Stand to Reason Weekly Podcast show

Stand to Reason Weekly Podcast

Summary: This podcast rebroadcasts our weekly radio program. Our purpose is to help Christians think more clearly about their faith and to help them make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity. Released every Wednesday and Friday.

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  • Artist: Greg Koukl
  • Copyright: ©2006 Stand to Reason; All Rights Reserved.


 Frank Turek - Cross Examined Instructor's Academy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:22

Host: Greg Koukl Guest: Frank Turek - Cross Examined Instructor’s Academy (00:00) Commentary: Tolerance and Inclusivism at Mozilla (01:00) Commentary: The Professor’s Ploy (02:00) Caller/topics: 1. Is the age of accountability consistent with election? (00:23) 2. How do we perceive objective reality when all we have is subjective interpretation? (00:46) 3. What is the Protestant view on contraception? (01:32) 4. Is there any place for free will in Reformed theology? (01:44) 5. What is the fulfilled prophecy in the Bible? (02:25) 6. If God wants all to be saved, why aren’t they? (02:40)

 Nabeel Qureshi - Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:22

Host: Greg Koukl Interview: Nabeel Qureshi - Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus (00:00) Commentary: Age-appropriate Training (01:00) Caller/topic: 1. What about supporting World Vision with their policy change? (01:10) 2. How do you distinguish the sovereignty of God and coincidences? (01:44) 3. What’s the distinction between self-help and the Gospel? (01:55) 4. Thoughts on area of study in college? (02:06) 5. How do you discern which Biblical cultural codes to apply today? (02:19) 6. When did Satan fall and come to earth? (02:43)

 Hummingbirds, The Bible and Witnessing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:21

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Doing Church at Xenos (00:00) Commentary: Hummingbirds, The Bible & Witnessing (01:00) Caller/topic: 1. What does God’s omnipotence mean? (00:21) 2. Should Christians adhere to the Levitical Law? (00:36) 3. Does a baby go to Heaven when it dies? (01:20) 4. How do you teach your kids Tactics? (00:42) 5. How do Christians exercise good judgment about high profile Christians? (02:00) 6. How do you explain God’s will for your life? (02:19) 7. Can Christians be neutral regarding homosexuality? (02:39) 8. Is theistic evolution orthodox? (02:48)

 Deconstructing News Stories | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:10

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Deconstructing News Stories (00:00) Commentary: Selecting a Christian College (01:00) Caller/topic: 1. Analogy for why same-sex marriage is wrong (00:23) 2. Are Christians brainwashed? (00:33) 3. There are problems with eternal suffering in Hell. (00:47) 4. Does 1 Cor. 2 teach against apologetics? (01:19) 5. Why is it wrong to redefine marriage when we redefine other things? (01:33) 6. Should you help non-Christians clarify their world views? (01:43) 7. What should you do if you think you’re not one of the elect? (02:01) 8. Did Jesus’ divine nature perfect His human nature? (02:12) 9. How do you talk with someone who thinks the age of the earth is a central doctrine? (02:25) 10. How do you understand Jesus’ comments to Nicodemus? (02:38) 11. How do you discuss having been adopted with your children? (02:42) 12. How do you distinguish between the Devil doing something and the flesh doing it? (02:48)

 Proverbs: Remember God's Instructions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:55:21

Host: Greg Koukl (Special 2-Hour Broadcast) Commentary: Trip to Knoxville (00:00) Commentary: Proverbs: Remember God’s Instructions (01:00) Caller/topic: 1. How should we make decisions in light of the end times? (00:20) 2. Dod Christians romanticize their relationship with God? (00:38) 3. Explain his experience with God (00:52, 01:11) 4. What are our rights on a Christian worldview? (01:34) 5. Why did Jesus curse the fig tree? (01:45)

 Justin Taylor - The Final Days of Jesus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:21

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Advancing the Conversation with Questions (00:00) Guest: Justin Taylor - The Final Days of Jesus (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. How do you balance secular and Christian advice about depression? (00:20) 2. Is Jesus’ sinless nature a good reason to believe His divinity? (00:41) 3. How loving are God’s actions if He can’t sin? (01:010 4. Do Christian business owners actually affirm same-sex marriage by providing services for the event? (01:21) 5. How do you respond to Sam Harris’ moral view? (01:42)

 Michael Horton - Calvin on the Christian Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:22

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: What is Christianity? (00:00) Guest: Michael Horton - Calvin on the Christian Life (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. Is baptism necessary for salvation according to Acts 2:38? (00:22) 2. Advice on putting stones in people’s shoes? (00:43) 3. A proof that good works can’t contribute to salvation? (01:01) 4. What’s the Christian view of Freemasonry? (01:08) 5. How should we do apologetics in light of Romans 1:18-20? (01:20) 6. How can a person cultivate a passion for writing? (01:32) 7. Is it wrong for a Christian comedian to perform with raunchy comedians? (01:43) 8. Ethical dilemma about Japanese marriage ceremony (01:50)

