RunnersConnect Run to the Top Podcast show

RunnersConnect Run to the Top Podcast

Summary: We interview the doers and thinkers in the running world, whose training concepts, depth of knowledge, and stories are so powerful that just hearing them will change the way you approach your running and training. Our mission is to provide you with unparalleled expertise and knowledge about training and racing to help make you a smarter, fitter, and faster runner. We're fellow runners and experts in one thing only - improving your running. If you've ever started a run at 3am or run circles in a parking garage to make sure you got in your run for the day, this podcast is for you.

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 8 Easy Ways to Improve Your Nutrition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:54

Today we are going to chat with Jason Fitzgerald (Founder of Strength Running) and Anne Money, the creators of the Nutrition for Runners Program. Nutrition is complicated, and can be a somewhat confusing topic, so we are going to focus on actionable tips that you can use right away to start eating better. Jason and Anne are going to give you two awesome tips for exactly what it means to eat real, whole foods, and how you can make a quick decision when you are at the gro [...]

 How to Unlock the Hero Inside You- Chris McDougall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:58

I am not gonna lie, when I start each podcast, I am nervous. I am well aware that I am talking to someone who has given up their most precious resource to share their knowledge with the runners connect community. When I received the confirmation email about the interview with my guest today, I was over the moon. However, that excitement soon turned to panic as I realized just how influential this guest is within our running world. I am pretty sure almost everyone listening has read or at least heard of the book born to run, and when you hear that people like Matthew Mchonaguey read the book, and requested to play one of the main characters in [...]

 How to Use the Ultra Running Mindset to Improve Your Running (and Life!): Travis Macy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

As runners we love to see how running intersects with our other passions and areas of interest, but have you ever considered how your running could be making you a mentally stronger person who is better prepared for the challenges in life that we do not expect? We choose to put ourselves through the discomfort of training, but often our biggest obstacles are those aspects of our lives that we are not training for.  I had never really thought of it that way, and I am gue [...]

 What is the Secret to a Sub 3:00 Marathon?- Doug Kurtis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:03

Have you ever met someone whose excitement and passion is so infectious that you cannot help but be in awe of them? How about someone who you struggle to even wrap your head around their incredible accomplishments? We all know those storytellers who have so many great stories to share, you could sit there for hours listening to them telling you their adventures. My guest today is all three of those, and someone who could make even the biggest running hater love the sport.

 What Can You Take (Legally) to Improve Performance- Alex Hutchinson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:07

Runners are continuously searching for answers, we always want to know what we can do to get better, and how we can keep improving. I don’t know about you, but I always love learning from the experts to find out what they have discovered throughout their career. At runners connect you know we are all about the science. We love to dive into the research, and give you the most up to date findings without the bias. My guest today is a well known writer for runners world who also does the same thing. He has been on the podcast before, but has so many insights that I thought he would be a great guest to have on the show again. I had the opportuni [...]

 Everything You Need to Know About Injuries: Jeremy Stoker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:03

It may not come as a surprise, but injury related topics are our most popular articles on Runners Connect. No-one wants an injury, and it is the most frustrating part of being a runner, especially as a lot of non-runners roll their eyes at us. But wouldn’t it be nice to talk to a professional who did not think runners were crazy, and could understand the treatment and scientific side of injuries as well as the drive and passion we have for our sport? That is exactly what you will find from todays podcast. My guest today has his doctorate in Physical Therapy, and specializes in running injuries. All runners need to listen to this podcast, and [...]

 From Never Eating Again to Racing the Himalayan 100 Mile: Sarah Russell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:02

I just want you to imagine how tired you feel at the end of the furthest race you have done, be it a 5k, marathon or ultra. Think of how much of an accomplishment that is. Now imagine doing a 100 mile race, how would that feel? How about 100 mile race through the Himalayas? Makes me feel tired even thinking about it, but how about if not only did you have to run 100 miles through the Himalyas, but you ran that 100 mile race carrying a colostomy bag, and only 2 years prior you were in a high dependency uni [...]

 Considering an Ultra? Learn from Ultra Runner Podcast Host Eric Schranz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:48

Before today I was completely clueless on what being an ultra runner meant, other than you run more than a marathon. I can’t even imagine running 27.2 miles, but these ultra runners are TOUGH, my guest today talks about the popularity of ultra running has risen, and how there are not only 100 mile races, but 200 mile races cropping up. WOW! I am excited to be joined by another podcast host today, one who I love to listen to, and learn from; Eric Schranz. 

