Daily Hukamnama from Harimandir Sahib (Amritsar) show

Daily Hukamnama from Harimandir Sahib (Amritsar)

Summary: Gurbani and English translation of the Daily Hukamnama from Harimandir Sahib (The Golden Temple), Amritsar India.


 Friday, April 1, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

DHANAASAREE, FOURTH MEHL, FIRST HOUSE, CHAU-PADAS: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: Those Saints and devotees who serve the Lord have all their sins washed away. Have Mercy on me, O Lord and Master, and keep me in the Sangat, the Congregation that You love. || 1 || I cannot even speak the Praises of the Lord, the Gardener of the world. We are sinners, sinking like stones in water; grant Your Grace, and carry us stones across. || Pause || The rust of poison and corruption from countless incarnations sticks to us; joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, it is cleaned away. It is just like gold, which is heated in the fire, to remove the impurities from it. || 2 || I chant the chant of the Name of the Lord, day and night; I chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, and enshrine it within my heart. The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, is the most perfect medicine in this world; chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, I have conquered my ego. || 3 || The Lord, Har, Har, is unapproachable, of unfathomable wisdom, unlimited, all-powerful and infinite. Show Mercy to Your humble servant, O Life of the world, and save the honor of servant Nanak. || 4 || 1 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Wednesday, March 30, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SHALOK, FIFTH MEHL: Crossing the stream, my foot does not get stuck — I am filled with love for You. O Lord, my heart is attached to Your Feet; the Lord is Nanak’s raft and boat. || 1 || FIFTH MEHL: The sight of them banishes my evil-mindedness; they are my only true friends. I have searched the whole world; O servant Nanak, how rare are such persons! || 2 || PAUREE: You come to mind, O Lord and Master, when I behold Your devotees. The filth of my mind is removed, when I dwell in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. The fear of birth and death is dispelled, meditating on the Word of His humble servant. The Saints untie the bonds, and all the demons are dispelled. They inspire us to love Him, the One who established the entire universe. The seat of the inaccessible and infinite Lord is the highest of the high. Night and day, with your palms pressed together, with each and every breath, meditate on Him. When the Lord Himself becomes merciful, then we attain the Society of His devotees. || 9 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Tuesday, March 29, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SHALOK, FIFTH MEHL: Crossing the stream, my foot does not get stuck — I am filled with love for You. O Lord, my heart is attached to Your Feet; the Lord is Nanak’s raft and boat. || 1 || FIFTH MEHL: The sight of them banishes my evil-mindedness; they are my only true friends. I have searched the whole world; O servant Nanak, how rare are such persons! || 2 || PAUREE: You come to mind, O Lord and Master, when I behold Your devotees. The filth of my mind is removed, when I dwell in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. The fear of birth and death is dispelled, meditating on the Word of His humble servant. The Saints untie the bonds, and all the demons are dispelled. They inspire us to love Him, the One who established the entire universe. The seat of the inaccessible and infinite Lord is the highest of the high. Night and day, with your palms pressed together, with each and every breath, meditate on Him. When the Lord Himself becomes merciful, then we attain the Society of His devotees. || 9 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Monday, March 28, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

GUJRI, PADAS OF RAVI DAAS JEE, THIRD HOUSE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: The calf has contaminated the milk in the breasts. The bumble bee has contaminated the flower, and the fish the water. || 1 || O mother, where shall I find any offering for the Lord’s worship? I cannot find any other flowers worthy of the incomparable Lord. || 1 || Pause || The snakes encircle the sandalwood trees. Poison and nectar dwell there together. || 2 || Even with incense, lamps, offerings of food and fragrant flowers, how are Your slaves to worship You? || 3 || I dedicate and offer my body and mind to You. By Guru’s Grace, I attain the immaculate Lord. || 4 || I cannot worship You, nor offer You flowers. Says Ravi Daas, what shall my condition be hereafter? || 5 || 1 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Sunday, March 27, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SORAT’H, THIRD MEHL: Without serving the True Guru, he suffers in terrible pain, and throughout the four ages, he wanders aimlessly. I am poor and meek, and throughout the ages, You are the Great Giver - please, grant me the understanding of the Shabad. || 1 || O Dear Beloved Lord, please show mercy to me. Unite me in the Union of the True Guru, the Great Giver, and give me the support of the Lord’s Name.|| Pause || Conquering my desires and duality, I have merged in celestial peace, and I have found the Naam, the Name of the Infinite Lord. I have tasted the sublime essence of the Lord, and my soul has become immaculately pure; the Lord is the Destroyer of sins. || 2 || Dying in the Word of the Shabad, you shall live forever, and you shall never die again. The Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam is ever-sweet to the mind; but how few are those who obtain the Shabad. || 3 || The Great Giver keeps His Gifts in His Hand; He gives them to those with whom He is pleased. O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, they find peace, and in the Court of the Lord, they are exalted. || 4 || 11 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Saturday, March 26, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

