Hebrew show


Summary: Welcome to SBS Radio's Hebrew Language Program, the Hebrew voice of Australia. We offer extensive coverage of news, current affairs and sport through our network of correspondents in Israel and around Australia.

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 KOSHER SEX with Rabbi Shmulik Boteach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you heard about Kosher Sex? You are asking yourselves now, what kosher has to do with sex? Well, I asked the same question Rabbi Shmulik Boteach This interview is the short version of our interview with the Rabbi… ... (Have you heard about Kosher Sex? You are asking yourselves now, what kosher has to do with sex? Well, I asked the same question Rabbi Shmulik Boteach This interview is the short version of our interview with the Rabbi… Ive censored the interview and will bring you live to air, only the extracts from the full interview. Please go to our website and facebook to listen to the full interview with Rabbi Shmulik Boteach who has written the book titled Kosher Sex a while ago. The interview was conducted some years ago, at our SBS Studios, live to air! As Ive just said, you will hear now only a part of the interview. Please go to sbs.com.au/Hebrew or sbs Hebrew/Shalom Australia Face book, to listen to the full interview. My first question to Rabbi Boteach, an Orthodox Rabbi was, what is Kosher Sex. Excerpts    )

 Steve Rubner: The latest Export to Israel: The Nippers Program | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We are in the middle of the Australian summer. Have you noticed on the beaches the Nippers, our young lifesavers? Did you know that this program has been introduced in Israel? Steve Rubner will tell us about this interesting export!  ... (We are in the middle of the Australian summer. Have you noticed on the beaches the Nippers, our young lifesavers? Did you know that this program has been introduced in Israel? Steve Rubner will tell us about this interesting export!  )

 Zeddy Lawrence: A new ABC MD 27.12.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Israeli-Australian dual national, 23 year old Evyatar Slonim, is being held in administrative arrest in Israel under suspicion of terrorism (Israeli-Australian dual national, 23 year old Evyatar Slonim, is being held in administrative arrest in Israel under suspicion of terrorism)

 Doron Sheffer: A video that has shocked the nation 27.12.2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The killing of murderer Samir Kuntar in Damascus,     (The killing of murderer Samir Kuntar in Damascus,    )

 Peta Jones Pellach: deadly stabbing attack in Jerusalem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Peta Jones Pellach reports from Jerusalem on rocket-fire near Nahariya after the killing of murderer Samir Kuntar in Damascus,   the deadly stabbing attack at the Jaffa Gate, a video that has shocked the nation and ... (Peta Jones Pellach reports from Jerusalem on rocket-fire near Nahariya after the killing of murderer Samir Kuntar in Damascus,   the deadly stabbing attack at the Jaffa Gate, a video that has shocked the nation and Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem)

 Alex Dafner Yiddish Report 27.12.2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The family of Jewish, Israeli-Australian dual national, 23 year old Evyatar Slonim, who is being held in administrative arrest in Israel under suspicion of terrorism, say he is a victim of a State conspiracy. 2. Jewish organisations are amongst... (The family of Jewish, Israeli-Australian dual national, 23 year old Evyatar Slonim, who is being held in administrative arrest in Israel under suspicion of terrorism, say he is a victim of a State conspiracy. 2. Jewish organisations are amongst the beneficiaries of Building Partnership Grants from the NSW State Government and will use the monies to improve services and facilities for their various clients. 3. A City of Glen Eira councillor was condemned for his anti-Semitic remarks during a discussion about security issues, for saying Jews brought problems upon themselves and for being isolationist. 4. Five Jewish Schools in Victoria were amongst the top ten achieving schools in this years VCE results, with one small religious school topping the list and other larger schools close behind them. 5. Jewish schools in NSW also did well in their HSC results and Jewish students in other private and public schools, including in VCE Yiddish, achieved high results and selected places at tertiary level.  )

 DR EYAL MAYROZ The global refugee problem Hebrew | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr Eyal Mayroz is a lecturer at the Centre for Peace and Conflict at Sydney University. Eyal will highlight to us the terrible results of the Syrian civil war and Refugees crisis.   (Dr Eyal Mayroz is a lecturer at the Centre for Peace and Conflict at Sydney University. Eyal will highlight to us the terrible results of the Syrian civil war and Refugees crisis.  )