 How Humans Evolved to be Great Distance Runners: Dan Lieberman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:56

Sometimes you talk to someone whose passion just shines through their words. This was definitely the case with todays guest. He was knowledgeable about the evolution of running, and explains why we are so good at running as human beings, despite what some people think. Usually, we as runners are described as the crazy ones, especially those of us who are marathon and ultra marathoners, but our guest today explains how those who are not running are actually the crazy ones. Our bodies have evolved over the years to allow us to be great endurance runners.

 You can be Fit After 50; Older, Faster, Stronger Author Margaret Webb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:44

In this episode, I talked to the author of Older, Faster Stronger- What Women Runners Can Teach Us About Living Younger, Longer. A few weeks ago, we talked to World Record Holder, Kathy Martin, and today we are taking that one step further. It really reinforced my belief that you can begin running at any age. I could not believe what I was hearing; 70, 80, even 90 year old friends of our guest today. They not only still run, but they are breaking world records, and keep [...]

 UCAN for Marathon Nutrition: A Review of the Research to See if it Really Works | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:42

Is Generation UCAN a groundbreaking product when it comes to marathon nutrition? Or, is this yet another case of manipulating research studies to make marginal improvements seem more significant. That’s the question we’re going to try to answer by delving into the actual research studies during this interview with Evelyn of the Carbsane blog.

 Everything You Need to Know About Electrolytes: Nina Anderson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:34

Spring marathons are looming closer. Or maybe you just have a local race that you are thinking about in the future, it is time to really try to take those little things seriously. Our founder of Runners Connect, Jeff Gaudette has a great podcast coming up next week about Generation UCAN, and if it really works as well as the company claims to. Todays guest demonstrates the importance of refueling; explaining why it is so important, and what you need to keep in mind to st [...]

 Unbroken Author Laura Hillenbrand; A Lesson in Adaptation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:59

Runners love it when our sport intersects with what is going on in life. We had not had a good running movie in a while….until recently that is. Unbroken has been a huge hit in cinemas, because it follows the true story of Olympian Louie Zamperini, who survived 47 days in a raft, after his bomber plane crashed into the ocean, and then he spent years as a prisoner of war in Japan. A little more about the author, Laura Hillenbrand:

 The Importance of a Full Body Gait Analysis to Achieve Your Running Goals; Interview with Matt Phillips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:22

Hello! Welcome to another episode of Runners Connect Run to the Top Podcast. I am so happy you are tuning in to another episode. I would like to thank you for listening (reading) today. I know you have many choices to where you could spend your time, so I appreciate that you have chosen to listen to Runners Connect. I also would like to thank you for the feedback you have given from previous episodes, and your patience as I continue to grow into my role as a podcast host [...]

 The Best-Kept Secrets to Getting Super Fast As A Masters Runner with World Record Holder Kathy Martin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:00

Do you want to know how to run faster even as you get older?  Masters World Record holder Kathy Martin can tell you how. Also known as the Running Realtor. Kathy has held, or still holds US and World Records in Every event from the 800m to the 50k. She was the USATF Bengay Athlete of the Year in 2004. Getting Fast as A Masters Runner Kathy is a 9 time Masters Cross Country Champion, and was nominated the USATF Masters Athlete of the Year in 2014. She is graded at close to 100% in almost every distance she has competed in, and has been featured by the New York Times. Kathy has even had a Nike Commercial made about her, which you can check out on her website In this interview, you will learn about: How Kathy has changed the rules when it comes to running as a masters athlete How Kathy went from lying on the road, barely able to run one mile at age 30, to being the American and World Record holder in many events as far as 50k Importance of listening to your body at any age, and what Kathy does to stay healthy, and prevent muscle loss as a masters runner Kathy's advice on how to overcome excuses for not running, and training while you have a full time job Theories on why female masters participation is taking longer to grow than males masters running, and how to compete within your age group CONNECT, COMMENT, & COMMUNITY: Leave a review on Apple Podcasts!  A great FREE way to support the show! Email Coach Claire Follow Claire on Instagram Follow RunnersConnect on Instagram Join the Elite Treatment where you get first dibs on everything RTTT each month! Runners Connect Winner's Circle Facebook Community  RunnersConnect Facebook page GET EXPERT COACHING AT RUNNERSCONNECT! Links and resources mentioned in this interview: USATF Masters Track & Field USATF Masters Indoor Track & Field Championships Entry Form for the USATF Masters Indoor Track and Field Championships Kathy Martin- The Running Realtor website Please consider giving us a review on iTunes by clicking THIS link. You can follow this YouTube Video of a Demonstration of How to Leave a Review. Thank you in advance :)


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