DHANAASAREE, FIRST MEHL, FIRST HOUSE, CHAU-PADAS: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. TRUTH IS THE NAME. CREATIVE BEING PERSONIFIED. NO FEAR. NO HATRED. IMAGE OF THE UNDYING. BEYOND BIRTH. SELF-EXISTENT. BY GURU’S GRACE: My soul is afraid; to whom should I complain? I serve Him, who makes me forget my pains; He is the Giver, forever and ever. || 1 || My Lord and Master is forever new; He is the Giver, forever and ever. || 1 || Pause || Night and day, I serve my Lord and Master; He shall save me in the end. Hearing and listening, O my dear sister, I have crossed over. || 2 || O Merciful Lord, Your Name carries me across. I am forever a sacrifice to You. || 1 || Pause || In all the world, there is only the One True Lord; there is no other at all. He alone serves the Lord, upon whom the Lord casts His Glance of Grace. || 3 || Without You, O Beloved, how could I even live? Bless me with such greatness, that I may remain attached to Your Name. There is no other, O Beloved, to whom I can go and speak. || 1 || Pause || I serve my Lord and Master; I ask for no other. Nanak is His slave; moment by moment, bit by bit, he is a sacrifice to Him. || 4 || O Lord Master, I am a sacrifice to Your Name, moment by moment, bit by bit. || 1 || Pause || 4 || 1 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Wednesday, March 23, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SHALOK: Why do you listen to falsehood? It shall vanish like a gust of wind. O Nanak, those ears are acceptable, which listen to the True Master. || 1 || CHHANT: I am a sacrifice to those who listen to the Lord God with their ears. Intuitively embellished are those, who with their tongues chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. They are intuitively embellished with priceless virtues; they have come to save the world. God’s Feet are the boat, which carries many across the terrifying world-ocean. Those who are blessed with the favor of my Lord and Master are not asked to render their account. Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to those who listen to God with their ears. || 1 || SHALOK: With my eyes, I have seen the Light, but my immense thirst is not quenched. O Nanak, those eyes are different, which behold my Husband Lord. || 1 || CHHANT: I am a sacrifice to those who have seen the Lord God. In the True Court of the Lord, they are approved. They are approved by their Lord and Master, and acclaimed as supreme; they are attuned to the Lord’s Love. They are satiated with the sublime essence of the Lord, and they merge in celestial peace; in each and every heart, they see the all-pervading Lord. They alone are the friendly Saints, and they alone are happy, who are pleasing to their Lord and Master. Says Nanak, I am forever a sacrifice to those who have seen the Lord God. || 2 || SHALOK: The body is blind, totally blind and desolate, without the Naam. O Nanak, fruitful is the life of that being, within whose heart the True Lord and Master abides. || 1 || CHHANT: I am cut into pieces as a sacrifice, to those who have seen my Lord God. His humble servants partake of the sweet Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord, Har, Har, and are satiated. The Lord seems sweet to their minds; God is merciful to them. His Ambrosial Nectar rains down upon them, and they are at peace. Pain is eliminated and doubt is dispelled from the body; meditating on the Lord of the World, their victory is celebrated. They are rid of emotional attachment, their sins are erased, and their association with the five passions is broken off. Says Nanak, I am every bit a sacrifice to those, within whose hearts my Lord God abides. || 3 || SHALOK: Those who long for the Lord, are said to be His servants. Nanak knows this Truth, that the Lord is not separate from His Saints. || 1 || CHHANT: As water mixes and blends with water, so does one’s light mix and blend with the Light. Merging with the perfect, all-powerful Creator, one comes to know his own self. Then, one is intuitively absorbed in state of absolute Samaadhi, and one speaks of the One and Only Lord. He Himself is unmanifest, and He Himself is liberated; He Himself speaks of Himself. O Nanak, doubts, fears and the limitations of the three qualities are dispelled, as one merges, like water blending with water. || 4 || 2 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Tuesday, March 22, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

