RunnersConnect Run to the Top Podcast show

RunnersConnect Run to the Top Podcast

Summary: We interview the doers and thinkers in the running world, whose training concepts, depth of knowledge, and stories are so powerful that just hearing them will change the way you approach your running and training. Our mission is to provide you with unparalleled expertise and knowledge about training and racing to help make you a smarter, fitter, and faster runner. We're fellow runners and experts in one thing only - improving your running. If you've ever started a run at 3am or run circles in a parking garage to make sure you got in your run for the day, this podcast is for you.

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 Pushing Your Limits with Matt Fitzgerald | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:04

Author, coach, and nutritionist Matt Fitzgerald started running at the age of eleven when he completed the last mile of the 1983 Boston Marathon with his father (who had run the whole thing) and his two brothers.   By that time Matt was already a writer (specifically a comedic poet), having declared his intention to pursue a career in writing at the ripe age of nine.   He never changed his mind.   An expert on all things running, Matt especially loves to write about the psychology of running and has written several books and articles on the subject, including his popular book How Bad Do You Want It? Mastering the Psychology of Mind Over Muscle.   In this episode, Matt discusses what goes into a runner’s mental capacity and shares with us some tips as to how we can better push our limits.

 Orthorexia: When Healthy Eating Becomes Unhealthy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:29

When you think of dietitians, you probably think of, well, diets.   It’s right there in the name, and most dietitians are devoted to helping people follow regulated diets that will, in theory, make them healthier.     Heather Caplan isn’t like most dietitians.   The certified running coach and host of the RD Real Talk podcast believes diets are nothing but counterproductive and that “diet culture” is full of hidden agendas and falsehoods detrimental to our wellbeing and mentality towards food.   Not just that, but dieting can go way too far, causing conditions like orthorexia in which an unhealthy fixation on eating healthy can lead to symptoms like hair loss, difficulty sleeping, chronic fatigue, anemia, and hypothyroidism.   You read that right. Too much healthy eating can be unhealthy.   That’s why Heather exercises a non-diet approach at her private practice in Washington, DC, helping runners relearn the “intuitive” eating that diet culture can make so foreign to us.   In this episode, Heather discusses the pitfalls of diets, shares her firsthand account with orthorexia, and gives us some tips on how to adopt intuitive eating for optimal health and performance.

 Staying in the Race: 9 Essential Keys to Avoiding Burnout With Jonathan Beverly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:32

Running isn’t always forgiving. Between injuries, mental ruts, and the curve balls life sometimes throws at us, finding long term success and remaining engaged in the sport can be incredibly difficult, and that’s why Jonathan Beverly’s new book is one every runner needs to read. The book is called Run Strong, Stay Hungry, and it reveals the habits and mentalities of more than 50 veteran runners who are still running fast decades after they started.   A writer for Runner’s World and lifetime runner himself, Jonathan will give us a peek into the lives of runners like Bill Rodgers, Deena Kastor, and Joan Benoit Samuelson to show us what it takes to avoid burnout and achieve longevity in the sport - both physically and mentally. P.S. Jonathan was kind enough to offer two lucky winners a signed copy of Run Strong, Stay Hungry! If you’re interested, head on over to The contest will end at 12am EST November 2nd, 2017, so be sure to enter fast!

 Can Acupuncture Up Your Game? A Pragmatic Approach to Chinese Medicine with Sarah Hammer Stevens | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:13

Now known as the “Acupuncturist for Skeptics”, Sarah Hammer Stevens wasn’t always a believer in this alternative therapy. A longtime runner, Sarah was training for the Portland Marathon a few years ago when she sustained a knee injury that threatened to sideline her just weeks before the race. Desperate to recover as quickly as possible, Sarah tried everything. She consulted both her primary care doctor and an orthopedist but just wasn’t seeing any real improvement. So, ready to try anything, Sarah decided to give acupuncture a shot, and she was glad she did. After running pain-free to set a big PR, Sarah was excited to share the benefits of acupuncture with the world. She quit her job to pursue a career in integrative health care, and she now enjoys helping runners like herself through her practice To the Point PDX in Portland, OR. In this interview, Sarah will explain to us the intricacies of acupuncture, dispel the misconceptions that surround it, and share the reasons she believes every runner should give it a try. Questions Sarah is asked: 4:09 Tell us about what you do and about your practice 5:13 What changed your mind about acupuncture and brought you into practicing? 8:40 How did you get into running? 10:59 How did the Hood to Coast Relays go for you? 11:51 How did the pop-up clinics go? 13:57 How often do you do these types of events? 14:52 What actually is acupuncture? 17:56 What are some of the funniest misconceptions you’ve encountered regarding acupuncture? 20:10 What’s the difference between dry needling and acupuncture? 23:32 How does acupuncture target problem areas? 25:27 How immediate are the effects of treatment? 27:44 What types of injuries are best treated with acupuncture? 29:21 Do chiropractors ever refer their patients to acupuncturists? 30:47 How has it been starting your own company? 33:01 Why do you think there haven’t been as many jobs for acupuncturists? 34:57 What’s the difference between acupuncture and Chinese medicine in general? 38:42 What exactly is cupping therapy and why do people use it? 41:08 Why is cupping so commonly done on athlete’s backs? 41:46 When do you advise people to get cupping therapy? 42:43 What does a general treatment course look like for an injured or sore runner? 44:28 How should people take the herbal supplements you recommend? 46:21 Who should use bone broth and when? 47:27 What’s next for you and your practice? 49:15 How can people outside of your location find a high quality acupuncturist in their area?   Quotes by Sarah: “I went in, and I said, ‘I don’t believe this is gonna work. I don’t believe in holistic medicine. There’s no way that it can work, but I’m ready to try anything because I want to run this marathon.’ And lo and behold after the first treatment, my knee felt completely better.” “You can read about [acupuncture], you can try to figure out how it works, but you have to just try it to really, really understand it.” “People think [acupuncture] is a religion, and you have to believe in it and you have to be spiritual. And I’m like, ‘No. Absolutely not.’” “We do mirror imaging: so we sometimes use the ankle to help the shoulder or we needle the ear to help the back.”

