The Financial Survival Network show

The Financial Survival Network

Summary: Information you need to protect your wealth and keep your family secure in the New Economy.

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  • Artist: Kerry Lutz
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2012 KHL, FLP. All rights reserved.


 Ranting Andy Hoffman–Comex Short Position-Silver Under $35 Or Bust 24.Sept.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Ranting Andy Hoffman joined us for an update of the metals markets. Seems the elites have drawn a line in the sand--silver will not be permitted to cross the pivotal $35 mark without a fight. Demand is picking up for physical metal and it seems that the elite's ability to affect reality. The manipulation of so many indexes had made them irrelevant. Now the rest of the decoupled world, the Brics in particular, are slowing down. There's no longer any pretense that prosperity is just around the corner. So the enthusiasm for the markets continues to wane and the only real investments left are gold and silver. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Fortuna Silver–Building A World Class Silver Producer 24.Sept.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Fortuna Silver is on track to become a world class supplier of the shiny metal and gold too. In the interests of full disclosure, I've owned shares in the company since 2010, and unlike many parts of my portfolio this one is up. They've got two mines producing now, one in Mexico and the other in Peru. They've got $60mm in the bank and they're increasing production rapidly, perhaps doubling silver and gold output by 2014. The CEO is a fourth generation miner and they look like they have what it takes to become a major. In addition, with their overflowing warchest, they're well positioned to snap up advanced explorers and undervalued resource companies around the world. This one is definitely worth watching. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 The Value Guys Are Back-Hide Your Check Book And Your Vodka 20.Sept.2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Val and Mo are back. Their wives cut back on their vodka alottment and the show has really suffered as a result. But they still fit in three companies, Deckers Outdoor Corp. (DECK), Deluxe Corp. (DLX) think checks, Psychemedics Corp. (PMD) employment drug screening. While these companies might not give an ordinary securities analyst anymore than a big yawn, the Value Guys see excitement and potential around every corner. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Kimber Resource | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Kimber Resources is an advanced explorer that has a large resource in Mexico. They’ve got excellent ore grade quality and they’ve got cash in the bank. Kimber’s got a large land package that is fully owned. Much of this it has not been adequately explored. There appears to extensive deposits around the original mine that could lead to even more eventual production. But as always, explorers, even advanced ones like Kimber are extremely risky and not for the faint of heart. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Mickey Fulp Loves QE3-His Precious Metals Investments Are Way Up–22-Sept-12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents While Mickey Fulp the Mercenary Geologist may not be thrilled about what Permanent Quantitative Easing is doing to the dollar and the world economy, there is a silver lining. People who wisely invested in precious metals and mining stocks are seeing oversized returns after a year of sub par results. Mickey expects this to continue, but of course any time the government intervenes in markets there are winners and losers. Pity the poor savers and middle class workers who are seeing their futures go up in smoke. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Impact | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Impact Silver is a producer that's highly profitable with $23mm in the bank and lots of liquidity. What we like about them is that they actually produce metal and generate cash. And if we're correct and metals prices continue their ascent, companies like Impact will really get a major price lift. We don't own them and are not sure if we ever will, but see them as a viable company that's bulding up its properties and intends to expand production over the next few years. The juniors have been a suicidal investment strategy over the past two years. Now it looks like they're starting to rise. Perhaps Impact could have a positive impact on  your portfolio. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Catching Up With Diana Zoppa–Students For Liberty Speak Out-President Jesse Ventura? 20.Sept.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Diana and I caught up today for our weekly repartee. We talked about a very vibrant organization known as the Students for Liberty. They’re a group of college students who’ve learned that the current economic system is rigged and that taking on more and more debt in the name of education is not necessarily a wise move. They’re extremely concerned about the national debt and whether there country will survive in its present form. Jesse Ventura is making noises about running for president 2016 as an independent. While he may have won the Minnesota Governorship, the presidency is another story. Many of his theories appear to be off the wall, but sometimes he seems to get it right. Perhaps his presentation could be improved to make him more credible. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 There’s Tons Of Gold In Idaho Just Waiting To Be Mined–Otis Gold 20.Sept.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Craig Lindsay grew up in British Columbia Canada where going into mining and natural resources was the natural course of events. He went into corporate finance but has always been involved in mining ever since.  