New Focus on Wealth with Chad Burton show

New Focus on Wealth with Chad Burton

Summary: Certified Financial Planner, Chad Burton discusses important financial planning and wealth management issues. If you want to learn how to plan for retirement and do a better job managing your investment portfolio... this is the show for you.

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 Trump breaks free from the GOP over tariffs and North Korea plans denuclearization talks. Yeah, the news really is that strange today. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:42

Today I discuss Trump breaking from his party in the tariff trade war and discuss the question that came to everyone’s mind after hearing North Korea is open to denuclearization talks-“What are they planning?” Other topics include: • Fidelity Freedom 2020’s risky target-date funds • Getting started in saving for retirement • Why and how younger people would use retirement date funds successfully

 Wells Fargo is making headlines for all the wrong reasons and it’s got some customers are thinking twice. Here’s what people need to know before changing banks. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:43

Wells Fargo seems to be so plagued by problems lately that a client called me asking if they should pull their money out. Today I discuss the problematic news surrounding the banking giant and what clients should concern themselves with. Other topics: • Trump’s trade wars • Longevity issues • Withstanding market fluctuations in retirement • Millennial retirement planning • Old 401k plans with after-tax contributions, Backdoor Roth IRA and Mega Backdoor Roth IRA

 What is dollar-cost averaging and why does it make for a bad retirement strategy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:44

In retirement a lot of people believe they have to invest only for income so they shift to high income stocks and bonds, a major mistake with rising rates. I explain why dollar-cost averaging is not a good strategy to come out of a portfolio in retirement. Other topics include: • Should Sheila (self employed) open a Vanguard 401k to reduce taxes or commit to a defined benefit plan? • What bonds to buy? • Bay Area’s real estate mass exodus • Social Security underpaying widows and widowers

 Financial planning is not a “one strategy fits all” deal. Today Rob and I discuss the basics, bitcoin and tax cuts. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:50

If you watch the market the way Rob does, you know that the first Friday of every month is super important for setting up the jobs market. Today Rob and I discuss the basic ideas of financial planning and the many different ways to play the game. Other topics include: • Intel estimates • Comcast challenging Fox • Bitcoin creator sued for stealing $5bill in crypto • Apple’s medical clinics • Biggest thing that will move the stock market this year • Home prices & the retail apocalypse

 Stock market returns always boil down to revenue and earnings of individual companies. Today I discuss the emotions that drive daily numbers and 2018 expectations. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:45

When prices go up consumer demand goes up and we see inflation. The Feds adjust lending rates, less money is being lent and put into the economy and we go through a cycle. Real market corrections last 3 months minimum and the worst thing you can do is panic, sell and lose money forever. Other topics include: • Cryptocurrency pump and dump scams • Can you afford a second home in retirement and how would you pay for it? • Health and healthcare spending in retirement • Tax cut issues

 Walmart announces it won’t meet Wall Street earnings while same store sales increase 2.6% and the dollar finally rises with treasury yields. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:45

At the beginning of every year we seem to hear the same stories. Either inflation or deflation becomes the major concern for the economy. This year inflation seems to be the focus. Today I discuss the dollar finally rising with treasury yields and what would happen if interest rates  on bonds go up too quickly. Other topics include: • Other stock market news • The fiduciary rule –how to get financial advice without getting sold a product • Mutual funds vs ETF’s • ABLE accounts

 What is your retirement number? If early retirement is one of your goals you’ll need to be able to live on less than passive income. Here’s why. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:40

Retirement looks different for everyone and we all have our own retirement number. Unfortunately most people don’t know what their retirement number looks like and retire without even being close to what they need. In fact I wouldn’t even consider early retirement unless I was sure I could live less than passive income. Other topics include: • Building assets that create passive income • Merging and protecting finances • Hedging against inflation

 Today I discuss how real stock market correction feel and how long they typically last. I also discuss how younger people need to plan for passive income vs. retirement. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:25