 Back to the Basics: Why You Should Ditch Your Gadgets - With Duncan Larkin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:30

Okay, well at least occasionally :) That’s what marathoner and writer Duncan Larkin argues in his book Run Simple: A Minimalist Approach to Fitness and Well-Being. Duncan, who also writes for Outside Magazine, Competitor Magazine, Runner's World, ESPN, and Running Times, believes the best way to maximize running’s mental and physical benefits is to get back to the basics. While the book is full of training regiments and advice for increasing quality over quantity, it starts off with one resounding message: ditch your gadgets. According to Duncan, runners have become slaves to their electronic devices, and, believe it or not, this reliance can be detrimental to both performance and the very value of a training program. In this interview, Duncan shares with us the principles of his simplistic training philosophy, a little about the coaches and runners who swear by it, as well as a sneak peek at his upcoming book, The 30-Minute Runner: Smart Training for Busy Beginners.

 Why Strength is About How You Feel, Not About How You Look - With Kelly Roberts of Run, Selfie, Repeat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:41

In 2009, Kelly Roberts was thrown into the deep end when she suddenly lost her younger brother, Scott. Struggling to cope during this emotionally draining time, Kelly gained over 70 pounds by the end of the year, by which point she decided it was time for her to find a healthy way to work out her grief. That’s when she found running. 8 years later, the sport has become invaluable to Kelly, and she now uses it to uplift thousands of others through her hilarious yet incredibly authentic blog Run, Selfie, Repeat. Kelly continually strives to break the societal norms that insist what “strong” ought to look like, and she loves inspiring thousands of runners to pursue the best versions of themselves. In this episode, Kelly shares with us what she’s learned through her own ongoing journey to self-acceptance as well as her tips to conquering the inhibitions that tie us down. All, of course, with a healthy dose of hysterical laughter.   Questions Kelly is asked: 3:48 What prompted you to start running and what has that journey been like? 8:29 How has running impacted other aspects of your life? 10:24 What prompted you to start your ‘Hottie-Hunting’ selfies and how did that ignite your blog and fame on social media? 14:15 How has your blog evolved and where do you see it going in the next few years? 18:48 How quickly did #SportsBraSquad take off? 23:36 How has it been working with Oiselle and when did you start working with them? 28:39 Where do you think Oiselle is going to be in the next few years? 31:32 What challenges have you encountered with your running and how did you stay motivated? 35:18 What are you most proud of since you started this journey? 37:48 What would you tell a new runner who’s trying to break out of their comfort zone? 40:59 What would you say are some of the more common inhibitions that new runners may have? 43:11 Where do you see yourself as a runner in the next few years? 46:42 What can you tell us about the rebranding of your blog? 48:28 When will it launch?   Quotes by Kelly: “Just because something is hard or just because something feels impossible doesn’t mean that you shouldn't try.” “Being on a team makes you a stronger woman.” “Running is about bringing people together and empowering them.” “I think I can name on one hand the amount of people who actually know how to eat a healthy, balanced diet.” “I really just want to run for life.” “Running is something I DO, it’s not who I AM.” “Whatever I can do to bring people together, I’m gonna try.”   Want more awesome interviews and advice? Subscribe to our iTunes channel   Mentioned in this podcast: Run Selfie Repeat homepage National Sports Bra Squad Day Oiselle homepage   We really hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of Run to the Top. The best way you can show your support of the show is to share this podcast with your family and friends and share it on your Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media channel you use. If more people who know about the podcast and download the episodes, it means I can reach out to and get through to the top running influencers, to bring them on and share their advice, which hopefully makes the show even more enjoyable for you!

 DC Rainmaker: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Sports Tech with Ray Maker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:45

