Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 A Sprinkling of Salt in the Neighborhood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What does it mean to be a good neighbor?  The Bible speaks of loving your neighbor as yourself, but how is this done?  I’ve seen examples of this love in action, but one story in particular sticks with me. Many years ago I heard of a woman with a room full of bread.  Yes, a whole room. Loaves of wheat bread, and rye bread. Stacks of pita and tortillas. All ready and waiting for those who would stop by for their share. She collected this donated bread from local bakeries, paying close attention to the sell by dates. She ensured that each loaf was used before its expiration.  Each week, families and individuals in need would come to her door for a loaf or two.  Word of mouth in the neighborhood kept her doorbell ringing each day.  She would greet people with a smile and a word from God’s Word, the Bible. This woman loved her needy neighborhood.  She saw a need and did all she could to meet it, well into her 90s.  Do you see a need in your community?  Jesus reminds us that we are “the salt of the earth and the light of the world.” Think this week how God can use you to reach out to your world to make the lives of others better.

 Light in Your Family | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you recall the story from Mark chapter 5 in the Bible about the demon-possessed man?  He was delivered and healed and wanted to follow the Lord wherever He went.  But Jesus stopped him saying, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you.”  The man returned to his family and told what Jesus had done for him. His story was exactly what his family needed to hear to believe in Jesus Christ. I’m reminded of this story whenever I think of how important it is to share the Good News within our families. And yet, reaching our families is often the hardest work of all. But be strong!  Know that God put you, specifically you, in your family for a purpose. You are a light, a daily witness, to the Good News in the home. A witness to God’s compassion and patience; to God’s power also. This week ask God for specific ways to be a light to your family. Maybe it is with your actions, serving them during a tough time. Or find a time where you can express with words how much God cares for them. Be attentive to how God can use you, in the most simplest of ways. Because reaching our world for Christ really can happen around the dinner table, surrounded by your very own family.

 Andrew Palau: In My Stead | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Once, in the throes of my rebellious high school years, my friends and I were fooling around at a party with a Halloween mask. I had it on and got a kick out of scaring other kids. But, eventually, I got bored and took it off. Then, my friend Mark put it on. All of a sudden, a big, brutish junior showed up and began yelling, “where’s Andrew Palau?!” Someone told him I was the one in the mask. The brute saw Mark stumbling around and, thinking it was me, began to hit him. Seeing an opportunity for escape, I ran out of there. That beating was meant for me. But I let poor Mark take the fall and saved my own skin. As I look back on the events of that night, I am full of regret over what happened to Mark. I wish I could tell him that I’m sorry for what he went through because of me. Ironically, through my behavior, I was spurning an even bigger sacrifice made on my behalf. Jesus died on a cross to save me from the death I deserved because of sin. And I repaid Him with disdain and rebellion. Yet, when I finally awoke to the truth, He still forgave me and welcomed me into His family with open arms. He extends that invitation to each of us, regardless of our past. Give your heart to Him today. To pray with someone, right now, call 1-888-NEED-HIM.  This is Andrew Palau.

 On my Honor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Are you a man or woman of honor? Can people trust your words? Are you a man or woman of integrity- in your words and actions? Even the writer of the Book of Hebrews asked for prayers to live honorably. The Bible says, “Pray for us. We are sure that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way.” You know, I believe being a person of honor will equip you to reach your world more powerfully than you ever imagined. If you have a reputation for honesty and integrity, your words will go much farther than otherwise! If you are faithful to God and to your family, honest in your speech, committed to your job, truthful in your business dealings- others will become curious about you. God will be pleased.  Then you can share with them the Good News of Jesus Christ as their compass for life. Let them know that Jesus Christ has asked you to love Him and serve His world. That’s why you live a life of honor. How can you live more honorably this week? Do it- God will empower you and you will reach your world for Him.  

 Honoring Others | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One definition of honor says, “high public esteem; fame; glory: He has earned his position of honor.” Did you know that the Bible says we are to honor other people? That means to esteem and respect them! In Romans 12 the Bible says, “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.” How can you show honor to others? Perhaps you can honor your spouse by speaking well of her or him to others. Honor your co-worker by giving them public credit for their successes. Honor your parents by respecting them and thanking them for raising you. Honor your friends by putting their needs first and publicly acknowledging all the good things they do. The Bible also says, in Romans 13, “Give everyone what you owe him… if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.” As you clearly speak highly of others, God will open doors with those people for you to share His truth. Look for people to honor in your circle of influence this week.

