Awakenings  with  Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment  show

Awakenings with Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment

Summary: Awakenings is Your place for insight, tools and the 411 to track & navigate the Path of Awakening, Soul Expression, and living your life more fulfilled in all areas. Learn and share in living more awake, aware and conscious in your everyday life. Gain the insight and learn the tools to find your Soul purpose and Path to live your Soul Expression more happily and abundantly Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT Call in for intuitive readings and with your questions and to share. #347-539-5122 Michele gives a talk every week and answers listener's questions; as well as does readings for callers. Awakenings Podcasts are available on Itunes Through Awakenings you can get the support and tools to make the changes to live more fulfilled, authentic, Soul expressed and prosperous. Be a part of awakening Dialogues, Interviews, Meditation, Healing & learn the tools to Navigate the individual & collective Shifts of Awakening. Email to get your questions answered on air; or for guest and topic suggestions. _____________________________________________________________________________ Michele is an artist, guide and creator focused on inspiring and empowering other in their own life. She is a constant student of life and the Mystery of The All That is... She shares what she has learned along the path in hopes that others will live more fulfilled, happy and life the life the dream. Michele is also a published author of transformational audio CDs and the book and companion CD “Meditation for Everyday Living”. Michele focuses on useful tools for transformation, healing and empowerment for life enhancement. She gives us an idea of what we can expect in this new phase of human Evolution and assists personally and collectively. For more information email:

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 Exploring Myth, Archetypal Energy & Spirituality in Media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

The Archetypal Energy Patterns that are Affecting us in this Individual & Collective Shift. Taking a look at Traveling Down the "Rabbit Hole" & How to Get Out into the clear & into the light. We will discussing Archetypal Patterns of Transformation & the Myths in Media & how this is reflecting Consciousness. What is "Enlightenment"?? Being of Light..& where does the "Shadow" fit in? & How is this now being reflected in the out -picturing of society through various new forms of media, technology, philosophy & schools of thought Awakened Panel- Chad Lilly of founder of InnerCircle Publishing & Aware Talk Radio Kirsten Mitchell - Mythologist Writer Media Analyst Kirsten weaves a thread between mythology, technology & spirituality Scott Brandon Hoffman- Part Visionary Artist, Philosopher & Comic “To Share and Reflect the Heart, Soul, Wisdom, AND Comedy of Being Human.” Join us for this insightful journey Call in #347-539-5122

 Kari Hohne -- Dreams: The Trojan Horse of the Psyche | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Explore the bizarre nature of dreams with author and dream analyst Kari Hohne. She will be returning to discuss the cryptic mechanisms that allow transformative ideas past the gates of active consciousness. Callers will have the opportunity to have their dreams interpreted as she shares the ABCs of dream analysis. Explore the stories that heal through the common archetypes of the dreamscape: Shadow, Unknown Child and charactes that become mirrors of us. Kari's pioneering work in dream research has enabled her to identify the common “hero” cycles of conflict, cause and resolution that take the dreamer on an adventure of self-discovery. She conducts workshops on Living Life Intuitively by accessing inner wisdom, and developed motivational art programs for high school kids at risk of dropping out or joining gangs. Her articles appear in PubMed and she is the author of The Mind’s Mirror: Dream Dictionary, The Mythology of Sleep: The Waking Power of Dreams, Nothing Bad Happens in Life: Nature’s Way of Success and Tao te Ching: The Poetry of Nature. She is featured in Early Women Masters as a contributor to Women Authors of the Tao te Ching. Her I Phone App: Way of Dreams/Dream Dictionary will be released in October 2009.

 ThunderBeat --Sound Healing, Shamanic Wisdom & Activational Music for a New Age | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

ThunderBeat is a gifted shamaness, a World Bridger who melds tonal and tribal elements into multidimensional soundscapes. Her harmonies soothe the spirit. Her rhythms awaken the soul. Part Choctaw and Shawnee Indian, ThunderBeat draws on her Native heritage, western musical training and an ever-deepening connection to Great Spirit to weave healing vibrations of sound that enhance your journey into Self and Source. She makes her home among the sacred red rocks of Sedona, Arizona. Her name, ThunderBeat, given to her by the Elders, speaks of her abilities to heal and awaken through the power of sound.

