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Summary: Looking for a different Macintosh and iPod podcast that won’t talk over your head? Hosted by Guy and GazMaz, we interview both the well-know, such as Apple CEO Gil Amelio and Microsoft, and interesting Mac people you may never have heard of. We hold many contests, giving away items such as Adobe CS4, Microsoft Office 2008, iPod gear, iPhone gear, and a ton more. We accept voice feedback at so you can be a part of the show. This podcast started in December 2004, and continues to grow each month. Join us! Updated weekly.

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  • Artist: MyMac Podcasting Network
  • Copyright: 1995-2021 My Mac Productions. All Rights Reserved.


 MyMac Podcast 408: Surface Surface | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:29:41

OK, we promise not to make many more shows this long, but we did have a guest! Tom Schmidt from First Tech and joins the GMen for a lively discussion on WWDC and Microsoft's new Surface Tablets. Guy deals with graduations, Gaz deals with a angry iPhone, and they both deal with new ways to possibly get podcasts in the future. You just have to deal with an extra long show.

 MyMac Podcast 407: Connection Rejection | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:25

Guy and Gaz record early because of some timing issues later in the week but circumstances almost make it impossible to record at all! It all gets straightened out ever. WOOTies are proven to exist in the wild, Gaz packs extra bags for his gadgets on vacation, we get lots of feedbagck from you people (thanks for that), and the GMen go over their WWWDC predictions that will all be settled by the time you hear this. Tips, app recommendations, and a whole lot of hilarity makes this a not to be missed show.

 MyMac Podcast 406: Finally Neil Worton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:32

Guy corners Neil Worton and gets him on the show which is doubly good because Gaz is on vacation and no one wants to hear Guy do a solo show. Turns out Neil has a lot to say about getting documents and other kinds of content off your Mac and on to your iOS devices with Goodreader and who woulda thunk it but Amazon has a free way to do it (sort of, but in that clunky corporate way) too. They also talk about setting up an Apple Airport Extreme or Time Capsule for some of these apps or remote access. Fun stuff and make sure you listen through to the very end for some real Diamond in the rough stuff.

 MyMac Podcast 405: You're not Nuts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:19

More (and I promise the last) talk about the VW Bug and how it indirectly made Guy sick. The GMen start a little later than usual because of the meeting from heck that Gaz had to attend to first, and his monitors are driving him crazy. Some great feedback from our listeners and someone who was supposed to be here…wasn't. Gaz thinks it's his fault though. He makes up for it with some great new Finder tips including one that floats that Guy thinks is cool and makes him think of Tim Curry for some odd reason.

 MyMac Podcast 404: Almost Lifelike | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:19

Download the show here Subscribe in iTunes Gaz doesn't buy an iPhone 3GS for himself and Guy doesn't buy a Classic Car…because we're all about the giving. Some great feedback from you our listeners and Gaz has some fun floaty-like tips that he shares. Guy's attempts fail miserably at first, but he get's the hang of it eventually. Sound like a normal MyMac Podcast? It truly wasn't, but it was weirdly wonderful

 MyMac Podcast 403 - Guy goes Android…kinda | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:19

By Kinda, we mean he bought a cheap Android tablet and seems to hate it. Let's hear it for positive reinforcement and how a good experience leads you to buy tech items again! YAY! Gaz makes it back from Turkey alive, but the worst part seems to be getting home. Also his daughters are hell on their iPhones. The little cloner that couldn't Psystar is finally dead and the GMen continue their discussion over how to make an iPad you main portable device. This week it's external storage options.

 MyMac Podcast 402: Turkish Delight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:29

Guy and Gaz back recording together but a few days early because Gaz has to go off to Turkey (OH the HORROR!). All kinds of drama happening (none of which did we actually put on the show because…well…it's drama). Gaz finally moves to iCloud, you great listeners come through again with feedback, why is Popeye afraid of Bluto (not to worry, it all makes sense), and how many iPads can you steal at one time? A woman in Texas just needs to know. Also, replacing your laptop with an iPad can (but should it?) be done and in this first part of an ongoing series we tell you how. First up, keyboards

 MyMac Podcast 401: While Guy’s away, Gaz will play | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:58

While this is not podcast number 404 (the infamous webpage error), Guy was not able to join the podcast, but Gaz was ably joined by Scott Wilsey. We give the normal feedback and Scott has to deal with Gaz’s bad typing. They talk about how Gaz had his old negatives digitised and Scott mentions his problems with getting his podcast back into the iTunes store.

 MyMac Podcast 400 - 5 - Picking the winners | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:22

OK, just a bit of fun and nonsense with Gaz and I picking the winners for the 400th podcast contest. This was actually recorded BEFORE the 400th podcast, but won't come out until AFTER it does

 MyMac Podcast 400 - About Freaking Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:28

After all the build up and all the hype, the 400th Podcast is FINALLY here! However this is not the ONLY thing we have to celebrate as Gaz's Daughter playing with the renowned Youth Brass 2000 group won the National Youth Championships 2012 over 17 other also very good brass bands! They sounded so great that we used it for all the music, almost,this week. Wowsers there was a lot of feedback this week from all the usual places and we announce all the contest winners! Sorry, you'll have to listen to the show to hear them. Also, Tom Schmidt comes to us LIVE! from somewhere in Minnesota.

 MyMac Podcast 399 - 99 nerves - not with the G-Men | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:48

Poor Gaz has the worst luck with iPhones, but the tale may have a happy ending!

 MyMac Podcast 398 - And now a word from our Sponsors | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:20

Wowsey wow wow! What a busy and long show this week. Guy performs minor surgery on hard drive enclosures and is SHOCKED he can't buy stuff on Easter Sunday. Gaz goes to the Looe with friends (Sounds like an app to me) and wants to know what's going on with F1. The Contest sponsors get some loving with Guy and Gaz reading marketing script but unable to do it with a straight face. Oh, and in minor news, some half a million plus Mac users have been hit by malware and are part of a bonnet…WHAT?!? No worries though because the GMEN are here to help (God help us all). Find scripts at the following links to check your Mac.

 MyMac Podcast 396 - Gaz is away so Elisa and Tom will Play | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:43

Gaz couldn't make it this week so Elisa Pacelli and Tom Schmidt agree (perhaps against their will) to keep Guy company on the show. Some of the topics include people who throw lawyers at glass doors and a new podcast done by the Tech women of the Stoplight Network. Elisa has a lot to say about Google Play and Tom has an app that falls somewhere between Halo and Microsoft Word.

 MyMac Podcast 395 - Panda Tea? Sure, I'll have a cuppa! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:13

The GMen find a new sound that makes them laugh so naturally they play the heck out of it. Guy needs some solutions to arranging his laptop for his son going to college, Gaz gets his new iPad AND an Airport Express all in one week, and they have a lively discussion about Cloud file sharing/storage solutions. Oh, and apparently some guy in China makes tea from Panda Poop.

 MyMac Podcast 394 - Apple is Cooking | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:18

Gaz orders an iPad while Guy gives away an iPod Touch to his sister. Arnie gets REAL tired of Guy being unable to pronounce his name and takes drastic measures. We know we know, you've heard ALL about the new iPad and AppleTV…well not yet you haven't until the GMen give their view. Also why let technical details keep you from installing the new iOS iPhoto app on your iPad 1st gen? Confused? You won't be after this episode of the MyMac Podcast.


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