DHANAASAREE, FIFTH MEHL: The desires of the greatest of the great kings and landlords cannot be satisfied. They remain engrossed in Maya, intoxicated with the pleasures of their wealth; their eyes see nothing else at all. || 1 || No one has ever found satisfaction in sin and corruption. The flame is not satisfied by more fuel; how can one be satisfied without the Lord? || Pause || Day after day, he eats his meals with many different foods, but his hunger is not eradicated. He runs around like a dog, searching in the four directions. || 2 || The lustful, lecherous man desires many women, and he never stops peeking into the homes of others. Day after day, he commits adultery again and again, and then he regrets his actions; he wastes away in misery and greed. || 3 || The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is incomparable and priceless; it is the treasure of Ambrosial Nectar. The Saints abide in peace, poise and bliss; O Nanak, through the Guru, this is known. || 4 || 6 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Monday, March 21, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

RAAG SOOHEE, ASHTAPADEES, FOURTH MEHL, SECOND HOUSE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: If only someone would come, and lead me to meet my Darling Beloved; I would sell myself to him. || 1 || I long for the Blessed Vision of the Lord’s Darshan. When the Lord shows Mercy unto me, then I meet the True Guru; I meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. || 1 || Pause || If You will bless me with happiness, then I will worship and adore You. Even in pain, I will meditate on You. || 2 || Even if You give me hunger, I will still feel satisfied; I am joyful, even in the midst of sorrow. || 3 || I would cut my mind and body apart into pieces, and offer them all to You; I would burn myself in fire. || 4 || I wave the fan over You, and carry water for You; whatever You give me, I take. || 5 || Poor Nanak has fallen at the Lord’s Door; please, O Lord, unite me with Yourself, by Your Glorious Greatness. || 6 || Taking out my eyes, I place them at Your Feet; after travelling over the entire earth, I have come to understand this. || 7 || If You seat me near You, then I worship and adore You. Even if You beat me and drive me out, I will still meditate on You. || 8 || If people praise me, the praise is Yours. Even if they slander me, I will not leave You. || 9 || If You are on my side, then anyone can say anything. But if I were to forget You, then I would die. || 10 || I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to my Guru; falling at His Feet, I surrender to the Saintly Guru. || 11 || Poor Nanak has gone insane, longing for the Blessed Vision of the Lord’s Darshan. || 12 || Even in violent storms and torrential rain, I go out to catch a glimpse of my Guru. || 13 || Even though the oceans and the salty seas are very vast, the GurSikh will cross over it to get to his Guru. || 14 || Just as the mortal dies without water, so does the Sikh die without the Guru. || 15 || Just as the earth looks beautiful when the rain falls, so does the Sikh blossom forth meeting the Guru. || 16 || I long to be the servant of Your servants; I call upon You reverently in prayer. || 17 || Nanak offers this prayer to the Lord, that he may meet the Guru, and find peace. || 18 || You Yourself are the Guru, and You Yourself are the chaylaa, the disciple; through the Guru, I meditate on You. || 19 || Those who serve You, become You. You preserve the honor of Your servants. || 20 || O Lord, Your devotional worship is a treasure over-flowing. One who loves You, is blessed with it. || 21 || That humble being alone receives it, unto whom You bestow it. All other clever tricks are fruitless. || 22 || Remembering, remembering, remembering my Guru in meditation, my sleeping mind is awakened. || 23 || Poor Nanak begs for this one blessing, that he may become the slave of the slaves of the Lord. || 24 || Even if the Guru rebukes me, He still seems very sweet to me. And if He actually forgives me, that is the Guru’s greatness. || 25 || That which Gurmukh speaks is certified and approved. Whatever the self-willed manmukh says is not accepted. || 26 || Even in the cold, the frost and the snow, the GurSikh still goes out to see his Guru. || 27 || All day and night, I gaze upon my Guru; I install the Guru’s Feet in my eyes. || 28 || I make so many efforts for the sake of the Guru; only that which pleases the Guru is accepted and approved. || 29 || Night and day, I worship the Guru’s Feet in adoration; have Mercy upon me, O my Lord and Master. || 30 || The Guru is Nanak’s body and soul; meeting the Guru, he is satisfied and satiated. || 31 || Nanak’s God is perfectly permeating and all-pervading. Here and there and everywhere, the Lord of the Universe. || 32 || 1 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Sunday, March 20, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

