Dads on the Air show

Dads on the Air

Summary: Dads on the Air is the most successful community radio program in Australia. It is archived by the National Library of Australia and for researchers represents the most extensive collection of information on the push for family law and child support reform in Australia. It also documents the history of the fatherhood movement in Australia and internationally and provides a fascinating insight into mainstream society’s shifting attitudes towards fathers and fatherhood. The program began with a small group of disgruntled separated men in August 2000, and has since gone on to attract a team of people with extensive journalistic, entertainment, academic and internet experience. Dads on the Air is registered as a not-for-profit group with the NSW Department of Fair Trading. The show played a pivotal role in the debate over family law reform, acting as a conduit for groups and individuals who could not get their voices heard in the mainstream media. As the years have passed, Dads on the Air has widened its focus to cover broader social issues concerning parenthood and gender issues and to promote a positive view of men, boys, fathers and fatherhood. The program has attracted leading politicians, authors, academics, and lobbyists from Australia and around the world. Press releases, public notices and other material for broadcast can be sent to us via our website Dads on the Air can be heard on Thursday mornings 9am – 9.30am on the Community Radio Network around Australia, in an easily downloadable MP3 format and as a podcast. An entertaining mix of music, public information and wide ranging interviews aimed at fathers and those who care about them, the show covers issues concerning fatherhood, shared parenting, the Family Court, child support, Parental Alienation, International Parental Child Abduction, child welfare, boys’ education, male suicide, men’s health, masculinity, gender bias and other father, children and family related issues.

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  • Artist: Dads on the Air | CRN |
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2006-2014 by DOTA (Dads on the Air)


 Dads on the Air (22 Jul 2015): Reservoir Dad | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With special guest: Clint Greagen Our guest today provides us with an entertaining peek into what is still an unusual career in our society. Clint Greagen is a stay-at-home Dad with the skills of an award-winning blogger who tells us about his life in suburban Melbourne with four boy-children and a loving working wife. There is nothing un-masculine about Clint’s struggles as he is assigned to buy breast pads for his wife and to do the cooking / washing / cleaning for the family. He has to juggle these responsibilities and apply some logic in the middle of the chaos and craziness. Listen Now (MP3)

 Dads on the Air (16 Jul 2015): The other glass ceiling: fathers stepping up, mothers letting go | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With special guest: Charles Areni In the news lately there have been frequent references to pay differentials between males and females. This is often put down to the different opportunities available in the workplace because of gender roles that are a hangover from a less-enlightened past. But what about the denial of opportunities to look after the children and get involved in other areas around the home? In brief, Mums have too many roles, Dads have too few. &nbsp Listen Now (MP3)

 Dads on the Air (08 Jul 2015): NAIDOC Week 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With special guest: Dale Huddleston We hear a lot about “the Intervention”, Aboriginal incarceration rates, and problems in Aboriginal communities. Not so much about the positive stories relating to the original inhabitants of Australia. In today’s program we have an opportunity to listen to Dale Huddleston who is a renowned Aboriginal artist and musician, Chairman of the Burrunju Aboriginal Corporation and Outreach Worker for the Gugan Gulwan Youth Aboriginal Corporation in Canberra. Listen Now (MP3)

 Dads on the Air (01 Jul 2015): SAMSN (Survivors & Mates Support Network) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With special guest: Mark Griffiths The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is increasing our awareness of the harm done to the vulnerable children in our midst. But while we wait for a government response to the revelations, one group is out there now healing the distress for victims. SAMSN was established in 2010 by two survivors of childhood sexual abuse when they discovered that there were no support groups to help them. SAMSN is a not-for-profit organisation that is not affiliated with any religious organisation. Listen Now (MP3)

 Dads on the Air (24 Jun 2015): Still a Pygmy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With special guest: Isaac Bacirongo When you are born and raised in Australia you know little about life as a refugee despite it being a frequent topic for conversation and opinion. Most of us have never spoken to a refugee. Our guest today is Isaac Bacirongo who arrived in Sydney in 2003 with his wife and ten children as refugees after surviving the effects of Rwanda’s civil war in his own country, Congo. &nbsp Listen Now (MP3)

 Dads on the Air (17 Jun 2015): Men's Health Week 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With special guest: Prof Gary Richardson There is a health crisis affecting 49% of the Australian population, namely Australian men. The establishment of Foundation 49: Men’s Health is a direct response aimed at improving the health of Australian men. The figures are mind-blowing with more than four men dying every hour from potentially preventable conditions. Listen Now (MP3)

 Dads on the Air (10 Jun 2015): Schools of Fish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With special guest: Alan Sampson Schools of Fish won the 2015 Finch Memoir Prize for author Alan Sampson, a Queenslander, who by telling us about his own experiences lets us find out much about the importance of a father’s relationship with his children. A big part of the story relates to Alan’s role as Principal at the well-known Cavendish Road State High School in Brisbane. There are times at school when personal courage is required as well as unshakable integrity if favourable results are to be achieved. Listen Now (MP3)