He's worked in North America and Asia and he's assembled a world class team to develop 4 projects in Idaho. There's vast proven resources present and now that the two year miner bear market appears to be over, the prospects for Otis are looking extremely positive. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Peter Grandich–QE3-The Straw That Broke The Fed’s Back-The Race To Debase Is On 19.Sept.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents QE3 is spurring a huge rush into the stock market to help insure Wall Street's bonuses. Europe, Japan and China are joining in the fun. Infinite QE guarantees increased gold prices. Miners are also benefitting from these ceaselessirresponsible monetary moves. Increased stock market prices and perhaps even new highs in the indexes are virtually assured. Escalator Ben has dumped tons of money on the casino floor, which will result in yet more market gambling. QE1 and QE2 failed, does he really believe that QE3 can succeed? This is simply doubling down on failure, and sacrificing the world financial system in the process. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Andy Hoffman–Infinite QE No One Gets What They Want 19.Sept.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Japan starts infinite QE and the Yen goes up. The US starts QE and there won't be any help for the economy of the dismal employment numbers. But that doesn't stop them trying over and over again. No one gets what they want. The more you do, the more things get messed up and corrupted. All these things are unexplainable by the laws of economics, but could be indicative of the monetary end times are here. Heard about the gold plated tungsten bar found in the US. How much fake gold is really out there? Be safe. Buy one ounce coins. Fractionals can be too expensive. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Death Taxes And Fracking Are Here To Stay–Ridgeline Energy Services 19.Sept.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents There's huge money being made in hydro-fracking and not just by energy producers. Companies like Ridgeline Energy Services help producers purify water used in the process. The water can then safely be disposed of or reused in the fracking process again. This helps eliminate environmental woes and is also economically beneficial. In drought stricken areas in the Southwest, this greatly reduces the costs of bringing wells on line. This technology is just getting started and Ridgeline, which has been involved in environmental remediation for a decade, has a technological edge because it consumes less energy and is much more effective. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 James Corbett–The Accidental Radio Show Host 18.Sept.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents James Corbett was attending college in Ireland when out of the blue a friend mentioned that he was going to Japan to teach English. James thought that was a great idea, and he's never looked back. The internet started proliferating and James was becoming more and more aware of the corrupt and exploitative financial system. The more he delved into the system, the more he wanted to communicate his findings to others. He started out podcasting with an old beat up microphone and an obsolete lap-top. Now his shows and videos are seen by thousands across the globe. He's even taken over for Bob Chapman at The International Forecaster. This is just proof of the opportunities that the internet provides to all of humanity. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Arch Crawford–Astrological Update-September 30 Looks Really Bad! 18.Sept.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Last month we had Arch Crawford on ( Using his astrological projection tools, he boldy predicted extreme turmoil in mid-September. In his newsletter he was likening it to another Arab Spring only more intense. Here we are a few weeks later and his forecast has come to pass. US Embassies being stormed, the Ambassador to Libya brutally murdered and embassy staff members killed as well. And if you thought it couldn't get any worse, just wait. The peak of the cycle is due on the evening of September 29, the day before the US government's fiscal year runs out. Creepy coincidence or something more? Arch is still ambivalent about the presidential election and feels that another strange outcome is in store. After what he said about the 2000 match, I wouldn't doubt him. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Danielle Park–The Only Thing We Learn From History Is That We Don’t Learn From History 18.Sept.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents In 1934 the Pecora Commission was charged with finding out why the Crash of 1929 happened. The report could have been written today. Lack of ethics and a complete lack of integrity were the underlying causes. A complete state of lawlessness prevailed on Wall Street then as now. A substantial regulatory framework was put in place and the banksters have spent the past 80 years breaking down those safeguards. And now we're back to square one. And JP Morgan and Goldman Sacks are still running the show. Seems that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

 Bill Holter–The Federal Reserve-The End Is Near 18.Sept.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown presents Bill Holter believes that the Fed's latest round of QE3 is a suicide pact. By embracing on going systematic money printing, we're only a black swan away from complete and utter financial collapse. Which means that you need to prepare and get ready. The only question is why did it take them so long? And clearly they decided that they couldn't hold off any longer. Everyone knows that QE1 and QE2 were unmitigated failures and there's no reason to expect why QE3 is going to be any different. And it won't be because you don't cure insolvency, which means that your debts exceed your assets, by going further into debt. The only way is to liquidate the debt, which no one wants to do. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets


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