One of the biggest advantages of running is that you don’t need a whole lot of equipment to do it.   But because we rely so heavily on the little equipment we do need, most of us would rather go for another run than try to choose between the wide array of activity trackers, GPS watches, and power meters available to us within the ever-growing sport tech market.   That’s where Ray Maker’s tech review blog, DC Rainmaker, can save you the time and energy not only picking the best product for you but also getting the absolute most out of that product.   A longtime runner and triathlete, Ray is arguably the most respected sport tech guru out there, and his climb to the top isn’t what you’d probably imagine.   During his spare time in high school, Ray started a one-man software company developing “programs” we now call apps - programs that garnered quite a lot of interest in Ray’s skills.   Long story short, Ray went directly from his high school graduation to a full-time career in technology consulting just 36 hours later.   Yeah. You might say he found his calling.   After 15 years working in the Fortune 500 world, Ray left his job at Microsoft to devote his time to a new passion: helping runners like himself optimize their performance by getting the most out of their gadgets.   From its honest product reviews to its exhaustive how-to guides, DC Rainmaker is an invaluable resource for runners everywhere, and Ray gives us an inside look in today’s episode. Questions Ray is asked: 4:09 What prompted you to start running? 5:12 What difficulties did you experience on your way to your sub-3:00:00 marathon? 7:50 Are you training for anything right now? 9:21 What did you do before you began tech reviews and your blog? 10:35 How has your blog grown and evolved? 12:26 How does your local Parisian running community engage with you? 14:00 Are you recognized and stopped when you’re back home? 16:41 What does “DC Rainmaker” mean? 18:01 How much time do you devote to reviewing a product? 19:14 How can fitness trackers be used for running and which ones are the best? 21:28 Do you think there are discrepancies between different software platforms and, if so, why? 23:43 Why is there so much variability with accuracy, even with devices from the same manufacturer and what environmental conditions may pose challenges for accurate data capture? 26:38 Which Garmin do you believe has the highest Bang-For-Buck ratio? 28:43 How does Optical Heart Rate monitoring differ from traditional methods and is it more accurate? 31:01 How much weight do you assign to using heart rate for pace-setting? 33:06 What are some of the pros and cons of the Apple Sport Watch, Garmin and GPS Watches and what would you recommend overall? 37:04 What other tips can you share to get more accurate data from our devices? 38:51 How can we prolong the lives of our running watches? 40:04 What is your opinion on power meters and how do they differ from GPS watches? 43:24 Do you think running by power units will ultimately replace running by heart rate? 45:29 Are power and heart rate best used in conjunction with each other? 45:37 What is the most common question runners ask you on your website? 46:45 What’s next for DC Rainmaker?   Quotes by Ray: “If you’ve got all your friends on Fitbit, then get a Fitbit device. If you’ve got all your friends on Garmin, then get a Garmin device - for activity tracking anyway.” “For runners, you may want to use an activity tracker actually differently, which is to focus on recovery….because [fitness trackers] can hold you to kind of a limit, so say instead of trying to walk 10,000 steps today, I’m going to try to keep it below two or three thousand steps today.” “How different watches have their antennas designed usually around the face of the watch or the base of the watch is without the question the biggest thing that will impact accuracy on that watch.” “I’d say the biggest bang for your buck right now is probably the vivoactive HR or the new vivoactive 3 that was just announced.” “I think like anything else, you want to keep doing new and innovative things. And so as different areas of the market place stagnate or kind of become the same, I’m going to find other areas to dig into - whether that be running power or running efficiency metrics or whatever it may be - I’m going to dig deeper into those areas and see what pops out of them.”   Want more awesome interviews and advice? Subscribe to our iTunes channel   Mentioned in this podcast: Follow Ray on Twitter Follow Ray on Instagram MapMyRun Garmin Connect Strava Stryd Fitbit Apple Watch Collection Garmin Watch and Wearable Collection La Parisienne Women’s Race   We really hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of Run to the Top! The best way you can show your support for the show is to share this podcast with your family and friends on social media and leave a rating/review on iTunes. This not only helps us reach more runners like yourself, but it also allows us to bring on more of the sport’s leading minds to make the podcast as helpful and entertaining as possible. If you have a couple minutes to do this we truly appreciate it!   -- Thank you to RunnersConnect for supporting Run to the Top  

 Run Fast AND Get the Body You Want with Metabolic Efficiency Training – Bob Seebohar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:01

