Constitution Study Radio show

Constitution Study Radio

Summary: Through the Constitution with Douglas V. Gibbs. NOTE: Political Pistachio Radio Revolution has moved to KCAA 1050 AM Loma Linda - Learn more at or

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  • Artist: Douglas V Gibbs
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 Stopping Mandatory National Service: Operation Sit In on Political Pistachio Radio Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

The National Director of Operation Sit In, Larry Richardson, joins us tonight to discuss what his organization is all about. Learn how conservatives are working to stop the mandatory national service proposal as pushed by the Democrat's own Charlie Rangel (now a fourth time) through HR 5741. Catch my interview of Mr. Richardson, and the usual conservative commentary with a Christian Edge tonight live at 7:00 pm Pacific, or catch the archive later, at Conservative News and Commentary

 Derrick David Holmes: 43 Bullets At Death's Door - Political Pistachio Radio Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Before we talk about Election 2010, and the backlash by Democrats against Pelosi, we will be joined by Derrick David Holmes, a man whose life changed when he was hit with 43 bullets. Conservative News and Commentary

 DiDiDawDawDiDi by Jim Horn guest appearance tonight - Political Pistachio Radio Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Jim Horn is a career American Diplomat who served abroad for more than a quarter of a century, mostly in third-world countries, ten of those years in the Middle East where he came to really know and clearly understand true Islam far better than most. He has served as a Morse Code radio operator and a cryptographer in the U.S. Navy, as well with the State Department as a counter terrorism Project Manager, Embassy Security officer, and Vice Consul. He was specially selected and trained and was available world-wide to act as a hostage negotiator. Jim Horn has held the highest levels of TOP SECRET security clearances with code word access to compartmentalized intelligence. Among his many awards includes one of the Nation's highest civilian awards for Valor in Cambodia for rescuing wounded civilians from a bombed and burning building while under hostile fire in 1975. The title of the book is Morse Code shorthand for "Say it again, please?" or renditions thereof in the vernacular. Jim Horn is active in educating Americans about the true nature of Islam, private sector security, and has consulted with law enforcement. Portions of his book were redacted by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of State. This version retains its pre-redacted integrity and character - and tonight Jim Horn joins the Political Pistachio Radio Revolution to discuss his book, "honest" Muslims, and America's role in confronting the madness. Conservative News and Commentary

 Bob Chapman: POMO, Agenda 21, Bankers and more on Political Pistachio Radio Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Economic Update with Bob Chapman, Conservative News and Commentary

 GOP Pledge To America Short on Content - Political Pistachio Radio Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Jacob Hornberger of says that the Republican Pledge to America is Short on Content. He is our guest tonight during the first segment. We will also discuss the news of the week, and how Shays' Rebellion influenced the Founding of this nation, and the writing of the U.S. Constitution. Conservative News and Commentary

 Political Pistachio Radio Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Conservative News and Commentary

 Obama Wiretap, Arizona Immigration, UN Seeks Control of Water - Political Pistachio Radio Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Conservative News and Commentary

 Environmentalist Land Grabs, CPS Baby Snatchers, Obamaism - Political Pistachio Radio Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

U.S. Constitution Amendment IV regards private property ownership to be so important that the Fifth Amendment includes an injunction against the government taking private property for public use without just compensation. The idea was to keep private property as private as possible. Environmental groups believe they are above the law, and above the Constitution, and are using the Regional Conservation Authority to take land from private owners, and if the owners don't comply, are using the local governments to strong arm them into compliance by making it impossible to obtain permits for any development, or parceling. . . In New Hampshire a newborn is taken from the parents because of their political opinion. . . When you look through the eyes of Barack Obama the world becomes a different place. When one is compelled to ask why Obama is doing the things he is doing to this nation, all one must do is look through the eyes of Obama. - Conservative News and Commentary

 I'm An American song by John Schwarzman takes America by storm -Political Pistachio Radio Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

John Schwarzman is a "spare bedroom guitar player" who wrote and produced an incredible song that inspires. The song was featured on Sept 16 in an hour-long segment with Gary Sutton and Jim Horn on News Radio 910 in York PA. John remained on the air to talk and take calls. And yes, the song, "I'm an American," is available at iTunes and Amazon. The album cover art has the title and says "Play it loud. Play it Proud." Conservative News and Commentary

 America's Past Supports Principles of Conservatism - Political Pistachio Radio Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Liberals try to drag around the sins of America's past, but their argument, even the lies, supports the Constitutional concept of Limited Government. . . Conservative News and Commentary

 Obama Paving Way For Islamic Sharia Law in U.S. - Political Pistachio Radio Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Joe Klein is our guest tonight, and he says that Obama's defense of the Ground Zero mosque is yet another refusal to acknowledge that the building of that mosque by Feisal Abdul Rauf is a huge Islamic complex geared toward recruitment and training, and is funded by groups that support Islamic Terrorism. Klein is the author of the recently released book: Lethal Engagement - Barack Hussein Obama. Conservative News and Commentary

 American Progress Says U.S. Leaning Left - Political Pistachio Radio Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

The 40 Ideas that shape American Politics, and the progressive quiz that goes with it is tonight's topic - we will explain how the liberals are wrong in their assessment. - Conservative News and Commentary

 Economic Update and Some Conspiracy Theories w/ Bob Chapman on Political Pistachio Radio Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Conservative News and Commentary

 Black Conservative Ted Hayes Joins the Political Pistachio Radio Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Ted Hayes ( says that Blacks have ignored Martin Luther King's Dream. King said that we should not judge a man by the color of his skin, but by the strength of his character. Yet, Blacks voted for Obama because he's black. Ted Hayes joins us tonight on the Political Pistachio Radio Revolution. Conservative News and Commentary

 Liberalism's Goal Is Socialism, Ultimately Communism for U.S. - Political Pistachio Radio Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

The essence of Liberalism conflicts with the principles of a free society, and specifically the principles and values put forth by the U.S. Constitution. Explore the depth of the agenda with us tonight. Conservative News and Commentary


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