 The Shift in Social Consciousness & The Role of Social Media- What's it Mean & What's Next | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Riding the Changing Tides of Tech - Are You Riding the Wave?? What does Twitter represent on a societal level & the level of innovation How is Disruptive Innovation at play here? How are you using Twitter Lists & is this really something new? How is Disruptive Innovation at play here? Myths & Archetypes in Media at play.... What does this reflect in our society ********************* Calvin Lee-Mayhem Studios is a small award-winning design firm located in Los Angeles, California, developing identity and brand recognition for the business sector across the nation. @mayhemstudios ******************** Kirsten Mitchell-Mythologist-Deep Mythology Media Exploring how stories we tell, the names & images we display, consciously & subconsciously influence perception.-@kirste htt:// ************************* Samantha- Intuitive counseling to Empower your life.-@blondebydesign *********************** Scott Brandon Hoffman-Philosopher,Inspirational Speaker,Comedian, Writer, Producer He’s part Philosopher and Modern Day Mystic, part Motivator and Spiritual Bad Ass-@theentertainer *********************** Chad Lilly-Author-Poet, Founder of InnerCircle Publishing & Revolution Press Founder of Aware Talk Radio & host *************** Beth Frysztak-passionate twitterer, successful multi-channel marketer, charasmatic leader with a ”can do” attitude--@BethFrysztak ************* TheRealKDubb-Consultant, Music Producer @therealkdubb ************** Lori Moreno-Escaped Corp World as Attorney. Now Enjoy Life all Over World w/ Mac & iPhone- ************** CatherineGrison-Soul Artisan for People & Space Life is all about harmony, respect, and style @CatherineGrison

 Jack Allis -- Infinity’s Flower - A Tale of 2012 & the Great Shift of the Ages | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Jack Allis is the author of the blockbuster novel Infinity’s Flower - A Tale of 2012 & the Great Shift of the Ages. Since its publication in September 2007, he has become the living embodiment of its message, traveling the country, and delivering its message to as many awakening souls as he can reach, with his groundbreaking powerpoint presentation and sacred chants, which is entitled 2012 & the Shift – Transforming Challenges into Blessings, in addition to an ever-expanding number of TV and radio interviews. Jack practices what he preaches, living minimally and close to nature in a tiny cottage on Little Okauchee Lake in Wisconsin. He has written two other novels, Infinity’s Children and Masters of Destiny, as well as his popular monthly e-newsletter. In addition to his writing, Jack is also a personal growth and spiritual teacher, working with people in person, by telephone, and over the Internet. In his teaching work, Jack shows people how to connect with the divine spirit of a living universe with the power of their vibration, and how to manifest their dreams by living life with feelings of peacefulness, joy, love and acceptance.

 Lanaia Lee -- "Skulls of Salvation" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Lanaia Lee was born in 1957 When she was nine years old, her mother died from a massive stroke. Her grandmother, a black witch, gained custody. When Lanaia was 14, her grandmother abandoned her, and she had four different sets of foster parents within a year, because she kept running away to avoid men who attempted to molest her. At age fifteen. She graduated in her junior year after which she drifted, living with various people with neither a family nor a home. At eighteen, she married and divorced having three miscarriages. She remarried at age 30, then had a stillborn daughter a year later. Five years later, her husband left her for a seventeen-year-old. She filed bankruptcy, and one month later suffered a massive stroke, which, after seven months in the hospital, put her in a wheelchair. The next two years involved intensive physical therapy, but she would never walk again. She took the step of finding work to help her rehabilitation. She found employment at vocational trades where she met my soul mate, David, also in a wheelchair from a motorcycle wreck he sustained in 1984. They married in 1992 and are still happily married. They, too, lost two children due to her disease, erratic hypertension. She and her husband live independently, and she still drives. In 2001, David dared her to write a poem. Out of curiosity, she posted it in an online poetry forum. The feedback was so positive, she kept writing. At first, she wrote just poems, then short stories and finally novels. All of her work is typed one-handed because of her disabilities. Lanaia gives credit to the grace of God which has helped her overcome immense adversity, hold her head high, and she claims she won’t quit until she hits the best seller list.

 Neil Hague -- Visions from Beyond The Matrix - A Story of Oneness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Neil Hague is a UK visionary artist, authorial illustrator, speaker and writer. Originally trained in graphics and book publishing, he was one of the founders of Bridge of Love Publications. His work has been described as 'neo-shamanic' by people who have heard him talk or who have seen his art. He has had numerous exhibitions of his visionary work in London and his paintings have appeared on book covers all over the world. Inspired by native cultures, 'universal' symbols, archetypes and a love of nature, Neil often links and utilises these sources in his own work. In his 2002 book Through Ancient Eyes (Quester Publications), he illustrates a personal and fascinating approach to art and image making. His latest book Journeys in the Dreamtime was published May, 2006.