Contrary to popular belief, losing or even maintaining weight while training for a marathon can be incredibly difficult. Many marathoners either find they can’t quite achieve the weight loss they want, or, on the flipside, they’re able to lose weight, but at the cost of performance. It’s a hard balance to strike, but with the latest research it’s becoming much easier. The research in question revolves around the two concepts of Nutrition Periodization and Metabolic Efficiency Training. Together they increase the body's ability to use fat as fuel during exercise and thus optimize both body composition and performance.  Joining us in this episode is Bob Seebohar, the creator of these two concepts. Bob is a registered dietitian, exercise physiologist, NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, USA Triathlon Level III Elite Coach. He also traveled to the 2008 Summer Olympic Games as a sport dietitian for the US Olympic Team and the personal sport dietitian/exercise physiologist for the Olympic Triathlon Team. In this episode, Bob walks us through his findings on dietary efficiency and sheds some light on how best to achieve both the body composition and race day results you’re after. Oh and for those wondering, here’s a breakdown of the “alphabet soup” behind Bob’s name:   M.S. - Bob has three college degrees. His undergraduate is in Exercise and Sport Science. His two graduate/Master's degrees are in Health and Exercise Science, and Food Science and Human Nutrition. He successfully defended two theses during his graduate studies and knows his way around interpreting research and aligning it with real-life applications.   R.D. - Registered Dietitian. A college degree studying food science and human nutrition is required to be able to sit for this national examination. Of course, this is after successfully completing a 9 - 12-month nutrition internship after graduation.   C.S.S.D. - Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics. A certification only given to Registered Dietitians who have years of experience working with athletes. A rigorous national examination must be passed and frequent continuing education credits upheld to acquire and maintain this certification.   C.S.C.S. - Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Bob has worked as a trainer/strength coach since the mid 1990's and specializes in creating strength programs for endurance athletes.   M.E.T.S - Metabolic Efficiency Training Specialist. Bob explains this in his interview. :)   Questions Bob is asked: 5:06 Can you tell us about who you are and what you do? 7:45 What is Metabolic Efficiency Training and how does it relate to your concept of Nutrition Periodization? 11:50 How does Nutrition Periodization come into play with all the training variability runners experience? 14:34 How does Metabolic Efficiency Training work with runners who are trying to lose weight while increasing performance? 21:43 Why does eating become less intuitive to us over time? 24:40 How difficult is it for your athletes to change their nutrition philosophy? 27:45 How can runners adjust their macronutrient intake ratios to use fat as fuel more efficiently? 32:40 What is your opinion of Low-Fat, High-Carb and other ‘extreme’ diets? 39:01 Have you been able to get significant research yet into the role genetics plays with this? 40:39 Is the long-term goal to see where trends are and individualize athletes’ diets based on gender, genetics, etc.? 45:14 Has there been any research on Nutrition Periodization and how it relates to menstrual cycles and menopause? 47:06 What do you mean by the ‘Metabolic Efficiency Point’? 53:28 How would someone go about manipulating this efficiency point via nutrition? 56:54 Is it hard to do Metabolic Efficiency Training with Vegan, Vegetarian and Paleo diets? 1:00:50 Do you offer personal consultations?   Quotes by Bob: “Even for the leanest of the lean marathon runner, these elites that are almost breaking the 2-hour barrier, they still have about 30,000 calories of fat in their body but we’re very limited in our carbohydrate stores.”   “Metabolic Efficiency Training is really looking at the opportunity to use the fat that we have stored already, preserve our very limited carbohydrate stores and do that by altering the daily nutrition plan.”   “Nutrition Periodization is simply combining the right type and amount of nutrition to support physical training. So when you’re going through the ebbs and flows of physical training (running), you go through ebbs and flows of nutritional support.”   “The best thing about Metabolic Efficiency Training is that it’s not a diet. The worst thing about it is that it’s not a diet.”   “When we’re young kids, we have this intuitive eating; we eat when we’re hungry, we stop when we’re not hungry. …The environment shapes us… into becoming less intuitive eaters and more either habitual eaters… or (more) emotional eaters.”    Take a Listen on Your Next Run   Want more awesome interviews and advice? Subscribe to our iTunes channel   Mentioned in this podcast: Book: Nutrition Periodization for Athletes: Taking Traditional Sports Nutrition to the Next Level Bob's Author page on eNRG performance homepage Bob's eNRG performance Coaching Page Email Sinead

 Run Angel: The Wearable Alarm System “as Loud as a Rock Concert” That’s Keeping Runners Safe with David Caren | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:44

If you’ve ever been out running by yourself and felt a little unsafe, you’ve likely either had to change your route or cut the run short to head to a more secure environment.   This fear is one many runners know well, and that’s why runners David and Ellen Caren decided it was time to invent something that could offer peace of mind and keep runners safe.   Run Angel is the first personal safety wrist wearable that not only sends SMS messages and emails to loved ones in the event of an emergency, but it also emits a 120 decibel, high-pitched siren when activated to shock unsuspecting attackers and notify passersby of your whereabouts.   In this episode, David shares how the idea, company, and product were developed, as well as some additional safety tips all runners should keep in mind.   To get a Run Angel for you or a loved one, go to and use coupon code RUNCON20 for 20% off your purchase. Questions David is asked: 4:28 Can you tell us a little about your background? How did you first get into running? 6:05 How are the running venues in County Cork, Ireland? 8:45 What prompted you and your wife, Ellen, to launch Run Angel? 12:44 What’s it been like to start your own company and were there any hiccups along the way? 16:10 What was the prototype phase like for such a unique device? 20:20 How loud is 120 decibels? 22:11 What was / is the testing process like? 23:41 How does the silent alarm / Guardian Alert system work? 26:07 What sets Run Angel apart from other wearables on the market? 29:13 How is the device powered? 32:59 What other advice do you have for staying safe while running? 37:09 Is it not enough to simply be aware of your surroundings if you wear earphones when running? 39:19 How did you expand your market to the US through the Ignite Start-Up Program? 42:24 Is Run Angel available globally and how can people buy it? 45:21What is Run Angel working on now? Quotes by David: “No matter where you run, you still have that sense of vulnerability that something could happen or you could fall down or trip over something.” “I was knocked to the ground by someone who wasn’t obviously out running, and instead of exchanging apologies and helping each other up, this guy just ran back in the direction he came from.” “I remember having aspirations of bringing Run Angel out in 12 months and we were quickly told that you’d want to add 2-3 years onto that and we kind of snickered at that. But it did take that long.” “When you’re dealing with a safety wearable, you’re dealing with a life element.” “(Other wearable safety tech) isn’t notifying your attacker that you’ve just activated anything other than you’ve let nearest and dearest know that you’ve been attacked or had a fall.” “Once we reached the threshold of 120 decibels, we went back and said, ‘OK, can we tune this frequency so that it will resonate in the human hearing zone?’” “120 decibels is DISTRACTINGLY loud and that’s the goal. It is LOUD.” “Each Run Angel is put into an acoustic chamber and it’s sound tested, so before it goes into a box we make a record of what the sound is.” “There’s a few clever things you can do with Run Angel with or without the sound and a few remote activities you can do as well.” “In the event of an attack, you have to know where your safety wearable is and the wrist is the first place you will invariably go to.” Take a Listen on Your Next Run Want more awesome interviews and advice? Subscribe to our iTunes channel   Mentioned in this podcast: Run Angel website Cork, Ireland Safety Tips For Runners Best Buy - Ignite Homepage Best Buy  - Ignite for Vendors Follow Run Angel on Twitter Follow Run Angel on Facebook Follow Run Angel on Instagram Email Run Angel   We really hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of Run to the Top. The best way you can show your support for the show is to share this podcast with your family and friends on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media channel you use. If more people know about the podcast and download the episodes, it means I can bring on more and more top running influencers, which hopefully makes the show even more enjoyable for you! -- Thank you to RunnersConnect for supporting Run to the Top Go to to start your FREE two week trial today  

