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Summary: Looking for a different Macintosh and iPod podcast that won’t talk over your head? Hosted by Guy and GazMaz, we interview both the well-know, such as Apple CEO Gil Amelio and Microsoft, and interesting Mac people you may never have heard of. We hold many contests, giving away items such as Adobe CS4, Microsoft Office 2008, iPod gear, iPhone gear, and a ton more. We accept voice feedback at so you can be a part of the show. This podcast started in December 2004, and continues to grow each month. Join us! Updated weekly.

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  • Artist: MyMac Podcasting Network
  • Copyright: 1995-2021 My Mac Productions. All Rights Reserved.


 MyMac Podcast 719: Mally Malware is a bad clown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:10

Hang overs, feeling weirdly normal, and pantomiming River Dances is all part and parcel of this week's show where apparently they also talk about something serious like malware. Can you sing one song to the tune of another? Harder than it sounds, but is hilarious.

 MyMac Podcast 718: That's a lot of zeros | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:35

Guy falls asleep when he could have been podcasting so they record on his wife's birthday instead because how could THAT go wrong? They toss about Apple's trillion dollar worth and why it hasn't also made them rich and Cupertino being all fussed because Apple made money and they want some of it. Also, why NOT make a Hyperloop transportation system that goes 800MPH through residential neighborhoods?

 MyMac Podcast 717: The Team is Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:48

Gaz and Guy finally manage to be the internets at the same time to record a podcast! What are they effing stupid? A real menagerie of topics in the center section and a LOT about Macstock 2018.

 MyMac Podcast 716: Macstock 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:59

A little late getting this out mostly because I was driving home, but it's a good one! Tim Robertson starts us off with Silent Brooke, then it's Bob "Dr. Mac" Levitas, followed by Chuck Joiner, and lastly Mike Potter creator of the Macstock Expo.

 MyMac Podcast 715: Summer of Duh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:00

Being the summer of duh fits RIGHT into the GMen’s wheelhouse! So many stories of the obvious and the inane because otherwise, well there wouldn’t be much of a show based on actual events! Motley Fool, Adobe, Subscription services, and new MacBook Pros that neither of us can afford round out the rest of the podcast.

 MyMac Podcast 714: Hear us Roar-er | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:25

Gaz watches cars go zoom so Guy grabs Karl Madden from the Mac & Forth podcast to fill in. This will make up for when Guy is Driving to Chicago is a car going zoom on his way to Macstock and Gaz will do the podcast with someone else...maybe Karl. Technical difficulties wipe out the center section so they had to do it again, but this time is was better...which is not how that usually goes. Spotify, Mojave, disgruntled employees, and so much more!

 MyMac Podcast 713: Unusual Expected Weirdness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:02

A loooooong delay while we worked on some technical issues on Gaza's side, but we narrowed it down to three things. Hardware, software, or the internet. So should be easy to narrow down from there. Speaking of the internet, Skype used to be awful, now it's horribly, unspeakably, Micheal Myers kind of bad. Apple will finally use it's own data for maps because that can't go wrong, There either is or isn't a brute force hack of iOS (there isn't), and someone in Canada can't figure out that scratch resistant isn't scratch proof because he's really dumb.

 MyMac Podcast 712: Where are all the new Macs? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:35

So where ARE the new Macs? This and a trip to Boise, analysts critiquing analysts, silly Canadians, and so much more! Join the GMen in a show filled with fun and nonsense! Woo and woo!

 MyMac Podcast 711: A watch a watch, my kingdom for a watch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:52

Guy’s away doing ere stuff! So this week Gaz asked Karl the Man Madden from the Mac and Forth podcast to join him for this weeks madness.

 MyMac Podcast 710: Wub a Dub Dub | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:19:38

So like nearly everyone else, the GMen Talk about the recent WWDC developer's conference but with their own special spin. They REALLY hope you like spinning because this show ended up being much longer than usual. Gaz also has car troubles and Guy has trouble finding a car.

 MyMac Podcast 709: The Cost of Privacy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:24

Gaz is away but Guy is still in the UK zone as Simon Parnell joins him to talk about VPN's (and why some countries hate them) and data privacy in regards to the EU's GDPR and the still being debated ePrivacy Act. And just general silliness.

 MyMac Podcast 708: The Tired Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:01

Both Guy and Gaz are tired but manage to stay awake long enough to record a show that includes a little bit of Mac news, a few laughs, and Guy's fiery moments of uncontrollable rage! A few technical glitches make their way in too.

 MyMac Podcast 707: Do I Care. No! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:35

Gaz is back but this week Guy has gone, that could be good, or equally it could be bad! Don’t panic though has has a guest who he finds out hasn’t been on before, shocker! Simon AKA Serenak joints Gaz and brings some intelligence the the show, finally I here you say. So does Gaz care well you’ll have to listen particularly to the middle section, but with Gaz’s view from his garden you might already guess the answer.

 MyMac Podcast 706: Trillon Dollar Man, well nearly so | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:27

Gaz is back for at least this week which is great because Guy will be gone next week. Keep this up GMen and you won't get paid! Meanwhile will Apple be the first company to reach a one trillion dollar market cap? Maybe, but we won't see any of it.

 MyMac Podcast 705: A Lonely Guy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:59

Because Guy can barely pay attention to ...well anything, he forgot that Gaz wasn't going to be this week and hadn't set up to record with anyone else. He talks about seeing the new Avengers flick, Apple financials, and the potential for broken microphones in iPhones after updating to iOS 11.3


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