 Kerri Kannan -- Uncovering the Divine Within | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

"To know thy Self is the purest form of spirituality. To know thy Self in the present moment of Now is Self-Realization." - Kerri Kannan. Self-Love Mentor, author of “Uncovering the Divine Within” the creator of the World Awakened Project as well as creator of various self-help programs, Kerri Kannan helps people shed belief systems that keep us from knowing our True Nature. By helping clients to identify and release limiting thought patterns, Kerri helps clients, workshop participants, readers and listeners to unify their minds, release self-doubt and learn to love, trust and believe in themselves. Kerri allows herself to be completely open, honest and transparent in her work which helps those who connect with her to expand by being completely open, honest and transparent with themselves. Kerri feels that we are each perceptual points of view of One Consciousness and since consciousness is always expanding, Enlightenment is an infinite process of consciousness expanding which is never complete. Kerri’s services include private and corporate workshops, private and phone consultations, online courses, teleseminars, lectures and online courses. For more information, please visit her website at

 Michele Meiche -- Transpersonal Life Coach & Psychic Channel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

She is a trained and initiated Shaman, Healer , Spiritualist & NBHA Fellow Board Certified Hypnotherapist Michele training and background is quite extensive; she is also trained in Senoa Dreamwork, Jungian Dream Therapy, Animal & Rock Medicine for more information please visit her website Michele is also the author of Meditation for Everyday Living and teaches “Meditation for Spiritual Unfoldment” at Agape Spiritual Ctr. Learning to read clearly & follow the signs from your Soul Self to manifest your next level of fulfillment Connect in & align with your soul path & begin to see the “out picturing of this” We are all led... Many are not clear on the signs or perhaps miss them.. This can bring fear on; or “clutching” You are being led & all that is unfolding is leading you to what you need to experience & express... Learn what to “look for” what to “do” to assist your own unfolding & expression of your Soul’s Purpose Learn to more clearly decipher the messages that are coming from your “Higher Self” to be spirit led. We will be focusing on the signs, signals and messages from Spirit and the prompting of your soul Bring your Dreams, Visions, Ideas, Signs & Symbols that you have been receiving. Michele will also be tuning in for callers psychically and doing Soul Path Readings.

 Tomas Vieira - "Take Me to Truth, Undoing the Ego" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Australians, Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira are the authors of best-seller ‘Take Me to Truth, Undoing the Ego’. Initiated by A Course in Miracles (ACIM), their seventeen year Spiritual Awakening journey led to the almost total deconstruction of their lives and belief systems before emerging from the process together. Their uniquely dynamic family experience of learning the Course, as a couple, and then with their daughter, is quite unprecedented. No amount of theory or substitute can hold a candle to experience. Amidst much lightness and laughter, these authors share a profound dedication to learning and living the Course, without one iota of compromise to its principles. Nouk and Tomas joined in a divine commitment in 1984. The call they heard beckoned them to discover the indestructible nature of love. And the precious insights gained from their life-transforming experience are shared in both Take Me to Truth and their workshops. The result is this profoundly practical guide that clearly defines the blocks and the stages involved in Spiritual Awakening. Respected for their practical expansion of ACIM’S section on The Development of Trust, Nouk and Tomas have been invited to deliver dynamic workshops around the world. They have hosted workshops at the prestigious Omega Institute NY, the International A Course in Miracles Conference, San Francisco and The Miracles Network, London. Visit their website for articles, interviews and workshops:

 Robert Wilkinson -- Saturn in Libra and how to deal with major changes to come | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

We will be discussing the universal & personal “Shift” that is occurring right now from an astrological point of view. Robert is able via Astrology to discern & read the patterns of energy that portend the changes we are and will be going through as a collective & individually. Robert Wilkinson Futurist, Astrologer, Metaphysician & Author of the Internationally Renowned Aquarius Papers http// Astrology can help us understand what’s going on. Every culture has had its astrology, or symbolic depiction of the heavens and the seasons offering a deeper meaning to life’s various cycles here on Earth. This useful tool for larger understanding is now needed more than ever, given the radical changes upon us. There are larger patterns going on that affect our lives, whether we know it or not. Everything depends on how we react to them, and use our power to respond to the forces affecting our lives. This cross mixture of what we call "fate" and "free will" makes it necessary to understand what’s going on - Robert Wilkinson