 Dads on the Air (03 Jun 2015): COOKING for Kids BY DADS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With special guest: Mick Both When you listen to Mick’s interview, just like when you see his face looking straight at you on the cover of his new book you know the sort of bloke he is. Mick is a straight shooter with a background in the military who takes us into the kitchen on a practical mission. COOKING for Kids BY DADS does not assume any prior knowledge of the essential art of cooking. In language we can all understand and with gorgeous photos we get the picture on how Dad can go from zero to hero with his kids and his family generally. This book is most needed when Dad suddenly realises that for whatever reason he should be the one doing the cooking. This could be due to one-off events or when a more permanent arrangement is required and Dad cannot rely on a significant other to feed the hungry. Not that some Mums haven’t caught up with the benefits of being able to leave Dad in the kitchen or to brush up themselves on a few basics. Listen Now (MP3)

 Dads on the Air (27 May 2015): Fathers and Daughters – What are the issues? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With special guest: Professor Linda Nielsen Our guest, Professor Linda Nielsen speaks to us today from North Carolina in the United States about a topic that nearly everyone has a stake in but on which there is very little guidance. How important is the relationship between a daughter and her father? This topic has been explored by Dr Nielsen in her latest book Father-Daughter Relationships: Contemporary Research & Issues. Many studies have been directed at the importance of a mother’s relationships with her children. But a father may need some reassurance about the value of his relationship with his daughter particularly if he feels more comfortable with his son. The first thing we get to check with Dr Nielsen is what is it that fathers do for their daughters? Are they really needed? Listen Now (MP3)

 Dads on the Air (20 May 2015): International Missing Children’s Day – 25 May | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With special guest: Rebecca Kotz The Global Missing Children’s Network (GMCN) is a network of 22 partner agencies co-chaired by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC). Participating countries range from Albania to the USA. The global campaign of this network is called Help Bring Them Home and it is being led by the AFP. May 25, International Missing Children’s Day, is the day when people in Australia and around the world commemorate the missing children who have found their way home, the victims who did not come back and the continuing efforts to find those still missing. Listen Now (MP3)

 Dads on the Air (13 May 2015): SuperDad SpeedBible: The toolbox for men with young kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With special guest: Ryan Heffernan Ever thought about how when you leave the hospital with your new baby you do not receive an instruction manual? Our guest this week Ryan Heffernan has addressed this issue. In his entertaining and informative book Ryan provides a welcome toolbox for any Dad left with the responsibility of caring for a young child in the age range of 0-6. In fact any parent will welcome this no-nonsense source book for handling the challenges of parenting where you get the benefit of learning from a single Dad’s experience. What’s more with Ryan Heffernan giving us the lesson there is a lot of fun to be had which everyone can enjoy. Listen Now (MP3)

 Dads on the Air (06 May 2015): Ten Conversations You Must Have With Your Son | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With special guest: Dr Tim Hawkes Parents are all too familiar with the difficulties of relating to their sons in a language that they understand while they grow from boys to men. Our guest today is Dr Tim Hawkes who as Headmaster of The King’s School is responsible for 1500 boys. Dr Hawkes has held this position since 1998 adding to a wealth of experience gained in England and Australia on how boys can best reach their potential as men. Listen Now (MP3)

 Dads on the Air (04 Feb 2015): Continued Parenting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With special guest: Prof Robert Kenedy Robert Kennedy was a famous American political leader but our guest today with a similar name is recognised around the world for other reasons. We speak in this program to Professor Kenedy in Toronto Canada to find out what he has discovered after conducting research in the areas of fathers, shared parenting and related issues for the last 15 years. This research has taken Robert to the UK, the US, Europe and most recently Australia and New Zealand where he has conducted thousands of interviews. Listen Now (MP3)

 Dads on the Air (28 Jan 2015): Out on a Limb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With special guest:   Simon Turner  Simon Turner’s book Out on a Limb is refreshingly plain speaking. To read the book is like sitting down with a mate who has some important, perhaps life-changing, information to share. Using language we can all relate to, Simon takes us through the jungle that confronts a father at the gates of a Family Law dispute with the mother of their children. Simon discusses what he describes as the three golden rules that were passed on to him informally by a Family Court Judge in an Art Gallery rather than a court room. Based on these golden rules Simon gives some invaluable ideas about how a dad can give himself the best chance of continuing to parent his child after a separation or divorce. Listen Now (MP3)

 Dads on the Air (21 Jan 2015): Man Code | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With special guest: Carolyn Managh Carolyn Managh, the Man Whisperer, comes to our program today to lift the lid on what Australian men think about masculinity, women, and brands treating them like idiots. To do this Carolyn interviewed 140 Australian men including influential leaders and role models from diverse aspects of Australian life. These included Australian men in business, sport, men’s brands, military, popular culture, health, hospitality, construction and more. The resulting data is statistically significant and it also paints a picture of what Australian men think on issues such as whether chivalry is dead. On the question of whether Australian men are romantic Carolyn’s conclusion is that Aussie men do want the romance but they want to include an element of surprise. Listen Now (MP3)


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