 How Should You Measure Your Intimacy with God? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:18

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: How Should You Measure Your Intimacy with God? (0:00) Commentary: The Contradictory Values Held by Young People (1:00) Commentary: Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? (2:00) Caller/topic: 1. What are the top three selling points for using apologetics? (0:25) 2. Should Christians divide over the issue of divorce and remarriage? (0:44) 3. How should the church address young vs. old earth? (1:22) 4. How does biblical stewardship apply to the environment? (1:44) 5. How should one deal with a professor who loves Bart Ehrman? (2:10) 6. Advice on when to speak up (2:25) 7. Why can’t Christians believe in an old earth? (2:43)

 Marriage is Hard Work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:21

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Toronto Trip (00;00) Commentary: Marriage Is Hard Work (01:00) Commentary: Source of Consciousness? (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. What’s necessary to believe to be saved? (00:23) 2. Should Christian musicians work with secular musicians? (00:39) 3. How to make the moral argument clearer (01:17) 4. Can you offer advice to a divorced Dad about how to use the limited time with his daughter to disciple her? (01:38) 5. What do you think of the ethics of genetic engineering? (02:20) 6. How do you deal with repetitive prayers? (02:30) 7. How do you suggest developing training material for college students? (02:45)

 Sam Allberry - Is God Anti-gay? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:22

Host: Greg Koukl Guest: Sam Allberry - Is God Anti-gay? (00:00) Commentary: Dealing with Unanswered Prayer (01:00) Commentary: Cultivating Courage and Faithfulness (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. How do you develop discernment? (01:21) 2. Is a Christian unrepentant if they repeat a sin? (01:38) 3. What are good reasons to switch churches? (01:47) 4. What is the source of objective morality? (02:20) 5. Should a church keep their Boy Scout charter? (02:32)

 Scott Klusendorf - Make the Pro-life Case Persuasively and Winsomely | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:21

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Christianity Makes Sense of Our Deepest Experiences (00:00) Guest: Scott Klusendorf - Make the Pro-life Case Persuasively and Winsomely (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. How should we expect God to answer our prayers for decision making? (00:22) 2. What was the first century concept of relationship with Jesus? (00:47) 3. How do you handle stress in debates? (01:01) 4. How do you pray for people who are unpleasant to you? (01:18) 5. Can naturalism explain all the features of the universe? (01:26) 6. Is Proverbs 31 about a literal woman or a personification of wisdom? (01:40) 7. Was the Law ever sufficient for salvation? (01:49)

 Dr. William Lane Craig - A Reasonable Response | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:23

Host: Greg Koukl Guest: Dr. William Lane Craig - A Reasonable Response (00:00) Caller/topic: 1. Is conception the beginning of life? (01:01) 2. How do we get faith? (01:19) 3. Arguments against evolution (01:42) 4. Conversations with Mormons (02:00) 5. Is the filling of Holy Spirit subsequent to salvation? (02:11) 6. How do you respond to a moral relativist? (02:31) 7. Is there no night in Heaven? (02:46)

 Tom Gilson - Answering Atheist Tactics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:22

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Phil Robertson’s Comments (00:00) Commentary: A Good Discipline for the New Year (01:00) Guest: Tom Gilson - Answering Atheist Tactics (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. What is a Christian take on haunted houses and ghosts? (00:26) 2. How do you answer an atheist who claims no burden of proof because they lack belief in God? (00:40) 3. Is denying the inspiration of Scripture blaspheming the Holy Spirit? (01:12) 4. Why are questionable passages included in Bibles? (01:25) 5. If Christians really believed, would God heal more often? (01:42) 6. Does being wrong on one essential belief disqualify someone from Christianity? (01:51)

 Michael Kruger - The Question of Canon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:58:23

(Special 2 Hour Broadcast) Host: Greg Koukl Guest: Michael Kruger - The Question of Canon (00:00) Commentary: Change in Perspective, Not Circumstance (01:00) Caller/topic: 1. Is Christmas pagan? (01:21) 2. Can grace be resisted? (01:48)

 Ancient New Testament Manuscripts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:21

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Ancient New Testament Manuscripts (00:00) Commentary: Movies and Worldviews (01:00) Caller/topic: 1. What was the relationship between Jonathan and David? (00:25) 2. How do you determine biblical meaning? (00:48) 3. What do you do when someone isn’t persuaded by a good argument? (01:19) 4. What subject matter is appropriate for Christian artists to represent? (01:37) 5. How do you respond to a brother who claims he’s a woman? (02:01) 6. How do fallible people get an infallible interpretation from the Bible? (02:20) 7. When is it appropriate to bring up controversial issues with other Christians? (02:30) 8. How do you discuss apologetic issues with family members? (02:40) 9. Will we have the ability to sin in Heaven? (02:51)


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