Flowdreaming for Meditation and Manifesting show

Flowdreaming for Meditation and Manifesting

Summary: Take a listen to the #1 oldest continuous self-development podcast: Flowdreaming—now in its 15th year! Enjoy Summer McStravick's eclectic take on life, Flow, the Universe, co-creation, surrender & trust, self-love, manifesting, inner power, happiness, and more. Every episode is a jewel brimming with new ideas that push you to look at yourself and your life differently through the lens of Flow. Summer is the voice of a generation and the founder of both Hay House Radio and InFlowRadio. Visit her at www.flowdreaming.com.

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  • Artist: Summer McStravick
  • Copyright: 2005-2019 Copyright Summer McStravick. All rights reserved.


 #232 It's ALL About You: All Calls, All Hour! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:29

Venus Andrecht joins Summer as they help callers all hour with their intuitive and manifesting skills. Together, this mother-daughter pair will help you with good wishes, Venus's "mojos," and Summer's laser-like manifesting energy. Find your own answers using the Crystal Clarity Flowdream at Flowdreaming.com.

 #231 DOUBLE Your Ability to Create Stuff in Your Life with "Pre-Action" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:53

Today's show will show you how to summon the emotion you need for manifesting, and help you clearly see why your current method may not be working as you hope. Impacting flow energy requires concentrated, directed emotion. Summer takes you on a Flowdream today to DOUBLE your manifesting capacity. Step up your manifesting with Supercharged Manifesting at Flowdreaming.com.

 #229 Why You Resist Prosperity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:47

Why do you make money and lose it? Why is it feast or famine? We dig into your feelings of self-worth and self-confidence, and the beliefs you hold about how much money you deserve to have and why you aren't allowed more. This powerful show complements Summer's downloadable CD & book: The Prosperity Challenge at Flowdreaming.com, and makes this a terrific week to embark on it if you haven't already.

 #228 God, Flow, and Christian Flowdreamers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:15

Most of America, and Western civilization, adhere to the ideas of Christianity. Today, Summer shares how a practicing Christian can integrate Flowdreaming into their life to support and enhance their prayer work and relationship with God. Get more with the Heavenly Flow Playlist at Flowdreaming.com.

 #227 What's Your Name? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:01

Today's show is NOT Flowdreaming! It's a special program Summer produced a while back. And it's FANTASTIC! It's about our names and identities. Who are we? How did we "make" ourselves? And what's in a name? It was originally created for regular AM or XM radio broadcast--but Summer thought, "Why not share it with you all? Align with your true self using Instant Alignment at Flowdreaming.com.

 #226 Venus Andrecht Guest Hosts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:52

Summer's mother, Venus Andrecht, is a gifted and compassionate psychic. Today, she hosts Flowdreaming, and talks about Summer and the intuitive traits and personality quirks of their family line. You'll also get to hear Venus read for you on air, and get a taste of her famous (infamous?) humor. For a daily dose of Flow see the Daily Flow Playlist at Flowdreaming.com.

 #225 Jealousy, Envy, Fear: That Crazy Ego--Friend or Foe? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:25

"But I want what she has! How come she’s got it and I don’t?!” Yes, it’s the 5-year-old inside us talking. But maybe this ego of ours—competitive, envious, and petulant—actually help us? Summer's guest today is Venus Andrecht, and the two get us reacquainted with our ego friend, with the help of a Flowdream and mojo. Get a powerful shot of self-love with Dazzling Self-Love at Flowdreaming.com.

 #224 Business Is a Flow-Letter Word | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:12

Working with others is a dance of relationships. Bosses, co-workers, employees--we all take on our roles and do what we can in them. But what if you need more--you WANT more? You can use Flow to support positive changes in your work or service. This show is especially for sales and business owners as we talk about ways to expand business and create great connections. Go deeper with Start Or Grow My Hugely Successful Business at Flowdreaming.com.

 #223 Get Your Creative On! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:04

Artists, writers, musicians, entertainers! All of you who work in the arts: you know that feeling of being so absorbed in your art that you lose track of time...hunger...sleep. You are focused, and in the work. And it feels glorious! So let's bring that same feeling into the REST of our lives...that is how we create not just our art, but our lifetimes. Get more with Enhance Your Creativity and Move Past Creative Blocks at Flowdreaming.com.

 #222 I Am Flow; Flow Is Me! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:55

"I'm empowered, I'm alive, I can't wait for what life offers up next!" Flow is an experience of life that says your clearest path is easy, and your most fulfilling future only needs your guidance. We work in tandem with universal forces: not at the mercy of them, but in partnership. Today we affirm this partnership, and our place in the energy universe. Get more with Safe, Secure & Protected at Flowdreaming.com.

 #221 Making Things Grow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:25

Is there something in life you want to make grow huge? A business? Your career? A blossoming relationship? How do you harness flow energy to make things take off? Summer looks at how to make things boom in your life, and offers a Flowdream to help. Go deeper with the Manifest My Ultimate Best Outcome Playlist at Flowdreaming.com.

 #220 Talk to Me | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:29

Summer "talks" to people all the time in her mind. She gets issues off her chest, asks people for help, and does all kinds of things like this in her Flow. How can you pre-pattern your life to offer you what you want, by simply talking--having conversations--with people in your Flow, before you have them in real life? Discover the effectiveness of this technique in today's program. Get more with This Or Better: Manifest Anything at Flowdreaming.com.

 #219 Work, Lifestyle, and Money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:15

How's your job going? Is it a career, or just something you do to get paid? Are you out of work, or looking for new work? How do you know what will make you happiest in a job? Summer offers advice on how using Flow energy can steer your career toward its most fruitful development--even if you're currently unemployed, or unsure where to go next. Go deeper with the Rich, Secure & Debt-Free Playlist at Flowdreaming.com.

 #218 Empathic Awareness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:57

Many of you have been asking about empathic work--that's the ability to feel other people's thoughts and emotions. It means using your emotions as your "sixth sense." Today, Summer demonstrate empathic intuition and talks about this little known talent. Get more with Open & Expand Your Empathic Intuition at Flowdreaming.com.

 #217 Flowdreaming Projects: Large and Small | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:38

When you plan a project, you might sketch it on paper. Or write up a "to do" list. Or you might even have a hazy idea in your head of the steps to get it done. But, have you laid down the energetic substrate that will make you project come out flawlessly? Painters call it "primer." Builders call it the "foundation."  Get more with Creatively Fired Up & Finishing Projects at Flowdreaming.com.


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