PodCasts Archives - McAlvany Weekly Commentary show

PodCasts Archives - McAlvany Weekly Commentary

Summary: The McAlvany Weekly Commentary provides investors with valuable monetary, economic, geo-political and financial information that cannot be found on Wall Street. With economic expert and host David McAlvany, you will be given a solid strategy of wealth preservation for your financial and retirement assets while living in an unstable economy.

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 The Battle for 2012: Constitutional Encroachment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

A Look At This Week’s Show: -Maintaining financial vigilance -Fighting the National Defense Authorization Act -Calibrating your personal strategy for 2012

 Reminiscences of 2011 – Recap of the Years Amazing Sub Structural Changes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

A Look At This Weeks Show: -Substructure change in 2011 will lead to major regime change in 2012-15 -Complexity of current events equals simplicity of investment strategy -Gold and cash are key to surviving the next wave

 When Will the Requisite Purge Occur in the World Economy?: An Interview with Bill King | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

A Look At This Week’s Show: There are only two possible outcomes of this ongoing crises: 1) New and bold leadership will force a purge of debt and overspending (Paul Volker on steroids?) 2) The market will force the purge destroying everything in its path. -For now, the only relatively sound action an investor can take is to stay liquid with cash and gold until one of the two forms of purge occur. About the Guest: Bill King, has authored “The King Report” for over 18 years. It is an independent view on global, political, financial, and economic factors that influence world markets. Bill’s candid observations and forecast on the economic, financial, and political forces that are impacting the markets have been extremely accurate.

 Father/Son Powwow in Hawaii: Don and David McAlvany Strategize on Current Observations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

A Look at This Week’s Show: -A meltdown in Europe is a prelude to collapse in the west. -Being “pro-gold” is really admitting an anti-fiat concern. -Will war be the ultimate end of this depression (as it was the last time)? Call 1-800-525-9556 for your FREE Report on Europe

 Massive Emergency Bailout Temporarily Saves European Implosion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

A Look At This Week’s Show: - Disaster temporarily averted when 6 Central Banks dump 357 billion into Europe. How long this will work is anyone’s guess. - Lower wages and higher debt imply slow growth and a collapse in equity prices. This trend could last years. - Learn and use a “back of a napkin” financial solution to show your holiday guests and family.

 The Thirteen Days of Christmas: A European Implosion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

A Look at This Week’s Show: -There are thirteen days in December that literally could define the fate of the European Union. -Iranian crises revisited? British Embassy in Iran is attacked with reminiscent echoes of three decades past. -Wall Street celebrates Black Friday spending spree. More evidence of a complete cognitive disconnect with reality.

 Avoiding the “Certainty of Outcome” Trap | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

A Look At This Week’s Show: -Is Italy too big to bail out? “Nothing is too big to bail if you’re willing to live with the consequences of inflation.” -What if we have deflation? “Contrary to popular belief, 400 years of history shows us that gold does its best work during a deflation.” -Political crises quagmire: Employ the poor at lower wages? Tax the rich? Or, stealthily inflate the middle-class out of existence? What would YOU do?

 A Street View of the Current Gold Market: An Interview With Trader Roy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

A Look At This Week’s Show: -Gold should see $1850 in the next 60 days and should be very bullish in 2012 as well. -Two macroeconomic events that will drive gold over the next year are loose monetary policy and the potential collapse of an EU member nation. -Gold should maintain steady double digit growth through at least 2015. Growth could be much more abrupt should something unexpected occur such as an Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear facilities or a surprise in the U.S. Presidential election. Gold Insider Conversations: Roy’s experience as an institutional gold trader over a 32 year period brings insight into the present day gyrations in the precious metals markets.  We discuss past present and future events as they relate to Gold, and the various issues which are immediately impacting the price of the metals.  He can discuss his views freely as a long time friend, but in confidence.  We have left his name and the remainder of his bio out so he can share his thoughts with candor.