So far it’s been a great season for earning reports with Q4 earnings coming in at a 14% increase instead of the predicted 11% increase. Meanwhile 10 year treasury rates have a major increase. Other topics include: • Self employed retirement planning tips under the new tax cut act • The average retirement savings account at Fidelity • Stock market corrections • 1040 SR tax form and other news about the tax change • The dangers of retiring too early

 Soaring prices are making renting out a Bay Area home a poor deal. Today I discuss the pressure on Bay Area real estate. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:46

Bay Area home prices are so elevated that investors are receiving low yield even if they buy a property all-cash. Today I discuss Bay Area real estate issues including high prices, rising rates, tax law changes and the basic worker not being able to live in the Bay Area. Other topics include: • How the real estate tax works if you own a positive cash flow property • Identity theft and internet scams • Wall Street fraud • Advice from financial advisors that are not fiduciaries

 Stock market pullbacks never feel good but Monday wasn’t even in the top 20 worst one day % drops. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:47

The Dow dropped 1500 points making it the largest intraday point drop in history. Interestingly enough this huge point drop doesn’t even come close to breaking daily pullbacks when recorded in percentages and is not even considered a correction by market standards. Today I discuss the recent pullback and how we view the markets. Other topics: • The Federal Reserve and interest rates • Rebalancing vs. timing the market • Cryptocurrency • Tax law changes that will affect you and your paycheck

 More companies are getting Amazoned and consumers are winning. Today Rob discusses the price wars between Amazon and physical stores. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:57

Was 2017 the year the year we coined the term “getting Amazoned”? Today Rob discusses physical stores like Target, Walmart and Costco who are feeling the heat from Amazon and slashing prices. Other topics include: • AMD’s epic server chip • Finding the metrics that work for you • Is the market too bullish? • Home buying regret • Self-employment issues • Estate planning

 Earnings season has a great start and Japan experiences major cryptocurrency theft. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:46

Earning season is off to a great start with earnings growth up around 12%, but some are still calling for expansion of the PE ratio because due to synchronized global growth and low interest rates. This big rally also means your portfolio might be out of whack. Also: • Risky cryptocurrency • Backdoor Roth IRA’s & Roth IRA’s for kids • Brian needs a down payment strategy for his first home • 15 things to do before hiring a financial planner • Deductions t0 might keep business owners in Cal

 Bonds bear markets and wage inflation. Today I break down what financial analysts are talking about | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:44

There are two headlines you keep hearing: “bear market for bonds” and “soon-to-be wage inflation”. If you listen closely you’ll also hear that we are in a goldilocks phase that reminds me of the late 90’s. Today I explain what it means when you hear analyst talk about soon-to-be bear markets and what it means for your retirement plan. • 5 reasons why tax cuts may not fuel the market as well • Quit buying funds that preformed best last year • Delaying retirement • The 20th birthday of

 A new report has the financial world talking about portfolio projections. Is it realistic? Here’s what I think about the new research. Encore Mashup! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:41

While everyone was out enjoying their MLK holiday the financial industry was buzzing over new reports. Would you be able to survive retirement with a 60/40 US stock-bond portfolio? Today I discuss the calls for historically low average returns and the flattening of the yield curve. Other topics include: • Roth 401k funding & Roth conversions as you retire • Situations where reverse mortgages work • Is a 1031 exchange the right move for this SF landlord searching for better yield?

 The market is off to an amazing start as the Dow hits 26,000 and sees its fastest 1,000 point rise ever. Are we dreaming or is this reality? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:31

The stock market was remarkable last year for many reasons. Typically we have an intra-year drawdown of 14%; in 2017 the maximum was around 3%. Are these numbers real or just based on corporate tax cut projections? Other topics include: • Stock market FOMO • Leveraged ETF’s • Funding Roth accounts assuming we see a rise in future taxes • Situations where reverse mortgages work • Is a 1031 exchange the right move for this SF landlord? • Is mortgage HELOC tax debt deductible anymore?


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