 Why Are Americans Getting Slower? A Look Into Running’s Largest Study with Jens Jakob Andersen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:04

We know that’s a sensational title, but hear us out. A study published by, an independent review aggregator for running shoes, analyzed 34,680,750 race results over the course of 21 years to conclude that American runners are steadily getting slower across distances from the 5K up to the marathon. We know what you’re probably thinking: with Olympians like Galen Rupp and Molly Huddle continually setting national records, how can that be? While it’s clear US elites are steadily advancing, the study found that the remainder of the field is, on the whole, slower than it was in the 90s. Now this could be due to a variety of reasons, and some argue one of those reasons might just be that the sport has gained a lot of popularity in the last couple decades. More runners of varying age and gender? We like the sound of that. While this is certainly plausible, others argue there’s another, less favorable culprit behind the trend: the rising rate of obesity in America. This is the hypothesis behind the study in question led by Danish statistician, runner, and founder of Jens Jakob Andersen. While Jens believes the correlation between slowing race times and the deteriorating health in America is too close to deny, he’s quick to remind us that correlation is not causation. When it comes to statistics, Jens says it’s always easier to debunk something that’s not true rather than prove something that is, and that’s exactly what he aims to do in this episode. Listen in and decide for yourself. Whichever way you end up leaning, you’re bound to learn something interesting about yourself and your fellow runner along the way. Questions Jens is asked: 2:28 Tell us about yourself and how did you become passionate about running?   4:30 What prompted you to start RunRepeat and what does your day-to-day entail?   7:02 How is RunRepeat’s Run Score calculated?   11:23 How should runners go about choosing a shoe that’s really right for them?   12:32 What did you find in your study of American runners becoming slower and what do you think the implications are?   21:43 Could it be that there just aren’t as many Americans in the top 1% to compensate for the greater number of people towards the back of the pack?   23:38 What would it take for Americans to reverse this trend?   27:02 Where are some of these Blue Zones located?   27:41 In your study on marathon results, what were some of the key takeaways you saw and what did the study entail?   31:58 Why do you think there has been such an increase in female runners over 50 taking up running within the last decade ?   33:38 Why do you think men tend to go out faster than they probably should when racing?   35:38 Why do you think runners ages 35-45 make the best pacers?   37:02 Based on the studies you’ve done, what advice would you give us on tackling our next marathon?   39:42 What’s next with you at RunRepeat? Quotes by Jens: “It bothered me how 90 percent of people bought the same five pairs of running shoes, and I thought, ‘Why is this happening?’ It’s happening because these brands...promote specific models, and so there becomes a hype around specific models.” “We looked at the finisher number (number 100, number 1,000, number 2,000, number 5,000) for each race distance, and what we found was that across this all were getting slower.” “It’s always hard with statistics to come up with a clear cut conclusion. It’s always easier to debunk something that’s not the case.” “Americans (as well as most other nations) are getting more and more obese, and their finish times are getting slower. But this is a correlation: two parameters that follow each other. It’s not necessarily a causation….So this is our hypothesis, but we cannot conclude it for sure with 100 percent certainty.” Want more awesome interviews and advice? Subscribe to our iTunes channel Mentioned in this podcast: RunRepeat Article: American Runners Have Never Been Slower (Mega Study) RunRepeat Marathon Study RunnersConnect Race Pace Calculator NPR Article: Longevity Diet Tips From the Blue Zones Follow Jens on Twitter Send Jens an email We really hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of Run to the Top. The best way you can show your support of the show is to share this podcast with your family and friends and share it on your Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media channel you use. If more people who know about the podcast and download the episodes, it means I can reach out to and get through to the top running influencers, to bring them on and share their advice, which hopefully makes the show even more enjoyable for you! -- Thank you to our sponsors for supporting Run to the Top Send an email to with the subject line "Run to the Top" and ask for your FREE Accel Gel samples. Don't forget to include your address!