 Heather Hale -- Television and Film | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Heather Hale got on the Hollywood map in 2000 when The Courage to Love, the $5.5 million dollar Lifetime Original Movie starring Vanessa Williams, Diahann Carroll, Gil Bellows and Stacy Keach (now available on DVD), was produced off her spec screenplay, Quadroon Ball. Since then, she's written and/or produced 45-hours of award-winning television including The Evidence, a news magazine docudrama series (along the lines of What the Bleep Do We Know?) that won "Best New Series Pilot” at the 2001 WorldFest Houston International Film Festival and Lifestyle Magazine, a holistic health talk show hosted by Clifton Davis (Amen, Any Given Sunday), that won two Tellys and a Gold Award from the 2001 WorldFest Houston. Prior to that, Heather was on the writing staff of two PBS edutainment series: Psychology: The Human Experience, which won an Emmy Award for Best Instructional Series, a Bronze Telly Award, The Videographer Awards, International Film & Video and an Aegis Award of Excellence and Dollar$ & Sense: Personal Finance for the 21st Century which won an Emmy Award for Best Instructional Series and an Aegis Award of Excellence. Heather served as the Director of Event Programming for the National Association of Television Program Executives which included producing NATPE '05 which attracted an estimated 8,000 attendees to the Mandalay Bay Resorts in Las Vegas to hear the over 200 speakers including Ted Turner, Charlie Sheen, Jon Cryer, and the CEOs and Presidents of virtually every major network, cable, and satellite station as well as converging digital technologies (AOL, Yahoo! TV, Microsoft, Verizon, etc.). Heather also programmed NATPE' 2004 TV Producers' Boot Camp.

 Twitter & The Collective Shift & how it is Transforming the World We Live In | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

The New Paradigm or Embodiment is about living more fulfilled... Allowing for more Soul Centered Expression... To live Spirit Led... Culturally this means using the “higher mind”... The Creative mind and to move into more Self Expression & Creative ways of Living... Work can now be seen as “Work Purpose”.. An extension of the Soul and fueled by Spirit- Passion, and a desire to help, be of service & share. We are moving from a “Me” Culture to a “We” culture; a Global Culture, that transmigrates beyond boundaries of space, time & local. What cultural tools are you using to aid you in your part of the “Collective “Evolution & Up leveling of Consciousness” There is more of a recognition that is being anchored that affirms we are all connected & all that we do affects each other. Join us for an Awakened Panel Discussion of the Individual & Collective Shift... How is this shift affecting them personal & what are the ramifications and changes in their respective fields... What is the role of Social Media such as TWITTER, FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, YOU TUBE, USTREAM, and others in this? How are you using TWITTER or other social media to connect, share, inspire, inform & transform?? How can social media be used consciously to effect conscious change? How do they use social media or other technological tools in living consciously What do they experience & see from a cultural stand point? We’ll also look at Astrology, Music, Writing, Books, E-Books and other forms of media and transformational tools Please call in with your insights, & experience of how you are using media to assist in this evolution of consciousness & new paradigm 347-539-5122

 Diane Lerner -- Astrologer--Transit of Saturn moving into Libra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Certified Hypnotherapist and Transformational Astrologer dedicated to empowering others on their unique path. Offers a loving and objective setting for transformation and growth. Graduated with honors from a nationally accredited hypnotherapy college. Dedicated to inspiring clients by enhancing their self-awareness and highlighting one's purpose; as well as pinpointing time frames for progress and opportunity. With a base in Transpersonal Psychology, my goal is to enlighten and nurture one's highest good.

 Dr. Jude Currivan - The New Science & the Heart - Brain Connection & Integrating the Transpersonal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Dr Jude Currivan PhD is a cosmologist, sensitive, healer, Hay House author, futurist and educator. Growing up as the daughter of a coalminer, she is now based near Avebury, England. Jude has experienced multidimensional realities and researched consciousness, perennial wisdom and metaphysics since early childhood. She holds a PhD in Archaeology researching ancient cosmologies and an Oxford University Masters Degree in Physics specializing in cosmology and quantum physics. During a highly successful business career she obtained extensive experience in merging her intuitive gifts into practical and creative approaches for managing organizational and cultural change. Her corporate career culminated in her being the Group Finance Director of two major international companies and to her being in the early 1990s the most senior business woman in Britain. In 1996, Jude chose to take her work beyond the corporate world. In a well-grounded and accessible way,her work reconciles cutting edge science, frontier research into consciousness and spiritual wisdom to explain and experience the emerging awareness of integral reality and is a leading pioneer of this revolutionary and empowering worldview. Jude has also worked with the wisdom keepers of many traditions. She leads groups on sacred journeys worldwide, including between 2001 and 2006 a series of pilgrimages to Egypt, South Africa, China, Alaska, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Easter Island, Hawaii, Britain and Israel. The revelatory and transformational experiences of these journeys are shared in her book The 13th Step (Hay House 2007). In 2004 she completed her PhD thesis entitled Walking between Worlds, an exploration of ancient wisdom teachings, the landscape embodiment of cosmology and the connection between people, the Earth and the wider Cosmos. Jude is also the author of The Wave, (O Books 2005), The 8th Chakra (Hay House 2006), CosMos – a co-creator’s guide to the whole-world (Hay House)


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