Yoga of Constant Communion | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:41:18

Bhagavad Gita Summary-Nitya Yoga: The Yoga of Constant Communion. The purpose of the Gita is to fashion a God out of this mortal clay- to unveil the divinity within the humanity... "Abandon all dharmas..give yourself to the Lord alone... Fix your mind on Me, be devoted unto Me, worship Me, prostrate unto Me. I give you my solemn pledge that you shall attain Me for you are indeed dear to me."


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