 Ian McAvity: Interview in New Orleans | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

A Look At This Week’s Show: -The biggest mistake a gold buyer can make is to watch the price every day. Buy for the long term preservation of buying power and don’t watch it like a day trader would. -Looking forward beyond the current currency crises, the ultimate currency solution will likely be a currency backed by a “Basket of Commodities” discipline. -Harry Brown’s wisdom from days gone by still applies. Don’t ever bet the whole farm in any one direction. Build a correctly allocated portfolio based on a long term outlook and reallocate as necessary based on the big picture.   About the guest: Ian McAvity, CMT, has been writing his DeliberationsTM on World Markets newsletter for a global readership since 1972. He draws on 48 years of experience in the world of finance–as a banker and broker since 1961 and as an independent advisor and entrepreneur since 1975. Principally a technical analyst, Mr. McAvity has written on global inter-market relationships since the 1970s, including original research on relationships between gold mining shares and gold bullion. In the 1980s and 1990s he served as a director of many junior mining and exploration companies. He has been profiled by most of the major North American financial media including the Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, and the Financial Post. Mr. McAvity has been a special guest on Louis Rukeyser’s Wall $treet Week, as well as on CTV’s Canada AM morning show and CBC’s Business World.  

 Our Listeners Questions Answered – Week III | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

A Look At This Weeks Show: - When and how do we know when to re-balance our Triangle Strategy? - Does the gold market track with or opposite to the stock market? Is the short term movement indicative of the long term trend? - Do countries with larger gold reserves (or other commodities) offer a safer currency risk than countries that are gold poor?

 The Headless Horseman Occupies Wall Street: Where is Bastiat When You Need Him? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

A Look At This Week’s Show: -Those who occupy Wall Street should be looking to Frederic Bastiat’s “The Law” for guidance. Download your free written copy of The Law at: http://mises.org/books/thelaw.pdf Download audio version of The Law at: http://mises.org/media/2648/The-Law  -Listener question: What does default look like in the United States and what is the probability it could happen? -Listener question: How and when do I begin employing my reduction strategy? -Listener question: Gold vs. Gold Stocks?

 Does Gold Rise or Fall in a Deflation? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

About This Week’s Show: -Gold is money and therefore increases it’s buying power during a deflation (contrary to popular belief) -Question: How can the economy ever recover if the Fed stops injecting it with new stimulus? Answer: If left to the natural business cycle, the PRICE of all things adjusts to a lower equilibrium which prompts spending once again  -Why does the Fed want us to fear deflation and to “fight it at all costs” when some of the most productive era’s in history have been during deflationary periods?

 An Interview with Franck Biancheri: From European Chaos to New World Order | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

A Look At This Week’s Show: -Looking ahead, national integration is the trend and likely outcome of the current European mess. -The Breton-Woods Dollar reserve system will be replaced by a completely new monetary order between 2012-2014. -Look for a transnational referendum to pass overwhelmingly taking Europe into a new era of transnational leadership and law. -Be sure to visit: http://www.franck-biancheri.eu/  and   http://leap2020.eu/

 A European Tragedy of Errors: David McAlvany in Brussels | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

 A Look At This Week’s Show: -Euro zone now estimates 2 Trillion Euro’s needed for adequate “Shock and Awe” backstop to Euro banks -Last week’s realization that recession is far from over triggered a flight to liquidity (Dollars and long bonds) -The selloff in Gold and other commodities was purely a “paper” sale to raise quick liquidity. Real physical gold is not being sold and is in fact become harder to acquire

 The Final Days of the Keynesian Utopia: An Interview With Hunter Lewis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00:01

A Look At This Week’s Show: -Keynes fooled an entire nation into believing that we could spend our way to recovery. Today’s news proves that this is as wrong as it initially sounded. -Keynes said, “Drive down interest rates” which in the final analysis leads to a whirlwind of inflation, bubbles and busts. -The biggest obstacle in changing the flawed status quo in government is not the voting public, but rather special interest groups refusing to give up privilege. About the Guest: Hunter Lewis has contributed to many newspapers and periodicals including the New York Times, the Times of London, the Washington Post, and the Atlantic Monthly, as well as numerous websites such as Forbes.com. He is also an author and editor of books on economics and moral philosophy. His works include: Where Keynes Went Wrong: And Why World Governments Keep Creating Inflation, Bubbles, and Busts, Are the Rich Necessary?: Great Economic Arguments and How They Reflect Our Personal Values.


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