Parent Savers show

Parent Savers

Summary: Parent Savers is an audio podcast providing new parents with practical information to help preserve their sanity. Both moms and dads discuss common parenting concerns for their toddlers. With the help of our experts, parents get the superhero strength they need to tackle the world, and the next dirty diaper. The show is part of the Parents On Demand Network and is produced by New Mommy Media.

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  • Artist: New Mommy Media
  • Copyright: Copyright 2016, New Mommy Media


 Newborn Screening Tests | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1956

Newborn screenings identify conditions that can impact your child's longterm health. Which tests are commonly offered and why? How and when are the test done? And what are the odds your child's tests may come back abnormal? 

 Parenting an Adopted Child | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2167

Families adopt children for many different reasons including infertility, an interest in other cultures, or humanitarian deed. But how do you know if adoption is the best thing for you and your family? What should you know about adopting foster children? And what are the common concerns amongst adoptive parents and their adopted children? 

 Circumcision: The Facts, Benefits and Risks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2287

Infant circumcision is a procedure that more and more parents are questioning in the United States. What exactly happens during this process? What are the potential advantages and disadvantages? How can your child's age make a difference? And why is the procedure considered so controversial? 

 The New Breed of Dads | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1740

Dads today are taking on more and more parenting responsibilities. Is this a conscious effort, or is it simply needed to meet the demands of our society? How are today's dads different than our own dads? Plus, we'll explore ways moms and dads can work together and be successful at work and at home.

 Overcoming Isolation When a New Baby Arrives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1958

A new baby changes everything. Your "crazy night on the town" now means you've got the kids in tow. How do you break away from the isolation and loneliness that we sometimes feel once the baby comes home? How do we fall in this trap? And what are some practical ways we can reintroduce ourselves to society?

 Baby Sign Language: Communication with Your Infant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2055

Babies love to communicate, but talking isn't always an option. That's how signing with your baby can help! What is the best time to start teaching your baby sign language? How does it impact their overall language development? And what are the best signs to use in the beginning?

 Knowing Your Work Benefits: FMLA, FSA and More! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1691

With a new child comes more costs, so you may need more money. You may also need to take time off work to care for your child. Government and work benefits can help you adjust to your new life as a new parent. What are the ways to utilize these programs while pregnant? What exactly is the Family Medical Leave Act and how does it work? Plus, saving money with Flexible Spending Accounts and more!  

 SIDS: Reducing Your Baby's Risk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1758

SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome, is the leading cause of death among infants, yet there doesn't seem to be full-proof way to prevent it. What do we know about SIDS? What are the main ways to try and reduce your baby's risk? And how can you support a family who experiences this tragedy? Plus, a special interview with Bill Schmid, Founder of HALO® Sleep Systems who lost his daughter to SIDS. Visit our giveaways page for details on how to win a FREE HALO® SleepSack®.

 Autism: Testing, Therapies and Services | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1742

Autism is a developmental disorder impacting the brain's normal development. What are the early signs of autism? What does it mean if your child is diagnosed with having disorder on the spectrum? And what services are available to help your child? 

 Autism: Prevention, Detection and Medication | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1797

It's become one of the most widespread childhood epidemics in recorded history. So, what exactly is autism? How can your pediatrician help with early detection? And are there ways to prevent it altogether? Pediatrician and well-known author, Bob Sears, joins us for the first episode in our series exploring autism. 

 Homeopathy for Children | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2184

It's cold and flu season and parents everywhere want to keep their children germ-free. But if your baby catches a bug, homeopathy can help by giving a boost to you immune system without all the drugs. What exactly is homeopathy and what conditions can be treated? Today we'll revealing our top 10 list of homeopathic remedies to keep in your home!

 Your Baby's Vision | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1542

Your baby continues to develop everyday, and sometimes these stages of development aren't obvious. How do you know if your child's vision is reaching necessary milestones? What are some factors that put your baby's vision at risk? Plus, information on a program allowing all babies under one to get their vision tested for free!  

 Baby-Led Weaning: Introducing Solid Foods to Your Baby | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2040

Your baby is quickly approaching six months, which is the time many parents introduce solid foods. But, what if you could skip the puree stage and go straight to whole foods? It's known as baby-led weaning and it's gaining in popularity. So, how does it work? What types of foods work best? And what about foods considered a choking hazard? 

 Speech Development in Toddlers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2154

Our heart melts every time our children say new words, even if we're the only ones who can understand it. Despite all the cuteness, how do you know if your child is having difficulty with speech development? What milestones should we be monitoring for babies and toddlers? And what differences should we expect in speech patterns between boys and girls? 

 PS029: Travel With Kids | | 619-866-4775 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:51

PS029: Travel With Kids | | 619-866-4775


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