 Humility Before Honor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Remember the Old Testament hero of the faith, Moses? When God called him to free the Israelites from their captivity in Egypt, Moses thought surely God had the wrong man. He couldn’t believe that God would ever use him for such a major task. Moses was resistant initially. But eventually, Moses would free the Israelites and lead them to the Promised Land. Moses chose to fear the Lord more than man, and God used Moses to accomplish great things. The Bible says in Proverbs chapter 15, “The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor.” God could have chosen a strong forceful leader who would have done exactly what he asked. But God doesn’t always call the qualified, He qualifies the called. If you are looking for a position of influence or leadership, first ask God for wisdom. And remember that humility comes before honor! Humility is not weakness, only a correct understanding of how insignificant we are compared to God. And remember what jesus said: “Without me you can do nothing.”  He also said “I live in you.” A true understanding of our place in God’s plan will empower us to follow His will and reach our world! 

 Honor Your Parents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ross grew up in a Christian home. His parents were not perfect, but they gave Ross their best. They taught him about the Lord and taught him to work hard. But as Ross entered his teenage years, he began to get very disrespectful. He focused on everything he thought his parents were doing wrong. He would talk back and challenge them at every turn. As Ross got older, he continued responding to other authority figures in a similar way. Challenging his coaches, bosses, and elders. This made Ross’s life very rocky and it was hindering his success in many areas of his life. Did you know that the Bible asks all of us to honor our parents? And not just in the home, but even as adults? St. Paul writes in Ephesians, “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— ‘so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.’” Are you rebelliously challenging your parents- and other authority figures? God may be calling you to change your ways. Even if you disagree with your parents in some areas, it’s important to show them respect. Be sure to respect your parents- God might even use you to reach them for Himself! What an outcome that would be!    

 Andrew Palau: True Community | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When I was in Jamaica in 1993, there was a group of young people who showed me what it meant to really live for Jesus Christ. I wasn’t walking with the Lord, but they were. They shared a joy and passion for life. They were Christians, but not like the Christians I stereotyped as uninvolved and disassociated. These people had fun. They laughed. They loved life, made a difference in their community, enjoyed being together, and they were so fired up about life in Christ they reached out to everyone, including me. Though they were a tight knit group, they eagerly invited me along and welcomed me. I can’t say how much I appreciate the fact that this group embraced me, just as I was. They didn’t treat me as an “outsider” because I didn’t yet know Jesus. They didn’t hold me at arm’s length or wait for me to get my life in order before befriending me. They were quick to welcome, and through them I saw what the Bible calls the “joy of the Lord.” Are you part of a group of believers? If so, invite others to see and experience your joy. Let’s not be content to hang out only with other believers. Let’s live in true God-honoring community, yes! And then welcome in a world that is desperate to hear of God’s love.

 Persistent Prayer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In order to reach our world for Christ, we must cultivate hearts of compassion like Jesus. Jesus loved those who were “harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” You might ask, but Luis, where do I begin? As always, prayer is a place to start! As Matthew says, “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into his harvest field.” We need to pray for workers who are already actively involved in evangelism, and those yet to be sent out. We can also pray for those who have yet to trust Jesus. Make a list of the unsaved family members, friends, neighbors, and classmates. Pray regularly for each person by name. Be persistent. To God, no amount of time is too long. My wife and I know an elderly woman who prayed for 68 years for her brother’s salvation. When he was 80 years old, shortly before he died, he finally confessed the Lord Jesus as Savior. Not only was he brought into eternal life, imagine the joy that woman received when the Lord answered her prayers! Imagine what God will do when all of His people pray persistently for their lost loved ones! People will be changed!

 We’re Not All Evangelists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Many followers of Christ don’t feel they have the gift of evangelism. Their picture of evangelism is public speaking, preaching in front of big crowds, and loudly proclaiming Jesus’ name in a spotlight. God hasn’t made everyone to be preachers. You can have a deep heart for the lost even if you don’t have the gift of evangelism. Take my father-in-law, Willard, a wonderful man who was such a quiet engineer. I couldn’t imagine him saying more than a couple of lines when witnessing to others. But he had a deep burden for his old college buddies. As a result, anytime I spoke in town, he brought one or more of them. He didn’t give up on those he loved because he wanted them to know Jesus.  And let them hear me proclaim.  But Willard brought them. The secret is living and witnessing by the power of the Lord. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a teacher, an accountant, or whatever. The Bible says, “Whoever who is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much.” Be faithful where you are, and the Lord will open doors for you. Believe me: amazing things will happen as you begin to reach your world! The Lord will use you and give you just the right words and just the right approach.