DHANAASAREE, FIFTH MEHL: I have fallen in love with the Lord. My True Guru is always my help and support; He has torn down the banner of pain. || 1 || Pause || Giving me His hand, He has protected me as His own, and removed all my troubles. He has blackened the faces of the slanderers, and He Himself has become the help and support of His humble servant. || 1 || The True Lord and Master has become my Saviour; hugging me close in His embrace, He has saved me. Nanak has become fearless, and he enjoys eternal peace, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. || 2 || 17 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Saturday, March 19, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SORAT’H, FIFTH MEHL, FIRST HOUSE, TI-TUKAS: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: Who should I ask? Who should I worship? All were created by Him. Whoever appears to be the greatest of the great, shall ultimately be mixed with the dust. The Fearless, Formless Lord, the Destroyer of Fear bestows all comforts, and the nine treasures. || 1 || O Dear Lord, Your gifts alone satisfy me. Why should I praise the poor helpless man? Why should I feel subservient to him? || Pause || All things come to one who meditates on the Lord; the Lord satisfies his hunger. The Lord, the Giver of peace, bestows such wealth, that it can never be exhausted. I am in ecstasy, absorbed in celestial peace; the True Guru has united me in His Union. || 2 || O mind, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord; worship the Naam, night and day, and recite the Naam. Listen to the Teachings of the Holy Saints, and all fear of death will be dispelled. Those blessed by God’s Grace are attached to the Word of the Guru’s Bani. || 3 || Who can estimate Your worth, God? You are kind and compassionate to all beings. Everything which You do, prevails; I am just a poor child — what can I do? Protect and preserve Your servant Nanak; be kind to him, like a father to his son. || 4 || 1 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Friday, March 18, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

DHANAASAREE, FIFTH MEHL: I am meek and poor; the Name of God is my only Support. The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is my occupation and earnings. I gather only the Lord’s Name. It is useful in both this world and the next. || 1 || Imbued with the Love of the Lord God’s Infinite Name, the Holy Saints sing the Glorious Praises of the One Lord, the Formless Lord. || Pause || The Glory of the Holy Saints comes from their total humility. The Saints realize that their greatness rests in the Praises of the Lord. Meditating on the Lord of the Universe, the Saints are in bliss. The Saints find peace, and their anxieties are dispelled. || 2 || Wherever the Holy Saints gather, there they sing the Praises of the Lord, in music and poetry. In the Society of the Saints, there is bliss and peace. They alone obtain this Society, upon whose foreheads such destiny is written. || 3 || With my palms pressed together, I offer my prayer. I wash their feet, and chant the Praises of the Lord, the treasure of virtue. O God, merciful and compassionate, let me remain in Your Presence. Nanak lives, in the dust of the Saints. || 4 || 2 || 23 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Thursday, March 17, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SORAT’H, NINTH MEHL: In this world, I have not found any true friend. The whole world is attached to its own pleasures, and when trouble comes, no one is with you. || 1 || Pause || Wives, friends, children and relatives — all are attached to wealth. When they see a poor man, they all forsake his company and run away. || 1 || So what should I say to this crazy mind, which is affectionately attached to them? The Lord is the Master of the meek, the Destroyer of all fears, and I have forgotten to praise Him. || 2 || Like a dog’s tail, which will never straighten out, the mind will not change, no matter how many things are tried. Says Nanak, please, Lord, uphold the honor of Your innate nature; I chant Your Name. || 3 || 9 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Wednesday, March 16, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