 DR EYAL MAYROZ Refugees around the world English Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr Eyal Mayroz is a lecturer at the Centre for Peace and Conflict at Sydney University. Eyal will highlight to us the terrible results of the Syrian civil war and Refugees crisis. English interview (Dr Eyal Mayroz is a lecturer at the Centre for Peace and Conflict at Sydney University. Eyal will highlight to us the terrible results of the Syrian civil war and Refugees crisis. English interview)

 Peta Jones Pellach:stabbing in Raanana 20.12.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Peta Jones Pellach, back in Jerusalem, reports on the latest stabbing in Raanana, on accusations of sexual harassment against Minister Silwan Shalom, on diplomatic gains with Turkey and losses with Brazil, and on Jerry Seinfeld in Israel. &nbsp... (Peta Jones Pellach, back in Jerusalem, reports on the latest stabbing in Raanana, on accusations of sexual harassment against Minister Silwan Shalom, on diplomatic gains with Turkey and losses with Brazil, and on Jerry Seinfeld in Israel.    )

 Alex Dafner Yiddish Report 20.12.2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

1. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull lit Chanukah candles at the Sydney Central Synagogue on Monday and declared his warm, familial like feelings for the Jewish community (0.15-104) 2. Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science Chri... (1. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull lit Chanukah candles at the Sydney Central Synagogue on Monday and declared his warm, familial like feelings for the Jewish community (0.15-104) 2. Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science Christopher Pyne met with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, scientists and business figures in Jerusalem, re a mutual innovation hub (105-253) 3. Attorney General George Brandis attended the Australia-Israel-UK Dialogue on Leadership in Jerusalem and praised Israels and Jewish peoples struggle for freedom (254-326) 4. The ALP disendorsed Dr Imran Syed as candidate for the seat of Murray, Vic., following complaints that he had reposted anti-Israel and anti-Semitic posts on Facebook recently (327-530) 5. The Australasian Union of Jewish Students condemned virulent anti-Israel and anti-Semitic calls during a debate over an anti-Israel motion at the National Union of Students conference in Melbourne recently (531-641)  )

 Great News for Hakoah Club, DA approved: Joshu Levi 20.12.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull lit Chanukah candles at the Sydney Central Synagogue on Monday and declared his warm, familial like feelings," Mishpocha" for the Jewish community And Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science Chris... (Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull lit Chanukah candles at the Sydney Central Synagogue on Monday and declared his warm, familial like feelings "Mishpocha" the Jewish community And: Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science Christopher Pyne met with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, scientists and business figures in Jerusalem, re a mutual innovation hub )

 Alex Dafner Yiddish Report 20.12.2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull lit Chanukah candles at the Sydney Central Synagogue on Monday and declared his warm, familial like feelings for the Jewish community (0.15-104) 2. Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science Chris... (. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull lit Chanukah candles at the Sydney Central Synagogue on Monday and declared his warm, familial like feelings for the Jewish community (0.15-104) 2. Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science Christopher Pyne met with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, scientists and business figures in Jerusalem, re a mutual innovation hub (105-253) 3. Attorney General George Brandis attended the Australia-Israel-UK Dialogue on Leadership in Jerusalem and praised Israels and Jewish peoples struggle for freedom (254-326) 4. The ALP disendorsed Dr Imran Syed as candidate for the seat of Murray, Vic., following complaints that he had reposted anti-Israel and anti-Semitic posts on Facebook recently (327-530) 5. The Australasian Union of Jewish Students condemned virulent anti-Israel and anti-Semitic calls during a debate over an anti-Israel motion at the National Union of Students conference in Melbourne recently )

 Sex-abuse victim returns to scene to hear apology | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A sex-abuse victim at a leading Jewish school in Melbourne has made an emotional return to the campus. Manny Waks, whose case sparked the Child Abuse Royal Commission's investigation of Yeshivah College, came back from his new home in Israel.

 The legendary basketball player, Tal Brody, Nitza's childhood hero, meets Nitza at SBS Studios. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The legendary basketball player, Tal Brody, Nitza's childhood hero, meets Nitza at SBS Studios. Interview in Hebrew (The legendary basketball player, Tal Brody, Nitza's childhood hero, meets Nitza at SBS Studios. Interview in Hebrew)

 Who is Peta Jones Pellach? English 13 Dec 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What do you know about Peta Jones Pellach?This is your opportunity to meet our Jerusalem correspondent. Peta chats with Nitza in English (What do you know about Peta Jones Pellach?This is your opportunity to meet our Jerusalem correspondent. Peta chats with Nitza in English)


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