 One Soul at a Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Bible says some very sad things about the hopelessness and agony of the lost. Hell is described as a place of weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Doesn’t sound like a place where you’d want to spend eternity, does it? If we believe the Bible, we are called to have a passion for rescuing the lost. Instead of halfheartedly wishing an unsaved friend would be saved, be driven to win that person for Jesus. We can lose hope, when our friends and relatives seem hardened against the Good News Gospel. But keep praying, realize the fragility of life. Show your loved ones His presence by living righteously. The Bible says “the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life.” It brings fruit in its season. The rest of the verse says “And he (or she) who wins souls is wise.” If our souls live forever, isn’t the greatest wisdom to tell another’s soul about the living God? Even if we tell the same person over and over, the Lord’s timing is right. Trust in Him to work in the hearts of those you love, and the world will change, one soul at a time!

 Outsides Don’t Matter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

During preparation for an evangelistic festival in Latin America, a poor, shoeless man attended one of our week-long biblical counseling courses. It was unusual for this man, who was illiterate, to participate, but our team welcomed him. One evening during the campaign, every available counselor was busy--all except for the illiterate man. That’s when a doctor walked in—refined, sophisticated, well-dressed. He was requesting counsel. Before anyone could stop him, the shabbily dressed man took the doctor into a room to talk. When the doctor came out, someone asked him if he needed any help. “No, thank you,” the doctor replied, “This fellow has helped me very much.” The next day the doctor returned with two other doctors. They requested to speak to the shoeless brother. By the end of the week, that illiterate man had led four doctors and their wives to Jesus Christ. What a servant! So often we look on the outside when measuring someone’s spiritual power. What really counts is the power of Jesus within. As Acts says, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses.” Jesus equips us to reach our world! That’s the confidence we have.   

 Andrew: Before We Fall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

There are often signs of trouble before we find ourselves in the midst of a full-fledged struggle. Strains on our relationships. Small concessions to temptation. Compromising on our time in the Word. We tend to slip before we fall. Don’t wait until you’re in the midst of a storm to call on God for help. Recognize the signs of shortcomings and ask Him for help then.  Our God is there for us no matter what the situation, but the Bible tells us that we should humbly approach Him at the first signs of trouble. Psalm 94:18 says, “When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.” Sometimes we hesitate to admit we’re slipping because we’re afraid of judgment. Remember, God knows us through and through – every thought we’ve ever had, every weakness. He freely offers forgiveness and comfort. His love supports us and takes us through life’s most trying situations. We can take every emotion, fear, and doubt to Him. As soon as you realize your foot is slipping, call on the One who can set your feet back on solid ground.

 Sacrificial Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A couple of years ago Army sergeant Dennis Weichel was moving through a town in Afghanistan with a large convoy. He noticed some children in their path ahead and immediately jumped out to help move them to safety. While most of the children scattered away, one little girl went back to the road. The convoy continued moving ahead. Weichel saw the massive truck moving toward the Afghan girl and grabbed her out of the way. The girl survived, but Weichel died after the armored vehicle ran over him. One of Weichel’s fellow soldiers said, "He would have done it for anybody. That was the way he was. He would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He was that type of guy." What an amazing story of service and selflessness. The Bible says that there is no greater love than one who “lays down his life for his friends.” This is what this Army sergeant exemplified, and it’s a good challenge for each of us. How are you putting others’ wellbeing before your own, every day? Not easy – yet serving others is exactly what Jesus modeled in His life and His ministry. It’s the best model for us as we try to reach our world today.

 Obligation vs Privilege | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you ever heard someone say, “this isn’t a ‘got to’, it’s a ‘get to’”? I find that phrase to be very true when it comes to Christian spirituality. John was raised in a religious home so he felt obligated to do everything. He had to go to church twice a week. He had to read his Bible. He needed to love others and serve in his community. But in his teenage years, God spoke to John and revealed to him the right perspective. All these things were amazing gifts! He didn’t “have to” do anything.  A follower of Christ is not required to go to church to be saved, but fellowship with other believers is something to be valued. Reading the Bible is not a requirement to please God. Although, we have His living words, written for us, available at any time- so why wouldn’t we read them? We aren’t required to serve others, but when we do we find true joy and the “abundant life” Jesus promises. You know what? When John changed his mind, he got to know God for the very first time. Do you need to change your mind? You aren’t required to reach your world, but once you realize the tremendous blessing it is, you’ll never turn back. Ask God for His perspective! You’ll never regret it.  


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