 The Most Common Mental Blocks for Runners and How to Hurdle Them with Adrienne Langelier | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:55

When it comes to running, some days are great, some are mediocre, and some are, well, horrendous. The same is true for runners of all skill level, and this volatility is not only what makes running one of the most mentally challenging sports out there but also one of the most rewarding. If you know how to leap the mental barriers. That’s why in this episode we’re speaking with runner, counselor, and sports psychology consultant Adrienne Langelier.  A Woodlands, TX native, Adrienne combines her own athletic experience with a background in applied sports psychology to help runners hurdle the mental roadblocks so common in running. Listen in as Adrienne shares her advice on how to strengthen your mind and overcome the mental blocks that might be holding you back. Questions Adrienne is asked: 2:02 How did you first get into running and how did you decide to become a sports psychology consultant?   10:05 What do runners of all skill levels have in common when it comes to mental barriers?   13:57 How would advise runners set short, intermediate and long-term goals for themselves?   18:19 What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and what do they mean in terms of running?   19:51 How can extrinsically motivated runners stay driven once they achieve goals such as weight loss or set a PR?   22:37 How would you advise someone who is having negative thoughts going into a big race?   29:37 Do you use visualization with your clients and, if so, how?   32:33 How would you advise a runner who is experiencing difficulties or setbacks within a race?   36:28 How can runners not get swept up in a comparison trap to other runners?   43:03 How can runner’s improve their mental capacity?   Quotes by Adrienne: “Yes we have limits - whether that’s genetics, environment, whatever it is - but a lot of runners tend to impose greater limits than that actually already exist.” “One of the biggest obstacles that I see runners fall into is rigid goals.” “Pick something that scares you, but it’s scary to where you want to run towards it. You want it to be challenging but not threatening to you.” “Negative thinking has been shown in studies to increase muscle tension, which in turn affects our breathing negatively and affects our blood flow....If our body’s tight, our mind’s tight.” “If there’s something like inputs in the environment or there are triggers that are driving the negative thinking, do your best to eliminate them if you have control over them.”   Want more awesome interviews and advice? Subscribe to our iTunes channel   Mentioned in this podcast: Adrienne's Psychology Today Profile Adrienne's Blog Follow Adrienne on Twitter Interview with Nick Symmonds Book - A Life Without Limits: A World Champion's Journey by Chrissie Wellington   We really hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of Run to the Top. The best way you can show your support of the show is to share this podcast with your family and friends and share it on your Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media channel you use. If more people who know about the podcast and download the episodes, it means I can reach out to and get through to the top running influencers, to bring them on and share their advice, which hopefully makes the show even more enjoyable for you! -- Thank you to our sponsors for supporting Run to the Top    Send an email to with the subject line "Run to the Top" and ask for your FREE Accel Gel samples. Don't forget to include your address!

 Running Shoe Myths Debunked with Tony Pallotta | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:25

Our very own community manager at RunnersConnect, Tony Pallotta, recently joined the RunnersConnect team after owning and operating a specialty running store in Boston for twelve years. Leaving one running mecca for another, Tony now lives in Denver, CO where he continues working as a personal coach as well as training for his next big ultramarathon. He has raced everything from the 400 on the track all the way up to Ironman’s and has accumulated enough miles to circle the globe twice, including a double Grand Canyon crossing. Tony has dedicated so much of his life to helping other runners meet their potential, and not only is he our community manager at RunnersConnect but he’s also a longtime member. Listen in as Tony shares his insight, knowledge, and experience to break down some of the most pervasive misconceptions about injuries, shoes, and more. Questions Tony is asked: 2:22 Tony’s background 3:38 What was it like transitioning from a RunnersConnect member to a RunnersConnect staff member? 4:28 What are you doing for RunnersConnect? 8:16 How can people send you there questions or interview requests? 9:50 Has the Chump been stumped? 13:04 What was your experience with runners looking for specific shoes based on marketing or word of mouth? 19:41 How can people self-assess their foot type? 27:23 What was it like owning a running store in Boston? 28:57 How often would a runner come into your store looking for a shoe that would fix their issues on it's own? 34:51 When are orthotics helpful to runners? 37:19 What are your thoughts on minimalist vs. maximalist shoes? 41:17 What’s ahead for you? Quotes by Tony: “It’s that sense of community that makes running an incredibly healthy sport, more than just by the definition of health.” “I think when people think about their own ‘story,’, that it has to be some amazing, powerful story, but I tell people the details are different, among everyone’s stories, but the underlying theme is not.” “Fixing injuries really comes down to the runner being able to answer questions.” “You can have a best friend and wear Asics and they wear Nike, and your friendship will not be jeopardized. I promise. It’ll actually be stronger because you’ll both be able to run together.” “Running does not define me as a person but makes my life whole. It keeps me focused, healthy and inspired to constantly challenge myself and explore the unknown.” “Specialty run shops are still the heart and the soul of the running community in so many ways. If you’re struggling, you HAVE to go to your specialty run shop; they have a vested interest in fitting you properly.” “If I tell people I’m going to run 50 miles… I don’t even tell them because they’re like, ‘What? I can’t even DRIVE 50 miles.’” “When it comes to running advice: question everything.” Take a Listen on Your Next Run Want more awesome interviews and advice? Subscribe to our iTunes channel   Mentioned in this podcast: RunnersConnect on Facebook Send Tony an e-mail Runner's World - What Foot Type Am I? (Self Test) Interview with Dr. Irene Davis USATF New England   We really hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of Run to the Top. The best way you can show your support of the show is to share this podcast with your family and friends and share it on your Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media channel you use. If more people who know about the podcast and download the episodes, it means I can reach out to and get through to the top running influencers, to bring them on and share their advice, which hopefully makes the show even more enjoyable for you! -- Thank you to our sponsors for supporting Run to the Top Send an email to with the subject line "Run to the Top" and ask for your FREE Accel Gel samples. Don't forget to include your address!

