Revelations Radio Network show

Revelations Radio Network

Summary: A network of Christian researchers looking in to things that can sometimes be overlooked by the majority of Christianity. Sound doctrine but out there material Like conspiracy, end time, prophecy, new world order stuff, but always focused on Jesus.

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 Debunking Ancient Aliens Debunked..Debunked. My Response to Philip Coppens | File Type: application/pdf | Duration: Unknown

Philip Coppens, who appears often in the Ancient Aliens series responded to “Ancient Aliens Debunked” yesterday in this article called “Debunking Ancient Aliens Debunked.” I will quote sections of that article and respond in this post. I will try not to leave out any important points he makes. His words will be in block quotes, [...]

 An interview with Canary Cry Radio Russ and Gonz - Oct 11,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sra mind control spiritual warfare spirituality | paranormal | bible | prophecy | religion

 PANDEMONIUM pan demon...coming to USA? part one | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown see PANDEMONIUM WEB Message flagged Tuesday, October 9, 2012 4:30 AM I woke up at 2am this morning (October 9th) after having a really bizarre dream. I saw a large ship out in the ocean. I couldn't immediately tell what sort of ship it was or where it was headed, so I started looking around the ship to see if I could find any markings on it or people to speak with. As I walked along one of the decks, something caught my attention at the top of a gray steel staircase. It was a hideous creature that looked like a blend of a man, a pig, and some other repulsive animal I couldn't quite make out. Oddly, this grotesque creature was wearing a nice white dress shirt and came walking down the stairs toward me. It was half singing, half talking and looked at me with a malicious grin. It said, "I'm Pan. Yes, as in Pandemonium." It then started mocking Christians and Jesus, saying Jesus' name over and over again in a childish sort of way like it was mimicking Christians who are calling out to the Lord. This disgusting creature then suddenly stopped the mimicking and abruptly said, "I know Russ Dizdar." It said it in the same sort of way that the demon in Acts 19 said "Jesus I know, and Paul I know about...". It then started making grunting piglike sounds and cackled saying it was looking forward to 'engaging Dizdar'. I could very definitely feel the extremely powerful and unmistakable presence of God around me protecting me from this creature that called itself Pan. I had total confidence in God's power, and I wanted to attack this evil entity on the spot and tear it to shreds. For some reason, it was like God put a barrier between Pan and myself so that there could be no interaction/warfare between us at that time. I knew with absolute certainty that I had no reason to fear this thing and neither did Russ or anyone else who truly knows their authority in Jesus and the power of His blood. Pan was aware of this fact too, and, knowing that he couldn't defeat Russ directly, seemed to hint that his attack would be more of an indirect one. This creature was going to go after lukewarm Christians and those who had any trace of fear, doubt or other weaknesses holding them back. These people would include any friends and family members who are not fully confident in Jesus. This is how Pan wanted to indirectly attack and hurt those he knew he couldn't defeat antagonizing their loved ones. Pan then turned his attention to the person who was 2nd in command of the ship (this person was completely oblivious to Pan at the time) and started humming a strange, creepy melody. The eerie melody was blended with the piglike animal sounds as well as what sounded like large engines revving. This evil humming cacophony seemed to put the person into some sort of trance. Then, in his trancelike state, he took Pan with him to try to find the captain of the ship and get him under Pan's influence as well. As the 2nd in command of this ship was walking away with Pandemonium, he excitedly mentioned that the ship is headed for the continental USA

 RRNews Interview: Chris White- Ancient Aliens Debunked | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Why is there a tacit endorsement of Ancient Aliens, and aliens in general, by mainstream media and culture? How can a Christian world view accept the existence of extra terrestrials, and why does the media and culture assume that the existence of aliens and Christianity are mutually exclusive? Join us as we answer these questions [...]

 fqshShow42 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"OBSCENE GREEN ANTHROPOCENE"! Join us and our special guest, Deacon Dean as we discuss what has been touted the greatest moral issue of our time? Will the coming Antichrist be linked with the global spiritual movement and interfaith united spirituality? Is the earth now more important than human life? Does the promotion of climate change bring about justice and equality in the world? What about climate change deniers? Shouldn't we be concerned about the polar bears? What can we expect to be banned in our everyday lives?

 Sean Carroll on Science and God (part 3) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Conversation with William Lane Craig

 HIDDEN ROOTS: MAKEING AN OBEDIENT MASS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When occult doctrine forces the masses and leads to destruction

 CCR 032: Carl Teichrib Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Basil and Gonz speak to author and chief editor of Forcing Change, a monthly magazine that covers the Globalist agenda. Carl has attended several conferences and meeting where the talks of global governance has been promoted. His experiences give him a unique perspective to the realization that we are moving towards a one world government [...]

 Psalms 67-69 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown
 VFTB 127: The Great Oil Conspiracy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

WOULD IT surprise you to learn that oil is a renewable resource that has nothing at all to do with fossils? Probably, since some very powerful forces have a vested interest in preserving the myth of “peak oil”. Jerome Corsi, #1 best-selling author and senior staff writer for WorldNetDaily, is the author of the new [...]

 Naked Bible 027: The Bible’s Literary Context: What is a Proverb? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In the last podcast episode we continued our series on studying the Bible in light of its various types of literature – its literary genres. We looked at parables and offered some guidelines for interpreting them. In this episode, we’re going to briefly look at another familiar type of biblical literature that is at times [...]

 PROPHETS OF THE 3RD REICH.....the spirits speak, offer....deception always leads to destruction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown


 Podcast: Ancient Aliens Debunked (audio) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This is the mp3 audio version of Ancient Aliens Debunked for those who either cannot watch video or prefer audio. Right click here to download

 RRNews 51 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Washington Lawyer has traveled in time? Is the TSA playing child like games in our airports, for our security? Where are you storing your wealth, in Tungsten? When you need it most, will your camera phone work? How many people were beaten in the creation of your phone? All these questions covered as well as [...]


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