Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux

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 3884 Donna Brazile DNC Corruption Bombshells Shake Politics! | True News | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 54:44

Excerpts from "Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House" by former DNC chairwoman and political operative Donna Brazile has turned politics upside down. Stefan Molyneux breaks down the revelations contained within the book, what they mean for the Democratic National Committee and and politics as a whole moving forward. Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:

 3883 THE DEATH OF KINDNESS | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 33:25

As the near endless series of parasites chastise the productive class and demand more free stuff, Stefan Molyneux is simply out of kindness. The tax livestock are growing progressively more frustrated as western civilization edges closer to financial upheaval.Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:

 3882 The Ugly Truth About No Go Zones | Raheem Kassam and Stefan Molyneux | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 57:14

"No Go Zones. That's what they're called. And while the politically correct try to deny their existence, the shocking reality of these "No Go Zones"—where Sharia law can prevail and local police stay away—can be attested to by its many victims.""Now Raheem Kassam, a courageous reporter and editor at, takes us where few journalists have dared to tread—inside the No Go Zones, revealing areas that Western governments, including the United States, don't want to admit exist within their own borders.""With compelling reporting, Kassam takes you into Islamic areas you might not even know existed—communities, neighborhoods, and whole city districts from San Bernardino, California, (a No Go Zone of the mind) to Hamtramck, Michigan (essentially an Islamic colony in the Midwest); from Malmö, Sweden, to the heart of London, England—where infidels are unwelcome, Islamic law is king, and extremism grows."Raheem Kassam is the Editor in Chief of Breitbart London, a senior distinguished fellow at the Gatestone Institute and the author of “No Go Zones: How Sharia Law Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You.”Order "No Go Zones" Now: support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:

 3881 What Pisses Me Off About The New York City Terrorist Attack | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 25:12

As a nation prepared to celebrate Halloween with fun costumes and delicious treats, 29-year-old Uzbekistan immigrant Sayfullo Saipov plowed a rented truck into countless pedestrians and rammed a school bus in New York City. Having entered the United States through the Diversity Visa Lottery, Saipov screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ during the terrorist attack and carried a note pledging allegiance to the Islamic State. Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:

 3880 Kevin Spacey's Personal House of Cards | Sexual Assault Allegations | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 33:16

After being accused of making a sexual advance on Star Trek: Discovery actor Anthony Rapp when he was 14-years old, Kevin Spacey claimed he had no memory of a decades-old incident and came out as gay which serves to deflect the accusations. Stefan Molyneux looks at Kevin Spacey's backstory and the lessons which can be learned from the formation of his own personal house of cards. Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:

 3879 MGTOW SAVED MY EGGS - Call In Show - October 25th, 2017 | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 183:26

Question 1: [2:29] - “My partner promotes honesty as virtue yet continues to tell me little white lies. When I confront him about the lies, he tells me that he will stop and it won't happen again however continues to do so. He says he doesn't know why he can't stop. He tells me that he lies because he feels inadequate (which has a lot to do with his upbringing) and doesn't want to lose me. I myself have a fear of intimacy and have trouble letting my guard down. It makes me highly uncomfortable sharing my feelings and letting him know how much I care for him. I feel like it gives him "power" over me. I think this will only exacerbate his feelings of inadequacy and we will be stuck in this cycle. I know this is something I need to work on. Even though these are little white lies, should I be concerned? What should I think of him when he promotes honesty as a virtue yet continues to lie? I have been honest throughout our relationship and expect him to do the same. Am I looking too far into this, or is this a detrimental clash of values?”Question 2: [56:04] - “Are 3 moral rules generally sufficient to define 'morality' and govern a free and just society? 1) don't steal (respect the fruit of labor - i.e. property), 2) don't lie (keep your word - i.e. contracts), 3) don't initiate aggression against others (don't murder, rape, assault, etc.), and does such morality only apply to conscious life?”Question 3: [1:11:21] - “I just finished Stefan's book The Art of the Argument on Audible and I thoroughly enjoyed it and I appreciate such a much needed work for today's moral and ethical decay. In the book, Stefan expresses the importance of committing one's self to reason and evidence, which I cannot agree more. Sophistry is a disease that is rotting the foundation of society.”“I see a dilemma in this crusade against sophistry: when communicating, people, in general, rarely connect purely on an intellectual, logical and rational level. In all my education, training, and book-reading in the 11 years of my adult life, I've learned that to truly connect with people, you do need to appeal not only to their Logos (logic), but also to their Pathos (emotions) and when necessary to their Ethos (ethics/values). If we ignore this advice, we run the risk of alienating our audience, an error Jimmy Carter made when running against Ronald Reagan.”“I believe this may be a topic missed in the Art of the Argument. I would like to ask Stefan how he would propose to connect with people while giving a sound argument that is presented in a way that does not rub people the wrong way and alienate them. How could we modulate our Logos arguments on a Pathos and Ethos carrier signal (using signal communications terms) so that we may connect with people on the deepest levels and be more effective in expressing The Argument?”Question 4: [1:16:15] - “At age 18 I started dating a 26-year-old man, and we've been together for the last 6 years. We have never lived together. Do not share finances. And do not see each other except a few days a week. I love this man and want the 6 years we've spent together to have been worth it, but he's told me that he has no interest in every being married and has changed his position from wanting 10 kids to never having kids. He identifies with the MGTOW movement and although he will acknowledge I am a good, loyal woman, he still thinks that NAWALT is a myth and that all women will eventually turn into a AWALT. He is the person who introduced me to Ayn Rand, FDR, and objectivism - so it breaks my heart that he sees no value in family or partnership. Living in a society where women use and abuse men through our current legal system has created the MGTOW movement. My life goal is marriage and children, but my partner see's these things as surrendering his freedom and property rights. How do I as a woman prove to my partner that NAWALT and that I would never "screw him over" or use the broken legal system against him. Women have far more power that we should, but that doesn’t mean my values will ever let me screw over a man. How do I prove my values and show that I am wife material?”Question 5: [1:37:54] – “My wife divorced me because she fell in love with a mutual friend, and after almost two years, they are now moving in together and the man is increasingly involved in the lives of my two daughters. How can I bring myself to resolve my lingering, intense resentment and animosity towards a person whom I thought was my friend but played a part in breaking up my family?”Question 6: [2:38:13] – “I am an engineering student and am required to take a class about social advocacy and ethics. My instructor has been pushing a lot of anti-capitalism sentiments and pro-Marxist arguments and I was wondering if you could help me understand these arguments as they don't make a lot of sense to me; since I study engineering I don't have much of a background in philosophy or economics. 1) The idea that capitalism operates under exploitation, such as how a wage earner must produce more than they are paid and the employer gets to keep the excess, thus the laborer is exploited. There's a sort of subservience, my instructor argues, that is inherent in wages which is part of this exploitative system. 2) There's this idea of a Repressive State Apparatus(RSA), that the state uses various institutions to reinforce the ideas of exploitation on its populace. This is accompanied by the idea that the population has to be compliant and subservient to the capitalist system that exploits them.”Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:

 3878 Hollywood is not the swamp. | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 11:38

With the Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey allegations drawing attention to sexual abuse in Hollywood, it is very easy to assume the swamp is being drained. Stefan Molyneux breaks down the rate of abuse in various environments and the results will certainly shock you. Article: support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:

 3877 The Truth About The Fusion GPS Dossier Collusion Scandal | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 63:35

The now-infamous “Golden Showers” dossier has Fusion GPS in the spotlight as serious questions are raised about who funded the largely discredited or unverified allegations against Donald Trump and his campaign associates. In April 2016, the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee used lawyer Marc Elias to retain and fund Fusion GPS for opposition research, leading to the “Golden Showers” dossier.In June 2016, former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele and his company Orbis Business Intelligence are hired by Fusion GPS to specifically investigate Trump’s possible connections to Russia. What is the truth about the Fusion GPS dossier collusion scandal?Sources: Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:

 3876 What Pisses Me Off About Kevin Spacey | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 6:03

After being accused of making a sexual advance on Star Trek: Discovery actor Anthony Rapp when he was 14-years old, Kevin Spacey claimed he had no memory of a decades-old incident and came out as gay which serves to deflect the accusations. Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:

 3875 Music Industry Insider Speaks Out! | Kaya Jones and Stefan Molyneux | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 66:01

In the aftermath of the Las Vegas Shooting, former Pussycat Doll and Platinum Recording Artist Kaya Jones had a revelation and spoke her mind about the abuses she experienced in the music industry. Kaya Jones joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss leaving the Pussycat Dolls, why she referred to the group as a "prostitution ring," the role of fatherlessness in such predation and the opposition to those who speak out about child abuse. Kaya Jones is a Platinum Recording Artist and was one of the lead singers for The Pussycat Dolls who sold over 15 million albums and 40 million singles worldwide. Since leaving the group, Kaya has published several successful albums including Confessions of a Hollywood Doll, Kaya, Rise of the Phoenix, The Chrystal Neria Album and What the Heart Don't Know.Website: http://www.kayajones.comTwitter: support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:

 3874 The Collapse of Germany: Angela Merkel's Failure | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 21:18

Some recent unsurprising yet depressing information out of Germany has hit Stefan Molyneux very hard. In the aftermath of Angela Merkel's disastrous decisions, the European Migrant Crisis, demographic displacement and the unprecedented rise in terrorism - what is left for Germany other than collapse? Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:

 3873 Wait, What? George H.W. Bush Sexual Assault Allegations | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 8:59

In addition to a long list of Hollywood celebrities, recently former Unites States President George H.W. Bush was accused of sexual assault by actress Heather Lind - prompting backpedaling and apologies from the former U.S. leader. The growing list of other's accused of sexual impropriety includes: Harvey Weinstein, James Toback, Bob Weinstein, Terry Richardson, Harry Knowles, Roman Polanski, David O. Russell, Twiggy Ramiriez, David Blaine, Devin Faraci, Oliver Stone, Roy Price, Ben Affleck and many more. Article: support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:

 3872 Las Vegas Shooter's Brother Arrested For Child Pornography | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 23:55

A younger brother of the Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock, was just arrested on Wednesday for possession of child pornography. The arrest of Bruce Paddock comes on the same day of reports that the hard drive from Stephen Paddock's laptop is also mysteriously missing without a single trace. Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:

 3871 Harvey Weinstein Is Already Cured - It's A Miracle! | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 14:59

It was recently reported that disgraced Hollywood mogul and alleged sexual abuser Harvey Weinstein was cured of "sexual addiction" after only 7 days in treatment! Stefan Molyneux comments on the absurdity of the original reporting, the inevitable backtrack and the collapsing house of cards that is the entertainment industry. Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:

 3870 The Postmodernism Debate | Thaddeus Russell and Stefan Molyneux | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 114:35

What is the intellectual history of postmodernism and what impact does it have on the world today? Stefan Molyneux and Thaddeus Russell outline the origins of the controversial intellectual movement and debate the overall existence of truth. Thaddeus Russell is an affiliated scholar at Willamette University and has taught at Columbia University, Barnard College, Eugene Lang College, Occidental College, and the New School for Social Research. He is the host of the Unregistered podcast, founder of Renegade University and the author of “A Renegade History of the United States.” Website: http://www.thaddeusrussell.comTwitter: support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:


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