 In It for the Long Run: Keys to Success for Masters Runners with Bennett Cohen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:18

President of the International Association of Women Runners, Bennett Cohen is a renowned coach for women over 40 and has helped women into their late 70s reach new personal bests. Plagued by his own nagging injuries, Bennett conducted research on how to train smarter and use strength training. As a result, he was able to get back into full training incredibly quickly, as you’ll hear, and he has been able to remain virtually injury free since. He explains in detail the reasons why older runners in general, and women specifically, have different injury risks and training needs than younger runners and he also discusses strategies to help master runners of any experience level. He’s been an avid runner for almost 40 years and a coach for 16 years, and in this episode he shares his valuable insight on how to tailor our training depending on our age and gender. And don’t worry - if you’re a man or woman under the age of 40 - there’s plenty for you in this interview as well.   Questions Bennett is asked: 2:07 How did you first get into running? 7:27 How did you transition from becoming a runner to being a coach? 9:57 What prompted you to co-found the International Association of Women Runners and what is its mission? 12:10 What sets women over 40 apart from younger women, or even men, regarding their training needs? 15:29 Do male master runners also have different needs than when they were younger? 17:17 How should older runners structure a week of training and entire race build ups for sufficient recovery? 22:13 Do you think older runners should be doing two full marathons per year? 24:46 Are there any particular injuries that older runners, especially women, are prone to? 26:01 What can runners do to prevent  these injuries? 27:20 Why do you think there has been so little research on post-menopausal female runners and do you anticipate an increase in research in the future? 31:15 How can women make changes to their training, diet and lifestyle to mitigate the symptoms of menopause on their running? 33:51 How can women structure their training to be in sync with their symptoms or cycles? 35:34 How can insomnia sufferers get the rest the need for training and recovery? 39:26 How about for avoiding weight gain during, or post, menopause? 42:17 Is it true that running economy or one’s ability to use oxygen at a given pace decreases with age? 47:19 Do you have any tips for longevity in the sport? Anything younger female and male runners can do to set themselves up for success later on? 50:35 Do you have any advice for those over 40 just getting into running? 52:42 What’s on tap for you next?   Quotes by Bennett: “I’m not an elite runner now and I never was an elite runner.” “Gradually my coaching practice migrated to primarily women runners and they began enjoying success regardless of age, experience, or natural talents.” “My experience is that women runners over 40 are poorly served by generic running programs that neither age, nor gender, into account.” “A marathon is twice the distance of a half-marathon in distance only. It’s not twice the effort, it’s not twice the focus; it’s more like 3-4 times the effort, the focus, the commitment and the sacrifice.” “In North America the running movement is driven by women. There are far more women distance runners than male distance runners and there are more women masters runners still looking to improve and race their best.” “If the symptoms associated with menopause are affecting your training, they’re also affecting your daily life, your overall well-being, your relationships, your job performance; it’s kind of like everything that you do.”     Take a Listen on Your Next Run Want more awesome interviews and advice? Subscribe to our iTunes channel   Mentioned in this podcast: International Association of Women Runners homepage Run To The Top interview with Jenny Hadfield Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD - Sports Nutritionist Strategy Session with Bennett   We really hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of Run to the Top. The best way you can show your support of the show is to share this podcast with your family and friends and share it on your Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media channel you use. If more people who know about the podcast and download the episodes, it means I can reach out to and get through to the top running influencers, to bring them on and share their advice, which hopefully makes the show even more enjoyable for you! -- Thank you to our sponsor for supporting Run to the Top Enter to win a FREE 6-Pack of Perfect Amino from BodyHealth   Send an email to with the subject line "Run to the Top" and ask for your FREE Accel Gel samples. Don't forget to include your address!

 Choosing Your Next Race? BibRave Takes out the Guesswork - With Tim Murphy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:29