DHANAASAREE, FIRST MEHL, FIRST HOUSE, CHAU-PADAS: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. TRUTH IS THE NAME. CREATIVE BEING PERSONIFIED. NO FEAR. NO HATRED. IMAGE OF THE UNDYING. BEYOND BIRTH. SELF-EXISTENT. BY GURU’S GRACE: My soul is afraid; to whom should I complain? I serve Him, who makes me forget my pains; He is the Giver, forever and ever. || 1 || My Lord and Master is forever new; He is the Giver, forever and ever. || 1 || Pause || Night and day, I serve my Lord and Master; He shall save me in the end. Hearing and listening, O my dear sister, I have crossed over. || 2 || O Merciful Lord, Your Name carries me across. I am forever a sacrifice to You. || 1 || Pause || In all the world, there is only the One True Lord; there is no other at all. He alone serves the Lord, upon whom the Lord casts His Glance of Grace. || 3 || Without You, O Beloved, how could I even live? Bless me with such greatness, that I may remain attached to Your Name. There is no other, O Beloved, to whom I can go and speak. || 1 || Pause || I serve my Lord and Master; I ask for no other. Nanak is His slave; moment by moment, bit by bit, he is a sacrifice to Him. || 4 || O Lord Master, I am a sacrifice to Your Name, moment by moment, bit by bit. || 1 || Pause || 4 || 1 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Tuesday, March 15, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SOOHEE, FIRST MEHL: My mind is imbued with His Glorious Praises; I chant them, and He is pleasing to my mind. Truth is the ladder to the Guru; climbing up to the True Lord, peace is obtained. Celestial peace comes; the Truth pleases me. How could these True Teachings ever be erased? He Himself is Undeceivable; how could He ever be deceived by cleansing baths, charity, spiritual wisdom or ritual bathings? Fraud, attachment and corruption are taken away, as are falsehood, hypocrisy and duality. My mind is imbued with His Glorious Praises; I chant them, and He is pleasing to my mind. || 1 || So praise your Lord and Master, who created the creation. Filth sticks to the polluted mind; how rare are those who drink in the Ambrosial Nectar. Churn this Ambrosial Nectar, and drink it in; dedicate this mind to the Guru, and He will value it highly. I intuitively realized my God, when I linked my mind to the True Lord. I will sing the Lord’s Glorious Praises with Him, if it pleases Him; how could I meet Him by being a stranger to Him? So praise your Lord and Master, who created the creation. || 2 || When He comes, what else remains behind? How can there be any coming or going then? When the mind is reconciled with its Beloved Lord, it is blended with Him. True is the speech of one who is imbued with the Love of his Lord and Master, who fashioned the body fortress from a mere bubble. He is the Master of the five elements; He Himself is the Creator Lord. He embellished the body with Truth. I am worthless; please hear me, O my Beloved! Whatever pleases You is True. One who is blessed with true understanding, does not come and go. || 3 || Apply such an ointment to your eyes, which is pleasing to your Beloved. I realize, understand and know Him, only if He Himself causes me to know Him. He Himself shows me the Way, and He Himself leads me to it, attracting my mind. He Himself causes us to do good and bad deeds; who can know the value of the Mysterious Lord? I know nothing of Tantric spells, magical mantras and hypocritical rituals; enshrining the Lord within my heart, my mind is satisfied. The ointment of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is only understood by one who realizes the Lord, through the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. || 4 || I have my own friends; why should I go to the home of a stranger? My friends are imbued with the True Lord; He is with them, in their minds. In their minds, these friends celebrate in happiness; all good karma, righteousness and Dharma, the sixty-eight holy places of pilgrimage, charity and worship, are found in the love of the True Name. He Himself creates, establishes and beholds all, by the Pleasure of His Will. My friends are happy in the Love of the Lord; they nurture love for their Beloved. || 5 || If a blind man is made the leader, how will he know the way? He is impaired, and his understanding is inadequate; how will he know the way? How can he follow the path and reach the Mansion of the Lord’s Presence? Blind is the understanding of the blind. Without the Lord’s Name, they cannot see anything; the blind are drowned in worldly entanglements. Day and night, the Divine Light shines forth and joy wells up, when the Word of the Guru’s Shabad abides in the mind. With your palms pressed together, pray to the Guru to show you the way. || 6 || If the man becomes a stranger to God, then all the world becomes a stranger to him. Unto whom should I tie up and give the bundle of my pains? The whole world is overflowing with pain and suffering; who can know the state of my inner self? Comings and goings are terrible and dreadful; there is no end to the rounds of reincarnation. Without the Naam, he is vacant and sad; he does not listen to the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. If the mind becomes a stranger to God, then all the world becomes a stranger to him. || 7 || One who finds the Guru’s Mansion within the home of his own being, merges in the All-pervading Lord. The sevadar performs selfless service when he is pleased, and co


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