Have you ever trained hard for a race, paid the entry and travel fees, only to have a bad experience because the race wasn’t what you expected? Enter BibRave. Tim Murphy and his wife Jessica are both avid runners who founded BibRave back in 2011 with the desire to separate the good races from the bad so runners wouldn’t have to take chances. BibRave is an online running community that allows runners to research, recommend, and leave feedback on races. This of course makes the website important to not only runners but to race coordinators and directors as well, and that’s why Tim and Jessica also help races improve and better promote themselves. Whether you’re trying to figure out where to race next or maybe you’re thinking of conducting an event of your own, this episode’s for you. And if you’re in the US (or you’ve raced in the US), be sure to nominate your favorite race for the BibRave 100 - a definitive list of the best races in America. Voting ends August 20, 2017.   Questions Tim is asked: 3:11 How did you first get into running? 5:45 How did you like Chicago as your first marathon? 6:39 What led you and Jessica to start the company back in 2011 and what was your mission? 9:42 What does your day-to-day work look like at BibRave? 12:51 When will the BibRave 100 results be published? 14:59 How does the BibRave community function - can runners simply leave reviews and tell other runners a little about their own race day experience? 17:00 What are some of the biggest mistakes you’ve seen people make when organizing an event? 19:28 What are some social media trends and how can people in the running industry take advantage of these trends? 22:07 What does BibRave offer for smaller events with limited resources? 25:57 Is a new brand featured on each BibChat? 27:02 Can you share any tips you have on how people can use social media to build themselves a brand? 31:22 How can race directors start educating themselves about social media and engagement with runners? 35:00 What tips do you have for how people can choose an event that is conducive to their goals? 37:25 What’s next for you and BibRave?   Quotes by Tim: “The mission was to create a better place to learn about races, to further enable runners to talk to one another about what races are doing well and to create a more informed running community.” “We have some power users that it’s just incredible how many races people do on a monthly and even sometimes on a weekly basis, and then are super diligent about contributing those reviews to help other runners decide what races to run.” “I’m really sympathetic to the things races can and can’t control.” “It’s so important for races to be overly communicative with their runners. It’s almost as important as where the cones go and where everybody lines up.” “I always like to start when I’m talking with event directors or event producers by distinguishing the difference between digital marketing and social media, or social media marketing and social media engagement.” “In any brand exercise, the most important thing is clarity of vision and mission. So knowing who you want to be and what you want to be right from the get-go.” “If you’re a race director and you have really enthusiastic people who are signing up for your race every year, talk to them.” Take a Listen on Your Next Run Want more awesome interviews and advice? Subscribe to our iTunes channel   Mentioned in this podcast: BibRave Website The BibRave 100 Nomination Form - Vote Thru August 20, 2017 BibRave Pros BibRave for Races BibRave for Brands The BibRave Podcast BibChat on Twitter Follow Tim on Twitter Follow BibRave on Twitter   We really hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of Run to the Top. The best way you can show your support of the show is to share this podcast with your family and friends and share it on your Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media channel you use. If more people who know about the podcast and download the episodes, it means I can reach out to and get through to the top running influencers, to bring them on and share their advice, which hopefully makes the show even more enjoyable for you! -- Thank you to our sponsor for supporting Run to the Top     Send an email to with the subject line "Run to the Top" and ask for your FREE Accel Gel samples. Don't forget to include your address!  

 Running with Power: How Heart Rate Zones Will Become a Thing of the Past | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:00

Sleep, stress, and dehydration can all raise or lower heart rate on any given day, which makes heart rate training less accurate than we’d like.   That’s why co-founder and lead engineer of Stryd Jamie Williamson decided it was time for a change.   With his business partner Li Shang and a team of like-minded “sports nuts”, Jamie set out to create the world’s first wearable power meter for running.   Stryd understands how fast you can run and how long you can run by measuring energy output three dimensionally.   Its unique environmental sensors measure your movements - including forward and back, side to side, and up and down - to determine how fast, how far, and how efficiently you can run across any terrain.   And that’s not even the best part.   It collects this data at lab grade power to give you real-time, actionable target numbers that let you know how efficiently you’re running and make reaching your goals a whole lot simpler.   Listen in as Jamie discusses how Stryd works and why power is quickly replacing heart rate training. Questions Jamie is asked: 2:57 What prompted you to start Stryd and how has the process been so far? 7:39 How did you become interested in producing technology for runners and cyclists to train more efficiently? 9:49 How does Stryd differ from other devices like GPS watches? 13:52 What is ‘power’ as a unit of measurement? 21:07 What are the inherent issues with training by heart rate and how is Stryd more accurate? 26:37 What exactly is ‘critical power’ and how does it relate to lactate threshold and/or VO2 max? 27:49 Can someone simply determine their critical power from a 10k race? 29:25 Are other tests for critical power available on your website? 30:31 How does Stryd help runners with running efficiency, form and injury prevention? 34:19 When you're testing for inefficiencies with Stryd, do you get real-time feedback? 36:25 How compatible is Stryd with other technology? 39:37 Will Stryd ever be able to measure environmental factors such as wind? 41:50 What else is Stryd focusing on right now? Quotes by GUEST: “We have report after report after report of personal bests that people were getting where they were up against the wall and this technology allowed them to identify weaknesses that they could work on.” “Computing real-time pace is extremely difficult...When you’re in a car and you use your GPS, you can actually use it as a speedometer, but that’s just because the signal is so huge. You’re changing large amounts of position over short amounts of time because you’re going fast in a car, and it’s the opposite when running.” “Power is useful because it’s the only independent, objective measure of running performance,. It’s not impacted by any other things.” “You start the race with a full battery - that’s how much energy you have to spend in that race. Given the duration of the race, at the very end you want the battery to be empty. You don’t want it to be negative, you don’t want to leave some stuff on the course where you still have some energy to spare….You want to have nothing left at the end, and power is the way to do that.” “I will say a lot of people do use heart rate as kind of a safety measure. They’ll look at ‘What is my max heart rate that I want to stick to today and I don’t want to go above?’, and they’ll use it in that way to make sure they’re not overdoing it.”   Take a Listen on Your Next Run   Want more awesome interviews and advice? Subscribe to our iTunes channel   Mentioned in this podcast: Stryd website Stryd Facebook community Follow Stryd on Twitter We really hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of Run to the Top. The best way you can show your support of the show is to share this podcast with your family and friends and share it on your Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media channel you use. If more people who know about the podcast and download the episodes, it means I can reach out to and get through to the top running influencers, to bring them on and share their advice, which hopefully makes the show even more enjoyable for you! -- Thank you to our sponsors for supporting Run to the Top Enter to win a FREE 6-Pack of Perfect Amino from BodyHealth     Send an email to with the subject line "Run to the Top" and ask for your FREE Accel Gel samples. Don't forget to include your address!


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